Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

Here are all of my posts from page 20-25. I'm really not seeing where all of this "meaniness" is??? Care to point it out for me? OTOH, I have been inundated with insults, ranging from being on Prozac and mentally disturbed to being an alcoholic! Lol! I will go quote those in a moment just to put things into perspective. :)

I am questioning your ability to converse.
Lexapro would be a good start.

It is. If what you believe is true, then we are nothing but pawns in some sick game. Well, some of us have chosen not to play.
Cam you explain in detail how you derived that blurt from my postings?
And don't explain with a blurt.
Make believe you're taking medical notes.

It's not from your postings. It's the whole entire script.
You haven't read the script.
By your own postings, you have been inundated with what people around you have blurted.

No, I just don't believe in these stories as being real. I don't think it is possible. I don't think it makes any sense when I really start looking at it and asking questions. I think that men made them up. The reasons for such would be a pretty interesting topic as well.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.

I'll bet in the old days, kings and such would make up their own religions to try to get as many followers out of the superstitious sheep as they could muster up! Many an emperor back in Roman days claimed to talk directly with "gods" as well. :)

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)

  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"

  1. 1.
    make false and damaging statements about (someone).

So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

I have not. I haven't made a personal comment to anyone. I am speaking about religious beliefs and not any individuals. Stop making things up. It seems to me that you are the one making it personal, suggesting I take Prozac and talking down to me because I don't share your beliefs in a god.

You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!

Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!

You can kind of understand how doubt and knowledge and expressing your opinions would be "forbidden fruit." Lol.

Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!

Anyways, I suppose there is always the possibility that there is some higher power out there somewhere in the universe fucking with us. I doubt it though. If there is a higher power, it is probably NOTHING like what is described in any holy book. Are we even a blip on it's radar? Were we an accidental creation? What the fuck is going on on the other side of the universe? Who the hell knows? There's only one way to find out, and those people aren't talking!

What is your opinion of when astronomers view a planet being "born?" Do you believe there is an invisible hands of a god on the planet, forming it like you would form a vase from clay? I don't get it. We have seen planets form, but yet you doubt the big bang theory? I just don't see the logic in these beliefs, other than they make some, and I repeat SOME people feel good about death and dying. I can understand that better than most. It certainly is nice to believe that you will be in some heavenly paradise with your loved ones after your death.
As if you know anything about MY mind.

I hate to break the news to you but everything that comes out of your mind reveals its addled condition.

Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
Here are all of my posts from page 20-25. I'm really not seeing where all of this "meaniness" is??? Care to point it out for me? OTOH, I have been inundated with insults, ranging from being on Prozac and mentally disturbed to being an alcoholic! Lol! I will go quote those in a moment just to put things into perspective. :)

It is. If what you believe is true, then we are nothing but pawns in some sick game. Well, some of us have chosen not to play.
Cam you explain in detail how you derived that blurt from my postings?
And don't explain with a blurt.
Make believe you're taking medical notes.

It's not from your postings. It's the whole entire script.
You haven't read the script.
By your own postings, you have been inundated with what people around you have blurted.

No, I just don't believe in these stories as being real. I don't think it is possible. I don't think it makes any sense when I really start looking at it and asking questions. I think that men made them up. The reasons for such would be a pretty interesting topic as well.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.

I'll bet in the old days, kings and such would make up their own religions to try to get as many followers out of the superstitious sheep as they could muster up! Many an emperor back in Roman days claimed to talk directly with "gods" as well. :)

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)

  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"
  1. 1.
    make false and damaging statements about (someone).

So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

I have not. I haven't made a personal comment to anyone. I am speaking about religious beliefs and not any individuals. Stop making things up. It seems to me that you are the one making it personal, suggesting I take Prozac and talking down to me because I don't share your beliefs in a god.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)

Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!

You can kind of understand how doubt and knowledge and expressing your opinions would be "forbidden fruit." Lol.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!

Anyways, I suppose there is always the possibility that there is some higher power out there somewhere in the universe fucking with us. I doubt it though. If there is a higher power, it is probably NOTHING like what is described in any holy book. Are we even a blip on it's radar? Were we an accidental creation? What the fuck is going on on the other side of the universe? Who the hell knows? There's only one way to find out, and those people aren't talking!

What is your opinion of when astronomers view a planet being "born?" Do you believe there is an invisible hands of a god on the planet, forming it like you would form a vase from clay? I don't get it. We have seen planets form, but yet you doubt the big bang theory? I just don't see the logic in these beliefs, other than they make some, and I repeat SOME people feel good about death and dying. I can understand that better than most. It certainly is nice to believe that you will be in some heavenly paradise with your loved ones after your death.
Obsess much?
As if you know anything about MY mind.

I hate to break the news to you but everything that comes out of your mind reveals its addled condition.

Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
She has problems from way back when.
Her biggest problem is anybody's biggest problem...ego.
From page 23 - 28 . . .

Too many things don't make sense and don't add up when you really start to question the whole thing. People have been like "trapped" into this stuff. You HAVE to believe this thing exists, even though you can't see it, feel it, touch it, and there is no evidence that it exists (except for the words of MEN who are admittedly FLAWED). There is no way to get around that without sounding as if you are "evil" or something. No, I am a rebel, and I am going to rebel and say I don't believe in it. Show me some proof. Some REAL actual proof of this magical all powerful being that exists in the sky and determines itself our "king" that we must bow down to and worship.
You really go to get away from that NT.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

I don't know what you are talking about. There is no "hatred" on my end for anyone. Lol. Disagreeing with you and expressing my opinions doesn't mean I hate anyone. It's such a useless emotion that only hurts myself and no one else.
The besr
Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

I don't know what you are talking about. There is no "hatred" on my end for anyone. Lol. Disagreeing with you and expressing my opinions doesn't mean I hate anyone. It's such a useless emotion that only hurts myself and no one else.
The besr
I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

Yet you are unable to point out anything that I have said that was "hateful." Because that is just another lie. I find that is common with religious folks though, they tend to lie a lot and not really walk the walk. They like to talk the talk though.

I don't believe we have had very many "conversations." Lol. Maybe one? I don't remember.
You want me to type your posts back in their entirety?

If you can't see your hate you have bigger problems than I can solve on a message board.
Heck, I'd like to see what you would post about something that upsets you.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?

Please repeat the question concerning stars and galaxies and we can have a conversation concerning the subject of astronomy which is a far less accurate science, thus far in history, than Geology, which is pathetically inaccurate until we actually dig.

Why would I have to repeat it? It is right on this same page! :uhh: You do realize that astronomers study space and the universe, correct? I have yet to hear anything about discovering a god manipulating planets and such things. Or is he just invisible?


Here is a picture of a young galaxy just beginning to form. Where is the god? Where does a god fit in here? Do religious people think that there is an invisible god there controlling everything? I'm not sure how you correlate scientific discoveries and observations of things going on in the universe with a god creating everything?
I work with a guy who's been a member of Astronomy Associations for 20+ years; he's my source.
If he admits there are shortcomings in the science, who am I to argue.

Try to look at it as an extraterrestrial intervention on a planet filled with semi intelligent beings running amok for millions of years.

God is a living being that loves us like you would love an idiot son who most likely will disregard your advice and set aside your teaching and end up in a world of self inflicted hurt.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. That is not reflection of a flaw or an indication of malevolence in the teacher.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a wold above and a world below, was an alien intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
It is a bit maddening when people haven't been exposed to learning "out of the box" and take every nuance as an insult.

It sounds as if you are speaking about yourself though! :lol: Too funny.
Today's exchange with you is not much more enlightening than I have see between you and others here over the last few years regarding almost any topic.

I don't know what you are talking about. There is no "hatred" on my end for anyone. Lol. Disagreeing with you and expressing my opinions doesn't mean I hate anyone. It's such a useless emotion that only hurts myself and no one else.
The besr
Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

Yet you are unable to point out anything that I have said that was "hateful." Because that is just another lie. I find that is common with religious folks though, they tend to lie a lot and not really walk the walk. They like to talk the talk though.

I don't believe we have had very many "conversations." Lol. Maybe one? I don't remember.
You want me to type your posts back in their entirety?

If you can't see your hate you have bigger problems than I can solve on a message board.
Heck, I'd like to see what you would post about something that upsets you.

You could quote them?? :eusa_doh: Would you like me to quote yours where you have been insulting? I can do that quite easily and I'm totally up for the challenge. Now, if you are going to make accusations (especially false ones), then you can at least provide some evidence (I know you hate having to provide any evidence but too bad).

If you think that a person who has an opposing viewpoint or a different viewpoint than yours is "hateful" then I suppose that would be your own problem and not mine. :eusa_think:
Interesting post....between the 2 of us, who has been accused of being nasty by other posters on this Thread.
Not I.

I am think it's a good thing you take notes for a living and don't have to analyze because you're not too bright.
I am not presuming you're not a nice person or fun to be with.
You just don't seem to be able to comprehend the simplest of statements that don't fit with you paradigm of life.

Now go ahead and click the Smile Icon and notice how no one besides myself is even giving cognizance to your input.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a wold above and a world below, was an alien intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
It is a bit maddening when people haven't been exposed to learning "out of the box" and take every nuance as an insult.

It sounds as if you are speaking about yourself though! :lol: Too funny.
Today's exchange with you is not much more enlightening than I have see between you and others here over the last few years regarding almost any topic.

And I've read some of your rather nonsensical troll posts before as well. But don't try to act as if you "know" me or something. You aren't special enough, cute enough or nice enough to be a part of THIS inner circle. ;)
Considering your response in the past to my believing to God is that I'm a fucking idiot, it's no shock that you consider anyone who's not an atheist to be a troll.
Heck, I remember you actually started a Thread to discuss religion vs mythology and you showed immense respect to the atheists and told the God believing folks to get the heck out of thread that you started to discuss the topic; the other main contributor was sealybooboo and you fell in love with his posts because he doesn't believe in God.

You see, I pay attention to what people post.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?

Please repeat the question concerning stars and galaxies and we can have a conversation concerning the subject of astronomy which is a far less accurate science, thus far in history, than Geology, which is pathetically inaccurate until we actually dig.

Why would I have to repeat it? It is right on this same page! :uhh: You do realize that astronomers study space and the universe, correct? I have yet to hear anything about discovering a god manipulating planets and such things. Or is he just invisible?


Here is a picture of a young galaxy just beginning to form. Where is the god? Where does a god fit in here? Do religious people think that there is an invisible god there controlling everything? I'm not sure how you correlate scientific discoveries and observations of things going on in the universe with a god creating everything?
I work with a guy who's been a member of Astronomy Associations for 20+ years; he's my source.
If he admits there are shortcomings in the science, who am I to argue.

Mmm hmm. Yeah sure you do. Lol! You have no answers. You know nothing. You are just as much in the dark as anyone else. Holy books are just not as convincing as they were thousands of years ago when people were ignorant of how things worked. :)

As if you have opened one since you were...10?
You're too busy clubbing at night.
You see, I remember what you post because I pay attention to what people have to say.

You could quote them?? :eusa_doh: Would you like me to quote yours where you have been insulting? I can do that quite easily and I'm totally up for the challenge. Now, if you are going to make accusations (especially false ones), then you can at least provide some evidence (I know you hate having to provide any evidence but too bad).

If you think that a person who has an opposing viewpoint or a different viewpoint than yours is "hateful" then I suppose that would be your own problem and not mine. :eusa_think:
Interesting post....between the 2 of us, who has been accused of being nasty by other posters on this Thread.
Not I.

I am think it's a good thing you take notes for a living and don't have to analyze because you're not too bright.
I am not presuming you're not a nice person or fun to be with.
You just don't seem to be able to comprehend the simplest of statements that don't fit with you paradigm of life.

Now go ahead and click the Smile Icon and notice how no one besides myself is even giving cognizance to your input.

So, let's get back on the topic. Religious beliefs. The picture I posted earlier of the young galaxy forming which has been being observed pretty much constantly by astronomers and scientists, etc., where does a god fit in there? Does he have invisible hands that are manipulating these galaxies? How does this magic work?
If God created a universe where grass and crops renew, and human bodies heal and etc. Why wouldn't the same laws of physics apply to various collected and chaotic forces of energy.

Your question doesn't even make sense.

Well apparently gods don't operate under any "laws of physics." :D LOL! How do you think a god would "create" a universe? Do you really believe it is a god behind the scenes and not a natural occurrence?
I could never imagine an obnoxious drunken idiot like you being a natural occurrance of nature.
That would be terrifying.
And now for the moment I have been really trying to avoid for over 2 year...
You're as stupid as they come but not in the least bit amusing...You're earned Ignore.
Here are all of my posts from page 20-25. I'm really not seeing where all of this "meaniness" is??? Care to point it out for me? OTOH, I have been inundated with insults, ranging from being on Prozac and mentally disturbed to being an alcoholic! Lol! I will go quote those in a moment just to put things into perspective. :)

Cam you explain in detail how you derived that blurt from my postings?
And don't explain with a blurt.
Make believe you're taking medical notes.

It's not from your postings. It's the whole entire script.
You haven't read the script.
By your own postings, you have been inundated with what people around you have blurted.

No, I just don't believe in these stories as being real. I don't think it is possible. I don't think it makes any sense when I really start looking at it and asking questions. I think that men made them up. The reasons for such would be a pretty interesting topic as well.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.

I'll bet in the old days, kings and such would make up their own religions to try to get as many followers out of the superstitious sheep as they could muster up! Many an emperor back in Roman days claimed to talk directly with "gods" as well. :)

You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)

  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"
  1. 1.
    make false and damaging statements about (someone).

So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

I have not. I haven't made a personal comment to anyone. I am speaking about religious beliefs and not any individuals. Stop making things up. It seems to me that you are the one making it personal, suggesting I take Prozac and talking down to me because I don't share your beliefs in a god.

Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!

Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!

You can kind of understand how doubt and knowledge and expressing your opinions would be "forbidden fruit." Lol.

You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!

Anyways, I suppose there is always the possibility that there is some higher power out there somewhere in the universe fucking with us. I doubt it though. If there is a higher power, it is probably NOTHING like what is described in any holy book. Are we even a blip on it's radar? Were we an accidental creation? What the fuck is going on on the other side of the universe? Who the hell knows? There's only one way to find out, and those people aren't talking!

What is your opinion of when astronomers view a planet being "born?" Do you believe there is an invisible hands of a god on the planet, forming it like you would form a vase from clay? I don't get it. We have seen planets form, but yet you doubt the big bang theory? I just don't see the logic in these beliefs, other than they make some, and I repeat SOME people feel good about death and dying. I can understand that better than most. It certainly is nice to believe that you will be in some heavenly paradise with your loved ones after your death.
Obsess much?

Just showing you how to prove your point and provide evidence. You see? You wanted to say I was being "mean and nasty." I proved you wrong. I also proved that you are the ones who are being mean and nasty in my post above. :)
I am just curious as to how people can still believe in gods after all of the knowledge we have of how the world works and because of all the far fetched stories and because of the fact that it was written by men and not any gods. Men from ancient times who didn't understand a whole lot about natural occurrences, why or how they occurred.
From page 23 - 28 . . .

Too many things don't make sense and don't add up when you really start to question the whole thing. People have been like "trapped" into this stuff. You HAVE to believe this thing exists, even though you can't see it, feel it, touch it, and there is no evidence that it exists (except for the words of MEN who are admittedly FLAWED). There is no way to get around that without sounding as if you are "evil" or something. No, I am a rebel, and I am going to rebel and say I don't believe in it. Show me some proof. Some REAL actual proof of this magical all powerful being that exists in the sky and determines itself our "king" that we must bow down to and worship.
You really go to get away from that NT.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

You can totally see where believers would treat non believers in a bad manner too. How they would consider themselves "blessed" by a nonexistent entity and therefore "better" than others who are "condemned" by this entity. Lol. It's like so . . . in your face.
You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

You are being dishonest...
I believe you are being inundated at work and/or home and you can't tolerate the message or the manner in which it is delivered.
What's really going on?
And by the way, this is not an introduction to barrage you with "The Lord".
Just spit it out.

What? Not at all. Lol. I'm just giving my opinions on the subject matter. I don't hang out with religious people. The religious people in my family keep it cool. If a religious person with pamphlets shows up at my door, I just don't answer it. Lol. Nobody's home! Go away! Do NOT come back another day! :D
Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Giving an opinion while slandering how many people?
How atheist of you.

Slandering other people? How do you figure? I'm arguing about the truth of religious beliefs. Are you saying that topic is off limits? People HAVE to believe or else they are "slandering" you? No, that's not how it works in today's world. That may have been the case 2000 years ago though. :)
Do you read what you post?
You have made this visciously personal.
Your posts lead me to believe you have been emotionally assaulted by almost everyone in your life.

If this is not so, you need anger management.

Stop making personal comments about me and stick to defending your religious beliefs. Your gods would not approve of your "tactics" I'm sure. :)
Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Read your're calling us assholes and expecting us not to respond.

Nowhere did I call anyone in this thread an asshole. If you want to adopt that term to describe yourself, then go for it though!

I wonder if there is a little Jewish man in your head telling you, "this little Shiksa is getting the better, and you are losing your cool." :D Lol!
You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

You have not insulted me but you are rather damning of Christians.
I get Jews for Jesus and missionaries up my kazoo all the time ane I feel really sorry for their comic book version of God and His creation.

Doubting your beliefs and expressing my opinions of them is not "insulting" you or anyone else. I am free to express MY beliefs and my opinions as much as the religious person.

Now, just IMAGINE the power that those emperors, kings, etc., must have held once they told the people that they have spoken to the gods or god and that they (he) are angry and that is why that famine occurred. The people have been misbehaving again! Just one of many examples of historical usages of "gods" to control the ignorant masses. Nowadays, we KNOW what causes a famine, a volcano, an earthquake. They are not "acts of gods." They are acts of nature and the earth and gravitational forces, etc. If there is a god you need to fear, it is Mother Nature!
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

I don't know what you are talking about. There is no "hatred" on my end for anyone. Lol. Disagreeing with you and expressing my opinions doesn't mean I hate anyone. It's such a useless emotion that only hurts myself and no one else.
The besr
Read your posts.
Your religious, or non-religious, orientation does not obviate you from objectively evaluating how you express yourself.

You are doing a poor job of making your point.

I've done a very nice job of expressing myself and my point. Like I said, you can't believe what it says in some ancient book, just because some person wrote it thousands of years ago. In fact, it is much less likely to be true given that fact. People believed in vampires and witches too at some point. They actually burned people alive and drowned them and tortured them based on these beliefs. The ones who didn't really believe, took full advantage of the situation and "arranged" for people to be accused of being witches, etc. We are not the same as those people. Technology and knowledge has since progressed at quite a rapid pace since those times. We understand much more about how our world works, and it has nothing to do with gods. The only thing you do is make correlations between what it says in your ancient book and actual science, but no actual science supports that anything is related to the act of any god. There is just nothing to suggest such a thing even exists!
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

I don't know what you are talking about. There is no "hatred" on my end for anyone. Lol. Disagreeing with you and expressing my opinions doesn't mean I hate anyone. It's such a useless emotion that only hurts myself and no one else.
The besr
Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

Yet you are unable to point out anything that I have said that was "hateful." Because that is just another lie. I find that is common with religious folks though, they tend to lie a lot and not really walk the walk. They like to talk the talk though.

I don't believe we have had very many "conversations." Lol. Maybe one? I don't remember.
You want me to type your posts back in their entirety?

If you can't see your hate you have bigger problems than I can solve on a message board.
Heck, I'd like to see what you would post about something that upsets you.

Once again you demonstrate that you are not focusing on the give and take.
You religiousity is not the issue.
Your vicious hatred of people who believe in a diety is reprehensible.

Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?

Please repeat the question concerning stars and galaxies and we can have a conversation concerning the subject of astronomy which is a far less accurate science, thus far in history, than Geology, which is pathetically inaccurate until we actually dig.

Why would I have to repeat it? It is right on this same page! :uhh: You do realize that astronomers study space and the universe, correct? I have yet to hear anything about discovering a god manipulating planets and such things. Or is he just invisible?


Here is a picture of a young galaxy just beginning to form. Where is the god? Where does a god fit in here? Do religious people think that there is an invisible god there controlling everything? I'm not sure how you correlate scientific discoveries and observations of things going on in the universe with a god creating everything?
I work with a guy who's been a member of Astronomy Associations for 20+ years; he's my source.
If he admits there are shortcomings in the science, who am I to argue.

Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a wold above and a world below, was an alien intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
It is a bit maddening when people haven't been exposed to learning "out of the box" and take every nuance as an insult.

It sounds as if you are speaking about yourself though! :lol: Too funny.
Today's exchange with you is not much more enlightening than I have see between you and others here over the last few years regarding almost any topic.

The besr
My ability to express myself is limited to the ability of the recipient to receive.
As I have been alerting others, you have left behind an electronic audit of your expressions on this subject.
My perception, limited to the conversions I have had with you in the last few years, is that you are a very hateful person when you are discussing religion. Far more hateful than you are in regards to almost any other topic.

Yet you are unable to point out anything that I have said that was "hateful." Because that is just another lie. I find that is common with religious folks though, they tend to lie a lot and not really walk the walk. They like to talk the talk though.

I don't believe we have had very many "conversations." Lol. Maybe one? I don't remember.
You want me to type your posts back in their entirety?

If you can't see your hate you have bigger problems than I can solve on a message board.
Heck, I'd like to see what you would post about something that upsets you.

You could quote them?? :eusa_doh: Would you like me to quote yours where you have been insulting? I can do that quite easily and I'm totally up for the challenge. Now, if you are going to make accusations (especially false ones), then you can at least provide some evidence (I know you hate having to provide any evidence but too bad).

If you think that a person who has an opposing viewpoint or a different viewpoint than yours is "hateful" then I suppose that would be your own problem and not mine. :eusa_think:
Interesting post....between the 2 of us, who has been accused of being nasty by other posters on this Thread.
Not I.

I am think it's a good thing you take notes for a living and don't have to analyze because you're not too bright.
I am not presuming you're not a nice person or fun to be with.
You just don't seem to be able to comprehend the simplest of statements that don't fit with you paradigm of life.

Now go ahead and click the Smile Icon and notice how no one besides myself is even giving cognizance to your input.

It is a bit maddening when people haven't been exposed to learning "out of the box" and take every nuance as an insult.

It sounds as if you are speaking about yourself though! :lol: Too funny.
Today's exchange with you is not much more enlightening than I have see between you and others here over the last few years regarding almost any topic.

And I've read some of your rather nonsensical troll posts before as well. But don't try to act as if you "know" me or something. You aren't special enough, cute enough or nice enough to be a part of THIS inner circle. ;)
Considering your response in the past to my believing to God is that I'm a fucking idiot, it's no shock that you consider anyone who's not an atheist to be a troll.
Heck, I remember you actually started a Thread to discuss religion vs mythology and you showed immense respect to the atheists and told the God believing folks to get the heck out of thread that you started to discuss the topic; the other main contributor was sealybooboo and you fell in love with his posts because he doesn't believe in God.

You see, I pay attention to what people post.

Please repeat the question concerning stars and galaxies and we can have a conversation concerning the subject of astronomy which is a far less accurate science, thus far in history, than Geology, which is pathetically inaccurate until we actually dig.

Why would I have to repeat it? It is right on this same page! :uhh: You do realize that astronomers study space and the universe, correct? I have yet to hear anything about discovering a god manipulating planets and such things. Or is he just invisible?


Here is a picture of a young galaxy just beginning to form. Where is the god? Where does a god fit in here? Do religious people think that there is an invisible god there controlling everything? I'm not sure how you correlate scientific discoveries and observations of things going on in the universe with a god creating everything?
I work with a guy who's been a member of Astronomy Associations for 20+ years; he's my source.
If he admits there are shortcomings in the science, who am I to argue.

Mmm hmm. Yeah sure you do. Lol! You have no answers. You know nothing. You are just as much in the dark as anyone else. Holy books are just not as convincing as they were thousands of years ago when people were ignorant of how things worked. :)

As if you have opened one since you were...10?
You're too busy clubbing at night.
You see, I remember what you post because I pay attention to what people have to say.

Interesting post....between the 2 of us, who has been accused of being nasty by other posters on this Thread.
Not I.

I am think it's a good thing you take notes for a living and don't have to analyze because you're not too bright.
I am not presuming you're not a nice person or fun to be with.
You just don't seem to be able to comprehend the simplest of statements that don't fit with you paradigm of life.

Now go ahead and click the Smile Icon and notice how no one besides myself is even giving cognizance to your input.

So, let's get back on the topic. Religious beliefs. The picture I posted earlier of the young galaxy forming which has been being observed pretty much constantly by astronomers and scientists, etc., where does a god fit in there? Does he have invisible hands that are manipulating these galaxies? How does this magic work?
If God created a universe where grass and crops renew, and human bodies heal and etc. Why wouldn't the same laws of physics apply to various collected and chaotic forces of energy.

Your question doesn't even make sense.

Well apparently gods don't operate under any "laws of physics." :D LOL! How do you think a god would "create" a universe? Do you really believe it is a god behind the scenes and not a natural occurrence?
I could never imagine an obnoxious drunken idiot like you being a natural occurrance of nature.
That would be terrifying.
And now for the moment I have been really trying to avoid for over 2 year...
You're as stupid as they come but not in the least bit amusing...You're earned Ignore.

What an asshole this guy is . . . seriously! Lol! OMG. I can't even believe it. :ack-1:
I hate to break the news to you but everything that comes out of your mind reveals its addled condition.

Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
She has problems from way back when.
Her biggest problem is anybody's biggest problem...ego.

I suspect that she died an untimely death a very long time ago.

Probably from a poisoned cookie from a talking serpent that she doesn't see,hear, or believe exists.
Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
She has problems from way back when.
Her biggest problem is anybody's biggest problem...ego.

I suspect that she died an untimely death a very long time ago.

Probably from a poisoned cookie from a talking serpent that she doesn't see,hear, or believe exists.

Is this the best you two can do? Really? Because, this is pretty pathetic material. Lol!

So, what role do you think a god plays in the formation of galaxies anyway? He created everything, right? From what I have read, it is all due to stars collapsing in on themselves because of natural destructive forces within.

Stars are the most widely recognized astronomical objects, and represent the most fundamental building blocks of galaxies. The age, distribution, and composition of the stars in a galaxy trace the history, dynamics, and evolution of that galaxy. Moreover, stars are responsible for the manufacture and distribution of heavy elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and their characteristics are intimately tied to the characteristics of the planetary systems that may coalesce about them. Consequently, the study of the birth, life, and death of stars is central to the field of astronomy.

Star Formation
Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under its own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapses, the material at the center begins to heat up. Known as a protostar, it is this hot core at the heart of the collapsing cloud that will one day become a star. Three-dimensional computer models of star formation predict that the spinning clouds of collapsing gas and dust may break up into two or three blobs; this would explain why the majority the stars in the Milky Way are paired or in groups of multiple stars.


(of course, color is added to the photos for effect and so that you can see it better)

As the cloud collapses, a dense, hot core forms and begins gathering dust and gas. Not all of this material ends up as part of a star — the remaining dust can become planets, asteroids, or comets or may remain as dust.

In some cases, the cloud may not collapse at a steady pace. In January 2004, an amateur astronomer, James McNeil, discovered a small nebula that appeared unexpectedly near the nebula Messier 78, in the constellation of Orion. When observers around the world pointed their instruments at McNeil's Nebula, they found something interesting — its brightness appears to vary. Observations with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided a likely explanation: the interaction between the young star's magnetic field and the surrounding gas causes episodic increases in brightness.

Main Sequence Stars
A star the size of our Sun requires about 50 million years to mature from the beginning of the collapse to adulthood. Our Sun will stay in this mature phase (on the main sequence as shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram) for approximately 10 billion years.

Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium deep in their interiors. The outflow of energy from the central regions of the star provides the pressure necessary to keep the star from collapsing under its own weight, and the energy by which it shines.

As shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Main Sequence stars span a wide range of luminosities and colors, and can be classified according to those characteristics. The smallest stars, known as red dwarfs, may contain as little as 10% the mass of the Sun and emit only 0.01% as much energy, glowing feebly at temperatures between 3000-4000K. Despite their diminutive nature, red dwarfs are by far the most numerous stars in the Universe and have lifespans of tens of billions of years.

Stars | Science Mission Directorate
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
She has problems from way back when.
Her biggest problem is anybody's biggest problem...ego.

I suspect that she died an untimely death a very long time ago.

Probably from a poisoned cookie from a talking serpent that she doesn't see,hear, or believe exists.

Is this the best you two can do? Really? Because, this is pretty pathetic material. Lol!

So, what role do you think a god plays in the formation of galaxies anyway? He created everything, right? From what I have read, it is all due to stars collapsing in on themselves because of natural destructive forces within.

Stars are the most widely recognized astronomical objects, and represent the most fundamental building blocks of galaxies. The age, distribution, and composition of the stars in a galaxy trace the history, dynamics, and evolution of that galaxy. Moreover, stars are responsible for the manufacture and distribution of heavy elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and their characteristics are intimately tied to the characteristics of the planetary systems that may coalesce about them. Consequently, the study of the birth, life, and death of stars is central to the field of astronomy.

Star Formation
Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under its own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapses, the material at the center begins to heat up. Known as a protostar, it is this hot core at the heart of the collapsing cloud that will one day become a star. Three-dimensional computer models of star formation predict that the spinning clouds of collapsing gas and dust may break up into two or three blobs; this would explain why the majority the stars in the Milky Way are paired or in groups of multiple stars.


(of course, color is added to the photos for effect and so that you can see it better)

As the cloud collapses, a dense, hot core forms and begins gathering dust and gas. Not all of this material ends up as part of a star — the remaining dust can become planets, asteroids, or comets or may remain as dust.

In some cases, the cloud may not collapse at a steady pace. In January 2004, an amateur astronomer, James McNeil, discovered a small nebula that appeared unexpectedly near the nebula Messier 78, in the constellation of Orion. When observers around the world pointed their instruments at McNeil's Nebula, they found something interesting — its brightness appears to vary. Observations with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided a likely explanation: the interaction between the young star's magnetic field and the surrounding gas causes episodic increases in brightness.

Main Sequence Stars
A star the size of our Sun requires about 50 million years to mature from the beginning of the collapse to adulthood. Our Sun will stay in this mature phase (on the main sequence as shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram) for approximately 10 billion years.

Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium deep in their interiors. The outflow of energy from the central regions of the star provides the pressure necessary to keep the star from collapsing under its own weight, and the energy by which it shines.

As shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Main Sequence stars span a wide range of luminosities and colors, and can be classified according to those characteristics. The smallest stars, known as red dwarfs, may contain as little as 10% the mass of the Sun and emit only 0.01% as much energy, glowing feebly at temperatures between 3000-4000K. Despite their diminutive nature, red dwarfs are by far the most numerous stars in the Universe and have lifespans of tens of billions of years.

Stars | Science Mission Directorate
lol... At the risk of repeating myself for the umpteenth time, the story of the creation of heaven and earth according to genesis is not about the creation of the universe or the solar system. Neither is it about the first plants, animals, or human beings on earth.

You have proven false that which scripture is not about.

She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
I know. Its rather shameful and pathetic.

I've explained to her my beliefs which provide a rational explanation for the fantastical stories and characters like the talking serpent in genesis and then claims that I am the one with the problem because she can't understand and acts like I never explained myself.

then she lashes out me for believing in talking serpents, wtf, and pretends that her unbelief is rational then acts mystified about why anyone would think that she is bitter and has an ax to grind....
She has problems from way back when.
Her biggest problem is anybody's biggest problem...ego.

I suspect that she died an untimely death a very long time ago.

Probably from a poisoned cookie from a talking serpent that she doesn't see,hear, or believe exists.

Is this the best you two can do? Really? Because, this is pretty pathetic material. Lol!

So, what role do you think a god plays in the formation of galaxies anyway? He created everything, right? From what I have read, it is all due to stars collapsing in on themselves because of natural destructive forces within.

Stars are the most widely recognized astronomical objects, and represent the most fundamental building blocks of galaxies. The age, distribution, and composition of the stars in a galaxy trace the history, dynamics, and evolution of that galaxy. Moreover, stars are responsible for the manufacture and distribution of heavy elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and their characteristics are intimately tied to the characteristics of the planetary systems that may coalesce about them. Consequently, the study of the birth, life, and death of stars is central to the field of astronomy.

Star Formation
Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under its own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapses, the material at the center begins to heat up. Known as a protostar, it is this hot core at the heart of the collapsing cloud that will one day become a star. Three-dimensional computer models of star formation predict that the spinning clouds of collapsing gas and dust may break up into two or three blobs; this would explain why the majority the stars in the Milky Way are paired or in groups of multiple stars.


(of course, color is added to the photos for effect and so that you can see it better)

As the cloud collapses, a dense, hot core forms and begins gathering dust and gas. Not all of this material ends up as part of a star — the remaining dust can become planets, asteroids, or comets or may remain as dust.

In some cases, the cloud may not collapse at a steady pace. In January 2004, an amateur astronomer, James McNeil, discovered a small nebula that appeared unexpectedly near the nebula Messier 78, in the constellation of Orion. When observers around the world pointed their instruments at McNeil's Nebula, they found something interesting — its brightness appears to vary. Observations with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provided a likely explanation: the interaction between the young star's magnetic field and the surrounding gas causes episodic increases in brightness.

Main Sequence Stars
A star the size of our Sun requires about 50 million years to mature from the beginning of the collapse to adulthood. Our Sun will stay in this mature phase (on the main sequence as shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram) for approximately 10 billion years.

Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium deep in their interiors. The outflow of energy from the central regions of the star provides the pressure necessary to keep the star from collapsing under its own weight, and the energy by which it shines.

As shown in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, Main Sequence stars span a wide range of luminosities and colors, and can be classified according to those characteristics. The smallest stars, known as red dwarfs, may contain as little as 10% the mass of the Sun and emit only 0.01% as much energy, glowing feebly at temperatures between 3000-4000K. Despite their diminutive nature, red dwarfs are by far the most numerous stars in the Universe and have lifespans of tens of billions of years.

Stars | Science Mission Directorate
lol... At the risk of repeating myself for the umpteenth time, the story of the creation of heaven and earth according to genesis is not about the creation of the universe or the solar system. Neither is it about the first plants, animals, or human beings on earth.

You have proven false that which scripture is not about.


Oh, so now god did not create the universe, only heaven and earth and nothing else? ***groan*** You guys just move the goal posts whenever confronted with science.
And another thing is that you all believe something different. It's like you are just making it up as you go along, recreating "god's creation" with every new scientific discovery that kind of goes against a god being "the creator."

So now, is god just an entity that already existed in and lives somewhere in the universe?
Why not just admit that you don't know if there is really any god or not? It's not so terrible to admit that you don't know everything. Why pretend that you are all pious and act arrogant about the whole thing? What does that accomplish? Does that help to sway anyone to believe you and your claims? No, it does not. If anything, it is a HUGE turn off. You just want to be right when it is quite clear that you don't know anymore than I do about it. A book is just not good enough evidence.
Try to look at it as an extraterrestrial intervention on a planet filled with semi intelligent beings running amok for millions of years.

God is a living being that loves us like you would love an idiot son who most likely will disregard your advice and set aside your teaching and end up in a world of self inflicted hurt.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. That is not reflection of a flaw or an indication of malevolence in the teacher.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
Try to look at it as an extraterrestrial intervention on a planet filled with semi intelligent beings running amok for millions of years.

God is a living being that loves us like you would love an idiot son who most likely will disregard your advice and set aside your teaching and end up in a world of self inflicted hurt.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. That is not reflection of a flaw or an indication of malevolence in the teacher.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Try to look at it as an extraterrestrial intervention on a planet filled with semi intelligent beings running amok for millions of years.

God is a living being that loves us like you would love an idiot son who most likely will disregard your advice and set aside your teaching and end up in a world of self inflicted hurt.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. That is not reflection of a flaw or an indication of malevolence in the teacher.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Try to look at it as an extraterrestrial intervention on a planet filled with semi intelligent beings running amok for millions of years.

God is a living being that loves us like you would love an idiot son who most likely will disregard your advice and set aside your teaching and end up in a world of self inflicted hurt.

Some people just have to learn the hard way. That is not reflection of a flaw or an indication of malevolence in the teacher.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Going back to just because you didn't see it yesterday doesn't mean you won't see it today.

And anyway, alan is not being anywhere near the inappropriate asshole you are.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
I can do everything known to science for myself, given enough time and money. I took chemistry and saw molecules form, some of them esters. I can blow on a pinwheel or take pictures with infrared film. I can build detectors sensitive to ultraviolet light. No faith is required.

In my life I've never encountered ANYTHING that was clearly supernatural. Plenty of things I couldn't explain but that doesn't mean they are supernatural.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Going back to just because you didn't see it yesterday doesn't mean you won't see it today.

And anyway, alan is not being anywhere near the inappropriate asshole you are.

If there is an "inappropriate asshole" in this thread, it would be yourself, you arrogant pompous POS.

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