Rebellion brewing at FOX as relentlessly pro-Trump coverage alienates the network’s own journalists!

if you have pizza every fucking day, sooner or later U gonna get tired of fucking pizza

I can only imagine how some folks @ Faux Nuwz are sick & tired of the 24/7/365 Trump trail of shit circus ..............
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet

Fox is the only news channel you can watch that isn't relentlessly anti-Trump. If Fox journalists don't like working there, they can go over to the MSM.
Fox is the only news channel you can watch that isn't relentlessly anti-Trump. If Fox journalists don't like working there, they can go over to the MSM.
I agree, blackrook. It is a shame to see a journalist of Smith's caliber wasted on braindead bots.
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers
age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet


Meaning -------------- what?

Do you buy or sell TV ads?

Do you in fact have any clue what 'ratings' even mean? It would appear you do not.
Fox is the only news channel you can watch that isn't relentlessly anti-Trump. If Fox journalists don't like working there, they can go over to the MSM.

FNC is already part of the MSM, Dippy.
Shep Smith is a practicing homosexual and he has the bitchy personality that is stereotypically associated with practicing homosexuals. But his presence on FOX proves that the network's news coverage is fair and balanced, as the slogan says.
They have people of all viewpoints on shows like the Five and Outnumbered. Conservatives may outnumber liberals on these shows, but the liberals are allowed to tell their side of the story.
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers
age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet


Meaning -------------- what?

Do you buy or sell TV ads?

Do you in fact have any clue what 'ratings' even mean? It would appear you do not.
I know it’s gotta suck to learn you’ve been wasting time watching the least trusted network for your news. :itsok:
Shep Smith is a practicing homosexual and he has the bitchy personality that is stereotypically associated with practicing homosexuals. But his presence on FOX proves that the network's news coverage is fair and balanced, as the slogan says.
Well I don't know (or care) about your sexual orientation, but I do know you have a bitchy persona, so what's your gripe?
What interests me is that liberals have control of 99% of the media and it frustrates them no end that there is still 1% of the media they don't control.
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers
age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet


Meaning -------------- what?

Do you buy or sell TV ads?

Do you in fact have any clue what 'ratings' even mean? It would appear you do not.
I know it’s gotta suck to learn you’ve been wasting time watching the least trusted network for your news. :itsok:

Television is for morons. I don't even have one. But I did work in broadcasting for decades, and I'm (still) asking you what you think ratings mean. Because I don't think you have a clue in the world. And your non-answer indicates I'm spot-on right about that. As does your mindless post 4.
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers
age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet


Meaning -------------- what?

Do you buy or sell TV ads?

Do you in fact have any clue what 'ratings' even mean? It would appear you do not.
I know it’s gotta suck to learn you’ve been wasting time watching the least trusted network for your news. :itsok:

Television is for morons. I don't even have one. But I did work in broadcasting for decades, and I'm (still) asking you what you think ratings mean. Because I don't think you have a clue in the world.
TV is for morons?? lol

Not being properly informed could explain the ignorance we see from you.
Is it safe to assume you get all your info from what you read on certain internet sites? :)
interests me is that liberals have control of 99% of the media and it frustrates them no end that there is still 1% of the media they don't control.

The Murdoch sons are elitist, silver spoon, liberal, progressives. The only reason you see any conservative leaning hosts at Fox is that they are SUCCESSFUL. They are one of the few outlets you can get both sides, but with a few right leaning hosts like Hannity, Tucker, and Laura.
Really? :) ......

Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience.

According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month.

For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers
age 25-54.
Fox News Channel is top basic cable network in April; CNN ratings plummet


Meaning -------------- what?

Do you buy or sell TV ads?

Do you in fact have any clue what 'ratings' even mean? It would appear you do not.
I know it’s gotta suck to learn you’ve been wasting time watching the least trusted network for your news. :itsok:

Television is for morons. I don't even have one. But I did work in broadcasting for decades, and I'm (still) asking you what you think ratings mean. Because I don't think you have a clue in the world.
TV is for morons?? lol

Not being properly informed could explain the ignorance we see from you.
Is it safe to assume you get all your info from what you read on certain internet sites? :)

STILL avoiding the question. And in the process suggesting there's something related to "being properly informed" from the fucking boob tube.

Here's you clue Dumbass. TV ratings have nothing to do with "voting" for anything or "approving" or "disapproving" anything. TV ratings measure ATTENTION, not assent. Assent has in fact ZERO to do with it. When your local "Fraction News" leads its broadcast not with some boring policy statement or some diplomatic mission but with a fire in a neighborhood you never heard of, it's milking your emotions, and it's doing so to get your ATTENTION.

Similarly when a TV network spends its prime time hair-on-firing about "immigrants coming for you, booga booga" or hair-on-firing about "hurricanes and tornadoes coming to get you, booga booga", or portraying naked people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, or onstage paternity tests featuring people you will never actually meet, booga booga, once AGAIN it's milking your ATTENTION.

Doesn't matter how it does it. Here's a drama story about sports team A overcoming the superior sports team B. Emotions; ATTENTION.

Whether you "approve" or "disapprove" could not be more irrelevant. Everybody will slow down and rubberneck at the flipped-over tractor trailer on the highway (ATTENTION) --- that doesn't mean anyone "approves" of it.

And the reason they do that is that the prime directive of commercial broadcasting is ADVERTISING. The act of persuading you, the viewer, to go buy shit you don't need. And to that end they will do literally ANYTHING, from fake wrestling to sex "scandals", always with a generous helping of Booga Booga. And you sit there and infuse it like the obedient sponge you are. TV is the most insidious propaganda device ever invented, only you think it's selling some sort of political philosophy. IT ISN'T. Nobody in the world ever made a dime off an ideology. Rather, they know what you're susceptible to, and use that bait to sell you a truck, or Vi@gra, or deodorant, or whatever makes them money. And sure enough, there you are lapping it up like an obedient puppy.

Thus, a broadcast ratings chart has one, and ONLY one, function, and that is: to set the price of commercial time. The broadcaster can say, "we can deliver X number of eyeballs for your product". The buyer can say "you can't deliver as many eyeballs as these other guys so I'll pay you less".

THAT is why I asked if you're in the business of buying or selling TV ads. Because it's the only thing ratings have any effect on.

Oh and nice link, quoting a broadcast entity itself claiming what its ratings are. That's credible. And you bought it hook, line and sinker.

Gullible's Travels.

And I'll be right back to tell you how Fox Noise is coming for you, booga booga, right after this word for foam rubber face lacerations you can paste on.

interests me is that liberals have control of 99% of the media and it frustrates them no end that there is still 1% of the media they don't control.

The Murdoch sons are elitist, silver spoon, liberal, progressives. The only reason you see any conservative leaning hosts at Fox is that they are SUCCESSFUL. They are one of the few outlets you can get both sides, but with a few right leaning hosts like Hannity, Tucker, and Laura.
Yeah, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham are so good at presenting 'both sides'! Heh heh heh!
interests me is that liberals have control of 99% of the media and it frustrates them no end that there is still 1% of the media they don't control.

The Murdoch sons are elitist, silver spoon, liberal, progressives. The only reason you see any conservative leaning hosts at Fox is that they are SUCCESSFUL. They are one of the few outlets you can get both sides, but with a few right leaning hosts like Hannity, Tucker, and Laura.
Yeah, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham are so good at presenting 'both sides'! Heh heh heh!

They ALWAYS have guests that present the Left's idiotic arguments. ALWAYS.
interests me is that liberals have control of 99% of the media and it frustrates them no end that there is still 1% of the media they don't control.

The Murdoch sons are elitist, silver spoon, liberal, progressives. The only reason you see any conservative leaning hosts at Fox is that they are SUCCESSFUL. They are one of the few outlets you can get both sides, but with a few right leaning hosts like Hannity, Tucker, and Laura.
Yeah, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham are so good at presenting 'both sides'! Heh heh heh!

They ALWAYS have guests that present the Left's idiotic arguments. ALWAYS.
Nah, but the Bernie crowd did give them a palpitation or two.

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