Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?


When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Minimum wage was never meant to be "livable". They are entry level part time jobs with minimal skills. Skills that don't demand much pay.

If you are expecting to get the American Dream flipping burgers then you are doing it wrong.

I just fucking said that!

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

Without victims and government dependents, the Democrat party would only be something we read about in history books.

God forbid that the weakest in society would actually have a voice. Hitler had it right, right Ray? The poor don't need a voice, they need a camp?

What voice don't they have? Or by voice, you mean some entity to force industry to pay them more than they are worth?

God forbid that the weakest in society would actually have a voice. Hitler had it right, right Ray? The poor don't need a voice, they need a camp?

God forbid that the oppressive government thinks its job is to establish wages between an employee and employer.

I wish you Liberals were as concerned about weak unborn children being killed on demand for the sake of convenience as you were for a worthless pot head getting another dollar an hour flipping burgers.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
My local McDonald's has gone from 12 employees and one manager on staff for mornings down to 6... three cooks and three counter and drive up personnel and one manager... they added two new positions but they are order kiosks...6 hard working college students lost their job due to ridiculous minimum wage hikes... Once again a bunch of idiot do gooders doing great harm to make themselves feel good...hey libs!!!!! stop trying to help people you don't know what the hell you are doing!!!!

Automation is going to replace between 28-35% of jobs in the next 10 or so years. You can rail on about it being a minimum wage hike all you want. The truth is you can not stop automaton.

Correct, you cannot stop it, but you can slow it down.

When businesses have to make a decision, it's based on long-term profitability. Automation is expensive, but the question is it more or less expensive than human labor?

When a company finds that humans are more expensive than the investment and maintenance of machines, they buy the machines.

The technology has become far more affordable and reliable over just the last 5 years. It is inevitable.

So the solution is to make human labor more expensive???

You do know that minimum wage has fell FAR behind cost of living since the 80's when it was $3.35/hr. Minimum wage now will buy you nowhere near what it would then.

From an old 52 year old guy like me, get a skill , you don't need no one to protect you the world is your oyster ....

I am a 70 year old man. I am retired now but I took responsibility for my own job security. I never needed a corrupt politician elected by greedy special interest groups forcing my employer to pay me more money than my labor was worth.

These Moon Bats hate the concept of personal responsibility, don't they?

Without victims and government dependents, the Democrat party would only be something we read about in history books.

God forbid that the weakest in society would actually have a voice. Hitler had it right, right Ray? The poor don't need a voice, they need a camp?

What voice don't they have? Or by voice, you mean some entity to force industry to pay them more than they are worth?

The voice they have is the Democrat Party. Well, sort of. The reality is with a better system of voting, different people would have more of a voice, more of an independent voice.

You're complaining about the Democrat Party representing the poor people in society, like they don't deserve a voice.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

So a company cuts costs in order to make a profit in light of different circumstances. So what? There are plenty of jobs in the US right now.

Who'd be bitching at the ending of slavery because it'd put some people out of work because the costs of labor went up?

So just worry about how many jobs are out there and screw the business owners? Who cares about them, right???

Ray, you support fucking over smaller businesses all the time. Don't come on here and act all fucking pious. You promote large multi-national companies at every opportunity.

I promote business period. I work for a small business and have for well over two decades. We have less than a dozen full-time employees.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?

Already stated, in this thread a few times that no not looking for it to be a liveable wage. It was never meant for that, it was to protect the worker from ridiculously low wages!
Ray what is it about workers you hate, loathe, and despise? I am not for raising the minimum wage. I also think it's awesome to see companies struggle to find workers who are productive to fill those jobs. I have two good friends who own medium sized businesses and they complain all the time about how hard it is to find workers who will show up consistently. But I laugh inwardly and figure it's their fault for posting those jobs. I feel zero pity for them and as long as they only pay 15 bucks an hour they should never expect a good effort.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?

Already stated, in this thread a few times that no not looking for it to be a liveable wage. It was never meant for that, it was to protect the worker from ridiculously low wages!

That's what we have now, so what's the problem?

Most places can't find workers for minimum wage so it's not used very much. In fact only about 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, and most of them will receive pay increases within the first year of working if they stay with the same company.

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!


Why should the filthy ass government dictate wages between an employer and employee? Shouldn't that be between the employer and employee? Don't you believe in freedom? If you need the government negotiating for you then you are a pretty sorry individual, aren't you?

Government fucks up everything it does and the last thing it need to be fucking up is the labor market.
I believe 40 percent of all American business owners are bad. And deserve to deal with bad workers. They are to be avoided at all costs.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

So a company cuts costs in order to make a profit in light of different circumstances. So what? There are plenty of jobs in the US right now.

Who'd be bitching at the ending of slavery because it'd put some people out of work because the costs of labor went up?

So just worry about how many jobs are out there and screw the business owners? Who cares about them, right???

Ray, you support fucking over smaller businesses all the time. Don't come on here and act all fucking pious. You promote large multi-national companies at every opportunity.

I promote business period. I work for a small business and have for well over two decades. We have less than a dozen full-time employees.

What you think you do, and what you actually do, Ray, are two very different things. I've struggled time and time and time again with your contradictions. Don't pretend you're not full of them.

Small businesses have DECREASED in many areas. Multi-Nationals are getting more powerful, they're getting bigger tax breaks, they're destroying communities, they're taking over. You've seen this from me many times and you've ignored it many times.

You're not for business Ray, you're for the richest 0.1% because they're the ones telling you how to think.
Ray what is it about workers you hate, loathe, and despise? I am not for raising the minimum wage. I also think it's awesome to see companies struggle to find workers who are productive to fill those jobs. I have two good friends who own medium sized businesses and they complain all the time about how hard it is to find workers who will show up consistently. But I laugh inwardly and figure it's their fault for posting those jobs. I feel zero pity for them and as long as they only pay 15 bucks an hour they should never expect a good effort.

That is the problem with government established minimum wages. It protects low productivity.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?

Already stated, in this thread a few times that no not looking for it to be a liveable wage. It was never meant for that, it was to protect the worker from ridiculously low wages!

That's what we have now, so what's the problem?

Most places can't find workers for minimum wage so it's not used very much. In fact only about 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, and most of them will receive pay increases within the first year of working if they stay with the same company.

It is a safeguard Ray, times will not always be this good. In fact we know they will not. It is to protect the lowest earners from being abused by unscrupulous employers, nothing more.
OH no! Those bussers will never find work. Unless the cross the street and apply at the next place .
Typical Elitist Blue-State mindset... and these clowns wonder why they lost on November 8, 2016...
Ray what is it about workers you hate, loathe, and despise? I am not for raising the minimum wage. I also think it's awesome to see companies struggle to find workers who are productive to fill those jobs. I have two good friends who own medium sized businesses and they complain all the time about how hard it is to find workers who will show up consistently. But I laugh inwardly and figure it's their fault for posting those jobs. I feel zero pity for them and as long as they only pay 15 bucks an hour they should never expect a good effort.

I have nothing against the worker; I am a blue collar worker myself.

The problem as I see it is people who do work only see one side of the picture. There are small businesses out there that are barely getting by week by week. In fact after the recession ended, my employer confided in me saying he was only days from closing down his business that he had for over 25 years.

This idea that all businesses are flush with money is ridiculous. The idea that businesses open up only to provide good wages and benefits for workers is even more ridiculous.

The supply and demand system is the most perfect system we have for employment provided you don't throw monkey wrenches into the system like foreigners and unions. Keep them and government out of the employment segment and everything will be fine.

You do know that minimum wage has fell FAR behind cost of living since the 80's when it was $3.35/hr. Minimum wage now will buy you nowhere near what it would then.

You can thank Obama for decreasing all family income during the last eight years. You didn't vote for that dumbshit, did you?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!


Why should the filthy ass government dictate wages between an employer and employee? Shouldn't that be between the employer and employee? Don't you believe in freedom? If you need the government negotiating for you then you are a pretty sorry individual, aren't you?

Government fucks up everything it does and the last thing it need to be fucking up is the labor market.

It is to guard against abuses of those least likely to be able to negotiate for themselves. It is just that simple, very few 16 year olds will stand up to a full grown man in this case.

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