
How much does the Mueller investigation cost?

They've spent well over 5 million dollars on this Mueller farse but they can't spend that on keeping America's borders safe. why are we paying the taxes
The Mueller investigation has actually made money with all the property recovered from tax cheats.
Winner lie of the week.
The Mueller team recovered 39 million dollars in back taxes owed from Manafort alone! The tax payers, we the people, own a luxury condo in Trump Tower now, and a few other mansions in New Jersey and other States that Manafort once owned, which the government will sell....

Though, I think we should keep the condo in Trump Tower and use it for the Secret Service agents, that are having to pay the Trump organization very high rent fees in Trump Tower, for their needed space to protect President Trump.

The Mueller investigation has MADE the gvt money, much more than they have spent!
How much does the Mueller investigation cost?

They've spent well over 5 million dollars on this Mueller farse but they can't spend that on keeping America's borders safe. why are we paying the taxes
The Mueller investigation has actually made money with all the property recovered from tax cheats.
Winner lie of the week.
The Mueller team recovered 39 million dollars in back taxes owed from Manafort alone! The tax payers, we the people, own a luxury condo in Trump Tower now, and a few other mansions in New Jersey and other States that Manafort once owned, which the government will sell....

Though, I think we should keep the condo in Trump Tower and use it for the Secret Service agents, that are having to pay the Trump organization very high rent fees in Trump Tower, for their needed space to protect President Trump.

The Mueller investigation has MADE the gvt money, much more than they have spent!
That's just a drop in the bucket compare to what illegals cost us. Get outta the little pond we're in the
Froggy FIRST needs to understand (perhaps with the help of a 10 year old) the difference between 5 Million and 5 Billion.....

Second, these Trump morons have decided that a wall IS the fucking answer.....instead of who is hiring these folks to work off the books, and why 20,000 plus border patrol agents and 6,000 US troops can seem to do crap.....

Hell between troops and border agents, these folks could hold hands and "build" a human wall.......

The efficacy of a wall is ZERO...............LOL
over 40,000 now as Border Security, which has doubled in only about 10 years due to increased funding for them... by all of Congress.

we have gone from 1.6 million annually crossing the border illegally as a high, down to about 300,000 a year crossing illegally now....

I'd say the increase in border patrol has worked! Money well spent!
That only because in Obama's watch there was no work for them here.
How much does the Mueller investigation cost?

They've spent well over 5 million dollars on this Mueller farse but they can't spend that on keeping America's borders safe. why are we paying the taxes
The Mueller investigation has actually made money with all the property recovered from tax cheats.
Winner lie of the week.
The Mueller team recovered 39 million dollars in back taxes owed from Manafort alone! The tax payers, we the people, own a luxury condo in Trump Tower now, and a few other mansions in New Jersey and other States that Manafort once owned, which the government will sell....

Though, I think we should keep the condo in Trump Tower and use it for the Secret Service agents, that are having to pay the Trump organization very high rent fees in Trump Tower, for their needed space to protect President Trump.

The Mueller investigation has MADE the gvt money, much more than they have spent!
That's just a drop in the bucket compare to what illegals cost us. Get outta the little pond we're in the
FYI- those figures floating around all the right wing sites are not even close to being accurate...

We do need an analysis done by professional actuaries...

Which would include what they produce in economic value for the people they work for, and what those employers pay in taxes on the profit they make off of their labor... and other things like that, which are always left out of right wing bogus studies....

Let's get a REAL number, then let us discuss!
Froggy FIRST needs to understand (perhaps with the help of a 10 year old) the difference between 5 Million and 5 Billion.....

Second, these Trump morons have decided that a wall IS the fucking answer.....instead of who is hiring these folks to work off the books, and why 20,000 plus border patrol agents and 6,000 US troops can seem to do crap.....

Hell between troops and border agents, these folks could hold hands and "build" a human wall.......

The efficacy of a wall is ZERO...............LOL
over 40,000 now as Border Security, which has doubled in only about 10 years due to increased funding for them... by all of Congress.

we have gone from 1.6 million annually crossing the border illegally as a high, down to about 300,000 a year crossing illegally now....

I'd say the increase in border patrol has worked! Money well spent!

Thank you for the correction on the number of border patrol officers.
President Trump could have taken the 25 to 70 billion dollar estimate for the wall, out of the Trilion dollar tax cut for corporations before he gave them this tax cut, if he REALLY wanted to build the wall.... but he didn't....

President trump could have also taken the bi-partisan agreement he asked for last year, of which he was given 25 billion for the wall, if he gave a pathway to citizenship to Dreamers/DACA..... but he passed on the offer.

the president DOES NOT WANT to get the money for the wall, or build it folks.... that much is CLEAR AS DAY.....

He wants and has to have an issue, to rile his troops, in to coming out and voting for him and in to "hating" the other side.... Trump needs an ENEMY in order to get you all excited!
Froggy FIRST needs to understand (perhaps with the help of a 10 year old) the difference between 5 Million and 5 Billion.....

Second, these Trump morons have decided that a wall IS the fucking answer.....instead of who is hiring these folks to work off the books, and why 20,000 plus border patrol agents and 6,000 US troops can seem to do crap.....

Hell between troops and border agents, these folks could hold hands and "build" a human wall.......

The efficacy of a wall is ZERO...............LOL
over 40,000 now as Border Security, which has doubled in only about 10 years due to increased funding for them... by all of Congress.

we have gone from 1.6 million annually crossing the border illegally as a high, down to about 300,000 a year crossing illegally now....

I'd say the increase in border patrol has worked! Money well spent!
That only because in Obama's watch there was no work for them here.
with unemployment in the 3 percentile range, immigrant labor will be needed for future economic growth... unless Americans decide to have more babies, we are actually going to need immigrant labor in the future!
Froggy FIRST needs to understand (perhaps with the help of a 10 year old) the difference between 5 Million and 5 Billion.....

Second, these Trump morons have decided that a wall IS the fucking answer.....instead of who is hiring these folks to work off the books, and why 20,000 plus border patrol agents and 6,000 US troops can seem to do crap.....

Hell between troops and border agents, these folks could hold hands and "build" a human wall.......

The efficacy of a wall is ZERO...............LOL
over 40,000 now as Border Security, which has doubled in only about 10 years due to increased funding for them... by all of Congress.

we have gone from 1.6 million annually crossing the border illegally as a high, down to about 300,000 a year crossing illegally now....

I'd say the increase in border patrol has worked! Money well spent!
That only because in Obama's watch there was no work for them here.
with unemployment in the 3 percentile range, immigrant labor will be needed for future economic growth... unless Americans decide to have more babies, we are actually going to need immigrant labor in the future!
Japan is a good lesson on this point. Highly restrictive immigration policies have left them with an old declining population and critical labor shortages.
I was dead set against GW Bush's immigration plan of increasing work visas, temporary work visas...

I didn't like that we could use these immigrants, just for their labor and not offering citizenship after 5 years...

but later on read, that many who come here as legal immigrants, choose not to take American citizenship on....

many are here simply to work, and send their money, back home to their families.... they simply want jobs, that make them enough money, to have extra to send home to their relatives and direct families.

so maybe an increase in legal, temporary work visas could be utilized in the future to address our upcoming labor shortages?
How much does the Mueller investigation cost?

They've spent well over 5 million dollars on this Mueller farse but they can't spend that on keeping America's borders safe. why are we paying the taxes
The Mueller investigation has actually made money with all the property recovered from tax cheats.
Winner lie of the week.
The Mueller team recovered 39 million dollars in back taxes owed from Manafort alone! The tax payers, we the people, own a luxury condo in Trump Tower now, and a few other mansions in New Jersey and other States that Manafort once owned, which the government will sell....

Though, I think we should keep the condo in Trump Tower and use it for the Secret Service agents, that are having to pay the Trump organization very high rent fees in Trump Tower, for their needed space to protect President Trump.

The Mueller investigation has MADE the gvt money, much more than they have spent!
That's just a drop in the bucket compare to what illegals cost us. Get outta the little pond we're in the
FYI- those figures floating around all the right wing sites are not even close to being accurate...

We do need an analysis done by professional actuaries...

Which would include what they produce in economic value for the people they work for, and what those employers pay in taxes on the profit they make off of their labor... and other things like that, which are always left out of right wing bogus studies....

Let's get a REAL number, then let us discuss!
Not much. that why they use illegal labor
Froggy FIRST needs to understand (perhaps with the help of a 10 year old) the difference between 5 Million and 5 Billion.....

Second, these Trump morons have decided that a wall IS the fucking answer.....instead of who is hiring these folks to work off the books, and why 20,000 plus border patrol agents and 6,000 US troops can seem to do crap.....

Hell between troops and border agents, these folks could hold hands and "build" a human wall.......

The efficacy of a wall is ZERO...............LOL
over 40,000 now as Border Security, which has doubled in only about 10 years due to increased funding for them... by all of Congress.

we have gone from 1.6 million annually crossing the border illegally as a high, down to about 300,000 a year crossing illegally now....

I'd say the increase in border patrol has worked! Money well spent!
That only because in Obama's watch there was no work for them here.
with unemployment in the 3 percentile range, immigrant labor will be needed for future economic growth... unless Americans decide to have more babies, we are actually going to need immigrant labor in the future!
Illegals are trying to breed there way into america.
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
Yes and someone's family there did without because of them illegally coming there
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
I've always said any American company taking jobs out of America to get cheap labor shouldn't be bought from by Americans
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
The best aid to send third world countries would be birth control
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
The best aid to send third world countries would be birth control
And we Americans need to use less of it!
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...
The best aid to send third world countries would be birth control
And we Americans need to use less of it!
The decline of the large US family, in charts
Immigrants around the world sent $445 billion back to their home countries last year

That's a lot of money sent back that could have been spent in the countries it was made in
Yes Froggy my dear one, it is a lot of money to be sent back to their families, but they did earn it, it is their money....

and if you look at it the way you do, we all should be furious that American companies are sending billions over seas, in one clean swoop at a time... by moving manufacturing over there puts these foreign laborers to work, not ours, makes their manufacturers rich not ours etc... makes their local businesses around these factories richer, not ours etc..

And all of us Americans buying from Walmart are essentially sending billions of dollars of our money to China....

And our govt overspending and borrowing and then paying back with interest sent to our lenders in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc is essentially spending or sending American money... overseas too....

At least with Mexicans and Central and South Americans sending money back to their family in their countries that they earned here, is less money our gvt needs to send them in aid, that no one worked for but us American tax payers... and it keeps their families in their own home land countries.... fewer in desperation trying to come here, you could surmise....

I just think it all is much more complicated than simply sending money they earned to other countries and not spending it here...

everything seems so globally intertwined now a days, with our country and the whole world.... technology and so called advancement has lead to all of this.... that we could not have imagined would exist when I was a young kid....

but once it started, it came on like gang busters.... I realistically, do not believe there is a way of going back... A Pandora's box, so to say...

They certainly didn't earn it honestly - working in a country where they have no permits to be in.

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