Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

You were a retard last month, you're a retard this month, and you'll be a retard next month. Its not because of the color of your skin either retard. :thup:
let me see a custmer wrote some thing that they should not have that was rude on a recept. some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have becuse he took offence when it wes not worth the trubble and she got fired. So how many wrongs is that, I lost track?
The bitch made the whole thing up and she's gonna get caught, then sued, then arrested.
So maybe the first report got it wrong. That still doesn't explain why she would do this using the elaborate scheme you guys are saying. The customer already admitted he wrote the none on the receipt. Its pretty obvious he wrote the N word as well. All the verbal gymnastics in the world still cant change that him writing it is the most likely scenario. She is a nursing student and of high character and religious. What do we know about the customer other than his pastor doubles as a lawyer?

The handwriting doesn't match! A handwriting expert will be able to prove that SHE wrote the "n" word. Heck, looking at her school notes (assuming those are hers) and looking at his letter to the restaurant, it's obvious the one who wrote the school notes wrote the "n" word, not the one that wrote the letter to the restaurant. Again, I read a book on handwriting analysis when I was younger. I'm not an expert but I do know some things. She's made over $10,000 ruining this guy's reputation. Even if she didn't write the "n" word, even if he did write the "n" word, she put in on the internet for all to see. With HIS name and the last 4 numbers of his credit card, which a good hacker could use to get his entire credit card number, it's the last 4 that are the most important.

What she did was wrong. She should lose her job and I can't imagine anyone hiring her as a nurse considering she has no respect for other people's privacy.

I understand you want it to be her that did the writing. The evidence all points to the customer doing it. She probably will get fired for posting it but that doesnt change the fact that her handwriting doesn't match anything on the receipt from what I saw of her notes. I believe her until i see something that says something different. i dont believe the customer that wrote it and lied about it.

The evidence all points to the customer doing it."
What evidence might that be?
Without any evidence, physical or eyewitness you've concluded that the customer is lying AND most definitely wrote the slur.
Hmm. So the investigative genius speaks.
Look, here's a piece of advice. Stop posting here and find another hobby..
Why not keep people guessing on how stupid you are instead of posting here and removing all doubt.
So maybe the first report got it wrong. That still doesn't explain why she would do this using the elaborate scheme you guys are saying. The customer already admitted he wrote the none on the receipt. Its pretty obvious he wrote the N word as well. All the verbal gymnastics in the world still cant change that him writing it is the most likely scenario. She is a nursing student and of high character and religious. What do we know about the customer other than his pastor doubles as a lawyer?
how does being a nursing student and *religious amount to her being of *high character * so is it a fact that people who go to church and are medical student are of high character? where are the facts to prove that assumption .

The same way being white and having a pastor that doubles as an attorney makes the customer innocent of this.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
The same way being white and having a pastor that doubles as an attorney makes the customer innocent of this.

Everyone who has said he didn't write the "n" word is basing it on the handwriting, not on his color or his pastor.

So explain why he didnt do it but she did? What exactly makes you believe him over her other than you thinking you are a handwriting expert?

Hey asshole...The fucking writing on those two words is not even close to being the same.
The pressure is different. The formation of the lettering is different.
Stop insisting.
Your are WRONG.
let me see a custmer wrote some thing that they should not have that was rude on a recept. some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have becuse he took offence when it wes not worth the trubble and she got fired. So how many wrongs is that, I lost track?

The OP was wrong. The waitress posted the receipt on Facebook. She was not fired. The guy who's identity and last 4 digits of his credit card number has gone viral says he didn't write the "n" word. He wrote "none" on the tip line because it was a "to go" order which is admitted by the restaurant and the waitress. Most people say the "none" and the "n" word were not written by the same person, so she slandered his character for more than $10,000 in donations she's gotten on line for that picture.

So lets see, taking a picture of someone's credit card receipt, wrong #1, posting it on Facebook, wrong #2, getting rewarded with donations for those 2 wrongs, wrong #3. A person who will post someone's personal information on line while going to nursing school, wrong #4. I count 4, how many do you count?
If the company has a policy that publishing a receipt is a no-no, and the consequences for doing so are suspension, then Red Lobster has done nothing wrong here.

Now that I have done the accepted thing here and taken time and space to state the painfully obvious as though I am some kind of genius.....let me add something.

Every person here has, at one time or another, broken a law or a company policy. There are times, ladies nd gentleman, when exceptions are made do to extenuating circumstances....or even just a witty excuse. I have cut people breaks in the past....haven't you?

This might well have been one of those times...given the circumstances.

At Red Lobster "zero tolerance" means just that.
Trust me.
(PM me if you want the whole story)
The handwriting doesn't match! A handwriting expert will be able to prove that SHE wrote the "n" word. Heck, looking at her school notes (assuming those are hers) and looking at his letter to the restaurant, it's obvious the one who wrote the school notes wrote the "n" word, not the one that wrote the letter to the restaurant. Again, I read a book on handwriting analysis when I was younger. I'm not an expert but I do know some things. She's made over $10,000 ruining this guy's reputation. Even if she didn't write the "n" word, even if he did write the "n" word, she put in on the internet for all to see. With HIS name and the last 4 numbers of his credit card, which a good hacker could use to get his entire credit card number, it's the last 4 that are the most important.

What she did was wrong. She should lose her job and I can't imagine anyone hiring her as a nurse considering she has no respect for other people's privacy.

I understand you want it to be her that did the writing. The evidence all points to the customer doing it. She probably will get fired for posting it but that doesnt change the fact that her handwriting doesn't match anything on the receipt from what I saw of her notes. I believe her until i see something that says something different. i dont believe the customer that wrote it and lied about it.

The evidence all points to the customer doing it."
What evidence might that be?
Without any evidence, physical or eyewitness you've concluded that the customer is lying AND most definitely wrote the slur.
Hmm. So the investigative genius speaks.
Look, here's a piece of advice. Stop posting here and find another hobby..
Why not keep people guessing on how stupid you are instead of posting here and removing all doubt.

All I know, is that I'd like to see the opinion of a forensic expert, as to how likely it is that the same person wrote both the word "none" AND the ""N-word". Looks at least questionable, to my admittedly amateur eye.
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.
Yep, they've cried "wolf" so many times nobody believes it any more (except the ones who WANT to).
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.

If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.
let me see a custmer wrote some thing that they should not have that was rude on a recept. some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have becuse he took offence when it wes not worth the trubble and she got fired. So how many wrongs is that, I lost track?

The OP was wrong. The waitress posted the receipt on Facebook. She was not fired. The guy who's identity and last 4 digits of his credit card number has gone viral says he didn't write the "n" word. He wrote "none" on the tip line because it was a "to go" order which is admitted by the restaurant and the waitress. Most people say the "none" and the "n" word were not written by the same person, so she slandered his character for more than $10,000 in donations she's gotten on line for that picture.

So lets see, taking a picture of someone's credit card receipt, wrong #1, posting it on Facebook, wrong #2, getting rewarded with donations for those 2 wrongs, wrong #3. A person who will post someone's personal information on line while going to nursing school, wrong #4. I count 4, how many do you count?

I hope whatever school she is in is watching her like a hawk. If she is unethical enough to publish confidential financial information then she is also unethical enough to publish your medical records.

I haven't asked any friend in the 'ville' what school she goes to. Not sure I really want to know.
some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have because he took offense when it was not worth the trouble and she got fired.

She was not fired. She was suspended on full pay & is now back at work pissing off customers.

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