Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

Wow, you call him psychopathic and then you say something like that? Seems to me like you're the psychopath.

If somebody calls a black person a ****** they should expect to get an ass-whupping...and I think they know that. Them's fightin' words.

But what you said??? Scary shit.
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Cursive capial D:

Now look at his signature again. It begins with a very distinct, cursive capital D. The "none" and the "******" are printed.

I use both cursive and printing, depending on my mood or what I'm doing.

I use both as well, and also in one sentence.

However, a letter R is usually a given for a person - I have yet to see anybody using both types, even that somebody uses both cursive and typing styles.

Huh? I have four different letter Rs that I use. The longhand capital R, the longhand lowercase r, the printed capital R and the printed lowercase r. They're all different and I use them all.

And whether you realize it or not or wish to admit, those letters as you've written them since you learned to write/print have similarities..
The bottom line is the handwriting sample in the slur is vastly different from the sample of the word 'none' on the ticket and even more so in the note the customer wrote..
Someone in this thread attempted to spin this by arguing that the waitress didn't write the slur...Hardly the issue. It is unimportant right now who wrote the slur. Rather that the customer DID NOT write it. An in looking at the several samples presented here, the customer is not the person who wrote the slur.
Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

Wow, you call him psychopathic and then you say something like that? Seems to me like your the psychopath.

If somebody calls a black person a ****** they should expect to get an ass-whupping...and I think they know that.

But what you said??? Scary shit.

the problem is somebody planning to beat the shit out of somebody for a written word is committing a felony and if he is going to get shot as a result, his family won't have anybody to blame but him.
Even if obama says "If I would have an uncle he would look exactly like that..."
this is STUPIDITY in it's highest form.
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I use both as well, and also in one sentence.

However, a letter R is usually a given for a person - I have yet to see anybody using both types, even that somebody uses both cursive and typing styles.

Huh? I have four different letter Rs that I use. The longhand capital R, the longhand lowercase r, the printed capital R and the printed lowercase r. They're all different and I use them all.

And whether you realize it or not or wish to admit, those letters as you've written them since you learned to write/print have similarities..
The bottom line is the handwriting sample in the slur is vastly different from the sample of the word 'none' on the ticket and even more so in the note the customer wrote..
Someone in this thread attempted to spin this by arguing that the waitress didn't write the slur...Hardly the issue. It is unimportant right now who wrote the slur. Rather that the customer DID NOT write it. An in looking at the several samples presented here, the customer is not the person who wrote the slur.

You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.

Edited to take out the "Oh, bullshit," because I was inspired by Asclepias and The Gadfly. :)
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Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

Do understand, I'm not asking you to do that under duress or the heat of the moment; the vast majority of us (myself included), do not have that much self-discipline. I WOULD ask you to consider it, though, when you have the luxury of time, and the cold light of reason, in which to contemplate what is best, before reacting.

Now if I was forced to think logically before I could get to the guy I probably would decide it wasn't worth it. :lol:

Refreshing to see how conversation can go when people treat each other decently. You two rock.
Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

Wow, you call him psychopathic and then you say something like that? Seems to me like you're the psychopath.

If somebody calls a black person a ****** they should expect to get an ass-whupping...and I think they know that. Them's fightin' words.

But what you said??? Scary shit.

Because I hope a psycho thug who thinks an appropriate response to an insult is to kill someone ends up dead? Here's a penny, call someone who gives a shit. Dead thugs make me's one less parasite I am supporting with my taxes.
Huh? I have four different letter Rs that I use. The longhand capital R, the longhand lowercase r, the printed capital R and the printed lowercase r. They're all different and I use them all.

And whether you realize it or not or wish to admit, those letters as you've written them since you learned to write/print have similarities..
The bottom line is the handwriting sample in the slur is vastly different from the sample of the word 'none' on the ticket and even more so in the note the customer wrote..
Someone in this thread attempted to spin this by arguing that the waitress didn't write the slur...Hardly the issue. It is unimportant right now who wrote the slur. Rather that the customer DID NOT write it. An in looking at the several samples presented here, the customer is not the person who wrote the slur.

Oh, bullshit. You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.
Hey, can we say m----rfucker on this forum? Without getting in trouble, I mean? Because I sure feel the need to use that term around here sometimes. Nothing else is strong enough. Except for c--ksucker. Can we say that one?

Don't go there, Koosh. Not that I haven't wanted to, on occasion; and at people on both ends of the spectrum, at that; but, it really doesn't help make anything better, so I'm not sure there's much real point in it.

Now, as for those who think it's ok to beat, or worse, shoot someone over a racial slur, I don't think that's a very helpful approach, either. I don't know that I have any easy solution to the problem we have with racial hatred in this country, but a lifetime of experience tells me that threats of violence and retribution are NOT the answer. It's a simple problem, this idea of seeing other people as individuals, not members of a group where "All of them are alike"; but it has a lot of layers-as many as those people who have had one or more negative experience(s) with someone of another race. The problem is how to break the cycle of grievance and counter-grievance, and it's complicated by some people who see power or profit in pandering to the worst instincts and the worst fears of people on both sides. It may be that about all most of us can do, is make sure WE are not contributing to the problem, and encourage others to do likewise. "Teach your children well..."
And whether you realize it or not or wish to admit, those letters as you've written them since you learned to write/print have similarities..
The bottom line is the handwriting sample in the slur is vastly different from the sample of the word 'none' on the ticket and even more so in the note the customer wrote..
Someone in this thread attempted to spin this by arguing that the waitress didn't write the slur...Hardly the issue. It is unimportant right now who wrote the slur. Rather that the customer DID NOT write it. An in looking at the several samples presented here, the customer is not the person who wrote the slur.

Oh, bullshit. You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.
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Hey, can we say m----rfucker on this forum? Without getting in trouble, I mean? Because I sure feel the need to use that term around here sometimes. Nothing else is strong enough. Except for c--ksucker. Can we say that one?

Don't go there, Koosh. Not that I haven't wanted to, on occasion; and at people on both ends of the spectrum, at that; but, it really doesn't help make anything better, so I'm not sure there's much real point in it.

Now, as for those who think it's ok to beat, or worse, shoot someone over a racial slur, I don't think that's a very helpful approach, either. I don't know that I have any easy solution to the problem we have with racial hatred in this country, but a lifetime of experience tells me that threats of violence and retribution are NOT the answer. It's a simple problem, this idea of seeing other people as individuals, not members of a group where "All of them are alike"; but it has a lot of layers-as many as those people who have had one or more negative experience(s) with someone of another race. The problem is how to break the cycle of grievance and counter-grievance, and it's complicated by some people who see power or profit in pandering to the worst instincts and the worst fears of people on both sides. It may be that about all most of us can do, is make sure WE are not contributing to the problem, and encourage others to do likewise. "Teach your children well..."

"seeing them as individuals rather than members of a group"..
Unfortunately there are those who have something to gain by placing people into groups.
In fact, even though racism and racists are awful, it is those who fan the flames of racial bigotry and distrust for profit who are the evil ones.
Oh, bullshit. You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

I neither stated not implied that the waitress wrote the slur herself. My only point is...and I will state this for the last time....that the customer was NOT the person who wrote the slur.
if there are things people have posted on here you find offensive, direct you complaints to THEM...
Oh, bullshit. You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

She was stupid, and people gave her money, Stupid people don't plan to make money they just get lucky.
Hey, can we say m----rfucker on this forum? Without getting in trouble, I mean? Because I sure feel the need to use that term around here sometimes. Nothing else is strong enough. Except for c--ksucker. Can we say that one?

Don't go there, Koosh. Not that I haven't wanted to, on occasion; and at people on both ends of the spectrum, at that; but, it really doesn't help make anything better, so I'm not sure there's much real point in it.

Now, as for those who think it's ok to beat, or worse, shoot someone over a racial slur, I don't think that's a very helpful approach, either. I don't know that I have any easy solution to the problem we have with racial hatred in this country, but a lifetime of experience tells me that threats of violence and retribution are NOT the answer. It's a simple problem, this idea of seeing other people as individuals, not members of a group where "All of them are alike"; but it has a lot of layers-as many as those people who have had one or more negative experience(s) with someone of another race. The problem is how to break the cycle of grievance and counter-grievance, and it's complicated by some people who see power or profit in pandering to the worst instincts and the worst fears of people on both sides. It may be that about all most of us can do, is make sure WE are not contributing to the problem, and encourage others to do likewise. "Teach your children well..."

"seeing them as individuals rather than members of a group"..
Unfortunately there are those who have something to gain by placing people into groups.
In fact, even though racism and racists are awful, it is those who fan the flames of racial bigotry and distrust for profit who are the evil ones.

I wouldn't disagree with that last thought, except to add that doing it for political power is just as evil.. Unfortunately, though, too often it works for those doing it, and it will continue to work, until the rest of us stop letting ourselves get sucked into it. That's harder than it sounds, because we're dealing with some hurts and fears that provoke some pretty visceral emotional reactions, and sometimes we're dealing with hatred so poisonous, that it inspires acts so vile that they are beyond description. There have been awful things done (often to the completely innocent) and both black people and white people have done them. It's hard to restrain ourselves from being caught up in the emotions of something like that-but we need to, until eventually, those who would use it for their own selfish ends no longer find votes or dollars in doing so. That part we CAN do something about, and it starts with each one of us.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

I neither stated not implied that the waitress wrote the slur herself. My only point is...and I will state this for the last time....that the customer was NOT the person who wrote the slur.
if there are things people have posted on here you find offensive, direct you complaints to THEM...

You state it like you know it for sure...the customer was NOT the person who wrote the slur. You state it like it's a fact.

We don't know it to be a fact at this time. At this time, it's merely your opinion.

And you may be right.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

She was stupid, and people gave her money, Stupid people don't plan to make money they just get lucky.

I wish I'd do something stupid and people would send me $10,000. It would be a lifesaver right now.

Hmmm. Now you've got me thinking. :eusa_shifty:
Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

She was stupid, and people gave her money, Stupid people don't plan to make money they just get lucky.

I wish I'd do something stupid and people would send me $10,000. It would be a lifesaver right now.

Hmmm. Now you've got me thinking. :eusa_shifty:
Well, if you're black, just go out and spray paint "KKK" on your house and maybe the "N" word, post it on Facebook with a P.O. box to send contributions. It seems to work.
Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

Wow, you call him psychopathic and then you say something like that? Seems to me like you're the psychopath.

If somebody calls a black person a ****** they should expect to get an ass-whupping...and I think they know that. Them's fightin' words.

But what you said??? Scary shit.

what else is fightin' words?

where do you draw the line?

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Oh, bullshit. You don't know anymore than the rest of us know.
Obfuscation. All one has to do is look and observe.
You have taken a defensive position because all you have is raw emotion. You are pot committed that the customer wrote the slur. Even if proven wrong you will insist the data is wrong because in your mind this MUST be a racial incident. And the result MUST be the black girl is a victim. For you this is the only acceptable outcome.

Please note: I went back and edited out the "Oh, bullshit" because Asceplias and The Gadfly have inspired me to be a better person.

However, you are wrong about my stance on this. I'm not sure which way this will go, but I don't see that the waitress would have much incentive to write "******" on that receipt. Does anyone really think she foresaw that as a way to "get some money"? I don't, that's just too farfetched for me.

But if you think I'm one of those who will always support the black people, regardless of the circumstances, you are wrong. I am guilty of the same thing Paula Deen confessed to, okay? Yet, one of my best friends is a black woman. I have a young niece who is black. I am always striving to be a good person and the blatant racism I see on these forums repulses me. So perhaps I tend to give the black person the benefit of the doubt here, in this venue. But it is in response to the horrible, incendiary things that are said, not because of some partiality for the black race over the white race, or any such thing.

I really wish they would get some handwriting experts to look at that slip and give their assessment of whether the same person wrote those words. If the black woman wrote the word "******" on that receipt, I will have some harsh words for her. I just really doubt that she did. It doesn't add up.

YOU? A better person?
She was stupid, and people gave her money, Stupid people don't plan to make money they just get lucky.

I wish I'd do something stupid and people would send me $10,000. It would be a lifesaver right now.

Hmmm. Now you've got me thinking. :eusa_shifty:
Well, if you're black, just go out and spray paint "KKK" on your house and maybe the "N" word, post it on Facebook with a P.O. box to send contributions. It seems to work.

Or "carve" a backwards "B" on your face.

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