Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Look, everybody, the bottom line, for now, is that whle we can argue and speculate and assume, unti hell freezes over, WE DON'T KNOW! Until either (1) somebody 'fesses up, or (2) we get an expert forensic opinion on who wrote what, WE STILL WON'T KNOW! Now, in the meantime, we seem to be having an internet pissing contest, with people taking sides and assuming nonexistent facts, based on preconceptions, and yes, individual prejudices. I assume some of you find this entertaining, but aside from that, what constructive purpose is being served? All I see is people judging the personal character of people they have never met: "He's a RACIST!" "She's not fit to be a nurse!"; and whether or not any of you want to admit it, those character judgements (and the supposed "justification" for them), are based on ONE thing, and that's the race of the two individuals in question. None of us know much of anything relevant about these two people as individuals,, but most of you are ready to come to instant judgement, just on whether the color of their skin is the same as your own. And then you wonder why we can't have an intelligent dialogue on race like adults, without it turning into something more like a taunting match between children in a schoolyard? The real question, is how many of you really want to find a way to have less of this sort of behavior (from whatever side), instead of just slinging accusations that it's all someone else's fault.
Being stupid would still require a lot of maybes.

She was stupid. Company policy is that you do not post anything from Red Lobster. People have actually gotten fired over it, yet she posted the receipt. You are trying to argue that the fact she posted the reciept, and didn't get fired, proves she plotted it out in advance. I am saying she was stupid.

Which is the simplest explanation?

The simplest explanation is that he simply wrote it. If she was stupid and forged it what would be her motivation for doing so? You have to factor in a lot of maybes like I listed out if she was just stupid.

you have a point, but there are so many " cry wolf" incidents

just to get $
Look, everybody, the bottom line, for now, is that whle we can argue and speculate and assume, unti hell freezes over, WE DON'T KNOW![/B] Until either (1) somebody 'fesses up, or (2) we get an expert forensic opinion on who wrote what, WE STILL WON'T KNOW! Now, in the meantime, we seem to be having an internet pissing contest, with people taking sides and assuming nonexistent facts, based on preconceptions, and yes, individual prejudices. I assume some of you find this entertaining, but aside from that, what constructive purpose is being served? All I see is people judging the personal character of people they have never met: "He's a RACIST!" "She's not fit to be a nurse!"; and whether or not any of you want to admit it, those character judgements (and the supposed "justification" for them), are based onONE thing,[/B] and that's the race] of the two individuals in question. None of us know much of anything relevant about these two people as individuals,, but most of you are ready to come to instant judgement, just on whether the color of their skin is the same as your own. And then you wonder why we can't have an intelligent dialogue on race like adults, without it turning into something more like a taunting match between children in a schoolyard? The real question, is how many of you really want to find a way to have less of this sort of behavior (from whatever side), instead of just slinging accusations that it's all someone else's fault.

She isn't. She does not respect the basic principle of privacy of information. It does not matter if the client or a patient is an asshole - his private information is SACROSANCT.
It also does not matter if she posted private info online for the revenge or out of stupidity or out of need for attention - she is able to violate the privacy - she will be a liability for any medical entity, because the HIPAA law is extremely strict.

Everything else is irrelevant, but she did an extreme disservice for herself and future employment.
Or what's going to happen? You're going to puff up on the internets? You kept making claims that aren't true, because you think being a fry cook who gets the run the register sometimes makes you an expert on credit cards.

No, my once owning a First Data agency after years as a Cardservice International sales manager makes me the expert you fucking troll. First you pose as a lawyer and now an expert on merchant bet is you're a housewife with a drinking problem. STFU...there's enough bogus information going around without yiou adding to it.

I haven't presented any "bogus information". You made a claim, it was proven false, and you're still jumping up and down like a child.
As usual, the person who is arguing that he understands the issues doesn't. There doesn't have to be any money, or actual harm, involved, all that is necessary is that the forger intended to pass a false document off as a real one.

Elements of Forgery - Forgery

The statute has been posted twice in the thread at this point. All of the relevant case law defines the harm as being monetary in nature. Your citation to a random blog doesn't overwrite that.

And I advised you to look up what defraud means, have you done it?

A court is not going to care about the dictionary meaning of "fraud". It's being used as a legal term of art here.
Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

I hope you try it on someone who beats you to a bloody pulp...or just draws, cocks, and puts a couple of slugs into your guts and leaves you to bleed out!

I know that white boy racist cowards would only call me the n word to my face under 2 conditions. They are either intoxicated or they have a weapon. Knowing this to be true there would be no warning. What would happen is I'd put them to sleep. When they woke up they'd be hog tied and I'd make them perform oral sex on the barrel of the weapon to save their life. Not too worried about one being able to handle me man to man.

How psychopathic. You need to be netted, heavily sedated, and fully restrained for transport to a secure mental health facility to spend the rest of your life. You are a poster child for concealed carry.
I'd have to add at this juncture that I'm amazed at what posters think they can slip past others who know their stuff. The anonymous nature of these boards leads me to believe little of what's said here would ever be said in real life, in the real world. What's truly amazing is how little some here know about how their credit card works, how to defend it against fraud, and the consequences of the law when you play with other's finanacial information in a public venue. The black waitress should be dragged from her apartment and frog-marched into a holding cell until she can be arraigned for mail fraud, profiting from an illegal enterprise, and forgery. Instead all some of these airheads can come up with is that she's the victim and the guy she punked is a "racist". Little wonder why the public schools are now tasked to turn out even dumber voters than before to keep the leftists lying with a straight face.



  • $IronyMeter1.gif
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It's cute when you guys try to play lawyer. Forgery requires an intent to defraud, so even if we accept his story, it doesn't contain a necessary element of the offense.

No, what's "cute" is when idiots like you try to get by with fake knowledge on the subject.....Forgery need not have "an intent to defraud"....if you're a lawyer, you're a piss-poor one. I'm quite familiar with the legalities of credit card processing; you obviously are not. It's also a federal beef what she did because credit card transactions are interstate commerce. If the customer in question pursues her, she'll end up with multiple charges against her....well, she would if the DOJ prosectued blacks during Hussein's illegal presidency.

Forgery requires intent to injure or defraud (both of which refer to monetary damage). There was no effort to take money from Mr. McRacist here.

Bopth were present: she defrauded the idiots that gave her money and injured the man she falsely accused. Throw the book at her!
Look, everybody, the bottom line, for now, is that whle we can argue and speculate and assume, unti hell freezes over, WE DON'T KNOW![/B] Until either (1) somebody 'fesses up, or (2) we get an expert forensic opinion on who wrote what, WE STILL WON'T KNOW! Now, in the meantime, we seem to be having an internet pissing contest, with people taking sides and assuming nonexistent facts, based on preconceptions, and yes, individual prejudices. I assume some of you find this entertaining, but aside from that, what constructive purpose is being served? All I see is people judging the personal character of people they have never met: "He's a RACIST!" "She's not fit to be a nurse!"; and whether or not any of you want to admit it, those character judgements (and the supposed "justification" for them), are based onONE thing,[/B] and that's the race] of the two individuals in question. None of us know much of anything relevant about these two people as individuals,, but most of you are ready to come to instant judgement, just on whether the color of their skin is the same as your own. And then you wonder why we can't have an intelligent dialogue on race like adults, without it turning into something more like a taunting match between children in a schoolyard? The real question, is how many of you really want to find a way to have less of this sort of behavior (from whatever side), instead of just slinging accusations that it's all someone else's fault.

She isn't. She does not respect the basic principle of privacy of information. It does not matter if the client or a patient is an asshole - his private information is SACROSANCT.
It also does not matter if she posted private info online for the revenge or out of stupidity or out of need for attention - she is able to violate the privacy - she will be a liability for any medical entity, because the HIPAA law is extremely strict.

Everything else is irrelevant, but she did an extreme disservice for herself and future employment.

Vox, I think that part of it is fair enough. Whatever else did or didn't happen, her judgement in posting a photo of the receipt on Facebook (or any other public form) was pretty poor. It's uncontroverted she did that, and her employer has disciplined her accordingly. That said, she IS a nineteen year-old student, not a fully trained and licensed nurse, and I do not know that she has received appropriate training in the ethics of that profession as of yet (if she has, that would put a different spin on it). Given that, and the obvious lack of critical thinking/decision making skills among so many of our young people, I don't know that we can say her character is quite beyond redemption, based on what we now know; if there was further dishonesty, that would put a different light on it. I don't think this is a particularly good recommendation, but in and of itself, I don't know that it ought to be a career-killer, either. I get what you're saying, and there is an issue of respecting confidentiality here, but we also have to have some regard for context.
Yes, and you'd have been wrong. I don't know how to stop the hate that's out there, but I'm pretty sure that answering it with more of the same won't do it; at least, there's no indication that it has, to this point. I'm pretty sure that if we demand that every slight and every wrong be redressed, we're all eventually going to be disappointed.

Sorry to disagree but that action deserves an ass kicking. Some things I can let go as just ignorance but if someone blatantly pulls a stunt like that it will be the last time they do it without considering the consequences. Some people simply dont understand any other language but ignorance and violence. I'm not at that point of personal growth where I can just turn the other cheek.

So you would beat up an innocent man, simply because a waitress published his private information and a word she wrote on the internet? I can't wait until a handwriting expert weighs in on this because it's clear SHE wrote the word. It slants upwards as do her words in her notes. His "none" remains on the line, as do his words in his letter to the restaurant. It doesn't take a genius to realize that he didn't write the "n" word and she did.

The poster you are responding to is clearly a psychopath. There is no other word for him/her/it.
Being stupid would still require a lot of maybes.

She was stupid. Company policy is that you do not post anything from Red Lobster. People have actually gotten fired over it, yet she posted the receipt. You are trying to argue that the fact she posted the reciept, and didn't get fired, proves she plotted it out in advance. I am saying she was stupid.

Which is the simplest explanation?

The simplest explanation is that he simply wrote it. If she was stupid and forged it what would be her motivation for doing so? You have to factor in a lot of maybes like I listed out if she was just stupid.

Like I keep telling you, he didn't write it, unless he managed to change the way he writes completely for that single word, therefore that is not the simplest explanation of anything.
The statute has been posted twice in the thread at this point. All of the relevant case law defines the harm as being monetary in nature. Your citation to a random blog doesn't overwrite that.

And I advised you to look up what defraud means, have you done it?

A court is not going to care about the dictionary meaning of "fraud". It's being used as a legal term of art here.

I didn't ask you for the dictionary definition, did I? What is the meaning under Tennessee law?

Hint, I already told you, it involves personal or monetary advantage.
Look, everybody, the bottom line, for now, is that whle we can argue and speculate and assume, unti hell freezes over, WE DON'T KNOW![/B] Until either (1) somebody 'fesses up, or (2) we get an expert forensic opinion on who wrote what, WE STILL WON'T KNOW! Now, in the meantime, we seem to be having an internet pissing contest, with people taking sides and assuming nonexistent facts, based on preconceptions, and yes, individual prejudices. I assume some of you find this entertaining, but aside from that, what constructive purpose is being served? All I see is people judging the personal character of people they have never met: "He's a RACIST!" "She's not fit to be a nurse!"; and whether or not any of you want to admit it, those character judgements (and the supposed "justification" for them), are based onONE thing,[/B] and that's the race] of the two individuals in question. None of us know much of anything relevant about these two people as individuals,, but most of you are ready to come to instant judgement, just on whether the color of their skin is the same as your own. And then you wonder why we can't have an intelligent dialogue on race like adults, without it turning into something more like a taunting match between children in a schoolyard? The real question, is how many of you really want to find a way to have less of this sort of behavior (from whatever side), instead of just slinging accusations that it's all someone else's fault.

She isn't. She does not respect the basic principle of privacy of information. It does not matter if the client or a patient is an asshole - his private information is SACROSANCT.
It also does not matter if she posted private info online for the revenge or out of stupidity or out of need for attention - she is able to violate the privacy - she will be a liability for any medical entity, because the HIPAA law is extremely strict.

Everything else is irrelevant, but she did an extreme disservice for herself and future employment.

Vox, I think that part of it is fair enough. Whatever else did or didn't happen, her judgement in posting a photo of the receipt on Facebook (or any other public form) was pretty poor. It's uncontroverted she did that, and her employer has disciplined her accordingly. That said, she IS a nineteen year-old student, not a fully trained and licensed nurse, and I do not know that she has received appropriate training in the ethics of that profession as of yet (if she has, that would put a different spin on it). Given that, and the obvious lack of critical thinking/decision making skills among so many of our young people, I don't know that we can say her character is quite beyond redemption, based on what we now know; if there was further dishonesty, that would put a different light on it. I don't think this is a particularly good recommendation, but in and of itself, I don't know that it ought to be a career-killer, either. I get what you're saying, and there is an issue of respecting confidentiality here, but we also have to have some regard for context.

I understand that. But I also know the medical world from inside and her stupidity of posting personal private information online and violating the company's she works for rule is going to chase her.
That is a liability issue.
Unless she changes her name, appearance and totally closes her facebook and other social media page - it is going to follow her.

It is always amazing for me that people post online so many stupid things voluntarily - just to make their life more difficult in a totally unexpected situation.
People who are hiring look through those sites ( and many others) all day long.
They do not read your references or letters of recommendation - those don't matter anymore. They search the internet
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if his receipt doesn't have the "******" scrawled on it, that waitress is also guilty of card receipts are legal documents. Will a prosecutor charge her? probably not....nobody got stabbed.

You're right. Wonder where his copy of the receipt is? If it was me, I'd probably have tossed it. But if he didn't, that's his proof right there.

Not really. If he had an ounce of sense he would have removed the customer copy if it was the carbon type before going back and adding the word. Any attorney could paint that scenario effectively. Would fit with my theory it was added as an afterthought by the customer.

Dude, get out of 1990! It's not a carbon, it just prints out two copies.
Red Lobster and everybody else has to have modern terminals for security reasons....about 5 years ago the industry deemed old terminals unsecure/unencrypted and quit taking transactions from them. The copy in question is the customer copy which would have been handed to him after the transaction was completed....there would be no way he could have written "******" on his copy and her being able to snap a pic of it, unless he never got his copy or left it behind because he was in a hurry.... Bogus story.....hopefully Facebook gets sued for allowing it to be posted.

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but the copy she posted was the restaurant's copy.

I see that at the bottom but the merchant copy doesn't have the customer's card # Xed out except for the last 4 digits...the whole number is required from the processor and why you always check your receipts at a restaurant to see if the information is correct. There's always the possibility the numbers were blurred by whomever published the pic of course. I haven't looked to see what pic she posted on FB. Most credit card fraud comes from.....WAITERS at restaurants so you should never let your card leave your eyesight. If you aren't presented with a wireless terminal by your waiter, pay at the front register.

The card number is X'd out on both copies in many places, including where i got lunch today!
It does not mention any type of gain.

It's implicit in the legal meaning of "defraud".

Then you should be able to prove that I don't know what the fuck I am talking about by linking to the definition of defraud under Tennessee law.

It all goes back to the statute that's already been cited repeatedly in this thread (39-14-114) and that your little buddy was too lazy to read when he was shouting "forgery doesn't require intent". Forgery is a subset of theft under Tennessee law. Notice that all of the gradations of theft are based on monetary value (39-14-105).
nope, it is more convinient for your racist mind.

it is way more simple for HER to write the word - if HE did it - why on earth didn't she have a fit over it right on the scene? instead she supposedly quietly takes picture of the receipt - which is already suspicious - if there WAS a word written by a customer and she would be apalled - she would show the manager and make a copy, not sneak the picture.

She was not apalled. She planned it, did it and then posted it - for attention, money, whatever.

No it really is simple if you can count to 3. He only needs to do 1 thing. She needs to do at least 3 to pull it off.

No, all she had to do was write the word and take the picture, Facebook automatically uploads any photos you take on you phone. Maybe she didn't plan to let it out on the internet, and forgot that her phone automatically uploads, which would mean all she would have to do is be stupid.

Nope, she put it on Facebook herself along with her statement about low class racists in Tennessee.

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