Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical. In addition, nobody who had been liabled so badly would have been content to send such a mild letter to the restaurant. He would have waited until he was off from work, and have been at the restaurant with his paster/lawyer in a New York second.

2. The waitress' father was wrong to publish the restaurant's name, and lacking good judgment in publishing the customer's signature. It wasn't the restaurant's fault, and the customer might have been George Zimmerman is disguise.

3. Nobody should have been suspended.

4. I have known for 30 years that if you are going to eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, you have no taste, or even good judgment. The food sucks, the service stinks, and the prices are ridicules for the low quality food.

Therefore, nobody wins.

The "g"s are completely different. on the check, the circle on the "g"s isn't complete yet every g on the note, the circle is complete. Plus they aren't slanted as they are on the check. Are we even looking at the same things?
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I don't think it was take out since the check says Table 33 and guests (2).
^this. Everyone's writing can vary, even in the same sentence.

So now we become the writing analysts? I do writing as a hobby, sometimes I write with a pencil and paper, my writing is uniform from start to finish, and people recognize it as MY writing. There are no distinct variations given the musculature of my writing hand.

I think a lot of people write as a hobby. Doesn't make you an handwriting analyst. Most people are not as consistent as you are and their hand writing varies.

Many years ago I read a book about and studied handwriting. I am not an expert, however, the basic way you structure the letters doesn't change. The "g"s in the note are made differently than the "g"s on the check. If you are in a hurry, your "g"s may become sloppy but the same basic strokes are there. In this case, they are made two different ways. It's very unusual for someone to make the strokes of his letters differently from one note to the next. You also need to look at the slants. People don't usually change the slants on their letters either. I can't say with 100% certainty that he didn't write the "n" word, but if I were him and I knew I wasn't guilty, I'd have a lawsuit started and hire a handwriting expert and I would get handwriting samples of the waitress and if her's don't match, I'd get samples of the other workers as well.
Jenkins E's & capital N's are the same. Her words curve up from the lines & she slips from printing into cursive. Her notes are not clear enough for more details. Barnes letter has no similarities to the ****** word.

Where do you see a capital N? Thats what I was looking for. Also the guys e look just like the one in the N word.

There is one about 3/4ths of the way down the page in quotes as the first letter on the line.

His "e"s are on the line or below it, her's are at a slight slant above the line (just like in the "n" word on the check). It's pretty clear she wrote the "n" word to me at this point. I think a handwriting expert will be able to prove it fairly easily.
It has all the signs of a hoax.
First, she took a picture of it at the table. Most people would have gone straight to the manager, that makes it look planned.
Second,the handwriting is different, that's obvious.
Third, she looked very worried in the interview, like she's about to get into a lot of trouble. Perhaps someone told her she might be sued or face charges if she made up the story (especially if something bad happens to the customer whose name she made public.
I expect her to come clean and admit she wrote the slur and apologize, not that that will stop the haters on the left from still denying it was a hoax.
The letter "e" is what looks similar. But, still, that's not proof of anything. In my own handwriting, I often write letters differently within the same sentence or even word.

Whatever - I'm glad that RL felt enough pressure to back off from punishing her.

I don't think the "E"'s look similar at all.

But the "N" is kind of telling. He'd do a lower case n for "none", but an upper case "N" for... well, you know.

Equally plausible scenario. He wrote "none" on the tip and she was going to get back at him.
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical. In addition, nobody who had been liabled so badly would have been content to send such a mild letter to the restaurant. He would have waited until he was off from work, and have been at the restaurant with his paster/lawyer in a New York second.

2. The waitress' father was wrong to publish the restaurant's name, and lacking good judgment in publishing the customer's signature. It wasn't the restaurant's fault, and the customer might have been George Zimmerman is disguise.

3. Nobody should have been suspended.

4. I have known for 30 years that if you are going to eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, you have no taste, or even good judgment. The food sucks, the service stinks, and the prices are ridicules for the low quality food.

Therefore, nobody wins.

1. I disagree on the handwriting. The two handwriting styles look different to me. Of couse, we are talking about block lettering, which is different from handwriting, but the N and E look different.

2. This guy looks pretty young. In fact, everyone invovled in this except for the pastor looks young, and frankly, we can't always count on young people to show good judgement.

3. The guy is still kind of a jerk for not leaving a tip. (Edit, he said it was a meal to go, which maybe makes a little more sense, but who does drive through at Red Lobster.)

4. The father did show poor judgment, but who wouldn't if he believed in good faith his child had been abused?

5. Company rules were abused here. Now, anyone who has followed my posts knows I'm no friend to big corporations, but in this case, they have a point. Personal information was released about a customer, who will probably never eat there again. Other customers might think, "Damned, they are going to do this to me if I don't leave a tip? Maybe I will go to the Olive Garden. Or Joe's Crab Shack."

6. You're right. The food is shit.
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Some assholes acted badly at a restaurant. No need to call the National Guard.


She'll be back to work in no time.

Yeah, but what did SHE do wrong? She didn't call in the national guard, she simply posted a racial assholes receipt on facebook.

She accused a man of racism, posted his name and address online, and probably made the whole thing up herself!
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.'s up to the company to assure the employee they don't have to put up with a hostile work environment.

They are in big trouble.


I take it you have NEVER worked in any service industry?
It's plain as day, you don't need to be one. The writing is drastically different.

So is mine. Sometimes in the same sentence.

Something is fishy here. This is a situation too good to be true for this woman. She used the opportunity to stereotype Southerners and create a scene. In my gaming circle, we call people like that an "attention whore." Quite simple really.

Gaming circle? Cool!
Tank, katzen, really stretching and I'll bet this thread goes to several pages of racist shit like this.

The handwriting looks similar, "e" is the same in both words.

katzen, please show where the racist's scum name and address appears.

What the fuck?

The e in none clearly has an an extra flourish on it, and is larger than any other letter in the word. None is printed in all lower case by someone who never really learned cursive, which proves he is a graduate of the modern public school system. In addition, both ns retrace the up and down strokes to make the first part of the letter,

The n in N*** is capitalized and has a clear separation between the up and down strokes, the word travels in a different direction than anything else, the e flows into the r, and is similar in size to the other letters.

Any handwriting expert would say they were written by different people.


But they were clearly written by the same pen - the one SHE took to the table and picked up after he signed it. Open. Closed.

Or just the same TYPE of pen...probably your usual cheap Bic or Paper Mate ballpoint.
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical. In addition, nobody who had been liabled so badly would have been content to send such a mild letter to the restaurant. He would have waited until he was off from work, and have been at the restaurant with his paster/lawyer in a New York second.

Go back to the optometrist and get thicker glasses. The "g" is VERY different...mostly, hers has an upstroke on the bottom, his does not.

Also, the words you are stumbling around looking for are libel and pastor.

2. The waitress' father was wrong to publish the restaurant's name, and lacking good judgment in publishing the customer's signature. It wasn't the restaurant's fault, and the customer might have been George Zimmerman is disguise.

STupid statement even by your standards.

3. Nobody should have been suspended.

Quite right. She should have been FIRED!

4. I have known for 30 years that if you are going to eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, you have no taste, or even good judgment. The food sucks, the service stinks, and the prices are ridicules for the low quality food.

Therefore, nobody wins.

Do you have an opinion anyone cares about? I thought not.
What if her manager didn't give a shit? I'd have posted it as well - and her father posted it, not her.

Then her dad may have caused her to lose her job.

The picture shows her name, the company and it's address and the guest's name

Then punish her father. If she didn't know it was posted, she can't be blamed for his actions.

You are (as usual) not paying attention: showing the receipt to her father IS CLEARLY FORBIDDEN! God and goddess, THINK!
For writing comparison here are Toni Christina Jenkins school notes, Customer Devin Barnes apology letter & the Red Lobster Receipt.


It is hard to be sure from the pictures, but it doesn't look to me like she wrote the slur.

It's a lot more like her writing than his! Note the DRASTIC difference in how they write lowercase R's! His is small, curved, & compact...hers is larger, more angular (looking a bit like a checkmark) and ends with the EXACT SAME flourish as the note!
You don't need an admission here. Her guilt has already been determined via diligent observation and intelligent deductive reasoning. Her admission at this point would only serve to be hollow at this point.

Yes I do need an admission. There is nothing intelligent or deductive about your reasoning. You're guessing and pretty bad at it as well. Her writing doesn't even look like the word on the receipt. If thats even her writing.

Oh brother. You are absolutely clueless. Insulting me on top of everything else tells me more about how your argument has been destroyed. I'm not guessing. It's easy to see. I saw how messy the customer's handwriting is, compared to the word on the receipt, as compared to with the waitress's. The writing while sloppy, is a lot neater that the words on the apology letter the customer wrote. The penmanship looks to me like the waitress wrote it with her off hand if you wish me to be more precise. On top of that, there is a slight color variation in the ink, which means two different pens could have been used.

That could be the angle: I'm looking at a grocery list my wife and I wrote on. We used the same pen, but the color varies slightly. Reason being: we hold the pen at drastically different angles to write, because Liz is left-handed. If your off-hand theory is correct, that would make sense.

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