red flag laws: if the law is not intended for gun confiscation:

Firearm intended nature is to be used for lawful purposes
There’s nothing about a firearms “nature” about it being used lawfully.

Intended nature is 100% irrelevant. It’s intent is to kill or injure things. Lawful doesn’t enter into the design.
If only the cavemen had made rocks illegal. Can you imagine the paradise we could be living in today?
But that murderous intent is still there even if the murderer doesn't have lawfully permitted "access" to a particular weapon of choice.
Hmm, seems like murderous intent isn’t quite as lethal as a firearm combined with murderous intent.
let's see how that holds up
death by vehicle, baseball bat, Knife, a gas can of gas and a match
What’s the lethal range of a baseball bat, or a can of gas and a match?

So why don’t lock up people who aren’t safe enough to drive?
it's just as deadly what's your point?
But that murderous intent is still there even if the murderer doesn't have lawfully permitted "access" to a particular weapon of choice.
Hmm, seems like murderous intent isn’t quite as lethal as a firearm combined with murderous intent.
let's see how that holds up
death by vehicle, baseball bat, Knife, a gas can of gas and a match
What’s the lethal range of a baseball bat, or a can of gas and a match?

So why don’t lock up people who aren’t safe enough to drive?
it's just as deadly what's your point?
Is it? Last I checked a baseball bat had a pretty hard time killing someone at 100 yards.

How about a AR15? I’m not an expert at this gun stuff.
But that murderous intent is still there even if the murderer doesn't have lawfully permitted "access" to a particular weapon of choice.
Hmm, seems like murderous intent isn’t quite as lethal as a firearm combined with murderous intent.
let's see how that holds up
death by vehicle, baseball bat, Knife, a gas can of gas and a match
What’s the lethal range of a baseball bat, or a can of gas and a match?

So why don’t lock up people who aren’t safe enough to drive?
it's just as deadly what's your point?
Is it? Last I checked a baseball bat had a pretty hard time killing someone at 100 yards.

How about a AR15? I’m not an expert at this gun stuff.
when you are supposdly mentally off the distance doesn't matter
But that murderous intent is still there even if the murderer doesn't have lawfully permitted "access" to a particular weapon of choice.
Hmm, seems like murderous intent isn’t quite as lethal as a firearm combined with murderous intent.
let's see how that holds up
death by vehicle, baseball bat, Knife, a gas can of gas and a match
What’s the lethal range of a baseball bat, or a can of gas and a match?

So why don’t lock up people who aren’t safe enough to drive?
it's just as deadly what's your point?
Is it? Last I checked a baseball bat had a pretty hard time killing someone at 100 yards.

How about a AR15? I’m not an expert at this gun stuff.
That’s obvious. Yet you think think you should be the authority on the second amendment. Go figure.
But that murderous intent is still there even if the murderer doesn't have lawfully permitted "access" to a particular weapon of choice.
Hmm, seems like murderous intent isn’t quite as lethal as a firearm combined with murderous intent.
let's see how that holds up
death by vehicle, baseball bat, Knife, a gas can of gas and a match
What’s the lethal range of a baseball bat, or a can of gas and a match?

So why don’t lock up people who aren’t safe enough to drive?
it's just as deadly what's your point?
Is it? Last I checked a baseball bat had a pretty hard time killing someone at 100 yards.

How about a AR15? I’m not an expert at this gun stuff.
when you are supposdly mentally off the distance doesn't matter
It doesn’t? If someone mentally ill was trying to kill you, would you rather they have a rifle or a baseball bat?
That’s obvious. Yet you think think you should be the authority on the second amendment. Go figure.
The idea that the lethality of a firearm is no different than a bat is demonstrably stupid.
Are your odds somehow better if someone hits you in the head with a bat? Distance doesn’t matter much when someone has decided to kill you.
It doesn’t? If someone mentally ill was trying to kill you, would you rather they have a rifle or a baseball bat?

I would rather have a firearm against either one of them.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't give the fool with a bat the opportunity to change course, or stand down, before they caught some lead.

It doesn’t? If someone mentally ill was trying to kill you, would you rather they have a rifle or a baseball bat?
What if someone suggested you were mentally ill or criminally insane or crazy or nuts, and went to court to have you committed to the state mental hospital for involuntary treatment to be drugged against your will, beaten senseless, and lobotomized to revoke you gun rights?
What if someone suggested you were mentally ill or criminally insane or crazy or nuts, and went to court to have you committed to the state mental hospital for involuntary treatment to be drugged against your will, beaten senseless, and lobotomized to revoke you gun rights?

Don't worry, his friends will bring their bats to break him out.

That’s obvious. Yet you think think you should be the authority on the second amendment. Go figure.
The idea that the lethality of a firearm is no different than a bat is demonstrably stupid.
Are your odds somehow better if someone hits you in the head with a bat? Distance doesn’t matter much when someone has decided to kill you.
Matters quite a lot given my ability to, you know, move.
That’s obvious. Yet you think think you should be the authority on the second amendment. Go figure.
The idea that the lethality of a firearm is no different than a bat is demonstrably stupid.
Are your odds somehow better if someone hits you in the head with a bat? Distance doesn’t matter much when someone has decided to kill you.
Matters quite a lot given my ability to, you know, move.
I’m sure Caesar thought thank god there are no bows here.
I’m sure Caesar thought thank god there are no bows here
Guns were banned in ancient Rome, but the Greeks, Goths, Vandals, etc. all had firearms. What was the cause of the fall of the ancient Roman empire again? The Sack of Rome which took place after the ancient fascists banned their citizens from possessing firearms?

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