Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
What about our meddling with other countries election, I guess we should get some sanctions also, Russia is a super power like us, I don't understand, it's like disturbing a wasps nest for no reason, they might sting you!

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Democrats are rabid to start a shooting war with Russia. Their plan is transparent. Squeeze them with sanctions until all other options are off the table.

Once war has begun, democrats will try to hang it on republicans and that will bring the final end to the two party system leaving America the same as Venezuela.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
this last statement from you has zero connection. one nothing to do with the other.

and if we punish people for meddling, who's gonna punish us? or once again, do we as we say not as we do alive and well with you?
Why do you bother arguing with liberals and democrats? They are liars and retards. Facts mean nothing to them it is all about feelings. Hilary lost and they are mad nothing else matters.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.

Total bullshit. We already know that Seth Rich was the leaker of the e-mails. Russia is being used as a scapegoat and it's fucking pathetic to witness.

Seth Rich Investigator Accusations Debunked By Own Interviews As Seymour Hersh Leak Kills Russia Story | Zero Hedge
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
The American people should (and probably DO care) for the 4 reasons I cited in the OP (that's just the minimum)
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.

Really, tough guy? You gonna don the uniform and stand a post? Highly unlikely, ya pussbag.
What about our meddling with other countries election, I guess we should get some sanctions also, Russia is a super power like us, I don't understand, it's like disturbing a wasps nest for no reason, they might sting you!
I seem to recall there was meddling in the Israeli election by DEMOCRATS who actively tried to keep Netanyahu from winning, - and there was ACTUAL PROOF in that case.

And Obama also meddled in the elections of 5 other countries (Honduras, Libya, Macedonia, Egypt, and Kenya.

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
One of the deals that Oblacula's sanctions canceled between Russia and Exxon-Mobil was worth $500 billion. Such missed opportunities hurt us as much as they hurt the Russians, and why do we want to hurt Russia anyway? Liberals and their tamed RINO pets should stop throwing hissy fits about Putin.
Why do you bother arguing with liberals and democrats? They are liars and retards. Facts mean nothing to them it is all about feelings. Hilary lost and they are mad nothing else matters.
I am pointing out to anyone (independents) still mindless enough to choose to vote for these rogues, that they are engaging in a reckless, irresponsible act.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
The American people should (and probably DO care) for the 4 reasons I cited in the OP (that's just the minimum)

They colluded with Trump to fix a US election. They are our enemy. They also tried to do the same in France, a NATO ally.

You conservatives are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore. Russia is lucky there aren't 5 divisions of NATO troops massing on the border of Ukraine and the US should tell Russia any aircraft of yours that comes within 5 miles of one of our ships will get one warning, if they don't turn away they will be shot down.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.

and if we punish people for meddling, who's gonna punish us? or once again, do we as we say not as we do alive and well with you?

Rubbish. Who give a fuck about Russia? So are you just going to sit there and let foreigners messed with our democracy?
What benefits do you gain by protecting Putin thug the murderer against your own country? Unless you are a Russian.
They colluded with Trump to fix a US election. They are our enemy. They also tried to do the same in France, a NATO ally.

You conservatives are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore. Russia is lucky there aren't 5 divisions of NATO troops massing on the border of Ukraine and the US should tell Russia any aircraft of yours that comes within 5 miles of one of our ships will get one warning, if they don't turn away they will be shot down.
1. :laugh: No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

2. I seem to recall there was meddling in the Israeli election by DEMOCRATS who actively tried to keep Netanyahu from winning, - and there was ACTUAL PROOF in that case.

And Obama also meddled in the elections of 5 other countries (Honduras, Libya, Macedonia, Egypt, and Kenya.

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

3. Russia is not our enemy. You are brainwashed by goofball Democrats fabricating that screwball idea.

4. Who cares about Ukraine ? It has been part of Russia for 300 years, so why not now too ? For that matter has anyone asked the Ukrainian people what they think ? I haven't heard a word from the media about that. I suspect they're afraid to ask. North Korea, China, and Iran are who we need to be concerned about, not Ukraine. :rolleyes:

5. You liberals are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore, and as far as the Democratic party is concerned, maybe you haven't noticed. It no longer exists.
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Rubbish. Who give a fuck about Russia? So are you just going to sit there and let foreigners messed with our democracy?
What benefits do you gain by protecting Putin thug the murderer against your own country? Unless you are a Russian.
1. You have no proof that foreigners messed with our democracy, and neither does anyone else.

2. Wanna talk about a murderer ? Clintons (whom you voted for ?) have murdered far more people than anyone in Russia govt . See Clinton Body Count - what really happened., and read the the WHOLE THING (color pictures and all). I dare ya. >>


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