Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

Amen--lie is right---they have to us protestors in because not enough real ones would show up. It's a liberal circus

What do they do, kidnap them? "Get on that bus or I'll shoot you with my Texas six-gun!"?

I doubt it. Buses are a pretty obvious way of getting to a protest. Wow, these women are chartering buses?? They must have a lot of people willing to get on and ride and join the protest.......
And nice to show your own bigotry against old fat white males.
as a soon to be old recently fat whitish male I take some sort of offense to that, and must be compensated.

Okay. [:) As I am in love with and married to someone who could, uncharitably, be described that way I have to admit I was uncharitable. I am actually a great admirer of old, fat, white men, as long as they mind their own business about women's issues.

Besides, I don't know these worthless state legislators are all old, fat, white and Republican. Some of them COULD be middle-aged, scrawny white Republican male chauvinist pigs.

the people dont want these laws in these states, why do these guys keep getting elected?

They don't --- this strange resurgence of anti-abortion laws and Republicans hating women has only been going on a couple years! It is a very weird and recent phenomenon, showing the general instability of the country, I'd say. Needs work, to throw these no-goods out of office. Get decent women in the legislature and state houses instead, like that Wendy Davis who is leading the Texas effort. If we can't trust men to behave decently, we'll have to do the job ourselves.

All the rest of your post is hyperbole because you know that some areas do have a majority of people who would restrict abortion, and you dont have a real answer to it.

Au contraire..... the point I made earlier is that you are asserting that with no evidence whatsoever. I have evidence: look at Texas. Look at Mississippi. Whenever the people are alerted to this stuff going on, there is a big public outcry and the crooked and evil legislators have to back down.

Look at all the women streaming out of the GOP. Look at the worse and worse record of the GOP on every level. If the majority of people wanted antiabortionism, you'd see some evidence of it SOMEwhere, wouldn't you? But every poll shows strong support for abortion rights. Everytime the people figure out the legislators are up to no good this way, they protest and stop it.

The only way you could support that assertion is to get a referendum in a given state, voting abortion rights up or down. Do you know a state where they've done that and antiabortionists have won?

First i was joking at the top.

And I wholeheartedly agree a referendum would indicate the will of the (voting) people. The closest thing was a "personhood amendment" that did not pass in Mississipi in 2011. However roe v wade would have to be overturned prior to any referendum being voted on, as opponents would sue it out of existance if it was tried.

Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.
Amen--lie is right---they have to us protestors in because not enough real ones would show up. It's a liberal circus

What do they do, kidnap them? "Get on that bus or I'll shoot you with my Texas six-gun!"?

I doubt it. Buses are a pretty obvious way of getting to a protest. Wow, these women are chartering buses?? They must have a lot of people willing to get on and ride and join the protest.......

The disgusting left has been hiring paid protesters for dozens of years in this Country.

Denying it just proves you to be an idiot or a pathological liar
You can't tell how a "state" feels by what some old, fat, white, male state legislators ram through!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how this thing works. We're a representative Republic. Given that women are the majority of voters in any election, if they were so tired of these "old, fat, White, male state legislators", then they wouldn't consistently be elected to office.

Look at Texas: they tried that on and now have huge rallies of tens of thousands of people coming out day after day against this corrupt misbehavior.

They're being paid. And they're also praising Satan.

And I wholeheartedly agree a referendum would indicate the will of the (voting) people. The closest thing was a "personhood amendment" that did not pass in Mississipi in 2011. However roe v wade would have to be overturned prior to any referendum being voted on, as opponents would sue it out of existance if it was tried.

Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.

Yes, I agree. There are so many polls different sides trumpet that have RADICALLY different results that I am coming to only trust elections and referenda as approximating the will of the people.

Yes, you may be right about Roe v. Wade. That Mississipi thing was really wild. It would have stopped birth control, everything. Something bad is going on, but I don't understand what. It may take a few years or decades to get perspective on the political currents now.
I can't stand Rick Perry.
But the OP seems to suggest that electerd officials should shy away from politically unpopular positions.

I'd like to humbly disagree.

I wish our leaders would LEAD and not follow. I can respect someone who tries to change public opinion when he/she thinks the majority is wrong.

Now in this case, I don't think Perry is doing that. But taking a politically unpopular stand isn't necessarily stupid imho.
Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.

Polls on "who you are voting for" are easily skewed as well.
And I wholeheartedly agree a referendum would indicate the will of the (voting) people. The closest thing was a "personhood amendment" that did not pass in Mississipi in 2011. However roe v wade would have to be overturned prior to any referendum being voted on, as opponents would sue it out of existance if it was tried.

Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.

Yes, I agree. There are so many polls different sides trumpet that have RADICALLY different results that I am coming to only trust elections and referenda as approximating the will of the people.

Yes, you may be right about Roe v. Wade. That Mississipi thing was really wild. It would have stopped birth control, everything. Something bad is going on, but I don't understand what. It may take a few years or decades to get perspective on the political currents now.

It MIGHT have stopped birth control and other things, and thats what opponents used to get it beaten.
Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.

Polls on "who you are voting for" are easily skewed as well.

True, but they are at least a simple binary solution. Guy A or Guy B. Not WHY you like guy A or Why you hate guy B.
More 'class' from the dimocrap side of the political spectrum...

Using little kids? Like Jihadists?

Why am I not shocked.....

Polls on questions like abortion rights are meaningless, because unlike polls about "who are you voting for" the poll questions can be skewed to favor a given side far to easily.

Polls on "who you are voting for" are easily skewed as well.

True, but they are at least a simple binary solution. Guy A or Guy B. Not WHY you like guy A or Why you hate guy B.

Depending upon how the poll is structured, they can also ask a series of leading questions that steer respondents. They can also be skewed by over-representing a particular demographic. Happens all too frequently.

The bottom line is that whether you are asking about abortion or anything, an unethical pollster can have a tremendous impact.

And no matter what the question, a good pollster can get a pretty accurate read. It all hinges on the pollster and not (imho) the issue.
Your position is basically "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country."

Sure. Our ideals are the majority position. Why should we let a minority tell us how to live?

We're not going to do that, anyway.

And our ideals let you go right ahead and refuse to have an abortion anytime you get pregnant, which is never, since you are male. I think that's fair enough. You don't get pregnant and you refuse to get abortions also, and we do get pregnant and we decide what we want to do about it.

The important point is that you should mind your business and let us mind ours.

The people of Some states WANT abortion restrictions. At a state level they are in the majority. I am abivalent to abortion in general, and would vote no at the state level on any outright ban.

My issue is that there is no consitutional right to it, and thus the states should be allowed to handle it via the legislature.

As an american citizen I have the right to an opinion on ANY topic with regards to governmental policy, regardless of its affect on me. Using the "its our issue, go away" line of logic is the primordeal ooze of debating.

SCOTUS says there is a right to privacy in this matter, and our opinions don't count.
Amen--lie is right---they have to us protestors in because not enough real ones would show up. It's a liberal circus

What do they do, kidnap them? "Get on that bus or I'll shoot you with my Texas six-gun!"?

I doubt it. Buses are a pretty obvious way of getting to a protest. Wow, these women are chartering buses?? They must have a lot of people willing to get on and ride and join the protest.......

The disgusting left has been hiring paid protesters for dozens of years in this Country.

Denying it just proves you to be an idiot or a pathological liar

Edgetho, please act your age. All sides build crowds and transport them. Focus and opinion groups are pretty savvy at it.

Do you have something to offer on the OP.
What do they do, kidnap them? "Get on that bus or I'll shoot you with my Texas six-gun!"?

I doubt it. Buses are a pretty obvious way of getting to a protest. Wow, these women are chartering buses?? They must have a lot of people willing to get on and ride and join the protest.......

The disgusting left has been hiring paid protesters for dozens of years in this Country.

Denying it just proves you to be an idiot or a pathological liar

All sides build crowds and transport them. Focus and opinion groups are pretty savvy at it.

Do you have something to offer on the OP.

We don't hire protesters. Your side does.

That's the point. Suck on it
The disgusting left has been hiring paid protesters for dozens of years in this Country.

Denying it just proves you to be an idiot or a pathological liar

All sides build crowds and transport them. Focus and opinion groups are pretty savvy at it.

Do you have something to offer on the OP.

We don't hire protesters. Your side does.

That's the point. Suck on it

My side is Republican, twit, and you are darned right we took people to voting precincts on election days and ran buses for rallies.

I am right; you are very juvenile and somewhat deficient in how these things work.

Do you have something to offer on the OP?
The disgusting left has been hiring paid protesters for dozens of years in this Country.

Denying it just proves you to be an idiot or a pathological liar

All sides build crowds and transport them. Focus and opinion groups are pretty savvy at it.

Do you have something to offer on the OP.

We don't hire protesters. Your side does.

That's the point. Suck on it

And here we see more ‘class’ from the right.
All sides build crowds and transport them. Focus and opinion groups are pretty savvy at it.

Do you have something to offer on the OP.

We don't hire protesters. Your side does.

That's the point. Suck on it

My side is Republican,

Had me fooled.

And there's a pretty big gap between taking people to the polls in Republican-expensed Buses and leftist douchebags hiring protesters from Craigslist.

About the size of the Grand Canyon.
So now you admit there are Republican-sponsored buses.

Can't you keep your story straight. :lol:
it appears to me he wants to drop the what 25 week partial birth abortion time-limit to 20(?). I think also, the rules as to the mothers health, etc. are still part of the new bill? The bill also, it appears to me strengthens the inspections, provides more $ and direction to ensure a Gosnell type situation doesn't develop in Texas, if they can help it.....

is that accurate?:eusa_eh:

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