Reasons for the death penalty

Child or animal. And yes, I'd pull the switch and then wipe my hands as I walked away.

Just to be clear, I am FOR the death penalty. That bitch deserves it.
Normally I would agree with you Manchester and NoNukes but when a child is involved something is different about it.

Yes, there is an emotive aspect that gets all of us as compassionate human beings angry. Thankfully we live within a system where public anger is not translated in to vengence because justice is a cold and emotionless concept.

And gracie is right, that is a pretty cool avatar.
Normally I would agree with you Manchester and NoNukes but when a child is involved something is different about it.

Yes, there is an emotive aspect that gets all of us as compassionate human beings angry. Thankfully we live within a system where public anger is not translated in to vengence because justice is a cold and emotionless concept.

And gracie is right, that is a pretty cool avatar.

Stop being reasonable. :lol:
Normally I would agree with you Manchester and NoNukes but when a child is involved something is different about it.

Yes, there is an emotive aspect that gets all of us as compassionate human beings angry. Thankfully we live within a system where public anger is not translated in to vengence because justice is a cold and emotionless concept.

And gracie is right, that is a pretty cool avatar.

Stop being reasonable. :lol:

It's painfully early in the morning. Let me have a few coffees and I'll become far more grumpy and angry with the world. :D
There is no need for the death penalty, no matter what the crime. This woman should spend the rest of her life in prison. That is punishment enough.
There was a time that I was totally against the death penelty. I wanted to beleive that any human could be redeemed. However, after a few decades of observing humans in action, there are some people so twisted that, for the safety of the rest of society, they must be put to death. Not for revenge or even justice, simply for the safety of society.
There is no need for the death penalty, no matter what the crime. This woman should spend the rest of her life in prison. That is punishment enough.

I think there is sometimes a need for the death penalty. People like Charles Manson, for example, committed horrendous crimes, have never said they were sorry, have not (nor will they ever be) "rehabilitated," their crimes have had a continued negative effect on some of their "followers" even though they may have since been released, they are a huge tax burden on society over the years when those tax dollars could be diverted for use toward much more positive issues, not to mention the adverse effect on already overcrowded prisons that have far less violent offenders. And the list of reasons goes on.

There was a time that I was totally against the death penelty. I wanted to beleive that any human could be redeemed. However, after a few decades of observing humans in action, there are some people so twisted that, for the safety of the rest of society, they must be put to death. Not for revenge or even justice, simply for the safety of society.

I have to agree. Society in general seems to have lost a lot of it's former civility and just gone completely down the toilet in some cases. While one great argument against the death penalty is the "cruel and unusual" thing ... if death penalty methods (maybe the lethal injection in particular is considered inhumane) it seems there could be a general anesthesia used to put these people in some kind of sleep state so they don't suffer the pain. Hell, surgeons have people put to sleep all the time before performing surgery so they don't suffer the pain.

As a society, we don't seem to have any problem whatsoever aborting fetuses who've never had the chance to show what wonderful productive lives they may have grown to be while some of these death penalty candidates have already shown what they've done with their lives.
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There is precious little which would recommend judicial practices in countries ruled by dictatorship, past or present, to the American justice system.

However, in some of those countries you can find a sentence which mandates life long imprisonment with forced hard labour.

Death penalty, while waiting for the needle/chair/gas chamber/bullet/rope etc. in warm comfort with a belly full, for 15-20 years, is certainly not a deterrent, but waking each day, facing 12 hours of back breaking hard labor, day after day for the rest of your life, would be.

If that labor produced something useful, it would be even better.
Normally I would agree with you Manchester and NoNukes but when a child is involved something is different about it.

I agree, to a point. But execution is too good for this woman. Put her away for life and let the other inmates know what she did. He life will be hell, hopefully for a long time.

Those who would abuse children or animals are the lowest scum. I do not want to be on such a sordid level as they are. I also do not believe the state should murder people. Article - Mom to stand trial in death of 21-pound teen

This is one example.

Shut her down. By starvation.
You having this frame of mind only makes you a hypocrite. You think that the woman should be starved for starving her kid, but you do not think that a dog should be done the same way that it did a little boy?

God bless you and that little boy always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. And may that 13 year old boy be with the Lord now. Article - Mom to stand trial in death of 21-pound teen

This is one example.

Shut her down. By starvation.
You having this frame of mind only makes you a hypocrite. You think that the woman should be starved for starving her kid, but you do not think that a dog should be done the same way that it did a little boy?

God bless you and that little boy always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. And may that 13 year old boy be with the Lord now.

A human understands what they are doing, and the consequences of their actions. A dog does not.

By the way, I am opposed to the death penalty.
^^^ Damage can still be done whether a dog or any animal knows that they are doing any or not.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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But there is no point in ripping a dogs face off because it attacked someone. It isn't going to learn anything.

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