Red Hen closed until July 5

The baker didn't kick the queers out, in fact he sold them goods. Just didn't want to make a personalized wedding cake. The owner after kicking them out followed them to a different restaurant and continued to harass them. So whatever happens to her, she deserves it.

You are correct. That is a little known fact about these bakers. They didn't refuse service and would have sold them anything. They just didn't want to personalize a cake that goes against their religion.

And that's not selling something? Come off it.

"I'll sell you ANYTHING, just nothing that goes against my religion, and YOU go against my religion so I won't sell you ANYTHING you gay fucking faggot, I'll burn you in the streets."

That sort of thing?
I think anyone should be able to refuse service. So you think the restaurant should be sued out of existence?

I think if a restaurant accepts a reservation or seats a walk-in customer, then the point of refusing service has passed. It is beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

And if someone walks into a bakery, then the point of refusing service has passed. It's beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

Maybe. If someone wants to buy a ready made cake, you are correct. If someone wants to place a customer order, you are incorrect.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

Since you are too stupid, I’ll explain the difference for you. If you want to arrange a boycot of a business, for whatever insult that you have endured. That is absolutely fine and within the Constitution, it is your right to Free Speech in response to their right to Free Speech. Enjoy with my blessings. If some restaurant or baker insults you and you feel that they were wrong, tell your story, and see what the public thinks about it. Some boycotts are effective, others are not. Chick Fil A is still around despite the boycott against them years ago. Starbucks is closing some stores but is still here otherwise.

All of that is absolutely fine. I’ll support that to the end of time. Your right to try and get the public behind a boycott because of a policy or action.

Where it becomes a problem is when you sick the Government on the business. There is a big fucking difference between arranging a boycott of like minded individuals and those sympathetic to your situation, and the Government marching in and ordering someone to do something.

I am still boycotting certain brands and companies. I won’t buy their products, or visit their locations. That is my right to freedom of choice. I would not support the Government going in and forcing whatever on them. There are people who would not do business with me. Fine. I wish them well.

Do you see the difference yet? Big fucking difference between turning off the NFL games and taking a walk on a Sunday, and the cops marching in and forcing the players to stand for the National Anthem. One I would support your right to do, the other I would not. I would object to it with full volume.

No need to explain things, insults mean you haven't got shit worth reading. I didn't get past your insult. You wasted your time.

skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

I think I've figured out your problem. You think refusing to make 1 specific product equates to "kicking out". It doesn't.

You can thank me later.

No doubt you "think you've figured" it all out. Though "believe" would have been a better verb, because "believe" means you pulled it right out of your ass and pretend it's true when you have no idea.

Oh, was I incorrect in perceiving that you think refusing to make a specific product equates to kicking someone out of a business establishment? Because reading what you wrote certainly leads to that conclusion. Perhaps you would like to restate what you said? Just in case you forgot, the statement on question is about bakers kicking out gay people.

So this is all about how you perceive things then? Maybe if you read what I wrote properly, you wouldn't have such issues.

How the fuck you come to the conclusion that I think refusing to make a specific product equates to kicking someone out of a business?

That's be like walking into a shoe store and demanding to buy a hot dog. WTF are you doing when you read what I write?
Something that has NOT got a lot of print. The half owner stirring the shit is the cousin of Meryl Streep.

I hope the other half owner sues her......Pretty serious to trash a business out of pure bad temperament.
You are correct. That is a little known fact about these bakers. They didn't refuse service and would have sold them anything. They just didn't want to personalize a cake that goes against their religion.

And that's not selling something? Come off it.

"I'll sell you ANYTHING, just nothing that goes against my religion, and YOU go against my religion so I won't sell you ANYTHING you gay fucking faggot, I'll burn you in the streets."

That sort of thing?
I think anyone should be able to refuse service. So you think the restaurant should be sued out of existence?

I think if a restaurant accepts a reservation or seats a walk-in customer, then the point of refusing service has passed. It is beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

And if someone walks into a bakery, then the point of refusing service has passed. It's beyond rude to ask someone to leave after first agreeing to serve them.

Maybe. If someone wants to buy a ready made cake, you are correct. If someone wants to place a customer order, you are incorrect.

A business has to state what they will and won't do.

What they will and won't do cannot discriminate again how someone was born.

So, they can say "we don't put photos on cakes", and if a gay person comes in and asks for a cake with a photo on it, they can say they don't do cakes with photos.

Now, if they say "we do photos on cakes" and a gay person comes along and says "we want a cake with a photo on it" then they have to serve, because they're ALREADY AGREED.

Now, they can say "we do photos on cakes, but not obscene photos" then they can not do photos which have naked people on, and the like. But still they can't refuse to put a picture on there of two gay people who are fully clothed.

Now, if they want to be sneaky about it, they can be like "we don't do photos on cakes" and then do them when they feel like it and not when they don't. However once they've agreed to do the photo, and then find out they're gay, they've got a problem.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

It'll be a black nail salon inside of six weeks.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.

Yes, but basically telling people "I don't do this" is the same as saying "go away".

Just because they got up and left without being told to leave, doesn't mean that he didn't kick them out. What are they going to do? Stay in the bakery until he serves them or calls the police?
Looks like the Red Hen has put Lexington on the map.

Actions have consequences, seems like the restaurant will lose money and the workers will lose money and Sanders went home the rest of the group ate that evening and probably left a pretty good tip for the workers.
Some people are willing to pay a cost to stand on their principles. Kind of like when this country wasn't so full of huge sissies, and we weren't demonizing millions of immigrants just because a Muslim blew himself up somewhere, or a brown gang memeber killed someone...what a bunch of fucking sissies we have become....
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.

Yes, but basically telling people "I don't do this" is the same as saying "go away".

Just because they got up and left without being told to leave, doesn't mean that he didn't kick them out. What are they going to do? Stay in the bakery until he serves them or calls the police?

Uh, NO and NO. There's a difference between being told to leave and telling someone I can't give you the service you want.
Looks like the Red Hen has put Lexington on the map.

Actions have consequences, seems like the restaurant will lose money and the workers will lose money and Sanders went home the rest of the group ate that evening and probably left a pretty good tip for the workers.
Some people are willing to pay a cost to stand on their principles. Kind of like when this country wasn't so full of huge sissies, and we weren't demonizing millions of immigrants just because a Muslim lit a big firecracker somehwre...

Except her silly game affects her employees, maybe she can afford closing for over a week, let’s see how her employees do.
Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.

Yes, but basically telling people "I don't do this" is the same as saying "go away".

Just because they got up and left without being told to leave, doesn't mean that he didn't kick them out. What are they going to do? Stay in the bakery until he serves them or calls the police?

Uh, NO and NO. There's a difference between being told to leave and telling someone I can't give you the service you want.

And a big difference between being told "no, we don't this service" and "we don't do this service for you people".
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.

Yes, but basically telling people "I don't do this" is the same as saying "go away".

Just because they got up and left without being told to leave, doesn't mean that he didn't kick them out. What are they going to do? Stay in the bakery until he serves them or calls the police?

Uh, NO and NO. There's a difference between being told to leave and telling someone I can't give you the service you want.

And a big difference between being told "no, we don't this service" and "we don't do this service for you people".

The baker didn't say either one of those things, as far as I know. You got a link with an exact quote? What I heard was he said we don't do wedding cakes for same-sex marriages. Now you can spin that any which way you want, but that does not equate to saying "go away" or kicking someone out the door.
Gays were never kicked out of anyplace.

They weren't kicked out of a bakery?

No, the version I heard was that the gays asked for a wedding cake but the baker said no, he doesn't do wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because his religious beliefs cannot accept that. He said he could provide anything else but that, but they got up and left. He did not ask them to leave, is what I heard.

Yes, but basically telling people "I don't do this" is the same as saying "go away".

Just because they got up and left without being told to leave, doesn't mean that he didn't kick them out. What are they going to do? Stay in the bakery until he serves them or calls the police?

Uh, NO and NO. There's a difference between being told to leave and telling someone I can't give you the service you want.

And a big difference between being told "no, we don't this service" and "we don't do this service for you people".
They offer the same services to one and all.
Conservatives are dumb enough they are causing many restaurants across the country names The Red Hen to suffer loss of income and harm working people.

Trump has trained them well. Next up I hear they are heading to Harley-Davidson with their tiki torches.

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