Reasons why Trump should NOT be impeached....

Awe............the Mueller time show isn't giving you a tingling feeling anymore.

He knows that Mueller winds up in deep kimchi: prosecutorial misconduct, sedition, treason, conspiracy to defraud the USA
Indicting all those Russians sure pissed trump off

Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story
He knows that Mueller winds up in deep kimchi: prosecutorial misconduct, sedition, treason, conspiracy to defraud the USA
Indicting all those Russians sure pissed trump off

Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story

Putin outsmarted Mueller and made him look like a hack and a rube

And now you know the rest of the story
Indicting all those Russians sure pissed trump off

Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story

Putin outsmarted Mueller and made him look like a hack and a rube

And now you know the rest of the story

Here's your rest of the story frank
Vladimir Putin Set a Trap for Robert Mueller in His Press Conference with Donald Trump

July 17, 2018
Reporters in Moscow usually hear the same brush-off a few times a week: Send us your request in writing, and we’ll deal with it as we see fit. But when President Vladimir Putin urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to “send a formal and official request to us” about the indictment he brought on Friday, it was not the lazy reflex of a Russian bureaucrat who doesn’t want to answer questions. It was a calculated attempt to pull the Mueller investigation onto a playing field that Putin can control.

Here’s roughly how the Russian leader would like things to unfold: Now that the Special Counsel has indicted a group of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the U.S. elections, Putin wants to see the evidence, ideally translated into Russian and sent to the authorities in Moscow, all in accordance with an obscure law-enforcement treaty that the U.S. and Russia signed nearly two decades ago.

Russian investigators would then take the evidence, question the accused and send Mueller back a report, which he can go and stick right up his file cabinet. This, at least, is the roadmap Putin laid out during his press conference on Monday with President Donald Trump, who referred to it as an “incredible offer.”

Incredible or not, it was calibrated not only to taunt the Special Counsel –“What’s his name again,” Putin asked at one point, as though this fact was not entirely worthy of his attention, “Mister Myuler? Miller?” – but also to leave U.S. investigators with no good options.

If Mueller and his team take the obvious step and ignore this invitation to question the suspects, they allow both Trump and Putin to accuse him of failing to consider all the evidence, thus giving a shot in the arm to Trump’s incessant claims that the investigation is a “hoax.” Yet if he agrees to pursue the opportunity that Putin has dangled in front of him, Mueller would give the Russians a chance to stall the investigation, discredit the evidence and otherwise shape the narrative around the case. So far, the special counsel has declined to respond to the offer.

The second trap door in Putin’s remarks was a bit more complex. The U.S. investigators would be welcome to interrogate the accused themselves in Moscow if they chose to do so, Putin said, but with some preconditions. First, they would have to do it in collaboration with their Russian counterparts. And second, the U.S. would have to agree to a quid pro quo: You question our spies, we question the American ones whom, as Putin put it, “we suspect of breaking the law on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Let’s start with the meaning of that first condition, seemingly the more reasonable of the two. In the spring of 2013, when FBI agents came to Russia to question relatives of the Boston Marathon bombers, they did so in collaboration with local security agents and investigators, as is standard practice when working on foreign soil.

But the idea of having Mueller’s investigators working in tandem with anyone from Russian law enforcement would, in this case, shore up a key part of the narrative that Putin presented on Monday. Toward the end of the press conference, he said that he “could imagine” some Russian individuals meddling in the U.S. elections. “And so what?” Putin demanded. “They do not represent the Russian state.”

If the Special Counsel really wants to get to the bottom of this, Putin went on, he should team up with Russian law enforcement to catch these hypothetical meddlers. Such scapegoats could wind up proving useful both to Putin and to Trump. The Russian President would be able to shift blame away from the state. Both leaders could tout this as proof that the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s campaign was a rogue operation — and not a reason to be angry at the Kremlin.

And finally, with the tone of a car dealer dismayed at his own generosity for offering you those leather seats for free, Putin came to the last point in his response to the Mueller probe. If Russia agrees to grant the Special Counsel access to the suspects, then Russia will demand the right to question those Americans “whom we consider agents of the special services.”

The suggestion was, as Trump put it, incredible — though mostly for its cynicism. It would create acres of space for Russia to utilize its favored tactic of whataboutism, by which the accused deflects accusations by accusing the accuser of a crime. Putin even named two individuals whom Russia may want to question in this regard. One was the British-American investor William Browder. The other was the Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

But from the way Putin worded this precondition, it seems to be entirely open-ended. Russia could ask to question any American whose work in Russia made it into the files of the Kremlin’s spy agencies, thus drudging up an inexhaustible pool of sculduggery going back to the days of the old Cold War. Any time the Mueller probe produced evidence of Russian interference in the U.S. election, the Kremlin would be able to counter with a story of U.S. interference in Russian affairs, and demand to know why the U.S. has not yet provided access to any American meddlers and spies.

As the Mueller investigation unfolds in the coming weeks and months, you can expect Russia to do exactly that, regardless of whether the Special Counsel accepts any part of Putin’s offer. He almost certainly won’t
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.

And the third reason: there’s absolutely nothing to impeach him for.
I guess if you say Trump is a failure, then of course it must be true, Nostradamus.

Well, Trump is not a complete failure.......After all, he IS doing an excellent job of fucking over the GOP single-handedly. lol

Trump sure has done an exceptional job fucking with your mind the last few years.
Is that his job as president? Is he supposed to be the Presidnet of the United States or the president of his fan club?

Trump doesn’t need to do a thing,just by being President, nat does it all on his own, he allows Trump to fuck with his head.

Nat gives the President way too much power. He has given Trump permission to control him.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

He knows that Mueller winds up in deep kimchi: prosecutorial misconduct, sedition, treason, conspiracy to defraud the USA
Indicting all those Russians sure pissed trump off

Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story
We don't believe in Fairy Tales............that is your side's domain...........of ignorance................

Your daily outrage is a boy who cried wolf too many times..........Nobody is listening anymore.
Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story

Putin outsmarted Mueller and made him look like a hack and a rube

And now you know the rest of the story

Here's your rest of the story frank
Vladimir Putin Set a Trap for Robert Mueller in His Press Conference with Donald Trump

July 17, 2018
Reporters in Moscow usually hear the same brush-off a few times a week: Send us your request in writing, and we’ll deal with it as we see fit. But when President Vladimir Putin urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to “send a formal and official request to us” about the indictment he brought on Friday, it was not the lazy reflex of a Russian bureaucrat who doesn’t want to answer questions. It was a calculated attempt to pull the Mueller investigation onto a playing field that Putin can control.

Here’s roughly how the Russian leader would like things to unfold: Now that the Special Counsel has indicted a group of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the U.S. elections, Putin wants to see the evidence, ideally translated into Russian and sent to the authorities in Moscow, all in accordance with an obscure law-enforcement treaty that the U.S. and Russia signed nearly two decades ago.

Russian investigators would then take the evidence, question the accused and send Mueller back a report, which he can go and stick right up his file cabinet. This, at least, is the roadmap Putin laid out during his press conference on Monday with President Donald Trump, who referred to it as an “incredible offer.”

Incredible or not, it was calibrated not only to taunt the Special Counsel –“What’s his name again,” Putin asked at one point, as though this fact was not entirely worthy of his attention, “Mister Myuler? Miller?” – but also to leave U.S. investigators with no good options.

If Mueller and his team take the obvious step and ignore this invitation to question the suspects, they allow both Trump and Putin to accuse him of failing to consider all the evidence, thus giving a shot in the arm to Trump’s incessant claims that the investigation is a “hoax.” Yet if he agrees to pursue the opportunity that Putin has dangled in front of him, Mueller would give the Russians a chance to stall the investigation, discredit the evidence and otherwise shape the narrative around the case. So far, the special counsel has declined to respond to the offer.

The second trap door in Putin’s remarks was a bit more complex. The U.S. investigators would be welcome to interrogate the accused themselves in Moscow if they chose to do so, Putin said, but with some preconditions. First, they would have to do it in collaboration with their Russian counterparts. And second, the U.S. would have to agree to a quid pro quo: You question our spies, we question the American ones whom, as Putin put it, “we suspect of breaking the law on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Let’s start with the meaning of that first condition, seemingly the more reasonable of the two. In the spring of 2013, when FBI agents came to Russia to question relatives of the Boston Marathon bombers, they did so in collaboration with local security agents and investigators, as is standard practice when working on foreign soil.

But the idea of having Mueller’s investigators working in tandem with anyone from Russian law enforcement would, in this case, shore up a key part of the narrative that Putin presented on Monday. Toward the end of the press conference, he said that he “could imagine” some Russian individuals meddling in the U.S. elections. “And so what?” Putin demanded. “They do not represent the Russian state.”

If the Special Counsel really wants to get to the bottom of this, Putin went on, he should team up with Russian law enforcement to catch these hypothetical meddlers. Such scapegoats could wind up proving useful both to Putin and to Trump. The Russian President would be able to shift blame away from the state. Both leaders could tout this as proof that the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s campaign was a rogue operation — and not a reason to be angry at the Kremlin.

And finally, with the tone of a car dealer dismayed at his own generosity for offering you those leather seats for free, Putin came to the last point in his response to the Mueller probe. If Russia agrees to grant the Special Counsel access to the suspects, then Russia will demand the right to question those Americans “whom we consider agents of the special services.”

The suggestion was, as Trump put it, incredible — though mostly for its cynicism. It would create acres of space for Russia to utilize its favored tactic of whataboutism, by which the accused deflects accusations by accusing the accuser of a crime. Putin even named two individuals whom Russia may want to question in this regard. One was the British-American investor William Browder. The other was the Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

But from the way Putin worded this precondition, it seems to be entirely open-ended. Russia could ask to question any American whose work in Russia made it into the files of the Kremlin’s spy agencies, thus drudging up an inexhaustible pool of sculduggery going back to the days of the old Cold War. Any time the Mueller probe produced evidence of Russian interference in the U.S. election, the Kremlin would be able to counter with a story of U.S. interference in Russian affairs, and demand to know why the U.S. has not yet provided access to any American meddlers and spies.

As the Mueller investigation unfolds in the coming weeks and months, you can expect Russia to do exactly that, regardless of whether the Special Counsel accepts any part of Putin’s offer. He almost certainly won’t
Laughable.............they cannot bring them here and are bots..............Enjoy the show...........that's all the 12 are and nothing more.
Well, Trump is not a complete failure.......After all, he IS doing an excellent job of fucking over the GOP single-handedly. lol

Trump sure has done an exceptional job fucking with your mind the last few years.
Is that his job as president? Is he supposed to be the Presidnet of the United States or the president of his fan club?

Trump doesn’t need to do a thing,just by being President, nat does it all on his own, he allows Trump to fuck with his head.

Nat gives the President way too much power. He has given Trump permission to control him.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

And you are mostly silent about those fine repubs in congress
Indicting all those Russians sure pissed trump off

Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story
We don't believe in Fairy Tales............that is your side's domain...........of ignorance................

Your daily outrage is a boy who cried wolf too many times..........Nobody is listening anymore.
And repub wolves cried out how many times after hillary?
Notice how Mueller hopped on the first plane to Moscow to interview them!
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story
We don't believe in Fairy Tales............that is your side's domain...........of ignorance................

Your daily outrage is a boy who cried wolf too many times..........Nobody is listening anymore.
And repub wolves cried out how many times after hillary?
She's guilty as sin................put her in front of a real trial and jury and she's done...............but it's all about Russia right........

Ties that bind...................who paid to dig dirt in Russia..........LOL
in return what did russia want ,,,,,,,tell the whole story

So Mueller pussied out, ok
Again you're either lying or really don't know the WHOLE story
We don't believe in Fairy Tales............that is your side's domain...........of ignorance................

Your daily outrage is a boy who cried wolf too many times..........Nobody is listening anymore.
And repub wolves cried out how many times after hillary?
She's guilty as sin................put her in front of a real trial and jury and she's done...............but it's all about Russia right........

Ties that bind...................who paid to dig dirt in Russia..........LOL
she didn't pay russians nor did she meet with russians to get dirt on trump,,and she hasn't been indicted like 4 or 5 top trump people have
Almost as bad as his chances of getting elected in 2016.

In 2016 some folks didn't know what a fuckhead Trump was......NOW, he's poven it least to saner voters......which obviously excludes morons like you......LOL.
First of all, let us agree that Trump's chances of getting re-elected in 2020 are virtually NIL......His scandal-ridden administration and his own miserable record of lies upon lies and cultural divisions,coupled with his 4th grade temper-tantrum and insults, CANNOT garner enough voters to get this idiot re-elected....

Sure, there are Trump cultists and very rich people who "love" him......but that coalition comprises the 40% or so shown in his "approval" ratings.

Now, Trump should not be impeached for 2 reasons...

First, the dummy does not deserve to be labeled as a "victim" of sane Americans...and

Second. the equally screwed up, Trump ass-kissing, Pence does not deserve to ever have his name added to the list of presidents....even if he were to sit in the oval office for just a few months.

Let voters kick these 2 un-American dimwits to the curb in Nov. 2020.

Hey, Nat! Let's revisit some of your past musings about the 2016 election...shall we???

"Without doubt, Trump will win a few primaries which will send the ego-maniac into a frenzy of even more stupid and fascist statements; however, the GOP will never allow for him to be given the nomination prompting a 3rd party run by the acerbic comedian.

Bottom line: The easiest Democratic win next November in many, many years." 12-08-15

“She was knocking on 400 electoral votes; that’s going to slide back,” said Steve Schmidt, the GOP strategist who guided John McCain’s 2008 campaign….Schmidt now predicts Clinton winding up with somewhere between 338 and 350 electoral votes. “It’s just really unlikely that there is an undecided bloc of voters still weighing Hillary Clinton’s emails. I think everyone made up their minds a long time ago on that subject.” 10-31-16

"Speaking of douche bags..........Clinton will still win......but not at the same landslide as previously thought.....So, only "pissed" at the treachery....not the end result." 10/30/16

"and neither am I even remotely a "fan" of Hillary....She will win overwhelmingly BECAUSE of the GOP clown nominee." 06-04-16

"WOW, this is "breaking news".......It seems that Hillary may have lost the ultra right wing contingency and that means that she'll win with only 70% of the popular vote ....Sad news indeed,,,,,,,,LOL" 7/01/15

"Check out Trump's NEGATIVES........Donald will be handing over the oval office to Hillary in a silver platter." 4/05/2016

"Look, right wingers....I FULLY understand your desperation with just a few weeks before Clinton's win....At this point ANYTHING that can smear Clinton's reputation is like a life-line for your desperate grasp to cling toward.....

It isn't going to work.....Is Hillary not always a nice person??? Probably......She has aged in an environment of hatred toward her since the Arkansas days.........
But is Hillary much saner than Trump? You bet your genitals she is." 10/18/2016

There is much more but this is just a sample. Did you enjoy your crow, Natty?

Almost as bad as his chances of getting elected in 2016.

In 2016 some folks didn't know what a fuckhead Trump was......NOW, he's poven it least to saner voters......which obviously excludes morons like you......LOL.

"It is fairly certain that along with a Hillary Clinton win in a couple of months, democrats will also hold a slight majority in the Senate and the SCOTUS will soon after return to some semblance of sanity.....

However, the House will remain in republican hands......and we should expect a long list of select House committees' investigations, witch hunts, obstruction of any major legislation, incessant posturing by uktra conservative representatives (pity Paul Ryan), and at least 2 years of do-nothing stagnation from this chamber of our legislature.

(But, for entertainment, we WILL be "blessed" in having the new Trump Cable Network rivaling and battling Fox for outrageous news coverage.)" 8-30-2016

No wonder you are so bitter.....a Sanders loving commie has to deal with the fact that PRESIDENT Trump made a liar out of to be you. Have some salve!

Trump sure has done an exceptional job fucking with your mind the last few years.
Is that his job as president? Is he supposed to be the Presidnet of the United States or the president of his fan club?

Trump doesn’t need to do a thing,just by being President, nat does it all on his own, he allows Trump to fuck with his head.

Nat gives the President way too much power. He has given Trump permission to control him.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

And you are mostly silent about those fine repubs in congress

And if I were a Republican you might have a point, however I do contact my Congressional House Representative and my two Senators, not seeing your point.
Is that his job as president? Is he supposed to be the Presidnet of the United States or the president of his fan club?

Trump doesn’t need to do a thing,just by being President, nat does it all on his own, he allows Trump to fuck with his head.

Nat gives the President way too much power. He has given Trump permission to control him.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

And you are mostly silent about those fine repubs in congress

And if I were a Republican you might have a point, however I do contact my Congressional House Representative and my two Senators, not seeing your point.
I certainly am not privy to your goings on with your reps,,,just what I see you post here From what I see, you neglect to put the tail on the republican donkeys here and in office It should be obvious to you
Trump doesn’t need to do a thing,just by being President, nat does it all on his own, he allows Trump to fuck with his head.

Nat gives the President way too much power. He has given Trump permission to control him.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

And you are mostly silent about those fine repubs in congress

And if I were a Republican you might have a point, however I do contact my Congressional House Representative and my two Senators, not seeing your point.
I certainly am not privy to your goings on with your reps,,,just what I see you post here From what I see, you neglect to put the tail on the republican donkeys here and in office It should be obvious to you

First off, McCain was a train wreck, I called him out when he and Feingold introduced Campaign Finance Reform that brought us the Citizens United fiasco. I have voiced out against the budget approval and the raise in spending and the cut in taxes. I have always said the investigation into Trump is fine, not sure what else you want from me, I don't see you criticizing Democrats, so still don't see the point.
And you fail to hold congresses feet to the fire ? The sheep on the right afraid to open their mouths and call out this moron in our WH? Nat gives the president way to much power?? I say the repub congress is to blame They are GUTLESS

And you are mostly silent about those fine repubs in congress

And if I were a Republican you might have a point, however I do contact my Congressional House Representative and my two Senators, not seeing your point.
I certainly am not privy to your goings on with your reps,,,just what I see you post here From what I see, you neglect to put the tail on the republican donkeys here and in office It should be obvious to you

First off, McCain was a train wreck, I called him out when he and Feingold introduced Campaign Finance Reform that brought us the Citizens United fiasco. I have voiced out against the budget approval and the raise in spending and the cut in taxes. I have always said the investigation into Trump is fine, not sure what else you want from me, I don't see you criticizing Democrats, so still don't see the point.
Thanks for your answer My fault for not reading more of your posts I despise trump the man as well as the president Most Dems do and the enemy of my enemy is my friend Is there one country more friendly towards America since he became president ?? He's lost even his best friend Putin now

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