Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

Picaro inadvertantly put a standard on the claimed witnesses of Jesus legend, since the Mandeans have just the same
EQUAL RIGHTS to their accounts (being survivors of the John Legend) as those who wrote in the names of those claimed to exist in Jesus supposed era (who actually didn't).
So when Picaro uses terms like conspiracy and Gnosticsm, he has to reflect that same standard to his version of the Jesus
mythology qnd Q theories.
You can't have it both ways, once you set the standard of reason you are bound by your own irrational logic. When you don't, it's called HYPOCRACY. In this case the hypocracy was done as a demonization of opponent views=ad hominem response by someone made "wormwood" by
the fallen (morning) star mythology.
Exactly... People cannot have it both ways and yet they try that is why the Q ball is so popular in pool and is used the most but no one wants to pick it up out of the pocket when one makes a mistake and scratches... Human nature is so predictable and so are egos and not admitting when one is wrong....
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The paper of today is of far superior quality than that of even 1,000 years ago.
Not to mention that pages were sown together using thread made out of rotting chicken and cow meat.
Who expects to find original, ancient manuscripts in pristine condition?
Only fools.

Yes, and even that deteriorates by exposure to air over time. Most of the remains of old parchment and papyrus is from extremely dry areas, usually buried, and even that is is in bits and pieces that start falling apart almost immediately and has to be rushed to specialists who have to take pains to store them in similar conditions, and only take them out to be examined and recorded very very carefully. But don't expect scientific illiterates to know that, since they like to pick and choose among stuff in order to feed conspiracy theories, i.e. their 'standards' change to suit their fantasies, but those 'standards' suddenly don't apply to anything that contradicts whatever BS they hope to spread. There were so many copies of the New testament books spread over a wide area by the second century, some 20,000 or so, it was impossible to suddenly throw in any fakes, but never mind that, we're supposed to believe that after centuries of persecutions and massacres defying Emperors and other rulers da Evul Xians just suddenly just rolled over for Constantine and they let him tell them what to write and stuff; you know, ridiculous idiocy like that ...

The orthodox versions prevailed because they were the originals and the most widespread to begin with, not because they were afraid of some ruler or other and they up and changed it all around. these morons think there was a 'Catholic Church n stuff telling everybody what to do' in 325 A.D. or something, never mind the Syrian churches were the main bastions of doctrine and preservation, not the church in Rome, which wasn't even the main capital during the Tetrarchy and after. They didn't roll over for their worst persecutors like Diocletian or the other three Tetrarchs, but magically they did whatever Constantine said, for some reason, mostly entirely in the imaginary fantasies of conspirards.

the year 150 AD"-------nope Pic----YOU IS DREAMING. ----and "everything disintegrates within minutes" ---<<<< nope
Picaro inadvertantly put a standard on the claimed witnesses of Jesus legend, since the Mandeans have just the same
EQUAL RIGHTS to their accounts (being survivors of the John Legend) as those who wrote in the names of those claimed to exist in Jesus supposed era (who actually didn't).
So when Picaro uses terms like conspiracy and Gnosticsm, he has to reflect that same standard to his version of the Jesus
mythology qnd Q theories.
You can't have it both ways, once you set the standard of reason you are bound by your own irrational logic. When you don't, it's called HYPOCRACY.
I'm sure you're a nice person but I find your postings to be virtually incomprehensible.

He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage. Same for the 'gnostic' rubbish. The Gnostic stuff has been deconstructed and proven to be false for a long time now; see Darrell Bock and others for that evidence. Basically all they have is Elaine Pagels building a career for herself selling books to conspiracy theorists and the ignorant. Bock's The Missing Gospels is a short book written for laymen on the issues surrounding the Bauer theories and how ridiculous the Gnostic claims are. He has written several academic volumes on the topic, as have several others. But they're not movie material like Dan Brown's fiction, real buzz killers for conspiratards, so they don't get promoted by Amazon and Hollywood.
You just admited Christianity is trolling Judaism in it's Bigotry. Once again, you set a standard that you can't keep(=deflection), thus are mere ad hominem responding and demonizing your opponent instead of intellectual honesty in refutation.
Picaro inadvertantly put a standard on the claimed witnesses of Jesus legend, since the Mandeans have just the same
EQUAL RIGHTS to their accounts (being survivors of the John Legend) as those who wrote in the names of those claimed to exist in Jesus supposed era (who actually didn't).
So when Picaro uses terms like conspiracy and Gnosticsm, he has to reflect that same standard to his version of the Jesus
mythology qnd Q theories.
You can't have it both ways, once you set the standard of reason you are bound by your own irrational logic. When you don't, it's called HYPOCRACY.
I'm sure you're a nice person but I find your postings to be virtually incomprehensible.

He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage. Same for the 'gnostic' rubbish. The Gnostic stuff has been deconstructed and proven to be false for a long time now; see Darrell Bock and others for that evidence. Basically all they have is Elaine Pagels building a career for herself selling books to conspiracy theorists and the ignorant. Bock's The Missing Gospels is a short book written for laymen on the issues surrounding the Bauer theories and how ridiculous the Gnostic claims are. He has written several academic volumes on the topic, as have several others. But they're not movie material like Dan Brown's fiction, real buzz killers for conspiratards, so they don't get promoted by Amazon and Hollywood.
You just admited Christianity is trolling Judaism in it's Bigotry. Once again, you set a standard that you can't keep(=deflection), thus are mere ad hominem responding and demonizing your opponent instead of intellectual honesty in refutation.

lol Jewish racism and fanatical obsessions with 'racial purity' in the 1st century as well as long before and long after is well documented and well known, along with their attempts at genocides of Christians; go try and sell your silly garbage to the clueless.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The paper of today is of far superior quality than that of even 1,000 years ago.
Not to mention that pages were sown together using thread made out of rotting chicken and cow meat.
Who expects to find original, ancient manuscripts in pristine condition?
Only fools.

Yes, and even that deteriorates by exposure to air over time. Most of the remains of old parchment and papyrus is from extremely dry areas, usually buried, and even that is is in bits and pieces that start falling apart almost immediately and has to be rushed to specialists who have to take pains to store them in similar conditions, and only take them out to be examined and recorded very very carefully. But don't expect scientific illiterates to know that, since they like to pick and choose among stuff in order to feed conspiracy theories, i.e. their 'standards' change to suit their fantasies, but those 'standards' suddenly don't apply to anything that contradicts whatever BS they hope to spread. There were so many copies of the New testament books spread over a wide area by the second century, some 20,000 or so, it was impossible to suddenly throw in any fakes, but never mind that, we're supposed to believe that after centuries of persecutions and massacres defying Emperors and other rulers da Evul Xians just suddenly just rolled over for Constantine and they let him tell them what to write and stuff; you know, ridiculous idiocy like that ...

The orthodox versions prevailed because they were the originals and the most widespread to begin with, not because they were afraid of some ruler or other and they up and changed it all around. these morons think there was a 'Catholic Church n stuff telling everybody what to do' in 325 A.D. or something, never mind the Syrian churches were the main bastions of doctrine and preservation, not the church in Rome, which wasn't even the main capital during the Tetrarchy and after. They didn't roll over for their worst persecutors like Diocletian or the other three Tetrarchs, but magically they did whatever Constantine said, for some reason, mostly entirely in the imaginary fantasies of conspirards.

the year 150 AD"-------nope Pic----YOU IS DREAMING. ----and "everything disintegrates within minutes" ---<<<< nope

Stick to playing to the conspiratard crowd with idiotic ahistorical claims re Constantine; it's your only 'contribution' that has any popularity here.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
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There were so many copies of the New testament books spread over a wide area by the second century, some 20,000 or so, it was impossible to suddenly throw in any fakes
At a time when books were hand written and extremely expensive it seems unlikely there were very many copies floating around. Especially since most in the ancient world were illiterate. We have thousands of fragments of scripture from a time before the printing press standardized it and they ALL differ from all the others. Most are simple typos but some are significant additions or deletions.

The orthodox versions prevailed because they were the originals and the most widespread to begin with, not because they were afraid of some ruler or other and they up and changed it all around. these morons think there was a 'Catholic Church n stuff telling everybody what to do' in 325 A.D. or something, never mind the Syrian churches were the main bastions of doctrine and preservation, not the church in Rome, which wasn't even the main capital during the Tetrarchy and after. They didn't roll over for their worst persecutors like Diocletian or the other three Tetrarchs, but magically they did whatever Constantine said, for some reason, mostly entirely in the imaginary fantasies of conspirards.
There were various 'heretical' flavors of Christianity in its early days. With the financial and political support of Constantine, the Roman Church was able to dominate and determine what is 'orthodox' Christianity. If not for Constantine there might still be Gnostic Christians. Constantine probably didn't care which Christian dogma prevailed, he only wanted a unified church that would support him politically.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.

The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.

I've read some of the Bible, and that is really kind of what made me disbelieve the whole religion thing. I just simply find it way too farfetched to believe. I could believe it is a book of parables, written by MEN as lessons to other people, but none of it is real, IMO. The Bible, IMO, is evidence of men who didn't understand the world around them or how it worked, and believed supernatural entities were responsible for natural disasters, etc. Just like the Greeks blamed their Gods for famines, droughts, other natural disasters. For them, these disasters that they didn't understand were PROOF that there were Gods toying with them. That is not proof for modern people who know a heck of a lot more than people from thousands of years ago.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.

I've read some of the Bible, and that is really kind of what made me disbelieve the whole religion thing. I just simply find it way too farfetched to believe. I could believe it is a book of parables, written by MEN as lessons to other people, but none of it is real, IMO. The Bible, IMO, is evidence of men who didn't understand the world around them or how it worked, and believed supernatural entities were responsible for natural disasters, etc. Just like the Greeks blamed their Gods for famines, droughts, other natural disasters. For them, these disasters that they didn't understand were PROOF that there were Gods toying with them. That is not proof for modern people who know a heck of a lot more than people from thousands of years ago.
The Torah It is not to be read in English and it's not a novel. Each word, phrase or sentence carries the weight of the universe (literally).
It is to be studied, not read.

The NT is a run on sentence.
The whole bible is fiction, so arguing over whether there was a working copy that someone may or may not copied from, that may or may not have existed, is like arguing over whether Santa Claus used deodorant or not. It's even more absurd than the absurd. So please stick to the main myths, I'm still trying to get someone to explain to me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.

I've read some of the Bible, and that is really kind of what made me disbelieve the whole religion thing. I just simply find it way too farfetched to believe. I could believe it is a book of parables, written by MEN as lessons to other people, but none of it is real, IMO. The Bible, IMO, is evidence of men who didn't understand the world around them or how it worked, and believed supernatural entities were responsible for natural disasters, etc. Just like the Greeks blamed their Gods for famines, droughts, other natural disasters. For them, these disasters that they didn't understand were PROOF that there were Gods toying with them. That is not proof for modern people who know a heck of a lot more than people from thousands of years ago.
The Torah It is not to be read in English and it's not a novel. Each word, phrase or sentence carries the weight of the universe (literally).
It is to be studied, not read.

The NT is a run on sentence.

You can't "study" something if you don't read it! Your statement is a matter of opinion, of course. :coffee: I don't see any "religious book" as being more "worthy" of believing than another. Though I admit I haven't read them all, I imagine they are all quite similar as far as the "hocus pocus" aspect.
The Torah It is not to be read in English and it's not a novel. Each word, phrase or sentence carries the weight of the universe (literally).
It is to be studied, not read.

The NT is a run on sentence.
One shouldn't criticize other's beliefs when your own are just as flawed.
No problem...
Start a new thread tackling the Bible from Genesis 1:1 and tear it apart.
I'll wind up tearing you apart.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.

And of course you will continue to vomit random questions because you never started at Genesis 1:1; you're just vomiting from some atheist site.
I know because I have looked at those sites and they require an IQ of 0.
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.
Wow! Quite a lot of supernatural stuff going on here but with that avatar I just can't take your words seriously.
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.
Wow! Quite a lot of supernatural stuff going on here but with that avatar I just can't take your words seriously.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.

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