Reasons for Hillarys loss

Clinton avoided the media, and avoided the voters.

Trump was out there every day, lying his fucking ass off. There wasn't a day that went by when he wasn't blustering into a microphone for the talking head shows or to a live stadium audience.

It didn't matter that every word out of his mouth was a lie. He was PRESENT.

Clinton was AWOL. She didn't give the voters the time of day.

You know why Trump won Wisconsin, a vaunted brick in the "Blue Wall™"? BECAUSE HE WENT THERE. SEVERAL TIMES.

Clinton didn't visit even once.

Not. Once.

THAT is why she lost.

Actually G5000, that's only part of the reason. Her loss was a death of one thousand cuts.

People didn't want to see another dynasty in the White House like the Bush's tried.

She had Benghazi, e-mails, and also her husband's sex scandal to deal with, and the right wouldn't shut up about any of those things.

Not only was she running against Trump, but she was also running against Obama and Bill Clinton's record with this country.

And then there were all the false news stories about her having had FBI agents killed to look like a murder/suicide and the Comet pizza store that was a front for her child porn ring.

Nope, it wasn't just one thing, it was many.
There was just as much dirt, if not more, about Trump out there. The man busted into underaged girls dressing rooms, for chrissakes. He fucked everything that cast a shadow through all three of his marriages. He made his fortune from gambling dens. That didn't stop him from convincing the born-agains he is a prophet of God.

Trump got in front of it, and lied his way out of all the slime covering him. He made lots and lots and lots of noise. Trump embodied "the best defense is a good offense".

Clinton didn't.

Trump wanted the job more than Clinton did.


You know, I've often wondered why there were no real Trump scandals. If Hillary hadn't spent so much time off the trail, she might have been able to bring some of them up and make it stick if she'd spent more face time with the public.

You might be right..............if you have to boil it down to just one reason. He did want it more than she did.
Hillary lost because The Donald wanted the job more than she did.

Hillary lost because more Americans wanted Donald in the job, than wanted Hillary.

A large majority of Americans support having the Electoral college determine who is President, and then they voted for Electors on that basis. They could have changed or eliminated the Electoral College by Constitutional amendment any time in the last 200+ years, but refused to do so.

The sheer stupidity that comes as a product of her monumental hubris. She bought into her own fawning press coverage and the polls, which she knew were fluffed in her favor.

How stupid do you have to be to mail it in, when you are aware that your "lead" is an illusion?
Hillary lost because The Donald wanted the job more than she did.

Hillary lost because more Americans wanted Donald in the job, than wanted Hillary.

A large majority of Americans support having the Electoral college determine who is President, and then they voted for Electors on that basis. They could have changed or eliminated the Electoral College by Constitutional amendment any time in the last 200+ years, but refused to do so.


Wrong. 2.8 million more Americans wanted Hillary than Trump. That's the popular vote.
Hillary lost because she was so convinced she was going to win that she campaigned only three days a week.

She bought into the myth that demographics had changed and she only had to pander to minorities.

She joined the democratic party in showing an absolute contempt and disdain for the working middle class.

There are a lot of reasons but these are the main ones.
1) Hillary

Sorry man, that's all I've got ...

Watch the video, its 1min

I've seen it a hundred times, it's classic. I'm not sure why you said this

You seemed to take it serious
....mocking the left is so.enjoyable!

I'm not sure how you thought my reply was taking it "serious"

Lol, because you gave the correct answer

OK, fair enough ...

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