Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

she was - she made public the private information.

even if he wrote the word ( unlikely, but let's just assume as a possibility) - she did not have the right to post his personal info on the web

She definitely had the right. She just will have to deal with the consequences of doing it if any.

She did not have the right to do that, you dumbass.

Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.
His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.

Well, sometimes you can, but not by someone's signature. In many cases people purposely make them difficult to read because it's harder to forge that way. I know my signature is nothing like my writing and I dare anybody to be able to read it.

I hate to break it to you, but the people who have sloppy signatures, like me, have been lying about that for years. Neater signatures are actually harder to forge than sloppy ones. You can hide the little mistakes that would be obvious in a neat signature inside a sloppy one.
Instead Of Standing By Their Employee, Red Lobster Suspends Waitress Who Received 'None N****r' As A Tip -


Red Lobster might really be in trouble this time. We just reported on how a waitress, Tori Christina Jenkins, received ‘None, N****r’ instead of a tip this past weekend from racist customers at the Franklin, TN Red Lobster where she works. Now, instead of standing behind Jenkins, Red Lobster has suspended her, citing a violation of company policy as the reason.

A spokesman for Red Lobster, Mike Bernstein, said in an email to the Huffington Post that suspension with pay is “standard procedure” when company policy is violated. In this case, the violation would be publicly posting a receipt, which Jenkins’ father did, on Facebook, Sunday night, with a status message saying “that we still have much ignorance to overcome.”

What is wrong with scum racists like this customer?

Its certainly no hardship to boycott Red Lobster. Their food is made to appeal to people who like fat, sugar and grease and I haven't eaten there in many years. Never will again.

The sad thing is, after learning about this, more and more scum racists will flock to Red Lobster is some kind SICK solidarity.

You have Zero evidence to show that the customer wrote that message do you?
Look at his signature, which consists entirely of initials and scribbles, and show me the cursive.

Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

I use both as well, and also in one sentence.

However, a letter R is usually a given for a person - I have yet to see anybody using both types, even that somebody uses both cursive and typing styles.

Huh? I have four different letter Rs that I use. The longhand capital R, the longhand lowercase r, the printed capital R and the printed lowercase r. They're all different and I use them all.
Willow picked sides already. Which side you might ask? :rolleyes: why, :up: the white people of course. quelle surprise. :doubt: I also knew she couldn't resist this thread :p
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For those saying "Red Lobster had a legal right to suspend her", I don't think anyone here is really arguing against that. What's being argued is if Red Lobster should have suspended her. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

She posted personal information about a customer online, they should have fired her.
He seems to have learned some cursive for his signature. Look at the "D." Totally cursive.

Look at his signature, which consists entirely of initials and scribbles, and show me the cursive.

Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

It has a capital D that someone taught him how to do in third or fourth grade, it does not have a cursive b, or any other letters at all. The guy can barely print.
Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

I use both as well, and also in one sentence.

However, a letter R is usually a given for a person - I have yet to see anybody using both types, even that somebody uses both cursive and typing styles.

Huh? I have four different letter Rs that I use. The longhand capital R, the longhand lowercase r, the printed capital R and the printed lowercase r. They're all different and I use them all.

not that I believe you, but you have to be an exceptional one :lol:

I deal with a lot of written notes, so I can compare.

And since English is not my native language I pay attention to such details.
She did not have the right to do that, you dumbass.

Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.
If that turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. My guess is that the white racists and the latent white racists will still try and find some angle to say the Black person was at fault.

Jena 6
Duke Lacross
Tawana Brawley

how many more hoaxes do you need. I know of one incident at a small college campus that was swept under the rug.

I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?

So another lie, another hoax, another false accusation, is all ok, until we somehow "balance the books"? Is that what you're implying? An eye for an eye, a lie for a lie, "Look, THEY did it, so I can do it too!" And when one race has finally "gotten even", then what? The fundamental problem is this pernicious idea that "Someone else did wrong yesterday, so it's ok for me to do wrong today. After all, I'm only getting even!" Never mind whether the individual target actually DID anything or not; it's getting even with "THEM" that matters. Be careful, because that kind of thinking, that reduces individuals of a different group from ones own to an amorphous "THEY" or "THEM", and concludes that "THEY" don't matter, is at the root of racism and every other kind of group hatred.

In the meantime, neither you nor I know whether the customer wrote the slur, or the waitress did; and we may never know. If the guy did write a racial slur, what does he "deserve"? To be shunned? To be physically attacked? To be run out of town? To lose his job? If the waitress perpetrated a hoax, what does She deserve? The same? Is that for us to decide? What if someone else is harmed as a result; is that just? Look, if someone has committed a criminal or civil wrong here, there is a process to address that, and that process should take its course; if not, well, not every reprehensible act, word or sentiment, however ugly it may be, is ours to punish. It may offend our sensibilities that someone "got away" with something we deplore. All I know is that when any of us, as a group, take it upon ourselves to punish what the law cannot, there can be unforeseen consequences, and I'm not sure that doesn't outweigh any potential deterrent value in the exercise.We might just view this entire affair as a shining example of "what NOT to do" and leave it at that.
Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.
Jena 6
Duke Lacross
Tawana Brawley

how many more hoaxes do you need. I know of one incident at a small college campus that was swept under the rug.

I need way more than whites have gotten away with. Thousands of so called "raped" white women, thousands of "you fit the description", thousands of "well this black guy did it" only to find out it was another white woman killing her young. How many hoaxes do you think I should wait to equal the amount of hoaxes whites have pulled?

So another lie, another hoax, another false accusation, is all ok, until we somehow "balance the books"? Is that what you're implying? An eye for an eye, a lie for a lie, "Look, THEY did it, so I can do it too!" And when one race has finally "gotten even", then what? The fundamental problem is this pernicious idea that "Someone else did wrong yesterday, so it's ok for me to do wrong today. After all, I'm only getting even!" Never mind whether the individual target actually DID anything or not; it's getting even with "THEM" that matters. Be careful, because that kind of thinking, that reduces individuals of a different group from ones own to an amorphous "THEY" or "THEM", and concludes that "THEY" don't matter, is at the root of racism and every other kind of group hatred.

In the meantime, neither you nor I know whether the customer wrote the slur, or the waitress did; and we may never know. If the guy did write a racial slur, what does he "deserve"? To be shunned? To be physically attacked? To be run out of town? To lose his job? If the waitress perpetrated a hoax, what does She deserve? The same? Is that for us to decide? What if someone else is harmed as a result; is that just? Look, if someone has committed a criminal or civil wrong here, there is a process to address that, and that process should take its course; if not, well, not every reprehensible act, word or sentiment, however ugly it may be, is ours to punish. It may offend our sensibilities that someone "got away" with something we deplore. All I know is that when any of us, as a group, take it upon ourselves to punish what the law cannot, there can be unforeseen consequences, and I'm not sure that doesn't outweigh any potential deterrent value in the exercise.We might just view this entire affair as a shining example of "what NOT to do" and leave it at that.

You totally missed what I was replying to or you just assumed that since I was Black I feel the way you describe. When someone tells me that the reason they believe a Black person is lying because of a past event I will rub their logic back in their face. Before you assume get clarification and read the preceding post to understand my reply.
How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.
Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

And it would have served him right to get his ass kicked. There's something wrong with a person who would write what he did on that receipt. People like him scare me...and I'm white. He's not right in the head. Good, decent, normal people would not do something like that!
You totally missed what I was replying to or you just assumed that since I was Black I feel the way you describe. When someone tells me that the reason they believe a Black person is lying because of a past event I will rub their logic back in their face. Before you assume get clarification and read the preceding post to understand my reply.

Actually, I neither missed it nor assumed anything; (I'm sorry to say I hadn't yet read enough of your posts to be sure what race you identify as, until you clarified that). I was less replying to you, that using your comment to discuss some thinking that is common on both sides of the racial divide. The truth of this incident (and I have made no judgement yet on what the truth is) will of course, have to stand on its own, as any previous acts by OTHER people who just happened to be of the same race tell us NOTHING probative about the veracity of this (or any other) individual. I'd argue that an idea that it does, is exactly the kind of "groupthjink" we need to get away from if we are going to take anything positive away from this incident. Right now, all I can say for sure is that one party or the other isn't telling the truth. Beyond that, even if we manage to find out the truth, I'm not certain what we can do (unless there's something legally actionable in it), to attempt to right the wrong.. Maybe we can't, and all we can do, is refrain from perpetuating more of the same, from whichever side of that divide we happen to be on. That might not be very satisfying, but it may be the best we can do.
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Look at his signature, which consists entirely of initials and scribbles, and show me the cursive.

Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

It has a capital D that someone taught him how to do in third or fourth grade, it does not have a cursive b, or any other letters at all. The guy can barely print.

I have beautiful handwriting and printing, both, but if I'm in a really big hurry my writing or printing can look really bad.

I guess they need to get some handwriting experts involved, huh?
Ascleplas and his homies go to Red Lobster.

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