red flag laws: if the law is not intended for gun confiscation:

Even though I'm a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment and a former NRA expert combat shooter I am inclined to go along with the "Red Flag" sanctions if they are used fairly. Sometimes you need to get a firearm away from someone who is clearly deranged without locking up the poor bastard. Fairly and justly is the key and there are no guarantees.
Right here: this is the answer to the question why not lock him up for observation. Thank you, whitehall.

What, just because a guy who lived an honorable life, made a living for his family, everybody likes him ------ just because he got a little senile at the age of 83, now we're supposed to disgrace him, lock him in prison like a criminal, test him, do all sorts of degrading things to him??

Darn, just ease the guns out of the house. He can't drive anyway anymore: it's not going to be a further problem. Give the wife a little help: she's 81, after all.
Sounds like it could be a good story ----- but you forgot the punch line. So what did she want him to do?

After Mazie put her car in drive instead of reverse, plowed over the curb at Camilla's Mexican Restaurant, and into a few cars at the used car dealership next door ...
She insisted the Deputy take Doodle's driver's license away because she didn't think he should be able to drive anymore.

It's stupid ... And wasn't meant to be funny ... :thup:

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if they are unable to be trusted with a gun they should not be trusted to walk about freely around the public
That makes no sense.
if you're not to be trusted with a gun you should not be trusted to live without a caregiver by your side what's your IQ less than 70?
It is the caregivers who want this law. Some of these old guys with age rage and a WHOLE lot of guns and anger, they aren't getting any younger. The wives want a way to get rid of the guns. This is a woman's issue, guys --------- it's not about gun confiscation generally. I'm all for guns: because I want to be able to defend myself against outside criminals. But, you know, sometimes people get old and less able. It happens.
Adults shouldn't need caregivers
Warning: I just told you the other point of view, from a gun-rights advocate who nevertheless sees a need for dealing with the senility and mental illness issue. As I said, I feel this is a woman's issue.

Now, if you can discuss this with me like decent people, go ahead. If all you can do is screech obscenity insults like so many men on this list do, I'm deleting every man jack of you with the potty mouths from my feed doot squat, as the French don't say.
if they see a need in red flag laws they are not gun rights advocates
Stop projecting
It's never women who project: it's always men. AMAZING how men will project --- accusing us of infidelity when THEY have been stepping out on us for weeks or months. Projection is solely a male disorder.

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