Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

I consider existence to be supernatural.
I have yet to meet or Google a scientist that can state with a straight face that the universe is mathematically possible...because it isn't.
Sounds a bit like a God of the gaps argument. And this gap too may be closed. In the new work, The Grand Design, Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the Big Bang, rather than occurring following the intervention of a divine being, was inevitable due to the law of gravity.
What causes the existence of gravity?
Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which describes gravity not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass.

Certainly there are gaps in our scientific knowledge but do you believe we will never close those gaps?
Mass is composed of matter.
Where did the matter come from?
HINT: Not from Hawking's diaper.

No one enjoys technology more than Observant Jews.
I learn Torah all day long thanks to the enlightenment God bestows upon humans.

I gave up Carnation Jumbo Fried Shrimp.
Mass is composed of matter.
Where did the matter come from?
HINT: Not from Hawking's diaper.
Mass is a property of matter. Where does the Torah say matter comes from and how is it created?
I suggest your first move is to Google the Ramban and Ohr Hachaim regarding Genesis 1:1.
Read each word carefully and have a bottle of painkillers available as this is not a light subject matter in rabbinical literature.
Then go to
Read the Zohar very carefully and whatever you don't understand now you will understand next year.

There are a plethora of ancient rabbis who delve into the creation of matter and anti-matter.
Yes, Jews we discussing anti-matter 1,000 yers ago.
Idiot son? Hey I've been called worse.

But you really didn't answer the questions though and your analogy is flawed since the ETs didn't create me.

I doubt God is a living being in any sense of our conception of living. Maybe in the sense that the universe is 'living'. But you are right, some people just have to learn the hard way. Unjustly it is God who makes it hard, not us. God refuses to reveal himself (where's my burning bush?) and allows alternative versions of himself, each with different mores. How can I disregard his advice and set aside his teaching if I don't know what they are? This system is deeply flawed.

I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Going back to just because you didn't see it yesterday doesn't mean you won't see it today.

And anyway, alan is not being anywhere near the inappropriate asshole you are.
So then Santa Claus must be real in your world, because you never now, this might be the year that you see him! :lmao:
I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Going back to just because you didn't see it yesterday doesn't mean you won't see it today.

And anyway, alan is not being anywhere near the inappropriate asshole you are.
So then Santa Claus must be real in your world, because you never now, this might be the year that you see him! :lmao:

Plus I read about him in a really old book! ;)
I wasn't calling you an idiot son, I was making an analogy about the relationship between God and human beings in general, including me.

And I didn't say that ET's created you, I said look at Genesis as if the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, was an extraterrestrial intervention on our existing species that had been running amok like wild animals without a clue, "darkness covered the face of the deep", for the previous millions of years.

If you don't know what his teachings are, look and look and keep on looking util you find it. In the meantime use the common sense that God gave a rodent to figure out what his teachings cannot possibly be about.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing.
Sorry I neglected to put a :eusa_angel: after the idiot son reply. I understood what you meant and was not insulted.

I've always had a chicken and egg problem with faith. You must first believe in it before you can experience it. Awkwardly put but put another way, there is no rational path to religion, you must take on faith what you can not see with your own senses and which actually flies in the face of everything you've ever experienced.
You can see atoms forming molecules?
I'm impressed.
You can see air?
Infrared? Ultraviolet?
You can see the molecules you smell?

You see, the leap of faith is in your face even when God is not in the picture.
Not faith because science has shown these things to exist, so yes, we can see them wit our own eyes, even if it's through a microscope. As for your invisible friend, nobody has EVER seen it. You lose.
Going back to just because you didn't see it yesterday doesn't mean you won't see it today.

And anyway, alan is not being anywhere near the inappropriate asshole you are.
So then Santa Claus must be real in your world, because you never now, this might be the year that you see him! :lmao:
I presume you're not married became I can't imagine how anyone can tolerate someone as remarkably mature as yourself.
Yes, we hear and see examples of people who think they've "talked to god" and had "visions" and saw god, etc. People like Andrea Yates.

Sure, and I've seen people who can't figure out the meaning of a talking serpent in what amounts to a fairy tale even after the great mystery was openly revealed to them many times....

And some people don't believe in curses...

Imagine that!

Yes, I get it. Your "talking serpent" is a metaphor for nonbelievers. Is that right?
No, the talking serpent is a metaphor for the type of religious deceivers that you object to, whoever messed up your mind.

Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to God instead of the human being that confused you with lies about God effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth for decades, if not the rest of your life..
Yes, we hear and see examples of people who think they've "talked to god" and had "visions" and saw god, etc. People like Andrea Yates.

Sure, and I've seen people who can't figure out the meaning of a talking serpent in what amounts to a fairy tale even after the great mystery was openly revealed to them many times....

And some people don't believe in curses...

Imagine that!

Yes, I get it. Your "talking serpent" is a metaphor for nonbelievers. Is that right?
No, the talking serpent is a metaphor for the type of religious deceivers that you object to, whoever messed up your mind.

Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*
Maybe I could put it in a more simple way, as I got older and educated myself a bit more about religion by actually picking up a bible and reading it, I thought to myself, "what a load of garbage!" How is that?
Sure, and I've seen people who can't figure out the meaning of a talking serpent in what amounts to a fairy tale even after the great mystery was openly revealed to them many times....

And some people don't believe in curses...

Imagine that!

Yes, I get it. Your "talking serpent" is a metaphor for nonbelievers. Is that right?
No, the talking serpent is a metaphor for the type of religious deceivers that you object to, whoever messed up your mind.

Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Who was teaching you about eternal condemnation when you were a child if not a talking serpent, a religious deceiver??

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.
Yes, I get it. Your "talking serpent" is a metaphor for nonbelievers. Is that right?
No, the talking serpent is a metaphor for the type of religious deceivers that you object to, whoever messed up your mind.

Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.
Let's not forget about the pictures that they show us too! IMO, Hell was designed to scare people into believing, as another way to control the masses. Back in those days, they couldn't police large territories, so they liked to "scare" people into behaving, is one theory I have.

No, the talking serpent is a metaphor for the type of religious deceivers that you object to, whoever messed up your mind.

Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.

When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, hell, he was referring to a smoldering garbage dump in a valley outside the walls of the holy city, a place where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird calls home and feasts on corruption. Creatures in this place where the light doesn't shine think that the abundance of trash is evidence of them being blessed by God.

Its just a metaphor for the unenlightened state of mind of people who fill their minds with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures, like swine that do not ruminate, talking serpents, bottom feeders, or rats, etc., who then, as a consequence, degenerate into unclean creepy critters themselves that feed exclusively on garbage and end up in the dump, outside the walls of the holy city, where all garbage ends up.
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Oh, so someone must have screwed with my mind. Is this related to the fact that I'm a woman or something? Do you think I am incapable of coming to independent thought doing my own research and forming my own opinions based on such? I am sorry if it is offensive for you, but I believe in the scientific explanations, and not the religious ones.

Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.

When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, hell, he was referring to a smoldering garbage dump in a valley outside the walls of the holy city, a place where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird calls home and feasts on corruption. Creatures in this place where the light doesn't shine think that the abundance of trash is evidence of them being blessed by God.

Its just a metaphor for the unenlightened state of mind of people who fill their minds with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures, like swine that do not ruminate, talking serpents, demons, or devils, etc., who then as a consequense degenerate into creepy critters that feed exclusively on garbage and end up in the dump where all garbage ends up.

"Flesh of unclean creatures." I understand that it is your idea that everything in the Bible is just a metaphor. I disagree. I think a lot of people believed and still do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I think that is what the "leaders" back then wanted, and that is where man made religions sprouted from. So, you and I have different ideas on what is up with this thousands year old book. Nobody REALLY knows for sure, and that is what I find annoying. How you seem to think your ideas are the ONLY valid ideas that exist. Well, were you alive back then? Are you privy to some information that nobody else really knows about? You are just taking ideas and opinions that you have read about and agree with and have adopted as your own and trying to tell me that there is just NO other explanation except for the ones that you agree with.
Maybe I could put it in a more simple way, as I got older and educated myself a bit more about religion by actually picking up a bible and reading it, I thought to myself, "what a load of garbage!" How is that?

You weren't taught how to read it properly, obviously, and apparently nor have you taken Literature and Philosophy classes, much less courses on textual criticism, either. that's okay, for the post-modern origami threads and the like, but why litter up threads on topics you know nothing about, just to pronounce yourself something or other? The vast majority of your fellow 'atheists' cultists here are blithering idiots; are you trying for one of their jerseys or something? Feel a need for acceptance from morons? You're not even remotely educated, so the latter must be it.
Yes, a talking serpent, specifically, screwed up your mind, probably when you were a child.

Whoever offended your sense of right and wrong when you were a young with the BS interpretations of scripture about burning in hell forever if you don't believe in an edible mangod etc.

What this did was transfer your outrage to imaginary god instead of the human being that confused you effectively preventing you from proceeding towards the discovery of the truth.

Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.

When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, hell, he was referring to a smoldering garbage dump in a valley outside the walls of the holy city, a place where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird calls home and feasts on corruption. Creatures in this place where the light doesn't shine think that the abundance of trash is evidence of them being blessed by God.

Its just a metaphor for the unenlightened state of mind of people who fill their minds with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures, like swine that do not ruminate, talking serpents, demons, or devils, etc., who then as a consequense degenerate into creepy critters that feed exclusively on garbage and end up in the dump where all garbage ends up.

"Flesh of unclean creatures." I understand that it is your idea that everything in the Bible is just a metaphor. I disagree. I think a lot of people believed and still do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I think that is what the "leaders" back then wanted, and that is where man made religions sprouted from. So, you and I have different ideas on what is up with this thousands year old book. Nobody REALLY knows for sure, and that is what I find annoying. How you seem to think your ideas are the ONLY valid ideas that exist. Well, were you alive back then? Are you privy to some information that nobody else really knows about? You are just taking ideas and opinions that you have read about and agree with and have adopted as your own and trying to tell me that there is just NO other explanation except for the ones that you agree with.
Its never been a secret that the Torah means instruction, not history.

It is also no secret that in every culture and language of every nation that ever existed people have compared other people to lower beasts to either praise or condemn ever since people could talk.
Maybe I could put it in a more simple way, as I got older and educated myself a bit more about religion by actually picking up a bible and reading it, I thought to myself, "what a load of garbage!" How is that?

You weren't taught how to read it properly, obviously, and apparently nor have you taken Literature and Philosophy classes, much less courses on textual criticism, either. that's okay, for the post-modern origami threads and the like, but why litter up threads on topics you know nothing about, just to pronounce yourself something or other? The vast majority of your fellow 'atheists' cultists here are blithering idiots; are you trying for one of their jerseys or something? Feel a need for acceptance from morons? You're not even remotely educated, so the latter must be it.

Maybe you've never heard of church, where they teach you the same things? I've been to church. I've been to Sunday school.
Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.

When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, hell, he was referring to a smoldering garbage dump in a valley outside the walls of the holy city, a place where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird calls home and feasts on corruption. Creatures in this place where the light doesn't shine think that the abundance of trash is evidence of them being blessed by God.

Its just a metaphor for the unenlightened state of mind of people who fill their minds with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures, like swine that do not ruminate, talking serpents, demons, or devils, etc., who then as a consequense degenerate into creepy critters that feed exclusively on garbage and end up in the dump where all garbage ends up.

"Flesh of unclean creatures." I understand that it is your idea that everything in the Bible is just a metaphor. I disagree. I think a lot of people believed and still do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I think that is what the "leaders" back then wanted, and that is where man made religions sprouted from. So, you and I have different ideas on what is up with this thousands year old book. Nobody REALLY knows for sure, and that is what I find annoying. How you seem to think your ideas are the ONLY valid ideas that exist. Well, were you alive back then? Are you privy to some information that nobody else really knows about? You are just taking ideas and opinions that you have read about and agree with and have adopted as your own and trying to tell me that there is just NO other explanation except for the ones that you agree with.
Its never been a secret that the Torah means instruction, not history.

It is also no secret that in every culture and language of every nation that ever existed people have compared other people to lower beasts to either praise or condemn every since people could talk.

Such bull. There are also depictions of hell in actual pictures to go along with the scare tactics.
Well, you are going to project your own feelings onto me and think what you want, whatever. I've told you how I came to my conclusions, by READING about it. Yes, I was taught about "hell" and such things too but not in any way that anyone else wasn't being taught! I just am able to think outside the box and think for myself. Anyhow, there is nothing I can do about how you think. Not my problem. Not my issue. *shrugs*

Torturing people for eternity for not believing in something and for a whole slew of other reasons that are probably included is WRONG to me. There is just no way to justify this act, and I felt the same way as a child.

Yeah and? That is what the Bible says too. Are you trying to say that the Bible is wrong about hell and there is really no hell? Because they clearly describe a place called "hell" or "hades" in the Bible. I suppose you, like so many other people, will tell me that these interpretations are incorrect or that is not what they really meant because YOU know this. Well, the common knowledge is that if you disobey the gods, you will be punished in a Hell type of place where there are devils, "gnashing of teeth", being "torn apart" and other such horrid things. Yeah, that's kind of scary when you are a child and you have your doubts about there being a god or not.

When Jesus spoke of Gehenna, hell, he was referring to a smoldering garbage dump in a valley outside the walls of the holy city, a place where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird calls home and feasts on corruption. Creatures in this place where the light doesn't shine think that the abundance of trash is evidence of them being blessed by God.

Its just a metaphor for the unenlightened state of mind of people who fill their minds with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean creatures, like swine that do not ruminate, talking serpents, demons, or devils, etc., who then as a consequense degenerate into creepy critters that feed exclusively on garbage and end up in the dump where all garbage ends up.

"Flesh of unclean creatures." I understand that it is your idea that everything in the Bible is just a metaphor. I disagree. I think a lot of people believed and still do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I think that is what the "leaders" back then wanted, and that is where man made religions sprouted from. So, you and I have different ideas on what is up with this thousands year old book. Nobody REALLY knows for sure, and that is what I find annoying. How you seem to think your ideas are the ONLY valid ideas that exist. Well, were you alive back then? Are you privy to some information that nobody else really knows about? You are just taking ideas and opinions that you have read about and agree with and have adopted as your own and trying to tell me that there is just NO other explanation except for the ones that you agree with.
Its never been a secret that the Torah means instruction, not history.

It is also no secret that in every culture and language of every nation that ever existed people have compared other people to lower beasts to either praise or condemn ever since people could talk.

I've never read the Torah. I've asked a person to explain a little of it to me earlier in the thread but the person refused and would rather call me "dumb" and a "drunk" and other such things. Anyways, I am referring to the BIBLE. How else do you interpret "eternal damnation" and "being torn apart" and "writhing in agony"????
"Flesh of unclean creatures." I understand that it is your idea that everything in the Bible is just a metaphor. I disagree. I think a lot of people believed and still do believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and I think that is what the "leaders" back then wanted, and that is where man made religions sprouted from. So, you and I have different ideas on what is up with this thousands year old book. Nobody REALLY knows for sure, and that is what I find annoying. How you seem to think your ideas are the ONLY valid ideas that exist. Well, were you alive back then? Are you privy to some information that nobody else really knows about? You are just taking ideas and opinions that you have read about and agree with and have adopted as your own and trying to tell me that there is just NO other explanation except for the ones that you agree with.

Picaro is only one of many who was taught what he is now presenting. You have heard similar things from me. The two of us do not live in a vacuum, but have been immersed in studies/philosophies that are available to all. So, no, we are not privy to information nobody else really knows about. It is readily available. All we are pointing out is that there are other explanations outside of the ones some others happened to accept, adopt, and agree with.

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