Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Of course....all parenting is "abuse" right? Have you sued your folks for it yet? :uhoh3:

Parenting has nothing to do with kicking someones ass. Were you abused or something and haven't realized it?

So you never tried the old man on for size and found out how fast you can land on your ass? You must be a girl.

p.s. do you know what the word "therapist" is when it's divided into two words?

Why would i try my pops out? I have respect for him. I took out the bulk of my aggression on KKK members. Are you claiming to be a rapist now?
Of course....all parenting is "abuse" right? Have you sued your folks for it yet? :uhoh3:

Someone says kicking your child's ass is abuse and you respond by saying, "Of course...all paenting is abuse, right?"

No one said ALL parenting is abuse. They said kicking your child's ass is abuse. How do you get "all parenting is abuse" out of that?

Shhhhhh.....I've been sparring with this dilweed all afternoon....about to pop him/her into the creel. :eusa_shhh:

Actually you are not sparring with anyone. Youre exchanging messages safely on a message board.
To me its way more probable he did it than the elaborate scheme you would need to believe in order to think she was lying. Unless you are a handwriting expert any difference you may think you see in the "none" and the n word is irrelevant.

Why are you insisting that there are only two possibilities? It is entirely possible she did it because she is stupid and that there was no elaborate plan involved.

Right now there are only 2 people involved from what we know?

Yes, and you insist that the only way she could possibly be responsible for what happened is if she plotted out everything that happened after she did it. Since that is absurd, she must not have written it at all, which is even more absurd.
Him simply writing the slur is way more simple.

nope, it is more convinient for your racist mind.

it is way more simple for HER to write the word - if HE did it - why on earth didn't she have a fit over it right on the scene? instead she supposedly quietly takes picture of the receipt - which is already suspicious - if there WAS a word written by a customer and she would be apalled - she would show the manager and make a copy, not sneak the picture.

She was not apalled. She planned it, did it and then posted it - for attention, money, whatever.

No it really is simple if you can count to 3. He only needs to do 1 thing. She needs to do at least 3 to pull it off.

No, all she had to do was write the word and take the picture, Facebook automatically uploads any photos you take on you phone. Maybe she didn't plan to let it out on the internet, and forgot that her phone automatically uploads, which would mean all she would have to do is be stupid.
Why are you insisting that there are only two possibilities? It is entirely possible she did it because she is stupid and that there was no elaborate plan involved.

Right now there are only 2 people involved from what we know?

Yes, and you insist that the only way she could possibly be responsible for what happened is if she plotted out everything that happened after she did it. Since that is absurd, she must not have written it at all, which is even more absurd.

Where did you get that from? I never said she plotted anything out. I would think she would have to plot it out beforehand and know that she would donations for it to even make it worth risking her job.
nope, it is more convinient for your racist mind.

it is way more simple for HER to write the word - if HE did it - why on earth didn't she have a fit over it right on the scene? instead she supposedly quietly takes picture of the receipt - which is already suspicious - if there WAS a word written by a customer and she would be apalled - she would show the manager and make a copy, not sneak the picture.

She was not apalled. She planned it, did it and then posted it - for attention, money, whatever.

No it really is simple if you can count to 3. He only needs to do 1 thing. She needs to do at least 3 to pull it off.

No, all she had to do was write the word and take the picture, Facebook automatically uploads any photos you take on you phone. Maybe she didn't plan to let it out on the internet, and forgot that her phone automatically uploads, which would mean all she would have to do is be stupid.

Thats still one more action than he would need to do. Also Facebook doesn't automatically upload anything unless you let it. You have a lot of maybes to get to her being responsible. He only has 1 no matter what. You can dance and play twister all day long with it. Her actions would be more elaborate than his no matter what scenario you come up with.
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Right now there are only 2 people involved from what we know?

Yes, and you insist that the only way she could possibly be responsible for what happened is if she plotted out everything that happened after she did it. Since that is absurd, she must not have written it at all, which is even more absurd.

Where did you get that from? I never said she plotted anything out. I would think she would have to plot it out beforehand and know that she would donations for it to even make it worth risking her job.


Here is what happened. She took the photo, and posted it. This violated company policy, and she got a paid vacation as a result, and whined because she doesn't understand the difference between a day off with pay and a suspension. Idiots were outraged, and gave her money.

What, exactly, did she have to plot out in advance? The paid suspension?

No plotting involved,
No it really is simple if you can count to 3. He only needs to do 1 thing. She needs to do at least 3 to pull it off.

No, all she had to do was write the word and take the picture, Facebook automatically uploads any photos you take on you phone. Maybe she didn't plan to let it out on the internet, and forgot that her phone automatically uploads, which would mean all she would have to do is be stupid.

Thats still one more action than he would need to do. Also Facebook doesn't automatically upload anything unless you let it. You have a lot of maybes to get to her being responsible. He only has 1 no matter what. You can dance and play twister all day long with it. Her actions would be more elaborate than his no matter what.

Yet she posted the picture, which proves she had time to do whatever else you think she needed to do.
Yes, and you insist that the only way she could possibly be responsible for what happened is if she plotted out everything that happened after she did it. Since that is absurd, she must not have written it at all, which is even more absurd.

Where did you get that from? I never said she plotted anything out. I would think she would have to plot it out beforehand and know that she would donations for it to even make it worth risking her job.


Here is what happened. She took the photo, and posted it. This violated company policy, and she got a paid vacation as a result, and whined because she doesn't understand the difference between a day off with pay and a suspension. Idiots were outraged, and gave her money.

What, exactly, did she have to plot out in advance? The paid suspension?

No plotting involved,


What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."
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No, all she had to do was write the word and take the picture, Facebook automatically uploads any photos you take on you phone. Maybe she didn't plan to let it out on the internet, and forgot that her phone automatically uploads, which would mean all she would have to do is be stupid.

Thats still one more action than he would need to do. Also Facebook doesn't automatically upload anything unless you let it. You have a lot of maybes to get to her being responsible. He only has 1 no matter what. You can dance and play twister all day long with it. Her actions would be more elaborate than his no matter what.

Yet she posted the picture, which proves she had time to do whatever else you think she needed to do.

Thats not the point though. I said its way more likely he simply wrote it rather than her doing this elaborate scheme people are trying to dream up to clear the customer.
Writing "none" on the receipt was rude enough, as was NOT tipping.

But somehow he stops at the racial slur.

Gotta love it.

Do not tip for:

Being served yellow lettuce instead of dark green

Sour orange juice that tastes tainted

Being waited on after 3 people who arrived after me are served first

lipstick smudge on new glass of milk that never went through dishwasher

glass of milk that tastes like beer, which means it was poured into cup that contained beer that was partially dumped and not washed

being served ice in milk after telling waitress I am allergic to tap water

blood on plate of steak that was ordered "well done."

no alternatives to an all-fried food menu

no options for customers who cannot drink tap water such as bottled water, milk, or not-from-concentrate juice

notice dirt under waiter's fingernails

notice cut not covered by band aid on server's or cook's hand

server counts out cash to preceding customer, then goes and rolls a burrito or taco without placing plastic gloves on hands or washing them with hand sanitizer first

waiter's hair found on food

bones left in fish

small broken bones found in fried chicken underneath crisp coating due to improper cutting of meat

steak or hamburger that looks green, smells bad, or tastes bad

waiter dumps or spills on guests at my table

food that is supposed to be hot is served cold

yesterday's banana pudding blithely served with brown slimy bananas in it as if no one would notice

olive green beans served with bright green beans blithely as if someone wouldn't notice

cole slaw that is so old it has partially become sauerkraut

mashed potatoes with rotten brown parts incorporated into it and served blithely as if no one would notice

baked potatoes with similar imperfections served blithely as if no one would notice

waitress sneezes or coughs her cold on any guests sitting at table

menu written by someone who does not understand diversity in nutrition. I guess that goes with a menu that has only fried foods on it. :lol:
Where did you get that from? I never said she plotted anything out. I would think she would have to plot it out beforehand and know that she would donations for it to even make it worth risking her job.


Here is what happened. She took the photo, and posted it. This violated company policy, and she got a paid vacation as a result, and whined because she doesn't understand the difference between a day off with pay and a suspension. Idiots were outraged, and gave her money.

What, exactly, did she have to plot out in advance? The paid suspension?

No plotting involved,


What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

What reason would she have for what? Does she need a reason to be stupid?

She should have know that taking posting the picture was enough to potentially get her fired, yet she posted it. Thus, she was stupid, end of discussion about motive.
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Thats still one more action than he would need to do. Also Facebook doesn't automatically upload anything unless you let it. You have a lot of maybes to get to her being responsible. He only has 1 no matter what. You can dance and play twister all day long with it. Her actions would be more elaborate than his no matter what.

Yet she posted the picture, which proves she had time to do whatever else you think she needed to do.

Thats not the point though. I said its way more likely he simply wrote it rather than her doing this elaborate scheme people are trying to dream up to clear the customer.

Except he did not write it.

You know I am not saying she did, yet you want to argue with me like I am the racist because I can see what is in front of my face.
If you can add some more maybes to the customers side of the ledger feel free. I'm open minded

Her maybes

Maybe she was stupid:
Didnt know she could get fired
Didnt know that pressing the camera app and pressing the button would take a picture
Didnt know picture could get automatically uploaded if allowed.
Didnt know it would go viral.

Maybe she planned it:
knew she would not get fired
knew she would get paid leave
knew it would go viral
knew she would get a 10K donation

Maybe she went into a trance and wrote it:
Didnt realize what she was doing.

Maybe the tooth fairy or another third party wrote it.

His maybes

Maybe he was stupid:
Didnt know how to spell nice girl and instead spelt the N word.

Maybe he went into a trance after writing none:
Didnt realize what he was doing.

Maybe he planned it:
Knew he was a racist.

Maybe the tooth fairy or another third party wrote it.

Who's actions are way more likely to be the how it all went down?

Here is what happened. She took the photo, and posted it. This violated company policy, and she got a paid vacation as a result, and whined because she doesn't understand the difference between a day off with pay and a suspension. Idiots were outraged, and gave her money.

What, exactly, did she have to plot out in advance? The paid suspension?

No plotting involved,


What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

What reason would she have for what? Complaining about getting suspended with pay? Does she need a reason to be stupid?

Being stupid would still require a lot of maybes.
If you can add some more maybes to the customers side of the ledger feel free. I'm open minded

Her maybes

Maybe she was stupid:
Didnt know she could get fired
Didnt know that pressing the camera app and pressing the button would take a picture
Didnt know picture could get automatically uploaded if allowed.
Didnt know it would go viral.

Maybe she planned it:
knew she would not get fired
knew she would get paid leave
knew it would go viral
knew she would get a 10K donation

Maybe she went into a trance and wrote it:
Didnt realize what she was doing.

Maybe the tooth fairy or another third party wrote it.

His maybes

Maybe he was stupid:
Didnt know how to spell nice girl and instead spelt the N word.

Maybe he went into a trance after writing none:
Didnt realize what he was doing.

Maybe he planned it:
Knew he was a racist.

Maybe the tooth fairy or another third party wrote it.

Who's actions are way more likely to be the how it all went down?

obviously the girl wrote it. :rolleyes:

What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

What reason would she have for what? Complaining about getting suspended with pay? Does she need a reason to be stupid?

Being stupid would still require a lot of maybes.

She was stupid. Company policy is that you do not post anything from Red Lobster. People have actually gotten fired over it, yet she posted the receipt. You are trying to argue that the fact she posted the reciept, and didn't get fired, proves she plotted it out in advance. I am saying she was stupid.

Which is the simplest explanation?
Yet she posted the picture, which proves she had time to do whatever else you think she needed to do.

Thats not the point though. I said its way more likely he simply wrote it rather than her doing this elaborate scheme people are trying to dream up to clear the customer.

Except he did not write it.

You know I am not saying she did, yet you want to argue with me like I am the racist because I can see what is in front of my face.

I never called you a racist. You already said you dont know if she did it. I dont know who did either but I am looking at probability. Its way more probable he did it. If someone had a gun to my childs head and forced me to pick the correct person without hesitation I would say the customer.
What reason would she have for what? Complaining about getting suspended with pay? Does she need a reason to be stupid?

Being stupid would still require a lot of maybes.

She was stupid. Company policy is that you do not post anything from Red Lobster. People have actually gotten fired over it, yet she posted the receipt. You are trying to argue that the fact she posted the reciept, and didn't get fired, proves she plotted it out in advance. I am saying she was stupid.

Which is the simplest explanation?

The simplest explanation is that he simply wrote it. If she was stupid and forged it what would be her motivation for doing so? You have to factor in a lot of maybes like I listed out if she was just stupid.
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