Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Their knowledge of science was, and is, far greater than ours.
How do you think a rabbi can determine if a kitchen appliance can be used on shabbos?
How do you think a rabbi can determine which medical procedures are allowed based on current science.

I'm glad you read the "OT", the NT and Reader's Digest while you were taking a dump.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Please provide 3 explanations of Genesis 1:1.
Of course you can't because you can read it forever in English and have no idea if how bad the Christian English abortions are.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Their knowledge of science was, and is, far greater than ours.
How do you think a rabbi can determine if a kitchen appliance can be used on shabbos?
How do you think a rabbi can determine which medical procedures are allowed based on current science.

I'm glad you read the "OT", the NT and Reader's Digest while you were taking a dump.
Really, the rabbis of old know about our kitchen appliances? I stand corrected. You should apologize, I do some great work on the can, some have even said earth shaking but I don't want to brag.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Their knowledge of science was, and is, far greater than ours.
How do you think a rabbi can determine if a kitchen appliance can be used on shabbos?
How do you think a rabbi can determine which medical procedures are allowed based on current science.

I'm glad you read the "OT", the NT and Reader's Digest while you were taking a dump.
Really, the rabbis of old know about our kitchen appliances? I stand corrected. You should apologize, I do some great work on the can, some have even said earth shaking but I don't want to brag.
Are you retarded?
Are you 10 years old?
Did I say that?
They keep up with current science or they can't make Torah based decisions.
So how did Noah get 'roos from Oz and back again?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.

And of course you will continue to vomit random questions because you never started at Genesis 1:1; you're just vomiting from some atheist site.
I know because I have looked at those sites and they require an IQ of 0.
When all the continent were together, it was 200 million years ago and there were no humans roaming the earth, mainly dinosaurs. So where does it say in the bible that all the continents were together?
Start a new thread and start with Genesis 1:1.
Don't respond to me by proving you can't read one of my posts in the first place.
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.

And of course you will continue to vomit random questions because you never started at Genesis 1:1; you're just vomiting from some atheist site.
I know because I have looked at those sites and they require an IQ of 0.
When all the continent were together, it was 200 million years ago and there were no humans roaming the earth, mainly dinosaurs. So where does it say in the bible that all the continents were together?
Now you can explain what effect the flood had on planet earth or you can consult the Malbim.

By the way, how do we how long ago anything was and where are all those dinosaur skeletons that don't acutually exist?

You are also aware that scientists use the depth of the burial to determine age; how do we know the flood, which the Torah says came both from above and from the bowels of the earth itself, did not affect the depth of its victims?

Back to that first verse so incorrectly "translated" into something it doesn't mean?
So you have nothing. Got it.
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.

And of course you will continue to vomit random questions because you never started at Genesis 1:1; you're just vomiting from some atheist site.
I know because I have looked at those sites and they require an IQ of 0.
When all the continent were together, it was 200 million years ago and there were no humans roaming the earth, mainly dinosaurs. So where does it say in the bible that all the continents were together?
Now you can explain what effect the flood had on planet earth or you can consult the Malbim.

By the way, how do we how long ago anything was and where are all those dinosaur skeletons that don't acutually exist?

You are also aware that scientists use the depth of the burial to determine age; how do we know the flood, which the Torah says came both from above and from the bowels of the earth itself, did not affect the depth of its victims?

Back to that first verse so incorrectly "translated" into something it doesn't mean?
There's no actual geological proof for a worldwide flood.
Dinosaurs bones can be carbon dated for age. Bible myths? Not so much.
So how do you explain that geological proof says that the continents were together 200 million years ago? Is that when Noah lived?
What you have is...
Let's do advanced Chemistry before Introduction to Chemistry.
You see, only morons jump to the middle of a subject to display their "mastery" of the subject.

You obviously have never actually read Genesis 1:1, let alone any of the following verses.
The question was, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Do you know? Otherwise, please :anj_stfu:
Because Australia did not yet exist as it's own continent.
In fact, the Earth was on a perfect axis until the flood and everybody lived such perfect lives that they overindulged and obviated the need for existence.

And of course you will continue to vomit random questions because you never started at Genesis 1:1; you're just vomiting from some atheist site.
I know because I have looked at those sites and they require an IQ of 0.
When all the continent were together, it was 200 million years ago and there were no humans roaming the earth, mainly dinosaurs. So where does it say in the bible that all the continents were together?
Now you can explain what effect the flood had on planet earth or you can consult the Malbim.

By the way, how do we how long ago anything was and where are all those dinosaur skeletons that don't acutually exist?

You are also aware that scientists use the depth of the burial to determine age; how do we know the flood, which the Torah says came both from above and from the bowels of the earth itself, did not affect the depth of its victims?

Back to that first verse so incorrectly "translated" into something it doesn't mean?
There's no actual geological proof for a worldwide flood.
Dinosaurs bones can be carbon dated for age. Bible myths? Not so much.
So how do you explain that geological proof says that the continents were together 200 million years ago? Is that when Noah lived?
Who said the flood was global?
Not the Torah.
Why a global flood to wipe out mankind when mankind occupied a fraction of the earth?

Carbon dating is manipulative comparative bullshit.
Don't even go there as I'm a modern orthodox Jew and almost everyone I know has an advanced science degree.

You know what's really cool?
You don't even know the flood story because you don't know Hebrew and you keep proving you haven't analyzed it.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Their knowledge of science was, and is, far greater than ours.
How do you think a rabbi can determine if a kitchen appliance can be used on shabbos?
How do you think a rabbi can determine which medical procedures are allowed based on current science.

I'm glad you read the "OT", the NT and Reader's Digest while you were taking a dump.
Really, the rabbis of old know about our kitchen appliances? I stand corrected. You should apologize, I do some great work on the can, some have even said earth shaking but I don't want to brag.
Are you retarded?
Are you 10 years old?
Did I say that?
They keep up with current science or they can't make Torah based decisions.
Are you retarded?
Are you 10 years old?
Did you say that? Actually you did and I quote: "the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you"
"They keep up with current science or they can't make Torah based decisions." So they are laymen with a knowledge of science. Aren't we all?
Who said the flood was global?
Not the Torah.
Why a global flood to wipe out mankind when mankind occupied a fraction of the earth?
Really? There was no one in Australia?

Carbon dating is manipulative comparative bullshit.
Are you qualified to make that judgement or is it that it conflicts with your Torah?

You know what's really cool?
You don't even know the flood story because you don't know Hebrew and you keep proving you haven't analyzed it.
Are you a hypocrite? You feel somehow more enlightened because you know Hebrew (how about Aramaic?) but I don't believe you know much about science so maybe you should put some effort there too.
Who said the flood was global?
Not the Torah.
Why a global flood to wipe out mankind when mankind occupied a fraction of the earth?
Really? There was no one in Australia?

Carbon dating is manipulative comparative bullshit.
Are you qualified to make that judgement or is it that it conflicts with your Torah?

You know what's really cool?
You don't even know the flood story because you don't know Hebrew and you keep proving you haven't analyzed it.
Are you a hypocrite? You feel somehow more enlightened because you know Hebrew (how about Aramaic?) but I don't believe you know much about science so maybe you should put some effort there too.
You and other atheists always blurt out that the Bible is a fairy tale.
You can't back up that statement because you can't even read it.

Why don't you go to a medical convention and blurt out over a microphone that Physicians are a bunch of know nothing assholes.?
It's not because you know the least amount of what they know.
It's because you've been conditioned to respect Physicians.

Just as you've been conditioned to hate anything relating to religion.
Who said the flood was global?
Not the Torah.
Why a global flood to wipe out mankind when mankind occupied a fraction of the earth?
Really? There was no one in Australia?

Carbon dating is manipulative comparative bullshit.
Are you qualified to make that judgement or is it that it conflicts with your Torah?

You know what's really cool?
You don't even know the flood story because you don't know Hebrew and you keep proving you haven't analyzed it.
Are you a hypocrite? You feel somehow more enlightened because you know Hebrew (how about Aramaic?) but I don't believe you know much about science so maybe you should put some effort there too.

What makes you think there was an Australia prior to the Flood.
The problem is that you are trying to define yesterday by today's point of view.
I define today by yesterday's occurrences.
Not at all; the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you and had far higher IQs than either one of us.
It's funny how rabbis have been consulted by Kings for 2,000 years but ridiculed by ignoramouses.

Of course you're also attempting to validate the fact that you didn't start from Genesis 1:1.
But feel free to keep pulling bull out of your you know where.
Their IQs likely far higher than mine, their knowledge of the Torah may or may not have been greater than mine, but their knowledge of science was certainly NOT greater than mine. They didn't even know why it rained.

The fact is that I have read the entire OT and NT, starting from Genesis 1:1, invalidating your validation.
Their knowledge of science was, and is, far greater than ours.
How do you think a rabbi can determine if a kitchen appliance can be used on shabbos?
How do you think a rabbi can determine which medical procedures are allowed based on current science.

I'm glad you read the "OT", the NT and Reader's Digest while you were taking a dump.
Really, the rabbis of old know about our kitchen appliances? I stand corrected. You should apologize, I do some great work on the can, some have even said earth shaking but I don't want to brag.
Are you retarded?
Are you 10 years old?
Did I say that?
They keep up with current science or they can't make Torah based decisions.
Are you retarded?
Are you 10 years old?
Did you say that? Actually you did and I quote: "the rabbis of old have far more insight into the Torah and science than you"
"They keep up with current science or they can't make Torah based decisions." So they are laymen with a knowledge of science. Aren't we all?

Sure we are.
Try joining the conversation between a team of doctors and a rabbi and see how they laugh at your input.
You and other atheists always blurt out that the Bible is a fairy tale.
You can't back up that statement because you can't even read it.

Why don't you go to a medical convention and blurt out over a microphone that Physicians are a bunch of know nothing assholes.?
It's not because you know the least amount of what they know.
It's because you've been conditioned to respect Physicians.

Just as you've been conditioned to hate anything relating to religion.
Do you always find it easier to attack the messenger than to defend statements you obviously can't back up?
You and other atheists always blurt out that the Bible is a fairy tale.
You can't back up that statement because you can't even read it.

Why don't you go to a medical convention and blurt out over a microphone that Physicians are a bunch of know nothing assholes.?
It's not because you know the least amount of what they know.
It's because you've been conditioned to respect Physicians.

Just as you've been conditioned to hate anything relating to religion.
Do you always find it easier to attack the messenger than to defend statements you obviously can't back up?
You attacked first with a definitive statement (you better check your memory or the order of the postings) and expected either no response or a knee-jerk response.
And who's the messenger?
Certainly not you.

And of course now that you realize I know my stuff, you're slowly but surely trying to make it appear as though I initiated the conversation with a remark that offended you.
No big deal, I've gotten my relatives to shut up decades ago.
What makes you think there was an Australia prior to the Flood.
The problem is that you are trying to define yesterday by today's point of view.
I define today by yesterday's occurrences.
How do you know what happened yesterday if you ignore today's evidence? What makes you think there was no Australia prior to the Flood, it is obviously there now. Where did it come from?

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