Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

So you would beat up an innocent man, simply because a waitress published his private information and a word she wrote on the internet? I can't wait until a handwriting expert weighs in on this because it's clear SHE wrote the word. It slants upwards as do her words in her notes. His "none" remains on the line, as do his words in his letter to the restaurant. It doesn't take a genius to realize that he didn't write the "n" word and she did.
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).

HOLY TOLEDO! are you a masochist or just trying to recover some dignity? Forgery is forgery in all 50 states and doesn't require "intent" to defraud or injure in any state. When you add to a person's private correspondence or legal papers, you are a forger whether you gain anything from it or not, or whether the person is injured or not. And forgery isn't defined by faking a person's signature either. I'll have to charge you for any further legal training and I don't accept American Express...their interchange rates are always 150bp above Visa and MC.....go Google what I just said for free.

Who should people believe: some e-tough guy or what the state's statute specifically says (find 39-14-114 at LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool for those interested)?

I've never said it matters whether or not the "forger" gained (it doesn't, by the way, nor does it require an intent to defraud a specific party). What it does require is intent to defraud or harm (in this context, financial gain). Even we accept all your claims about the waitress as true, you still wouldn't have the necessary elements. Those claims are all highly suspect anywhere, not even close to reaching beyond a reasonable doubt. They're not even enough to win a civil judgment.
How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

And it would have served him right to get his ass kicked. There's something wrong with a person who would write what he did on that receipt. People like him scare me...and I'm white. He's not right in the head. Good, decent, normal people would not do something like that!

I agree with the part in bold, but I don't think he wrote the "n" word. It doesn't fit with the rest of his writing and no one puts all their words on the line but slants one word upwards......
As much as I post about how dumb ******* are, you're post have done a much better job.

Before you talk about how dumb someone is at least make sure you edit your post and get your tense correct so you dont sound so illiterate. :lol:

Then perhaps you shouldn't use "tense" to describe grammatical errors of number or the use of a contraction in place of a possessive pronoun. It would also help you appear relevant if you used an apostrophe in the contraction "don't".

Evidently you are also a illiterate dumbass. Do you know what tense means? He used "have" instead of "has". Thats why its in bold to give you a clue. I'm not normally the grammar police but at least have your stuff correct before you start speaking about how stupid someone is.
She did not have the right to do that, you dumbass.

Yes she did dumbass. Thats why she did it. Once he disrespected her she gained that right. Now she just has to deal with the consequence of exercising that right.

No that's not how it works. I could call you every name in the book, that does not give you the right to publish my private information on the internet.

As a technical note, the issue is unauthorized disclosure. The information itself is not private.
Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

It has a capital D that someone taught him how to do in third or fourth grade, it does not have a cursive b, or any other letters at all. The guy can barely print.

I have beautiful handwriting and printing, both, but if I'm in a really big hurry my writing or printing can look really bad.

I guess they need to get some handwriting experts involved, huh?

I think a handwriting expert will prove she wrote the "n" word. I think anybody with a brain can tell she did it based on those notes of hers and his letter to the restaurant. He doesn't slant his word upwards, away from the line but she does. The "n" word slants upwards away from the line, the word "none" remains on the line.
How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.


in a Red Lobster parking lot?

could be

You know, that's just bad taste. Please refrain from posting pictures of dead people.
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).

HOLY TOLEDO! are you a masochist or just trying to recover some dignity? Forgery is forgery in all 50 states and doesn't require "intent" to defraud or injure in any state. When you add to a person's private correspondence or legal papers, you are a forger whether you gain anything from it or not, or whether the person is injured or not. And forgery isn't defined by faking a person's signature either. I'll have to charge you for any further legal training and I don't accept American Express...their interchange rates are always 150bp above Visa and MC.....go Google what I just said for free.

Who should people believe: some e-tough guy or what the state's statute specifically says (find 39-14-114 at LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool for those interested)?

I've never said it matters whether or not the "forger" gained (it doesn't, by the way, nor does it require an intent to defraud a specific party). What it does require is intent to defraud or harm (in this context, financial gain). Even we accept all your claims about the waitress as true, you still wouldn't have the necessary elements. Those claims are all highly suspect anywhere, not even close to reaching beyond a reasonable doubt. They're not even enough to win a civil judgment.

You're continuing to confuse this issue with libel law...this is CRIMINAL LAW ya drooler. At least now your admitting you screwed the pooch with the silly claim of "intent" in defraud or injure....not sure why you're continuing to pursue this other than your face is burning with embarrassment and you're angry for playing the fool for me. BTW I'm not an "e" tough guy....heartbreaker and lifetaker IRW, sugar lips. xxxxxxooooo
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For those saying "Red Lobster had a legal right to suspend her", I don't think anyone here is really arguing against that. What's being argued is if Red Lobster should have suspended her. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

They should have shit-canned her on the spot!

I agree, even if (and that's a big if) the customer wrote the "n" word, she had no right to post his person information on the internet. She could have talked about the incident on line but to post his name, and the last 4 numbers of his credit card number is illegal. The restaurant is putting themselves in danger of a lawsuit by keeping her on, of course the damage was already done and there may be a lawsuit anyway. I can't see anyone hiring her as a nurse now. I think she's pretty much ruined her future, at least the one she was planning on.
Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

So you would beat up an innocent man, simply because a waitress published his private information and a word she wrote on the internet? I can't wait until a handwriting expert weighs in on this because it's clear SHE wrote the word. It slants upwards as do her words in her notes. His "none" remains on the line, as do his words in his letter to the restaurant. It doesn't take a genius to realize that he didn't write the "n" word and she did.

If you read my post I'm stating what I would have done in her place.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

You're right. Wonder where his copy of the receipt is? If it was me, I'd probably have tossed it. But if he didn't, that's his proof right there.
Instead Of Standing By Their Employee, Red Lobster Suspends Waitress Who Received 'None N****r' As A Tip -

The sad thing is, after learning about this, more and more scum racists will flock to Red Lobster is some kind SICK solidarity.[/quote]

First off it was one dumb ass customer!

Second, she violated a policy that she shouldn't have as was suspended WITH PAY!!! She wasn't fired nor is she losing any money (they compensate based on average earnings, meaning what her tips would have been). I work in corporate compliance and we have a strong policy against employees doing unauthorized publicity. Doesn't matter if the publicity helps the company, you can get terminated for it.

Third, you are bashing are white (and we don't even know the race of the customer, the customer could easily be a brother) based on one customer. How about this black customer.

[ame=]Two Sisters Attack Waiter With Steak Knives BECAUSE HE WAS MOVING TOO SLOW WITH THIER ORDER!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Angry Black Women beat up their Waitress at Red Lobster over wrong order! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Atlanta Customers Attack Their Waiter ( - YouTube[/ame]

Fourth, who knows if it was real. She could have easily done it herself!


Whatever happened to, "Sticks and stones will hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me"?

That is the difference between the two races: Whites might (allegedly) scribble a slur, while Blacks will go all feral, pulling out knives and throwing chairs. There is something wrong with our standards of judgment.
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).

HOLY TOLEDO! are you a masochist or just trying to recover some dignity? Forgery is forgery in all 50 states and doesn't require "intent" to defraud or injure in any state. When you add to a person's private correspondence or legal papers, you are a forger whether you gain anything from it or not, or whether the person is injured or not. And forgery isn't defined by faking a person's signature either. I'll have to charge you for any further legal training and I don't accept American Express...their interchange rates are always 150bp above Visa and MC.....go Google what I just said for free.

Who should people believe: some e-tough guy or what the state's statute specifically says (find 39-14-114 at LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool for those interested)?

I've never said it matters whether or not the "forger" gained (it doesn't, by the way, nor does it require an intent to defraud a specific party). What it does require is intent to defraud or harm (in this context, financial gain). Even we accept all your claims about the waitress as true, you still wouldn't have the necessary elements. Those claims are all highly suspect anywhere, not even close to reaching beyond a reasonable doubt. They're not even enough to win a civil judgment.

Is not publicly implying that an innocent party is a racist an attempt to defraud or injure?
The personal invective would be a lot more effective if it wasn't being used to defend a point that you're absolutely wrong about. I used my own state's statute when first thinking through the matter (which uses "intent to injure or defraud" as the test). I dug back through the thread to see which state the store was originally from, and it uses the same test ("with intent to defraud or harm", Tennessee 39-14-114).

She's made more than $10,000, you don't think that was an intent to defraud?
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

You're right. Wonder where his copy of the receipt is? If it was me, I'd probably have tossed it. But if he didn't, that's his proof right there.

Not really. If he had an ounce of sense he would have removed the customer copy if it was the carbon type before going back and adding the word. Any attorney could paint that scenario effectively. Would fit with my theory it was added as an afterthought by the customer.
HOLY TOLEDO! are you a masochist or just trying to recover some dignity? Forgery is forgery in all 50 states and doesn't require "intent" to defraud or injure in any state. When you add to a person's private correspondence or legal papers, you are a forger whether you gain anything from it or not, or whether the person is injured or not. And forgery isn't defined by faking a person's signature either. I'll have to charge you for any further legal training and I don't accept American Express...their interchange rates are always 150bp above Visa and MC.....go Google what I just said for free.

Who should people believe: some e-tough guy or what the state's statute specifically says (find 39-14-114 at LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool for those interested)?

I've never said it matters whether or not the "forger" gained (it doesn't, by the way, nor does it require an intent to defraud a specific party). What it does require is intent to defraud or harm (in this context, financial gain). Even we accept all your claims about the waitress as true, you still wouldn't have the necessary elements. Those claims are all highly suspect anywhere, not even close to reaching beyond a reasonable doubt. They're not even enough to win a civil judgment.

Is not publicly implying that an innocent party is a racist an attempt to defraud or injure?

Considering he's received death threats, I think it's proven right there that she did injure him.
I don't know how anyone can read "Devin Barnes" from the receipt, or any other name for that matter. She must have gotten it from his credit card and then posted it on the Internet.

Look at the top of the receipt, where his card information is, his name is neatly printed by the machine.

Because I'm sick of these whining crybabies, I didn't do due diligence. It shows how their degeneracy is dragging us down too.
How was not giving her a tip for a takeout order disrespectful?

Not that. Writing ****** on the receipt. If it was me he would have gotten his ass kicked outside in the parking lot with no witnesses.

is that you traycoon?

We should find out if she gave nasty service. Maybe the "none" was because takeouts don't get tips. If she was lazy and acted like doing her job was an infringement on her personal life, she deserves being called a name. The "horrible" N-word is no worse than being called "stupid." But people get a lot of undeserved sympathy by pretending it's important.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

You're right. Wonder where his copy of the receipt is? If it was me, I'd probably have tossed it. But if he didn't, that's his proof right there.

Not really. If he had an ounce of sense he would have removed the customer copy if it was the carbon type before going back and adding the word. Any attorney could paint that scenario effectively. Would fit with my theory it was added as an afterthought by the customer.

Modern credit card terminals use thermal carbon like back in the beginning....both receipts are printed one after the other. Only in the last few years have the customer's copy entire card number been Xed out except for the last 4 digits....imagine if she'd put that on her Facebook page. This waitress have committed multiple felonies, both state and federal statuates broken, and the story is what.....that the customer is a "racist"? HUH? :eek:
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