Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Wait a minute...................I thought that these Trump tax cuts were going to increase wages and create more jobs. What is wrong with Red Robin? Can it be that they have a crappy business model and their food sucks?

Besides.................not all burger corporations are greedy fuckers. In n Out Burger pays their managers 160,000/yr and they start wages for their workers at 13.00/hr.

And, they also provide medical, dental and vision.

If they can do it and still turn a profit, why can't places like Red Robin and McDonalds follow suit and pay their people a living wage?

In-N-Out Burger reveals managers make $160k on average

In-N-Out revealed the salary of its managers in a recent interview with the California Sun.

According to the report the fast food restaurant pays its restaurant managers on average more than $160,000, which is more than triple the fast food industry average.

Workers at the family-owned chain begin at $13 per hour, which is $2.50 above California's current minimum wage. Employees can work their way up to get the coveted manager's salary, and a college degree is not necessary.

Benefits also include health insurance, vision, 401K and dental plans.

A bunch of liberals run Red Robin.

so, are Trumps tax cuts going to save RR employs or not ?
If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.


I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Say what? You telling me the apparments have not been redone pre world war II?

I remember guys removing asbestos all over the country in the 1980s ..

Jilly has been eating paint chips since Trump beat The Hag & Co.

If you are unhappy in the job you have and that amount of money you are paid then you should do like I did and get another job. In my case I went to college and became an engineer and made 100 times an hour than what I made that summer as a roofer and I got to work in an AC office most of the time.

The last thing we need is for the filthy ass government to get involved in the labor market and require an employer to pay more money than the labor market can sustain. That is when we get workers being laid off because the cost of labor is too high.

The government needs to stay out of our lives. They mostly fuck things up. Liberals would be a lot smarter if they understood that.

We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.

I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Like Stormy Daniels "work"?

That's kind of uncalled for jillian does have a heart i read a few posts of hers that she posted off guard and showed the real her and not a parrot of the Democrap underground
We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.

I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Say what? You telling me the apparments have not been redone pre world war II?

I remember guys removing asbestos all over the country in the 1980s ..

Hey, I can tell you that there are apartments in Amarillo that were built in the 40's and 50's that still have lead paint in them. Matter of fact, I lived in one, and the owner and I were talking about the apartment one day, and he said that he hated the fact he couldn't get on the HUD list for his places because they still had lead paint in places like the basement and crawlspace under the house.

I don't get it what's so expensive of tearing down the sheet rock and redoing it?

And what's this stuff about the crawlspace or basement?

(I am not making fun of you, just want to know)

Nobody here has ever argued that somebody flipping burgers deserves to make what a surgeon makes, that's just a fucking lie. But minimum wage has not even come close to keeping up with COL since way back in the Raygun era. I know you feel most people should make only $5.00/hr, because these businesses need more breaks. Fact is they have had it well since the 80's. Wages for the working class have stagnated badly.

Wages need to be determined between an employer and an employee. The last thing we need is some filthy ass government asshole dictating what wages should be. All that does is fuck up the labor market and result in layoffs, failed businesses, technology improvement to circumvent labor or higher prices.

If you go to a restaurant and you don't think your sever is getting enough money then all you have to do is tip he/she higher. If you think the kitchen staff isn't getting paid enough then leave money for them. Problem solved. We don't need the government to force the business to pay more than prevailing labor market rates.

Your right, we should never do anything to protect that filthy worker from work place abuses. Especially when it comes to wages.
Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.

I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Say what? You telling me the apparments have not been redone pre world war II?

I remember guys removing asbestos all over the country in the 1980s ..

Hey, I can tell you that there are apartments in Amarillo that were built in the 40's and 50's that still have lead paint in them. Matter of fact, I lived in one, and the owner and I were talking about the apartment one day, and he said that he hated the fact he couldn't get on the HUD list for his places because they still had lead paint in places like the basement and crawlspace under the house.

I don't get it what's so expensive of tearing down the sheet rock and redoing it?

And what's this stuff about the crawlspace or basement?

(I am not making fun of you, just want to know)

Actually, the walls were in a stucco type pattern, and there was wood molding all around. Yes, he did strip out the paint and repaint over it where he could, but because he didn't replace the molding, and because he didn't strip out the basements and crawlspaces (nobody but him went in there), he was unable to get on the HUD list. HUD has some pretty stringent requirements about stuff like that.

Nobody here has ever argued that somebody flipping burgers deserves to make what a surgeon makes, that's just a fucking lie. But minimum wage has not even come close to keeping up with COL since way back in the Raygun era. I know you feel most people should make only $5.00/hr, because these businesses need more breaks. Fact is they have had it well since the 80's. Wages for the working class have stagnated badly.

Wages need to be determined between an employer and an employee. The last thing we need is some filthy ass government asshole dictating what wages should be. All that does is fuck up the labor market and result in layoffs, failed businesses, technology improvement to circumvent labor or higher prices.

If you go to a restaurant and you don't think your sever is getting enough money then all you have to do is tip he/she higher. If you think the kitchen staff isn't getting paid enough then leave money for them. Problem solved. We don't need the government to force the business to pay more than prevailing labor market rates.

Your right, we should never do anything to protect that filthy worker from work place abuses. Especially when it comes to wages.

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....
I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Say what? You telling me the apparments have not been redone pre world war II?

I remember guys removing asbestos all over the country in the 1980s ..

Hey, I can tell you that there are apartments in Amarillo that were built in the 40's and 50's that still have lead paint in them. Matter of fact, I lived in one, and the owner and I were talking about the apartment one day, and he said that he hated the fact he couldn't get on the HUD list for his places because they still had lead paint in places like the basement and crawlspace under the house.

I don't get it what's so expensive of tearing down the sheet rock and redoing it?

And what's this stuff about the crawlspace or basement?

(I am not making fun of you, just want to know)

Actually, the walls were in a stucco type pattern, and there was wood molding all around. Yes, he did strip out the paint and repaint over it where he could, but because he didn't replace the molding, and because he didn't strip out the basements and crawlspaces (nobody but him went in there), he was unable to get on the HUD list. HUD has some pretty stringent requirements about stuff like that.

I am starting to get it he likes the old style molding and didn't want to tear it down.

Your right, we should never do anything to protect that filthy worker from work place abuses. Especially when it comes to wages.

You can "protect them" all you want with your money. Leave me out. I can handle my own wage negotiations. I don't need the government doing it for me. I also don't want or need the government to tell me what I need to pay people.

Of course if I was some sorry ass Democrat voting Moon Bat pot head that couldn't make a living without the the government forcing somebody else to pay me more then I might think differently.

The government establishing wages is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Not only is it bad economics but it is oppressive.
We learned that unobstructed capitalism victimized workers.

But you don’t want government out of our lives. You want it to tell me I have to be an incubator.

I want government to keep chemicals out of my water and air. And lead out of my apartment’s paint and out of children’s toys. The fantasy that government should be out of our lives is childish and silly. Petulant.

And no if the only jobs are in sweat shops you can’t leave. What a silly thing to say.

Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.

I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Like Stormy Daniels "work"?

That's kind of uncalled for jillian does have a heart i read a few posts of hers that she posted off guard and showed the real her and not a parrot of the Democrap underground

maybe the person I responded to wasn't being a trump douche. *shrug*
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

So a company cuts costs in order to make a profit in light of different circumstances. So what? There are plenty of jobs in the US right now.

Who'd be bitching at the ending of slavery because it'd put some people out of work because the costs of labor went up?

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

Nobody here has ever argued that somebody flipping burgers deserves to make what a surgeon makes, that's just a fucking lie. But minimum wage has not even come close to keeping up with COL since way back in the Raygun era. I know you feel most people should make only $5.00/hr, because these businesses need more breaks. Fact is they have had it well since the 80's. Wages for the working class have stagnated badly.

Wages need to be determined between an employer and an employee. The last thing we need is some filthy ass government asshole dictating what wages should be. All that does is fuck up the labor market and result in layoffs, failed businesses, technology improvement to circumvent labor or higher prices.

If you go to a restaurant and you don't think your sever is getting enough money then all you have to do is tip he/she higher. If you think the kitchen staff isn't getting paid enough then leave money for them. Problem solved. We don't need the government to force the business to pay more than prevailing labor market rates.

Your right, we should never do anything to protect that filthy worker from work place abuses. Especially when it comes to wages.

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I'm a big proponent of trade schools. but where should he get his skill?
There's only so much I'm going to pay out for a hamburger before I reach the point of feeling like a darn fool. With me that point had already been hit by Red Robin way before the increase in minimum wage. So I can understand how they're hurt by any increase to their expenses as opposed to say a Texas Roadhouse (where I would order a steak or a pork chop but never a burger) a place I'd feel less aggravated paying a bit more.
Last edited:
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
But didn’t the tax break help?
Earth to Jillian the year is 2017 not 1965.

I wonder if Jillian still thinks leaded gas is still sold at the gas station ?

View attachment 174290

no. I'm much smarter than you are. but in cities... where we have actual apartments, some of them are pre-war.... and there is lead paint the has to be remediated.

too dumb to know that huh?

not quite sure what the idiot attachment is for. I'm a capitalist,. I worked for everything I have. I'm just not an asshole like trumptards. oh, and unlike you, I'm too young to have been a hippie. but thanks for your usual useless drivel.

Like Stormy Daniels "work"?

That's kind of uncalled for jillian does have a heart i read a few posts of hers that she posted off guard and showed the real her and not a parrot of the Democrap underground

maybe the person I responded to wasn't being a trump douche. *shrug*

I am not a Trump douche ...

And what I saw you posted off guard was around 2015.

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

no. you seem bitter. why would that be if your life was so wonderful?

I was the first woman in my family to go to college. got a career. ran a business. worked from the time I was 14. had a family. raised a son who is brilliant, talented and awesome. what did you do that was harder than what I did?

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

Yup because you had a skill, you worked your ass off and never ever kissed ass, you owe it to the man upstairs and this


From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

no. you seem bitter. why would that be if your life was so wonderful?

I was the first woman in my family to go to college. got a career. ran a business. worked from the time I was 14. had a family. raised a son who is brilliant, talented and awesome. what did you do that was harder than what I did?

Not that hard to do if you said you were Pocahontas or born in Kenya




Nobody here has ever argued that somebody flipping burgers deserves to make what a surgeon makes, that's just a fucking lie. But minimum wage has not even come close to keeping up with COL since way back in the Raygun era. I know you feel most people should make only $5.00/hr, because these businesses need more breaks. Fact is they have had it well since the 80's. Wages for the working class have stagnated badly.

Wages need to be determined between an employer and an employee. The last thing we need is some filthy ass government asshole dictating what wages should be. All that does is fuck up the labor market and result in layoffs, failed businesses, technology improvement to circumvent labor or higher prices.

If you go to a restaurant and you don't think your sever is getting enough money then all you have to do is tip he/she higher. If you think the kitchen staff isn't getting paid enough then leave money for them. Problem solved. We don't need the government to force the business to pay more than prevailing labor market rates.

Your right, we should never do anything to protect that filthy worker from work place abuses. Especially when it comes to wages.

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

Guy we are talking about entry level jobs for Christ sake.

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