Reason 101 Why There Will Never Be A " Palestinian State"

Do you really think that the murderous trio of Phoney, MJB and Ruddy are not more disgusting. Knowing that they can't be banned for calling for the elimination (murder or expulsion) of the non-Jews of Palestine they consistently call for it. MJB spams the board with the same message about eliminating the non-Jews.

Another banning offence freddy boy, care to produce the evidence or retract and apologise

Shut up.

No I wont shut up I will show the world just how hateful and vile you are. And then show that you are making things up and telling lies about other posters until the mods step in and bring a halt to your SPAMMING and TROLLING
Do you really think that the murderous trio of Phoney, MJB and Ruddy are not more disgusting. Knowing that they can't be banned for calling for the elimination (murder or expulsion) of the non-Jews of Palestine they consistently call for it. MJB spams the board with the same message about eliminating the non-Jews.

Another banning offence freddy boy, care to produce the evidence or retract and apologise

Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So where is there a call for murder or expulsion in my reply

"Is there an Islamic genetic disease consortium seeing as they have the worlds largest incidence of birth defects"

Shows that you are a LIAR and a vile hateful sorry excuse for a human.
Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Do you really think that the murderous trio of Phoney, MJB and Ruddy are not more disgusting. Knowing that they can't be banned for calling for the elimination (murder or expulsion) of the non-Jews of Palestine they consistently call for it. MJB spams the board with the same message about eliminating the non-Jews.

Another banning offence freddy boy, care to produce the evidence or retract and apologise

Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So where is there a call for murder or expulsion in my reply

"Is there an Islamic genetic disease consortium seeing as they have the worlds largest incidence of birth defects"

Shows that you are a LIAR and a vile hateful sorry excuse for a human.

That is not the post the link was to. Your post stated:

"Now if a dog was born with muslim traits it would be illegal to allow it to live."

Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Do you really think that the murderous trio of Phoney, MJB and Ruddy are not more disgusting. Knowing that they can't be banned for calling for the elimination (murder or expulsion) of the non-Jews of Palestine they consistently call for it. MJB spams the board with the same message about eliminating the non-Jews.

Another banning offence freddy boy, care to produce the evidence or retract and apologise

Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So where is there a call for murder or expulsion in my reply

"Is there an Islamic genetic disease consortium seeing as they have the worlds largest incidence of birth defects"

Shows that you are a LIAR and a vile hateful sorry excuse for a human.

That is not the post the link was to. Your post stated:

"Now if a dog was born with muslim traits it would be illegal to allow it to live."

Is Israel doomed Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No call for murder or expulsion that sentence when taken in context is there, so why do you LIE all the time freddy boy
Here's a clue. A kindergarten graduation. Get 'em brainwashed early, I always say.


Starting Them Young Palestinian Preschoolers Hold Toy Rifles at Graduation Ceremony - Breitbart

Israeli children train with weapons (video)
Pali kids are training to annihilate, Israeli kids training for survival. Helluva big difference, Ahab.

What do you think the Jew kids are training for? To make friends with the Christians and Muslims? Actually, we have a Jew kid on video stating what he is training for.

"I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy"

Most fundamental, how can there be a state without a government?
PA government is resigning because of lack of unity with gaza.
PA wouldn't even try to save the refugees in Syria or Lebanon.
UN can't afford to care for the palestinian refugee and have cut funds.
PA can't afford the expense of running of government and mot of the arab states won't even send funds promised because of the lack of confidence.
Unless the palestinians modify their expectation and renounce violence, there will be no state. If the WB and G can't come to some agreement, there will be no state. The rest of the issues are irrelevant if the PA fails it's most basic requirements.
The palestinians are failing themselves, so for what reason do they deserve a state that can't survive?
Simply recognizing the palestinian is not enough. They don't even recognize themselves as a people, it is just so many divided tribes, families, parties and factions competing against each other.
Most fundamental, how can there be a state without a government?
PA government is resigning because of lack of unity with gaza.
PA wouldn't even try to save the refugees in Syria or Lebanon.
UN can't afford to care for the palestinian refugee and have cut funds.
PA can't afford the expense of running of government and mot of the arab states won't even send funds promised because of the lack of confidence.
Unless the palestinians modify their expectation and renounce violence, there will be no state. If the WB and G can't come to some agreement, there will be no state. The rest of the issues are irrelevant if the PA fails it's most basic requirements.
The palestinians are failing themselves, so for what reason do they deserve a state that can't survive?
Simply recognizing the palestinian is not enough. They don't even recognize themselves as a people, it is just so many divided tribes, families, parties and factions competing against each other.

There will never be a Palestinian state, why are you speculating that there is any possibility of Israel allowing the establishment of a Palestinian state. The Israelis believe they can rule over a non-Jewish majority indefinitely. And, they may be right if the U.S. continues to support Israel and the U.S. maintains its power over the rest of the world indefinitely.
Most fundamental, how can there be a state without a government?
PA government is resigning because of lack of unity with gaza.
PA wouldn't even try to save the refugees in Syria or Lebanon.
UN can't afford to care for the palestinian refugee and have cut funds.
PA can't afford the expense of running of government and mot of the arab states won't even send funds promised because of the lack of confidence.
Unless the palestinians modify their expectation and renounce violence, there will be no state. If the WB and G can't come to some agreement, there will be no state. The rest of the issues are irrelevant if the PA fails it's most basic requirements.
The palestinians are failing themselves, so for what reason do they deserve a state that can't survive?
Simply recognizing the palestinian is not enough. They don't even recognize themselves as a people, it is just so many divided tribes, families, parties and factions competing against each other.

There will never be a Palestinian state, why are you speculating that there is any possibility of Israel allowing the establishment of a Palestinian state. The Israelis believe they can rule over a non-Jewish majority indefinitely. And, they may be right if the U.S. continues to support Israel and the U.S. maintains its power over the rest of the world indefinitely.

You really are a moron aren't you freddy, THERE ALREADY IS A PALESTINIAN STATE AND THE WORLD RECOCOGNISES IT. Israel cant stop them from being a state, nor can the US or any other nation. What does not exist is treaties with their neighbours delineating borders and a lasting peace, until those are in place then Palestine is a big joke. We cant give them what they demand as it is not in our power, they have to take it with both hands and show they are capable of making it work. While they exist on hand outs and violence they will achieve nothing
Most fundamental, how can there be a state without a government?
PA government is resigning because of lack of unity with gaza.
PA wouldn't even try to save the refugees in Syria or Lebanon.
UN can't afford to care for the palestinian refugee and have cut funds.
PA can't afford the expense of running of government and mot of the arab states won't even send funds promised because of the lack of confidence.
Unless the palestinians modify their expectation and renounce violence, there will be no state. If the WB and G can't come to some agreement, there will be no state. The rest of the issues are irrelevant if the PA fails it's most basic requirements.
The palestinians are failing themselves, so for what reason do they deserve a state that can't survive?
Simply recognizing the palestinian is not enough. They don't even recognize themselves as a people, it is just so many divided tribes, families, parties and factions competing against each other.

There will never be a Palestinian state, why are you speculating that there is any possibility of Israel allowing the establishment of a Palestinian state. The Israelis believe they can rule over a non-Jewish majority indefinitely. And, they may be right if the U.S. continues to support Israel and the U.S. maintains its power over the rest of the world indefinitely.

There's the possibility as it was already proposed by Rabin, Olmert, Barak and even more.
They've never accepted for the jews to dwell in the land.

Jews proved their willingness and reached out their hands with proposals.
Jews were "sent to rot in... " by Arafat, and were bombarded heavily after leaving Gaza.
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.
This is what the two state solution looks like and why it is dead.

Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Have you seen any map, or are you going on what your handlers have told you was the case. How can 97% of the west bank and gaza be seen as anything else than 97%. Negotiations on borders and equitable land swaps for the 3% of land not offered. Free passage for both parties, and assimilation over time for displaced persons.
Do you know what the stumbling blocks where, it was giving up the land stolen from the Jews in 1949 and having to move out of Jerusalem that caused the refusal of Arafat to the proposals that never even reached the table. The delegates did not even sit down together and all Arafat did was make demands that the arab muslims be allowed to go to Israel and steal Jewish land then be given $thousands in compensation.

So what would you do faced with that sort of action, even the US and UN were appalled at the way Arafat acted and condemned him out of hand
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.

The Hamas Charter is a joke, compared to the American Declaration of Independence.
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.

1. What does the Hamas charter have to do with the offer of a Swiss cheese nation with no sovereignty and IDF stationed within the state?

2. Before the Christians of Palestine adopted the Arab language and most converted to Islam, the language spoken colloquially was Aramaic and the official language was Greek. Your attempt at demonizing Palestinians falls on deaf ears. Palestinians are not "uneducated" and as far as using weapons, the Jews of Israel start at a young age as well.

Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.

1. What does the Hamas charter have to do with the offer of a Swiss cheese nation with no sovereignty and IDF stationed within the state?

2. Before the Christians of Palestine adopted the Arab language and most converted to Islam, the language spoken colloquially was Aramaic and the official language was Greek. Your attempt at demonizing Palestinians falls on deaf ears. Palestinians are not "uneducated" and as far as using weapons, the Jews of Israel start at a young age as well.


Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.

The Hamas Charter is a joke, compared to the American Declaration of Independence.
Indeed, it was written by one man and was not endorsed by any Hamas leader.
Have you actually read the terms of the proposals? Have you seen the map of the Palestine offered? If you were a Palestinian, would you accept that Jews from Europe (as they see them) dwell in what was once the land they inhabited? Just questions.

Haven't read the terms, those whores don't represent me. Have you read the Hams charter?
I have seen the map, and again they were offered much more by numerous former Israeli whore Pm's.

If I were a 'balestinian" I would be an uneducated person who knows little history,
and be trained to shoot AK47's since age 5, while my buddies play soccer in the holiest of my cousin enemies and throw rocks at praying people from around the world.
Therefore I'd not know the term "accept" but only 'submit' as is indoctrinated by koran.

The Hamas Charter is a joke, compared to the American Declaration of Independence.
Indeed, it was written by one man and was not endorsed by any Hamas leader.


In 2010 Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stated that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be changed for internal reasons

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