Red Hen closed until July 5

You're splitting hairs. I pretty much said that when I wrote, "But yes, he refused service once they requested a personalized cake.". The baker was wrong, but IMO there is a difference between blanket denial of service (Red Hen) and the baker who refused a personalized cake.

We will never know the true answer to this question, so we are both speculating.

But let me ask you.

Mr. Phillips maintains a catalog of wedding cakes, you can view them at his shops web site. Many of those cakes are - what I'll call - gender neutral. In other words there is not personalized writing (as in the names of the wedding individuals) and no "Toppers" (i.e. gender specific figurines).

QUESTION: Do really believe that Mr. Phillips would have sold them one of the cakes that he'd already designed and had in his catalog?

skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

Since you are too stupid, I’ll explain the difference for you. If you want to arrange a boycot of a business, for whatever insult that you have endured. That is absolutely fine and within the Constitution, it is your right to Free Speech in response to their right to Free Speech. Enjoy with my blessings. If some restaurant or baker insults you and you feel that they were wrong, tell your story, and see what the public thinks about it. Some boycotts are effective, others are not. Chick Fil A is still around despite the boycott against them years ago. Starbucks is closing some stores but is still here otherwise.

All of that is absolutely fine. I’ll support that to the end of time. Your right to try and get the public behind a boycott because of a policy or action.

Where it becomes a problem is when you sick the Government on the business. There is a big fucking difference between arranging a boycott of like minded individuals and those sympathetic to your situation, and the Government marching in and ordering someone to do something.

I am still boycotting certain brands and companies. I won’t buy their products, or visit their locations. That is my right to freedom of choice. I would not support the Government going in and forcing whatever on them. There are people who would not do business with me. Fine. I wish them well.

Do you see the difference yet? Big fucking difference between turning off the NFL games and taking a walk on a Sunday, and the cops marching in and forcing the players to stand for the National Anthem. One I would support your right to do, the other I would not. I would object to it with full volume.
You're splitting hairs. I pretty much said that when I wrote, "But yes, he refused service once they requested a personalized cake.". The baker was wrong, but IMO there is a difference between blanket denial of service (Red Hen) and the baker who refused a personalized cake.

We will never know the true answer to this question, so we are both speculating.

But let me ask you.

Mr. Phillips maintains a catalog of wedding cakes, you can view them at his shops web site. Many of those cakes are - what I'll call - gender neutral. In other words there is not personalized writing (as in the names of the wedding individuals) and no "Toppers" (i.e. gender specific figurines).

QUESTION: Do really believe that Mr. Phillips would have sold them one of the cakes that he'd already designed and had in his catalog?


The reports would imply YES. But I can't really speculate what a total stranger would do. The important thing to note is I would have customized a cake and sold it to anybody. I never would have said no to same-sex couples. Likewise, I never would have kicked Sarah Sanders out of my restaurant. I think both were wrong. I think people turning down service for these reasons open up a can of worms and can lead to some real ugly shit. Should a doctor, grocery store, or gas station turn down service based on religious or political reasons? Businesses that turn down service IMO only leads us down a dark path.
You're splitting hairs. I pretty much said that when I wrote, "But yes, he refused service once they requested a personalized cake.". The baker was wrong, but IMO there is a difference between blanket denial of service (Red Hen) and the baker who refused a personalized cake.

We will never know the true answer to this question, so we are both speculating.

But let me ask you.

Mr. Phillips maintains a catalog of wedding cakes, you can view them at his shops web site. Many of those cakes are - what I'll call - gender neutral. In other words there is not personalized writing (as in the names of the wedding individuals) and no "Toppers" (i.e. gender specific figurines).

QUESTION: Do really believe that Mr. Phillips would have sold them one of the cakes that he'd already designed and had in his catalog?

All wedding cakes are neutral until they become highly personalized. Idiots who choose never to marry won't know this
All wedding cakes are neutral until they become highly personalized. Idiots who choose never to marry won't know this

Reminds me of an old joke:

How do you turn a fox into a pit bull?

Feed it wedding cake.

Sorry. Back to the topic.......
The placed is closed. Phone line cut off. Website shut down. Owner disbarred from local business community. Yep. Another brilliant business move by a dangerously stupid leftard.

Um, nope. Website is up.

The Red Hen Restaurant

Their YELP Review website, fool. They shut it down so that they could screen and remove all the negative 1-star reviews.
There are going to be more GOP reservations here then donkey ones. Sheesh I might take a ride down on my own, after eating some rancid beans that is
The placed is closed. Phone line cut off. Website shut down. Owner disbarred from local business community. Yep. Another brilliant business move by a dangerously stupid leftard.

Um, nope. Website is up.

The Red Hen Restaurant

Their YELP Review website, fool. They shut it down so that they could screen and remove all the negative 1-star reviews.
Google did the same thing with their reviews.
The reviews are so bad that the restaurant shut down, and the owner got kicked off a business group. Lexington is now on the list of places not to visit
Someone needs to interview her. Bet it'd be like Kathy Griffiths interview "Trump has ruined me, wah".

She's a bigot. I have no interest in anything she says. But I'm sure she would do well on CNN or MSNBC.
Someone needs to interview her. Bet it'd be like Kathy Griffiths interview "Trump has ruined me, wah".

The minimum wage employees voted to oust Sarah that night according to the manager. I'd like to see some of these loons interviewed. I wonder how many are illegal or have gender studies degrees. Ask them what they're plans are now to replace their lost minimum wage jobs at the Red Commie Hen. It would be pure comedy gold.

Someone needs to interview her. Bet it'd be like Kathy Griffiths interview "Trump has ruined me, wah".

The minimum wage employees voted to oust Sarah that night according to the manager. I'd like to see some of these loons interviewed. I wonder how many are illegal or have gender studies degrees. Ask them what they're plans are now to replace their lost minimum wage jobs at the Red Commie Hen. It would be pure comedy gold.

Employees typically do not have such rights, the owner did this and then further harassed Sanders across the street. This is what Waters ask for and what Schumer is now trying to hide. No one wants peace in Korea and war in the streets of America, except a few loons who already burned their own college
Employees typically do not have such rights, the owner did this

I was referring to this back story:

Red Hen owner reveals she allowed employees to vote on booting Huckabee Sanders out of restaurant — and Sarah lost

Red Hen owner reveals she allowed employees to vote on booting Huckabee Sanders out of restaurant -- and Sarah lost

Pathetic! Red Hen owner tells another side of what happened. We can’t just blame her & her pink hat husband. Apparently, all the employees took a vote & Sarah lost. I hope all Trump Supporters in Virginia boycott this restaurant.. know I called my family!

JamieR on Twitter
Employees typically do not have such rights, the owner did this

I was referring to this back story:

Red Hen owner reveals she allowed employees to vote on booting Huckabee Sanders out of restaurant — and Sarah lost

Red Hen owner reveals she allowed employees to vote on booting Huckabee Sanders out of restaurant -- and Sarah lost

Pathetic! Red Hen owner tells another side of what happened. We can’t just blame her & her pink hat husband. Apparently, all the employees took a vote & Sarah lost. I hope all Trump Supporters in Virginia boycott this restaurant.. know I called my family!

JamieR on Twitter
If this was a vote, why did the owner continue to stalk Sanders after asking her to leave. Bye the way stalking is an indictable crime, no one in any media is reporting this
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

I think I've figured out your problem. You think refusing to make 1 specific product equates to "kicking out". It doesn't.

You can thank me later.

No doubt you "think you've figured" it all out. Though "believe" would have been a better verb, because "believe" means you pulled it right out of your ass and pretend it's true when you have no idea.

Oh, was I incorrect in perceiving that you think refusing to make a specific product equates to kicking someone out of a business establishment? Because reading what you wrote certainly leads to that conclusion. Perhaps you would like to restate what you said? Just in case you forgot, the statement on question is about bakers kicking out gay people.
She's just another insulated, white-bread, left-wing Democrat surrounded by nothing but other insulated white-bread, left-wing Democrats who all think the same way.
Then that is all reinforced by the left wing media she exclusively relies on for news and info.
She thought she'd be lauded as a hero.
She just found out the hard way that there's an entire other real world outside of her bubble.
Leftards live in an echo chamber.
And I live in a college town among them.
I refer to them each as Whitie Whiteman of Whiteville.
Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
The baker didn't kick the queers out, in fact he sold them goods. Just didn't want to make a personalized wedding cake. The owner after kicking them out followed them to a different restaurant and continued to harass them. So whatever happens to her, she deserves it.

You are correct. That is a little known fact about these bakers. They didn't refuse service and would have sold them anything. They just didn't want to personalize a cake that goes against their religion.

And that's not selling something? Come off it.

"I'll sell you ANYTHING, just nothing that goes against my religion, and YOU go against my religion so I won't sell you ANYTHING you gay fucking faggot, I'll burn you in the streets."

That sort of thing?
I think anyone should be able to refuse service. So you think the restaurant should be sued out of existence?

I think if a restaurant accepts a reservation or seats a walk-in customer, then the point of refusing service has passed. It is beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

And if someone walks into a bakery, then the point of refusing service has passed. It's beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

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