Reasons why Trump should NOT be impeached....

How about "reasons not to impeach the president during times of peace and prosperity".The GDP at 4.1 when Barry Hussein couldn't manage an anemic 3% in 8 freaking years. How about the DOW at a consistent 25,000 and unemployment at a historic low? .
How about "reasons not to impeach the president during times of peace and prosperity".The GDP at 4.1 when Barry Hussein couldn't manage an anemic 3% in 8 freaking years. How about the DOW at a consistent 25,000 and unemployment at a historic low? .
Stuff like that is going to get Trump reelected
Since your predictions are so accurate, Trump might as well cancel his 2020 campaign right now.

As a former New Yorker familiar with the orange clown's behavior, I DID predict that Trump as president would be a massive failure......and I also predicted that there would be morons who would fall for his cons.......and here you are helping to prove my "prediction" correct.......LOL
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Hope some one runs against him with a little more class & experience, he is the president for the rest of this term. if no one better shows up we will get the full 8 years. that's how the cookie crumbles.
Hope some one runs against him with a little more class & experience, he is the president for the rest of this term. if no one better shows up we will get the full 8 years. that's how the cookie crumbles.
Overlook the him and judge by what the outcome he brings
Since your predictions are so accurate, Trump might as well cancel his 2020 campaign right now.

As a former New Yorker familiar with the orange clown's behavior, I DID predict that Trump as president would be a massive failure......and I also predicted that there would be morons who would fall for his cons.......and here you are helping to prove my "prediction" correct.......LOL
I guess if you say Trump is a failure, then of course it must be true, Nostradamus.

Fucking delusional moron.
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.

None of that matters.

If Trump provably commited crimes he needs to be removed from office. If he didn't, then there are no grounds to remove him form office.

It's really down to facts, not preferences.
he hasn’t been convicted of anything impeachable

You're more dumb than usual (a difficult task).......One does NOT get "convicted of anything impeachable".........

Gee, another GED failure....
Congress has to find the president guilty and convict of crimes and misdemeanors. Are you really as fucking stupid as you appear?
Since your predictions are so accurate, Trump might as well cancel his 2020 campaign right now.

As a former New Yorker familiar with the orange clown's behavior, I DID predict that Trump as president would be a massive failure......and I also predicted that there would be morons who would fall for his cons.......and here you are helping to prove my "prediction" correct.......LOL
I guess if you say Trump is a failure, then of course it must be true, Nostradamus.

Fucking delusional moron.
gnat is a failure of our educational system.
They never thought he would win the first time boy where they fooled won't they be sad when he gets reelected

With ONE major revelation, dimwit....
NOW, Trump has shown even the most dense of acolytes his incompetence and how corrupt he and the people he surrounded himself with truly are....

Live in the past, I don't give much of a damn if you remain just as stupid as you were in 2016........LOL.
In your words. However even if you want it to be true. Being dumb is t impeachable. My god you are fucking moron.
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.

And by "nil" you mean virtually 100%

The reason Trump should not be impeached is there are no grounds for impeachment.

The Inquisition is a farce. Torquemada has nothing and we all know it.

IF I were a suspicious man, I might suspect that Trump would wait until October and start declassifying the shit the Inquisition has been up to. You know, just basically wipe you Marxists off the map by exposing your last year and a half of criminal acts.

Now I know you're thinking that Trump would never be that vindictive, that he has far too much class to act like you Stalinists.

Still, it WOULD be a masterful strategic move..
the Mueller time show isn't giving you a tingling feeling anymore.

Moron...Its is NOT Mueller's job to impeach the orange buffoon.....Mueller's job is to show that you idiots helped elect a crooked charlatan.

Your GED classes aren't working too well for you,

Oh, is THAT what the Torquemada's JOB is?

So, we put an Inquisition together for the purpose of Attacking the president of the United States in hopes of finding something to overthrow the government with? Mewler didn't go in with a specific crime to investigate? Nope, "his job" according to you was to take down the lawfully elected President.

Yeah, that's treason alright.
he hasn’t been convicted of anything impeachable

You're more dumb than usual (a difficult task).......One does NOT get "convicted of anything impeachable".........

Gee, another GED failure....

Not if one is a Clinton anyway, regardless of how airtight and irrefutable the proof is...

You traitors have failed to come up with anything to impeach Trump for.

Beating Hillary doesn't cut it - and it is the ONLY real reason you have engaged in treason.
I guess if you say Trump is a failure, then of course it must be true, Nostradamus.

Well, Trump is not a complete failure.......After all, he IS doing an excellent job of fucking over the GOP single-handedly. lol
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.

“Further, the Presidents repeated lies to the American people in this matter compound the case against him as they demonstrate his failure to protect the institution of the presidency as the 'inspiring supreme symbol of all that is highest in our American ideals'. Leaders affect the lives of families far beyond their own 'private life'. In the Bible story of Esther we are told of a king who was charged to put right his own household because there would be "no end of disrespect and discord" among the families of the kingdom if he failed to do so. In a day when reckless extramarital sexual activity is manifesting itself in our staggering rates of illegitimacy and divorce, now more than ever, America needs to be able to look to her First Family as role models of all that we have been and can be again”
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL.......

I really hope you're right.

But if there's one thing that I learned from 2016, it's that I should NEVER underestimate how many stupid people there are in this country.

To think that we elected THIS idiot. It's straight-up Idiocracy and it's embarrassing.
Congress has to find the president guilty and convict of crimes and misdemeanors. Are you really as fucking stupid as you appear?

Iidot, I'll type slowly for you to [maybe] understand.....

The House impeaches (an accusation)
The Senate tries the case (with the chief justice "judging" the case) and decides to kick a president out of office

ONLY once out of office and a common citizen does a president get "convicted" fucking nitwit........LOL
But if there's one thing that I learned from 2016, it's that I should NEVER underestimate how many stupid people there are in this country.

Well, my friend, its going to boil down to how much masochism Trump cult members have in their half brains, before they can admit to themselves that they backed a lying moron.
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL...

You people are just so clueless

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