Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a wold above and a world below, was an alien intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
It is a bit maddening when people haven't been exposed to learning "out of the box" and take every nuance as an insult.

It sounds as if you are speaking about yourself though! :lol: Too funny.
Today's exchange with you is not much more enlightening than I have see between you and others here over the last few years regarding almost any topic.

And I've read some of your rather nonsensical troll posts before as well. But don't try to act as if you "know" me or something. You aren't special enough, cute enough or nice enough to be a part of THIS inner circle. ;)
Considering your response in the past to my believing to God is that I'm a fucking idiot, it's no shock that you consider anyone who's not an atheist to be a troll.
Heck, I remember you actually started a Thread to discuss religion vs mythology and you showed immense respect to the atheists and told the God believing folks to get the heck out of thread that you started to discuss the topic; the other main contributor was sealybooboo and you fell in love with his posts because he doesn't believe in God.

You see, I pay attention to what people post.

None of this is true. All lies.
Is this the best you can do? Lol. Really? You are doing a terrible job at representing your religion and defending it. Now, what about the question of stars and galaxies being born I asked in my post above?

Please repeat the question concerning stars and galaxies and we can have a conversation concerning the subject of astronomy which is a far less accurate science, thus far in history, than Geology, which is pathetically inaccurate until we actually dig.

Why would I have to repeat it? It is right on this same page! :uhh: You do realize that astronomers study space and the universe, correct? I have yet to hear anything about discovering a god manipulating planets and such things. Or is he just invisible?


Here is a picture of a young galaxy just beginning to form. Where is the god? Where does a god fit in here? Do religious people think that there is an invisible god there controlling everything? I'm not sure how you correlate scientific discoveries and observations of things going on in the universe with a god creating everything?
I work with a guy who's been a member of Astronomy Associations for 20+ years; he's my source.
If he admits there are shortcomings in the science, who am I to argue.

Mmm hmm. Yeah sure you do. Lol! You have no answers. You know nothing. You are just as much in the dark as anyone else. Holy books are just not as convincing as they were thousands of years ago when people were ignorant of how things worked. :)

As if you have opened one since you were...10?
You're too busy clubbing at night.
You see, I remember what you post because I pay attention to what people have to say.

More lies. I work 2nd shift, fucking idiot. There, now I AM going to call you a fucking idiot because that is the ONLY thing you have proven in this thread. So, thanks at least for showing me and others just what makes up a "religious" person. :)
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.

As if you know anything about MY mind. Lol. Just because I don't believe in ridiculous far fetched stories that were written . . . THOUSANDS of years ago by people who were ignorant of the way things worked doesn't mean I'm full of "bile" or whatever insult you want to throw around. You are not going to silence me, so you may as well give it up!
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.

AS if you know what any "gods" would be thinking. I suppose this means you must think I'm a "demon." Is that right? Or a "talking serpent?" :cuckoo:
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.

AS if you know what any "gods" would be thinking. I suppose this means you must think I'm a "demon." Is that right? Or a "talking serpent?" :cuckoo:

No, you are just a bitter and confused old woman with an ax to grind.
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.

AS if you know what any "gods" would be thinking. I suppose this means you must think I'm a "demon." Is that right? Or a "talking serpent?" :cuckoo:

No, you are just a bitter and confused old woman with an ax to grind.

I'm young and have no axes to grind. I just simply don't believe in bible stories or gods. Now what? What am I now? Lol.
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.
I just put ChrisL on Ignore.
I have defended her time and again for the last few years when peope were calling her an uneducated moron and worse but she's gone beyond the pale.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's drunk at the moment.
For me, believing in gods is not different from believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.

alrighty then..

Its truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your beliefs have done for you.

I'm very impressed.

Sorry to say, I'm not very impressed in you. You and your religious friends are like the OPPOSITE of the teachings of Jesus. Who is the "snake" here? :D You are.
So? Why is the god so secretive? Why not show yourself and talk to your people? Why play these sick and cruel games? I know why. Because something that does not exist cannot show itself. That is where the "faith" comes into play of course!

Just because God does not come to you in any form or fashion does not mean that he does not exist. Would you want to spend any time with a person who is always oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

If you truly seek proof of Gods existence as a living being you must first purify and refine your mind so that you might become a creature capable of perceiving the living God.

Its not that God is hiding as much as there is too much garbage in your mind affecting your perceptions which builds a barrier between you and your God who is holy.
I just put ChrisL on Ignore.
I have defended her time and again for the last few years when peope were calling her an uneducated moron and worse but she's gone beyond the pale.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's drunk at the moment.

Yet more lies. Lol. I don't drink alcohol. I hate alcohol. You've never defended me. I don't know you or anything about you, nor do you know anything about me. I don't need anyone to defend me. I'm quite confident and capable in myself and my abilities. Also, I'm a college educated intelligent and attractive woman who is a loving mother, daughter, niece, cousin, granddaughter. :) I just don't believe in gods is all.
As if you know anything about MY mind.

I hate to break the news to you but everything that comes out of your mind reveals its addled condition.

Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.
She'll post the letter "A" and then deny it.
As if you know anything about MY mind.

I hate to break the news to you but everything that comes out of your mind reveals its addled condition.

Examples? Oh that's right. You can't give any. :D Keep up with the insults though. It just proves what I've said from the beginning.
the past three pages of your own posts is proof enough.

Such as? My disbelief of your belief system? Because I haven't personally attacked any of you YET. :D Yet, that is what you are resorting to. You know when you have nothing left but insults? You lost. I won this argument, so I thank you for your concession. No speech is necessary though. ;)
Well, just like you can't prove or even provide any supporting evidence for any of your claims or beliefs, I suppose this one about me being "mean" can be thrown in the rubbish along with your other claims and beliefs. :D

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