Red Flag Laws

I support the concept of red flag laws. And in a perfect world with a well-meaning and well-intentioned government, I would trust it to implement them. But here's the problem-- government is notoriously untrustworthy and overly heavy-handed in enforcement. The prospect of abuse is high. The Senate legislation essentially gives states the money to enforce their own, and that includes deep blue states like New York or California. States with activist governors and legislatures will easily craft red flag laws that will easily deny due process to those being subjugated to said laws

In an idyllic world with trustworthy people, I wouldn't mind this legislation so much. But I just can't get on board with this. Anyone supporting the 2A can't. Don't equate my lack of support of the Senate legislation as not supporting common-sense gun control. As I said, our government is untrustworthy, it hasn't shown it can't enforce these kinds of laws in good faith.

As some say, the road to hell is paved with good (I guess?) intentions.

If you had a well meaning, well intentioned and trustworthy government, you would NOT NEED such a thing as red flag laws!!!
I DO HAVE a clue.

No disarming Amricans.

Sure hon.
Tell that to the folks in Louisiana in 2005 who were disarmed.
Tell that to NY and CA where you already can hardly own a gun.
Tell that to your Senate that just approved all these new laws.

This is the problem with Conservatives....they're delusional and live in denial.
Even as they get their asses handed to them they say they're winning the fight.

What's that BL? Yeah, I hear ya. Totally true.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
But hey BL....they sure can whine, cry. bloviate and talk tuff trash over the internet can't they?
I've invested heavily in the Adult Conservative Diaper Dispensary Biz because when they start taking their guns, conservatives will be crapping their diapers in record numbers. I'm RICH !!!

The issue here isn't the concept. The concept is sound. The element of trust is the issue. The glaring weakness (and the easiest to remedy) is the reporting mechanism. Anyone with a grudge or an ax to grind can simply report someone for no good reason. The remedy? Simple. Anyone making false reports to the red flag system should be punished with six-figure fines and 3-5 years in prison.
If false reports are a problem, then the concept isn't sound. The concept reverses the order of what due process should be.
If false reports are a problem, then the concept isn't sound. The concept reverses the order of what due process should be.
It wouldn't be due to the concept, it would be due to how the law itself is crafted. Have the law state that due process should be followed throughout each step of the process.
I support the concept of red flag laws. And in a perfect world with a well-meaning and well-intentioned government, I would trust it to implement them. But here's the problem-- government is notoriously untrustworthy and overly heavy-handed in enforcement. The prospect of abuse is high. The Senate legislation essentially gives states the money to enforce their own, and that includes deep blue states like New York or California. States with activist governors and legislatures will easily craft red flag laws that will easily deny due process to those being subjugated to said laws

In an idyllic world with trustworthy people, I wouldn't mind this legislation so much. But I just can't get on board with this. Anyone supporting the 2A can't. Don't equate my lack of support of the Senate legislation as not supporting common-sense gun control. As I said, our government is untrustworthy, it hasn't shown it can't enforce these kinds of laws in good faith.

As some say, the road to hell is paved with good (I guess?) intentions.
The problem is not with firearms or for that matter any weapon. The problem with violent crime &/or crime in general is the current state of human nature. As long as human nature remains the same as it currently is & has been for a loooong time there will be senseless tragedies by the numbers with or without firearms.
Fair enough observation. But if someone is locked in a rubber room in a straight jacket, the shrinks should be able to determine within a short period of time if they are truly insane or not.
But if someone is locked in a rubber room in a straight jacket, the shrinks should be able to determine within a short period of time if they are truly insane or not.

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I support the concept of red flag laws. And in a perfect world with a well-meaning and well-intentioned government, I would trust it to implement them. But here's the problem-- government is notoriously untrustworthy and overly heavy-handed in enforcement. The prospect of abuse is high. The Senate legislation essentially gives states the money to enforce their own, and that includes deep blue states like New York or California. States with activist governors and legislatures will easily craft red flag laws that will easily deny due process to those being subjugated to said laws

In an idyllic world with trustworthy people, I wouldn't mind this legislation so much. But I just can't get on board with this. Anyone supporting the 2A can't. Don't equate my lack of support of the Senate legislation as not supporting common-sense gun control. As I said, our government is untrustworthy, it hasn't shown it can't enforce these kinds of laws in good faith.

As some say, the road to hell is paved with good (I guess?) intentions.
You agree the same logic would apply when giving states the authority to make their own abortion laws, don't you?
I hereby demand that every pot-smoking liberal who lives in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California who owns a firearm be immediately red-flagged

Hey Joe Biden: How is it your crackhead son Hunter lied on the ATF Form 4473 and bought that .38 caliber pistol? Rules for me and not for thee?

BTW: Whatever happened to Moonglow? I tried to warn him about owning guns and smoking that damned devil weed. But did he listen?
I’m all for a drug screening with every 4473 Form ( and Pot & SSRIs will have it kicked back “denied “ ) if Far Left & left want “ Sensible Firearm Restrictions” then I say bring em on ...
And this will be just the beginning of the laws. drip, drip drip
mark my words

If liberals could trust the voters, they wouldn’t need the Court to invent ludicrous ‘constitutional rights’ for them in the first place.

The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’

When conservative judges strike down laws, it’s because of what’s in the Constitution. When liberal judges strike down laws (or impose new laws, such as tax increases), it’s because of what’s in the New York Times.
Red Flag laws are BS. You will lose your Freedom and go the way of Europe being arrested for what you say or believe.

Then anyone offended will get you in jail.

Keeo your powder dry America
Sure hon.
Tell that to the folks in Louisiana in 2005 who were disarmed.
Tell that to NY and CA where you already can hardly own a gun.
Tell that to your Senate that just approved all these new laws.

This is the problem with Conservatives....they're delusional and live in denial.
Even as they get their asses handed to them they say they're winning the fight.

What's that BL? Yeah, I hear ya. Totally true.
Go door to door here and take our guns.

I dont fucking live in Shithole NY

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