Reckless Hillary Hacked by China as Sec. of State Putting U.S. in Danger

heard about this one last night. hly fk. can't get anymore treasonous then this. nope.,
some story about a business out of texas I believe that was once worth 9 billion, obammy and friends put regs on the company taking them down to a value of about 1 billion and a clinton group bought them for the 1 billion and then the regs were lifted and the value went back up to 9 billion. It's what I heard last night.
also, this...

The Next Revolution on Twitter

Peter Schweizer‏ @peterschweizer Aug 26
On @FoxNews with Steve Hilton @NextRevFNC tonight at 930EST talking about Joe Biden and "Secret Empires." We have new information. We have bank accounts...
This proves the American people made the right call electing Trump president, in spite of government trying to cover for Hillary's idiocy.
I thought the right insisted hacking by other countries was irrelevant to this country.

F'n hypocrites dont know or care wtf they they said last week do they.

senile old farts ....
/——/ We never said it was irrelevant; you just created that Strawman argument. We said it didn’t affect the 2016 election.

aka irrelevant to the election - no straw man ... youre welcome.

hypocrite ........

Do you not know the difference between national security information and political strategy emails?

There is no reason to care about the DNC emails because they allowed the evidence to be tampered with so we will never know what happened.
heard about this one last night. hly fk. can't get anymore treasonous then this. nope.,
some story about a business out of texas I believe that was once worth 9 billion, obammy and friends put regs on the company taking them down to a value of about 1 billion and a clinton group bought them for the 1 billion and then the regs were lifted and the value went back up to 9 billion. It's what I heard last night.
also, this...

The Next Revolution on Twitter

Peter Schweizer‏ @peterschweizer Aug 26
On @FoxNews with Steve Hilton @NextRevFNC tonight at 930EST talking about Joe Biden and "Secret Empires." We have new information. We have bank accounts...

I was going to but since put it out there it has to do with the Ukraine.
The real Collusion we should all worry about is the Obabble-hiLIAry-DOJ-CIA-DNC collusion to cover up the disastrous way they handled confidential information and exposed it to foreign actors.

In other news, Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and Cohen Lawyer LANNY FREAKIN DAVIS has been colluding with Russians for years. When you've lost the Rolling Stone....

Something most people don’t know about Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, is that he’s also currently representing a Ukrainian oligarch whose name is often linked to one of the most powerful mobsters in the world.

For the past four years, Davis — a 72-year-old former special counsel to former President Bill Clinton — has served as a registered foreign agent for Dmitry Firtash, who has been fighting to avoid extradition to Chicago, where he faces charges of international racketeering and money laundering. In registering with the Justice Department as Firtash’s foreign agent, Davis said his firm was being paid $80,000 a month — or about a million dollars a year — by a man described by prosecutors as an “upper-echelon” associate of Russian organized crime. The case against Firtash “seeks to protect this country, its commerce and its citizens from the corrupting influence and withering effects of international organized crime,” prosecutors wrote last year....

Michael Cohen, Lanny Davis and the Russian Mafia – Rolling Stone
I thought the right insisted hacking by other countries was irrelevant to this country.

F'n hypocrites dont know or care wtf they they said last week do they.

senile old farts ....
You+ are sadly misinformed.
What an irresponsible dumbass. Her server got zapped by China. Lock her up!
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
FBI let this slide because they were too busy at upper echelons with their “get Trump” campaign.

Oh GAWD this was fake news from DailySmeller - absolutely not a SHRED of evidence.
Trump Says Without Evidence That China Hacked Clinton Email Server

Listen to all four of your intel chiefs Dotard. It was the RUSSIANS you idiot, not the Chinese or some 400 pound guy laying in bed. :rolleyes-41:
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.

Funny - Putin attempted to get into Hilly's server the very night Donald asked him to. They failed and her server proved to be more secure than government, DNC and state election servers.
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Imagine the cry if Trump did half what the Clintons and Obama did.

Private server against the law, but that's OK

Delete 30K emails because you were caught, but that's OK

Say the deleted emails did not contain classified info., only to find out some did, and that's OK

Hire foreigners to create a false document used to spy on and incriminate Trump, and that's OK

Use campaign funds to pay for the false document, and that's OK.

Present the false document to the court, and that's OK

Share classified information with those who had no business receiving it, and that's OK
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.

Funny - Putin attempted to get into Hilly's server the very night Donald asked him to. They failed and her server proved to be more secure than government and state election servers.

Hilarious, of course you can source this?
All I know is the fucking left are silent. Just ignore and it will all just goooooo awaaaaaay. Just like it always does.

Cuz they're pussies. But that doesn't slow them down pointing their fingers into the wrong direction.
Imagine the cry if Trump did half what the Clintons and Obama did.

Private server against the law, but that's OK

Delete 30K emails because you were caught, but that's OK

Say the deleted emails did not contain classified info., only to find out some did, and that's OK

Hire foreigners to create a false document used to spy on and incriminate Trump, and that's OK

Use campaign funds to pay for the false document, and that's OK.

Present the false document to the court, and that's OK

Share classified information with those who had no business receiving it, and that's OK

the world champion LIAR surpassed Clinton and Obama his first month in office --- imagine that.

Oh sure. No doubt you can explain why.
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.

Funny - Putin attempted to get into Hilly's server the very night Donald asked him to. They failed and her server proved to be more secure than government and state election servers.

Hilarious, of course you can source this?

Source it yourself - it has been posted 10,461 times
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.

Funny - Putin attempted to get into Hilly's server the very night Donald asked him to. They failed and her server proved to be more secure than government and state election servers.

Hilarious, of course you can source this?

Source it yourself - it has been posted 10,461 times

Meaning no, I knew you couldn't.
What an irresponsible dumbass. Her server got zapped by China. Lock her up!
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
FBI let this slide because they were too busy at upper echelons with their “get Trump” campaign.

Oh GAWD this was fake news from DailySmeller - absolutely not a SHRED of evidence.
Trump Says Without Evidence That China Hacked Clinton Email Server

Listen to all four of your intel chiefs Dotard. It was the RUSSIANS you idiot, not the Chinese or some 400 pound guy laying in bed. :rolleyes-41:

Yeah only the Russians :auiqs.jpg:
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.

Funny - Putin attempted to get into Hilly's server the very night Donald asked him to. They failed and her server proved to be more secure than government, DNC and state election servers.
you sure do seem to know a lot of what putin's been up to. hmmmmmmm
Reckless is right. Apparently a high school nerd could have hacked Hillary's e-mails which were handled by a mom&pop server that operated out of a freaking bathroom. Hillary may have deleted about 30k e mails but China still has them and so far the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media isn't curious.
She violated State Department protocol...why? What was she trying to hide? Let get the cell phones of Hillary team and take a look at them. Oh...that’s right...they were smashed with hammers.

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