Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Gee, you mean I was right months ago when I predicted this outcome? <yawn>

Anyone notice some restaurants using ipad menus with nice pictures and descriptions of the food items? Anyone care to guess what is next?

Anyone with even a TEENY TINY BIT of business acumen knew this is what was going to happen.

If you have 3 people earning $10/hr it's a $30/hr crew.
If you FORCE minimum wage to be $15/hr, that 3 man crew is now $45/hr.
OR......YOU CAN FIRE ONE OF THE WORKERS AND MAKE THE REMAINING 2 WORKERS DO THE WORK OF 3 PEOPLE FOR THIER $15/hr, and the 3rd guy is on the unemployment line...and the labor costs stay the same.

This is the reality of how business opeates. They are not going to take a 50% surge in labor costs without countering it on their financials.

Red Robin is not getting rid of bus boys because of $15/hr.

I know, it's the war on bus boys.
My local McDonald's has gone from 12 employees and one manager on staff for mornings down to 6... three cooks and three counter and drive up personnel and one manager... they added two new positions but they are order kiosks...6 hard working college students lost their job due to ridiculous minimum wage hikes... Once again a bunch of idiot do gooders doing great harm to make themselves feel good...hey libs!!!!! stop trying to help people you don't know what the hell you are doing!!!!

Automation is going to replace between 28-35% of jobs in the next 10 or so years. You can rail on about it being a minimum wage hike all you want. The truth is you can not stop automaton.

Correct, you cannot stop it, but you can slow it down.

When businesses have to make a decision, it's based on long-term profitability. Automation is expensive, but the question is it more or less expensive than human labor?

When a company finds that humans are more expensive than the investment and maintenance of machines, they buy the machines.

Then there is the employment of those who design, build, install, and maintain the automation....that is new employment that seems lost on trying to save the buggy whip manufacturers of the 21st century.

People are PAID their value. The talent of flipping burgers is not very marketable because ALMOST anyone above room temperature can flip a burger.

Brain surgeons make alot of money because not everyone can perform brain surgery.

it's supply and economic absolute.

When people ask, I always them a worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can find somebody else to do the same job with the same quality.

If you make $15.00 an hour and your employer refuses to give you a raise, and he finds somebody else for $14.00 an hour, then you were overpaid. If he can't find anybody unless he offered $18.00 an hour, then you were underpaid. If he finds somebody else to do your job for the same wage you were making, you were earning the going rate.

It has nothing to do with how hard one works or how much education they have. One of the ten worst paying jobs is a hair stylist. Why? Because many women want to be a hair stylist for a living, so you have an over supply of labor and salons can find people to work for just about nothing.

It's also why I quit electronics school many years ago. Everybody and their mother wanted to be an electronics tech, so you couldn't find a job for anything and that's why employers paid very little. Even after one or two years of schooling, you made less than double of minimum wage.
My local McDonald's has gone from 12 employees and one manager on staff for mornings down to 6... three cooks and three counter and drive up personnel and one manager... they added two new positions but they are order kiosks...6 hard working college students lost their job due to ridiculous minimum wage hikes... Once again a bunch of idiot do gooders doing great harm to make themselves feel good...hey libs!!!!! stop trying to help people you don't know what the hell you are doing!!!!

Automation is going to replace between 28-35% of jobs in the next 10 or so years. You can rail on about it being a minimum wage hike all you want. The truth is you can not stop automaton.

Correct, you cannot stop it, but you can slow it down.

When businesses have to make a decision, it's based on long-term profitability. Automation is expensive, but the question is it more or less expensive than human labor?

When a company finds that humans are more expensive than the investment and maintenance of machines, they buy the machines.

Then there is the employment of those who design, build, install, and maintain the automation....that is new employment that seems lost on trying to save the buggy whip manufacturers of the 21st century.

People are PAID their value. The talent of flipping burgers is not very marketable because ALMOST anyone above room temperature can flip a burger.

Brain surgeons make alot of money because not everyone can perform brain surgery.

it's supply and economic absolute.

When people ask, I always them a worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can find somebody else to do the same job with the same quality.

If you make $15.00 an hour and your employer refuses to give you a raise, and he finds somebody else for $14.00 an hour, then you were overpaid. If he can't find anybody unless he offered $18.00 an hour, then you were underpaid. If he finds somebody else to do your job for the same wage you were making, you were earning the going rate.

It has nothing to do with how hard one works or how much education they have. One of the ten worst paying jobs is a hair stylist. Why? Because many women want to be a hair stylist for a living, so you have an over supply of labor and salons can find people to work for just about nothing.

It's also why I quit electronics school many years ago. Everybody and their mother wanted to be an electronics tech, so you couldn't find a job for anything and that's why employers paid very little. Even after one or two years of schooling, you made less than double of minimum wage.

Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Haha...ignorant fucking Tards cant get out of their own way...Mexicrats are their own worst enemy.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
Better believe the CEO's and managers will be getting hefty bonuses though! That's crapitalism for ya!
As long as they keep the waiter at the bar so I can get a beer with My burger, who cares who Red Robin lays off. They're only Americans, right?
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
Better believe the CEO's and managers will be getting hefty bonuses though! That's crapitalism for ya!


That's Socialism for ya.

If Red Robin closes up where am I going to be able to buy a burger?


For one Carl Jr and Hardees are on two separate coasts ..

For two you act like it is just effecting one company, the same retarded attitude if we raise minimum wage up to $15 an hour it will only make a big Mac cost 25 cents more .
Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

then you should know how badly workers are paid for backbreaking work.

and not for nothing, wait staff are paid about $2 and change an hour and have no paid sick leave. so we have to supplement the owner's income by paying his workers with tips and worry about having sick people prepare/serve our food because they can't afford to take off work.

oh... and my first job was as a cashier in Waldbaums while I was in high school.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Has to be fake news. Progs swore this doesn't happen.

Even though I am against artificial minimum wages, this is fake news. Red Robin said nothing about minimum wage leading to this and they are also cutting corporate HQ staff, which would have nothing to do with minimum wage.

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You are fake.
Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

Mine was driving a truck and working in a hot warehouse.

We both learned a lesson, didn't we? We learned we needed to more productive so we wouldn't have to be poor and overworked.

I did that by myself. I didn't need the stupid government interfering between me and my employer.
Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

then you should know how badly workers are paid for backbreaking work.

and not for nothing, wait staff are paid about $2 and change an hour and have no paid sick leave. so we have to supplement the owner's income by paying his workers with tips and worry about having sick people prepare/serve our food because they can't afford to take off work.

oh... and my first job was as a cashier in Waldbaums while I was in high school.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Has to be fake news. Progs swore this doesn't happen.

Even though I am against artificial minimum wages, this is fake news. Red Robin said nothing about minimum wage leading to this and they are also cutting corporate HQ staff, which would have nothing to do with minimum wage.

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Red Robin layoffs show how minimum wage hikes put millennial jobs at risk

WAGES OF AWFUL POLICY: Minimum Wage Hikes Cause Hundreds Of Bus Boys To Lose Jobs At Red Robin
Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

then you should know how badly workers are paid for backbreaking work.

and not for nothing, wait staff are paid about $2 and change an hour and have no paid sick leave. so we have to supplement the owner's income by paying his workers with tips and worry about having sick people prepare/serve our food because they can't afford to take off work.

oh... and my first job was as a cashier in Waldbaums while I was in high school.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

You are confused.

You are only a victim if you are a dumbass or sorry ass and allow yourself to be a victim. Capitalism has treated me very well. It has provided a great living for my family and provide goods and services.

There has been a couple of times when I felt I could do better working for another employer and changed jobs. The key to not being a victim is to take personal responsibility for your well being and to make sure you have skills in demand. That means getting off your ass, off welfare and working your ass off.

On the hand every year the filthy ass government takes my money by force and gives a substantial amount of it to other people that did nothing to earn the money. That is oppression.

These stupid government bureaucrats that you love so much don't giver a shit about you. They are only responding to corrupt politician bosses that are elected by greedy special interest interest groups.
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Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

then you should know how badly workers are paid for backbreaking work.

and not for nothing, wait staff are paid about $2 and change an hour and have no paid sick leave. so we have to supplement the owner's income by paying his workers with tips and worry about having sick people prepare/serve our food because they can't afford to take off work.

oh... and my first job was as a cashier in Waldbaums while I was in high school.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.
All of this same shit is happening in Seattle, it's just not publicized much by the press because DEMS LIED to get their bill passed.

Progs, and specifically DEMS are lying sacks of shit....all day, every is an article from THE WASHINGTON POST

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals.

A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals

When Seattle officials voted three years ago to incrementally boost the city's minimum wage up to $15 an hour, they'd hoped to improve the lives of low-income workers. Yet according to a major new study that could force economists to reassess past research on the issue, the hike has had the opposite effect.

The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one, according to the study, conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. The study, published as a working paper Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research, has not yet been peer reviewed.

On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Nice job, Progs!
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
So the 40% tax cut did not help them cover that min wage hike in a few areas, 10 times over?
My local McDonald's has gone from 12 employees and one manager on staff for mornings down to 6... three cooks and three counter and drive up personnel and one manager... they added two new positions but they are order kiosks...6 hard working college students lost their job due to ridiculous minimum wage hikes... Once again a bunch of idiot do gooders doing great harm to make themselves feel good...hey libs!!!!! stop trying to help people you don't know what the hell you are doing!!!!

Automation is going to replace between 28-35% of jobs in the next 10 or so years. You can rail on about it being a minimum wage hike all you want. The truth is you can not stop automaton.
We can slow walk our way into the new automation era or we can fast track into it... raising the cost of low skilled labor puts it on a fast track leaving the unprepared in the lurch...

Maybe, but I truely doubt that they are going to let that technology slide since it has become so affordable AND reliable.
Oh please. When I was in HS I worked as a busboy for like a buck an hour + a share of the server's tips. What intellectual capabilities are required to clear a table or punch a cash register with pictures on it?
I worked for 2 dollars an hour painting houses for my things have changed fast...

I worked all summer in Florida roofing back between the Jr and Sr year in High school for 90 cents an hour. That experience had more to do with my decision to go to college than anything.

then you should know how badly workers are paid for backbreaking work.

and not for nothing, wait staff are paid about $2 and change an hour and have no paid sick leave. so we have to supplement the owner's income by paying his workers with tips and worry about having sick people prepare/serve our food because they can't afford to take off work.

oh... and my first job was as a cashier in Waldbaums while I was in high school.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
So the 40% tax cut did not help them cover that min wage hike in a few areas, 10 times over?
Finally, a clear admission that you don't know shit about economics or laws!

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