Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have because he took offense when it was not worth the trouble and she got fired.

She was not fired. She was suspended on full pay & is now back at work pissing off customers.

And her father didn't post it she did along with a not insulting the people of Tennessee.
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.

Odd. I don't get that from being served by black customer service employees. They are, quite frequently, the better choice when one wants GOOD service. At least that is what I've found to be the case.
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.

Odd. I don't get that from being served by black customer service employees. They are, quite frequently, the better choice when one wants GOOD service. At least that is what I've found to be the case.

That might be because if you're not black yourself, you're probably gushing and submissive about crappy service. In my experience most young blacks feel they are above their job status and do the minimal amount of work to stay employed. Try firing a young black and see what happens....if you only get your tires slashed you're pretty lucky.

Older blacks who've learned to "think white" have come to understand you make your bones by acting like you care about what you're doing and appreciate your customer. It's too bad that isn't being taught to young blacks in school instead of the horrors of slavery 150 years ago and that "diversity" is something for whites to adapt to, not them. :eusa_eh:
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.

Odd. I don't get that from being served by black customer service employees. They are, quite frequently, the better choice when one wants GOOD service. At least that is what I've found to be the case.

That might be because if you're not black yourself, you're probably gushing and submissive about crappy service. In my experience most young blacks feel they are above their job status and do the minimal amount of work to stay employed. Try firing a young black and see what happens....if you only get your tires slashed you're pretty lucky.

Older blacks who've learned to "think white" have come to understand you make your bones by acting like you care about what you're doing and appreciate your customer. It's too bad that isn't being taught to young blacks in school instead of the horrors of slavery 150 years ago and that "diversity" is something for whites to adapt to, not them. :eusa_eh:

She's prolly been eating at Paula Deen's! :lol:
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.

If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.


People look at the evidence, conclude that, if one person didn't write the slur, the other person did. Somehow, figuring out the white person did it, even though there are clear discrepancies in the handwriting, isn't racist, but looking at the obvious differences, and concluding the black person did it is.

Believe it or not, anyone that thinks that way is a racist.
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.

If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.

Jena 6
Duke Lacross
Tawana Brawley

how many more hoaxes do you need. I know of one incident at a small college campus that was swept under the rug.
There is more evidence that she wrote it than that the customer did.

Where is the evidence?

Given that I have seen a sample of her handwriting, I have to say it looks like she didn't write it.

Now that you have a longer sample of his handwriting, are you willing to admit that he didn't write it either?

His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Where is the evidence?

Given that I have seen a sample of her handwriting, I have to say it looks like she didn't write it.

Now that you have a longer sample of his handwriting, are you willing to admit that he didn't write it either?

His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.
let me see a custmer wrote some thing that they should not have that was rude on a recept. some how it got into the hands of the father when it should not have, and the father posted it on face book when he should not have becuse he took offence when it wes not worth the trubble and she got fired. So how many wrongs is that, I lost track?

The OP was wrong. The waitress posted the receipt on Facebook. She was not fired. The guy who's identity and last 4 digits of his credit card number has gone viral says he didn't write the "n" word. He wrote "none" on the tip line because it was a "to go" order which is admitted by the restaurant and the waitress. Most people say the "none" and the "n" word were not written by the same person, so she slandered his character for more than $10,000 in donations she's gotten on line for that picture.

So lets see, taking a picture of someone's credit card receipt, wrong #1, posting it on Facebook, wrong #2, getting rewarded with donations for those 2 wrongs, wrong #3. A person who will post someone's personal information on line while going to nursing school, wrong #4. I count 4, how many do you count?

I think he wrote "******" and is getting what he deserves. There may be more to come. I'll bet he's sorry he did that.

As for her, I think she's getting what she the form of $10,000 donations so far! Right on! :)

And to whoever made the comment how she "managed" to take a picture of the receipt...I don't think I know anyone whose cell phone doesn't have a camera. So it would have been extremely easy for her to snap a quick shot of the receipt. I don't blame her, I would have too.
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.

If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.

Jena 6
Duke Lacross
Tawana Brawley

how many more hoaxes do you need. I know of one incident at a small college campus that was swept under the rug.

I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?
If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.

Jena 6
Duke Lacross
Tawana Brawley

how many more hoaxes do you need. I know of one incident at a small college campus that was swept under the rug.

I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?

Also, two of the four "hoaxes" on their list (Jena 6 and Oprahpursegate) were not hoaxes.
I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?
Thousands of so called raped white women??? Post a hundred of them.
Instead Of Standing By Their Employee, Red Lobster Suspends Waitress Who Received 'None N****r' As A Tip -


Red Lobster might really be in trouble this time. We just reported on how a waitress, Tori Christina Jenkins, received ‘None, N****r’ instead of a tip this past weekend from racist customers at the Franklin, TN Red Lobster where she works. Now, instead of standing behind Jenkins, Red Lobster has suspended her, citing a violation of company policy as the reason.

A spokesman for Red Lobster, Mike Bernstein, said in an email to the Huffington Post that suspension with pay is “standard procedure” when company policy is violated. In this case, the violation would be publicly posting a receipt, which Jenkins’ father did, on Facebook, Sunday night, with a status message saying “that we still have much ignorance to overcome.”

What is wrong with scum racists like this customer?

Its certainly no hardship to boycott Red Lobster. Their food is made to appeal to people who like fat, sugar and grease and I haven't eaten there in many years. Never will again.

The sad thing is, after learning about this, more and more scum racists will flock to Red Lobster is some kind SICK solidarity.

Well the N in none is not the same as the N in negger
Given that I have seen a sample of her handwriting, I have to say it looks like she didn't write it.

Now that you have a longer sample of his handwriting, are you willing to admit that he didn't write it either?

His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.

No, I didn't say I could tell someone was covering something up just by looking at their handwriting. I said that it "looks to me" like he was angry when he signed his name. And yes, I do see what could be indications of anger. You don't have to believe me, I don't care.

Oh, and P.S. I AM really smart. :)
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His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.

No, I didn't say I could tell someone was covering something up just by looking at their handwriting. I said that it "looks to me" like he was angry when he signed his name. And yes, I do see what could be indications of anger. You don't have to believe me, I don't care.

Oh, and P.S. I AM really smart. :)

If you were really smart, you wouldn't have to tell us.
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I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?
Thousands of so called raped white women??? Post a hundred of them.

I gurantee you know a couple personally. :lol:
Where is the evidence?

Given that I have seen a sample of her handwriting, I have to say it looks like she didn't write it.

Now that you have a longer sample of his handwriting, are you willing to admit that he didn't write it either?

His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.

Let me make it really simple for you, he did not write the slur. Just looking at the word none on the receipt I could tell that he is a graduate of a school system that did not stress penmanship, and that he never learned cursive. Additionally, the e in none and the slur were completely different, obviously written by two different people.

The apology letter simply served to confirm that opinion.
There are too many false accusations coming from the black community these days. I'm at the point now where I just can't believe any of it anymore. Odds are, in a week or two we will find out this was a hoax.

If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.

she was - she made public the private information.

even if he wrote the word ( unlikely, but let's just assume as a possibility) - she did not have the right to post his personal info on the web

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