Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this to be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.
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I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this too be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.
you're such a ******
I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this too be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.
you're such a ******

Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:
I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this too be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.
you're such a ******

Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:
As much as I post about how dumb ******* are, you're post have done a much better job.
you're such a ******

Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:
As much as I post about how dumb ******* are, you're post have done a much better job.

Before you talk about how dumb someone is at least make sure you edit your post and get your tense correct so you dont sound so illiterate. :lol:
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Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

It's cute when you guys try to play lawyer. Forgery requires an intent to defraud, so even if we accept his story, it doesn't contain a necessary element of the offense.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

It's cute when you guys try to play lawyer. Forgery requires an intent to defraud, so even if we accept his story, it doesn't contain a necessary element of the offense.

No, what's "cute" is when idiots like you try to get by with fake knowledge on the subject.....Forgery need not have "an intent to defraud"....if you're a lawyer, you're a piss-poor one. I'm quite familiar with the legalities of credit card processing; you obviously are not. It's also a federal beef what she did because credit card transactions are interstate commerce. If the customer in question pursues her, she'll end up with multiple charges against her....well, she would if the DOJ prosectued blacks during Hussein's illegal presidency.
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Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:
As much as I post about how dumb ******* are, you're post have done a much better job.

Before you talk about how dumb someone is at least make sure you edit your post and get your tense correct so you dont sound so illiterate. :lol:

Then perhaps you shouldn't use "tense" to describe grammatical errors of number or the use of a contraction in place of a possessive pronoun. It would also help you appear relevant if you used an apostrophe in the contraction "don't".
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

It's cute when you guys try to play lawyer. Forgery requires an intent to defraud, so even if we accept his story, it doesn't contain a necessary element of the offense.

No, what's "cute" is when idiots like you try to get by with fake knowledge on the subject.....Forgery need not have "an intent to defraud"....if you're a lawyer, you're a piss-poor one. I'm quite familiar with the legalities of credit card processing; you obviously are not. It's also a federal beef what she did because credit card transactions are interstate commerce. If the customer in question pursues her, she'll end up with multiple charges against her....well, she would if the DOJ prosectued blacks during Hussein's illegal presidency.

Forgery requires intent to injure or defraud (both of which refer to monetary damage). There was no effort to take money from Mr. McRacist here.
It's cute when you guys try to play lawyer. Forgery requires an intent to defraud, so even if we accept his story, it doesn't contain a necessary element of the offense.

No, what's "cute" is when idiots like you try to get by with fake knowledge on the subject.....Forgery need not have "an intent to defraud"....if you're a lawyer, you're a piss-poor one. I'm quite familiar with the legalities of credit card processing; you obviously are not. It's also a federal beef what she did because credit card transactions are interstate commerce. If the customer in question pursues her, she'll end up with multiple charges against her....well, she would if the DOJ prosectued blacks during Hussein's illegal presidency.

Forgery requires intent to injure or defraud (both of which refer to monetary damage). There was no effort to take money from Mr. McRacist here.

Ah, so our Perry Masonite now adds "to injure" to her babbling....wrong're confusing the word "intent" with libel law ya preening ditz...give up before I really embarrass you. :eusa_eh:
I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this too be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.
you're such a ******

Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:

Alright, both of you indulge me, while I tell you a personal story, from back in the mid-seventies. I had gone Christmas shopping on a wet, cold, blustery evening, and as I stepped inside the store, I paused to look back at some Christmas decorations just inside the entrance. As I did I saw a woman approaching the door both hands and arms loaded down with shopping bags and packages. The store wasn't crowded, there was no one else immediately around, so I turned back and opened first the outer door, then the inner door for her. She took a few steps inside, the spun on her heels and faced me. She was a black woman, apparently about my age at the time, and the expression on her face looked like someone who had just smelled something putrid. Then, in a loud voice fairly dripping with hate, she spat out the words, "Well, thank you...HONKY!" I have to admit, I was taken aback at this response to what I thought was a simple act of common decency, something I'd have done for anyone, under the circumstances; but I recovered, smiled, and quietly shot back, "You're quite welcome....******!' I left her standing there, mouth agape, and walked away, feeling rather pleased with myself; "I showed her!", or so I thought.

It was a small, petty incident, and nothing came of it, but I've thought about it many times since, and I thought about it when we were discussing this latest incident last night. Was what I did right? I don't think so. True, she insulted me without provocation; in fact, for simply being courteous, with a "thank you" that was like a Christmas present wrapped in a turd, and I showed her...what exactly? That a white man of her generation would respond to nothing more than that with a hateful, degrading word? How do I know what inspired her to say what she did in the first place-was it some old hatred, a busy frustrating day, an earlier unpleasant reaction with someone who happened to look like me? I don't know, but I do know, that I had a choice that evening, and it would have done me no harm at all, to simply ignore the remark, and silently walk away, instead of validating whatever negative opinion she had of my race. I'm not proud of what I did, instead; I feel sure that nothing good came of it, but just maybe, there's a lesson in there somewhere about the difference between immediate emotional gratification, and doing the right thing.
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No, what's "cute" is when idiots like you try to get by with fake knowledge on the subject.....Forgery need not have "an intent to defraud"....if you're a lawyer, you're a piss-poor one. I'm quite familiar with the legalities of credit card processing; you obviously are not. It's also a federal beef what she did because credit card transactions are interstate commerce. If the customer in question pursues her, she'll end up with multiple charges against her....well, she would if the DOJ prosectued blacks during Hussein's illegal presidency.

Forgery requires intent to injure or defraud (both of which refer to monetary damage). There was no effort to take money from Mr. McRacist here.

Ah, so our Perry Masonite now adds "to injure" to her babbling....wrong're confusing the word "intent" with libel law ya preening ditz...give up before I really embarrass you. :eusa_eh:

It's funny that you're accusing me of attempting to "play lawyer" when it was actually you doing that and I just pointed out your error.
you're such a ******

Tank is a great example of what I'm talking about. All I would have to do is stare at him and he would get red faced and angry but wouldn't dare say anything to my face unless he was headed in the opposite direction in a fast moving car. I know the type well. :lol:

Alright, both of you indulge me, while I tell you a personal story, from back in the mid-seventies. I had gone Christmas shopping on a wet, cold, blustery evening, and as I stepped inside the store, I paused to look back at some Christmas decorations just inside the entrance. As I did I saw a woman approaching the door both hands and arms loaded down with shopping bags and packages. The store wasn't crowded, there was no one else immediately around, so I turned back and opened first the outer door, then the inner door for herShe took a few steps insider, the spun on her heels and faced me. She was a black woman, apparently about my age at the time, and the expression on her face looked like someone who had just smelled something putrid. Then, in a loud voice fairly dripping with hate, she spat out the words, "Well, thank you...HONKY!" I have to admit, I was taken aback at this response to what I thought was a simple act of common decency, something I'd have done for anyone, under the circumstances; but I recovered, smiled, and quietly shot back, "You're quite welcome....******!' I left here standing there, mouth agape, and walked away, feeling rather pleased with myself; "I showed her!", or so I thought.

It was a small, petty incident, and nothing came of it, but I've thought about it many times since, and I thought about it when we were discussing this latest incident last night. Was what I did right? I don't think so. True, she insulted me without provocation; in fact, for simply being courteous, with a "thank you" that was like a Christmas present wrapped in a turd, and I showed her...what exactly? That a white man of her generation would respond to nothing more than that with a hateful, degrading word? How do I know what inspired her to say what she did in the first place-was it some old hatred, a busy frustrating day, an earlier unpleasant reaction with someone who happened to look like me? I don't know, but I do know, that I had a choice that evening, and it would have done me no harm at all, to simply ignore the remark, and silently walk away, instead of validating whatever negative opinion she had of my race. I'm not proud of what I did, instead; I feel sure that noting good came of it, but just maybe, there's a lesson in there somewhere about the difference between immediate emotional gratification, and doing the right thing.

I think what you did was hilarious! She got what she had coming in my smacked her on the exaxct level she was operating on and showed her that her racism would be answered in kind. Don't overthink this.....what you said doesn't make you a racist, just quick on the draw. :eusa_angel:
Forgery requires intent to injure or defraud (both of which refer to monetary damage). There was no effort to take money from Mr. McRacist here.

Ah, so our Perry Masonite now adds "to injure" to her babbling....wrong're confusing the word "intent" with libel law ya preening ditz...give up before I really embarrass you. :eusa_eh:

It's funny that you're accusing me of attempting to "play lawyer" when it was actually you doing that and I just pointed out your error.

Except for the fact that I'm correct, you stepped in your own pile of turds, and now you want to pretend your shoes don't stink. Be careful on these're often dealing with somebody who can take you apart like the cheap suit you appear to be. :eusa_whistle:
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).
She definitely had the right. She just will have to deal with the consequences of doing it if any.

She did not have the right to do that, you dumbass.

Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

No that's not how it works. I could call you every name in the book, that does not give you the right to publish my private information on the internet.
Wow, you can tell somebody is angry or is covering something up just by looking at their handwriting? You're really smart! Or maybe just full of shit.

Well, sometimes you can, but not by someone's signature. In many cases people purposely make them difficult to read because it's harder to forge that way. I know my signature is nothing like my writing and I dare anybody to be able to read it.

I hate to break it to you, but the people who have sloppy signatures, like me, have been lying about that for years. Neater signatures are actually harder to forge than sloppy ones. You can hide the little mistakes that would be obvious in a neat signature inside a sloppy one.

That's what I thought too, until I read that book on handwriting.
Willow picked sides already. Which side you might ask? :rolleyes: why, :up: the white people of course. quelle surprise. :doubt: I also knew she couldn't resist this thread :p

Why do you think this is about race? Yeah, the "n" word is a racial slur, unless it's used by a black, in which case some people believe it's okay. IMO, it's not okay ever. However, the fact that the word "none" and the "n" word are written by two different people is what this case is about. There isn't a "white" side and a "black" side. in fact, some of the comments I've read elsewhere, there are people saying they are black and she wrote the "n" word herself.
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).

HOLY TOLEDO! are you a masochist or just trying to recover some dignity? Forgery is forgery in all 50 states and doesn't require "intent" to defraud or injure in any state. When you add to a person's private correspondence or legal papers, you are a forger whether you gain anything from it or not, or whether the person is injured or not. And forgery isn't defined by faking a person's signature either. I'll have to charge you for any further legal training and I don't accept American Express...their interchange rates are always 150bp above Visa and MC.....go Google what I just said for free.

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