Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.


in a Red Lobster parking lot?

could be
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How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

And it would have served him right to get his ass kicked. There's something wrong with a person who would write what he did on that receipt. People like him scare me...and I'm white. He's not right in the head. Good, decent, normal people would not do something like that!

No, Koosh, they wouldn't; but unfortunately, there are people like this (and they come in all colors, and from all regions) It's further unfortunate that the legal and reasonable forms of social opprobrium aren't likely to have much corrective effect on such people, and doing more than that (absent a criminal act or a civil tort), can well lead to either collateral damage to innocent parties, or inadvertently turning a scumbag into a martyr, both of which are counterproductive. I'd add that the same applies on the other side IF this turns out to be a hoax.

I would have told you forty years ago, that we would not be having a discussion of this in the twenty-first century; obviously, I was wrong. I guess it's still one heart and mind at a time... Still, it's somewhat encouraging to see that very few would defend using the slur, and I suppose that's progress.
You totally missed what I was replying to or you just assumed that since I was Black I feel the way you describe. When someone tells me that the reason they believe a Black person is lying because of a past event I will rub their logic back in their face. Before you assume get clarification and read the preceding post to understand my reply.

Actually I I neither missed it nor assumed anything; (I'm sorry to say I hadn't yet read enough of your posts to be sure what race you identify as, until you clarified that). I was less replying to you, that using your comment to illustrate some thinking that is common on both sides of the racial divide. The truth of this incident (and I have made no judgement yet on what the truth is) will of course, have to stand on its own, as any previous acts by OTHER people who just happened to be of the same race tell us NOTHING probative about the veracity of this (or any other) individual. I'd argue that an idea that it does, is exactly the kind of "groupthjink" we need to get away from if we are going to take anything positive away from this incident. Right now, all I can say for sure is that one party or the other isn't telling the truth. Beyond that, even if we manage to find out the truth, I'm not certain what we can do (unless there's something legally actionable in it), to attempt to right the wrong.. Maybe we can't, and all we can do, is refrain from perpetuating more of the same, from whichever side of that divide we happen to be on. That might not be very satisfying, but it may be the best we can do.

You sound like a very enlightened person. Pretty refreshing to hear your response.
Reading this story makes me angry...angry that I don't have any of those awesome cheese biscuits that Red Lobster sells.
Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

It has a capital D that someone taught him how to do in third or fourth grade, it does not have a cursive b, or any other letters at all. The guy can barely print.

I have beautiful handwriting and printing, both, but if I'm in a really big hurry my writing or printing can look really bad.

I guess they need to get some handwriting experts involved, huh?

that is probably the difference. All I am dealing with is undecipherable scribble :mad:
But is is very gender related and age related as well
Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

Do understand, I'm not asking you to do that under duress or the heat of the moment; the vast majority of us (myself included), do not have that much self-discipline. I WOULD ask you to consider it, though, when you have the luxury of time, and the cold light of reason, in which to contemplate what is best, before reacting.
Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

Do understand, I'm not asking you to do that under duress or the heat of the moment; the vast majority of us (myself included), do not have that much self-discipline. I WOULD ask you to consider it, though, when you have the luxury of time, and the cold light of reason, in which to contemplate what is best, before reacting.

Now if I was forced to think logically before I could get to the guy I probably would decide it wasn't worth it. :lol:
Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

It has a capital D that someone taught him how to do in third or fourth grade, it does not have a cursive b, or any other letters at all. The guy can barely print.

I have beautiful handwriting and printing, both, but if I'm in a really big hurry my writing or printing can look really bad.

I guess they need to get some handwriting experts involved, huh?

I guess you think you have a point in there.

It isn't a matter of the writing being sloppy, it is the fact that the e in none is written with a with multiple strokes, has a larger loop, and is actually larger than the other letters in the word. The e in the slur, on the other hand, is written in one stoke, is has a much smaller loop, and is consistent in size with the other letters. These are the types of things that remain consistent no matter how fast you write, or whether or what font you use, because they are habits picked up when you first learn to write.

Go find a handwriting expert that disagrees with my analysis, if you can.
His apology letter is not handwriting, it's printing. And if he wrote the "none" on the receipt, I don't think he wrote that apology letter. Look at the "n"s they're totally different. I think that apology letter is a bunch of bullshit, meant to cover up what he did in anger, and probably printed out by someone else, not him. Because when I look at his signature on that receipt, it looks like he was angry when he signed his name.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.

Well, sometimes you can, but not by someone's signature. In many cases people purposely make them difficult to read because it's harder to forge that way. I know my signature is nothing like my writing and I dare anybody to be able to read it.

Absolutely yes! Pretty much everyone I know of is that mother, my father, my wife, myself, my sister...NONE of our signatures look anything like the way we write!
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For those saying "Red Lobster had a legal right to suspend her", I don't think anyone here is really arguing against that. What's being argued is if Red Lobster should have suspended her. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

They should have shit-canned her on the spot!
Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

How psychopathic. You belong in prison. People like YOU are why citizens carry guns!
Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!
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So what happened: Is there a moral to this story? How much money did Tori get out of the
racism angle?
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.

Odd. I don't get that from being served by black customer service employees. They are, quite frequently, the better choice when one wants GOOD service. At least that is what I've found to be the case.
Odd. Quite frankly I never saw a distinction. I don't care who is my server. They do a good job and they get tipped. Handsomely.
It's just possible the waitress in question gave the customer the same lazy, bored, impatient attitude we've all seen over and over and over again from black customer service employees. Maybe the customer had recently had a white relative beaten senseless in retaliation for the Zimmerman verdict. And maybe, just maybe, the customer was also black. It seems they continue to call each other ******* while expecting whites to treat that word like its radioactive. The bottom line is lousy service gets a waitress no tip....Red Lobster ain't Uncle have to produce something deserving to get something there.

Odd. I don't get that from being served by black customer service employees. They are, quite frequently, the better choice when one wants GOOD service. At least that is what I've found to be the case.
Odd. Quite frankly I never saw a distinction. I don't care who is my server. They do a good job and they get tipped. Handsomely.

For real.
Hey, can we say m----rfucker on this forum? Without getting in trouble, I mean? Because I sure feel the need to use that term around here sometimes. Nothing else is strong enough. Except for c--ksucker. Can we say that one?
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