Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

Already stated, in this thread a few times that no not looking for it to be a liveable wage. It was never meant for that, it was to protect the worker from ridiculously low wages!

That's what we have now, so what's the problem?

Most places can't find workers for minimum wage so it's not used very much. In fact only about 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, and most of them will receive pay increases within the first year of working if they stay with the same company.

It is a safeguard Ray, times will not always be this good. In fact we know they will not. It is to protect the lowest earners from being abused by unscrupulous employers, nothing more.

We just seen bad times early in the Obama administration. Same as always, FF places with huge signs in their windows looking for workers that weren't there. In fact several of our customers asked me if I knew anybody looking for a job.

Most people who work minimum wage jobs are high school kids working part-time, college kids, seniors who are just looking for something to do and really don't need the money, or stay at home moms who just want to do something while the kids are in school.

We don't really need a safeguard for people like that.

Safeguards for those least able go stand up for themselves, we sure do!

Why would they need to stand up for themselves? It's not slavery we're talking about here. An employer posts a job, provides you with the information on wages and benefits, and you either accept the job or you don't.

If the wages and benefits offered do not meet your needs, then you go somewhere that has the wages and benefits you are looking for.

But to go into a business, accept X job for X wages and benefits, then cry because the job doesn't pay what you want and somebody should do something about it is ridiculous. That's like going to a chicken restaurant and complaining because they didn't bring the hamburger that you wanted to order.

The minimum wage is to protect those workers, and that is all. Do you really believe that many of these burger joints would not collude go keep saves at $2/hr. If that is all that all of them are offering then there really is no place to go!
You do know wages have been stagnating for the working class since the 80's. You can thank all your presidents since then. You didn't vote for any of those dumbshits did you?

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See the stagnation, and it actually looks to be going back to the 70's.

You said stagnation since the 80's, and the chart shows how clearly wrong you are.

Your right, since the 70's!
You do know wages have been stagnating for the working class since the 80's. You can thank all your presidents since then. You didn't vote for any of those dumbshits did you?

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Stop lying. Obama was still our president in 2015 (when real median income jumped solid 5%)

2017? Not only no growth, there was a slight decline after big downward reversal in Q4.


So how is that different than the chart I posted? The only thing different is mine has a line that includes tax burdens and inflation adjustments.
You do know wages have been stagnating for the working class since the 80's. You can thank all your presidents since then. You didn't vote for any of those dumbshits did you?

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See the stagnation, and it actually looks to be going back to the 70's.

You said stagnation since the 80's, and the chart shows how clearly wrong you are.

Your right, since the 70's!

No Look at the solid blue line. That tells the actual (dollar for dollar) median family income which increased since the 70's and still is.
Growth, deal growth happened from the 30's to the 70's. The rest shows a very stagnant growth.

But the bottom line is median wages did increase and still do. Taxes and inflation adjustments are a different story.

Are you making more money per hour today than you were five years ago? I'm sure you are. Do you have the same buying power as you did five years ago? That's a different subject.

As a landlord I can tell you that apartment rentals are out of control. The supply and demand of rentals has advantaged landlords the last couple of years; so much so they are charging ridiculous amounts of money and getting it with no problem.

The new trend today, especially among Millennials is to rent instead of own. That produced a strong shortage of apartments. So even if you got pay increases the last five years, you are probably worse off today than several years ago just because of the cost for shelter. But that doesn't mean you aren't making more money today.
Growth, deal growth happened from the 30's to the 70's. The rest shows a very stagnant growth.

But the bottom line is median wages did increase and still do. Taxes and inflation adjustments are a different story.

Are you making more money per hour today than you were five years ago? I'm sure you are. Do you have the same buying power as you did five years ago? That's a different subject.

As a landlord I can tell you that apartment rentals are out of control. The supply and demand of rentals has advantaged landlords the last couple of years; so much so they are charging ridiculous amounts of money and getting it with no problem.

The new trend today, especially among Millennials is to rent instead of own. That produced a strong shortage of apartments. So even if you got pay increases the last five years, you are probably worse off today than several years ago just because of the cost for shelter. But that doesn't mean you aren't making more money today.

I believe I mentioned cost of living several times throughout the thread Ray!

If Red Robin closes up where am I going to be able to buy a burger?

Another elitist response from a privileged white Regressive

Hey bumpkin, let me break it down for you:

Red Robin operates in an oversaturated, highly competetive market and if gowd forbid their business model doesn't hold up no one is going to miss their burgers or their jobs, because both can be easily had elsewhere in this FULL EMPLOYMENT ENVIRONMENT with fast food joints on every corner.

Ok try to get a job at a fast food place..

Do it and report back.

I’m on it boss! :rolleyes:

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
You don't mind paying for alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
Wait a minute...................I thought that these Trump tax cuts were going to increase wages and create more jobs. What is wrong with Red Robin? Can it be that they have a crappy business model and their food sucks?

Besides.................not all burger corporations are greedy fuckers. In n Out Burger pays their managers 160,000/yr and they start wages for their workers at 13.00/hr.

And, they also provide medical, dental and vision.

If they can do it and still turn a profit, why can't places like Red Robin and McDonalds follow suit and pay their people a living wage?

In-N-Out Burger reveals managers make $160k on average

In-N-Out revealed the salary of its managers in a recent interview with the California Sun.

According to the report the fast food restaurant pays its restaurant managers on average more than $160,000, which is more than triple the fast food industry average.

Workers at the family-owned chain begin at $13 per hour, which is $2.50 above California's current minimum wage. Employees can work their way up to get the coveted manager's salary, and a college degree is not necessary.

Benefits also include health insurance, vision, 401K and dental plans.

A bunch of liberals run Red Robin.

so, are Trumps tax cuts going to save RR employs or not ?
Sorry, liberals aren't interested in saving anything.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
You don't mind paying for alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

But we do care about the fulthy government requiring that we give money to people that they can't earn themselves. Wages should be negotiated between the employer and employee and the filthy government should not be involved.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
You don't mind paying for alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

But we do care about the fulthy government requiring that we give money to people that they can't earn themselves. Wages should be negotiated between the employer and employee and the filthy government should not be involved.

Wages at one time were negotiated between the employer and employee, but then the government started to hamstring the unions.

Your right, the very young, old and sickly are often times filling these entry level jobs. Sure they are going to be able to negotiate and strong arm for themselves . You are kidding right. Your not tjat cold are you?

Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
You don't mind paying for alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

But we do care about the fulthy government requiring that we give money to people that they can't earn themselves. Wages should be negotiated between the employer and employee and the filthy government should not be involved.
Only the right wing appeals to that much ignorance.

In any case, the general power to provide for the general welfare is Comprehensive, not major or common.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?

How is that possible after they just got an enormous tax cut?
In any case, the general power to provide for the general welfare is Comprehensive, not major or common

The general welfare only applies to the powers given in the Constitution. It does not give the federal government any more power.

Read the what was said when the states agreed to become part of the federal government. It is repeated each time.
Red Robin is eliminating bussers at 570 of its locations due to states' hikes in the minimum wage.

"Despite what many people, including policymakers, would argue, this is an altogether painfully predictable response to increased labor costs. It’s basic economics. The “first law of demand” teaches us that when the price of a good or service increases, people will tend to buy fewer units. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, people will tend to buy more. This idea is usually presented no later than chapter 3 in any econ 101 textbook.

"Labor is no exception to this rule. If the cost of employing workers increases, we’d expect companies to hire fewer workers and even to let some go ...

"While we may not like the idea of someone trying to live on $5 or even $7 an hour, we can likely all agree that earning a small wage is better than earning nothing at all due to unemployment. It’s easy to vilify restaurants and other companies when they respond to higher costs with layoffs. But it’s important to place the blame where it belongs. In this case, it’s bad policy—not incompetence, not corporate greed—that’s causing people to lose their jobs."

Red Robin is Cutting 570 Jobs. Can You Guess Why?
People couldn’t see this coming?
Who gives a shit?

It is not my problem what other people are able to negotiate with their salary. That is between them and the employer. We sure as hell don't need the government telling the employer what they have to pay.

The government that gives is also the government that takes away. It is best to have limited government and maximum liberty.

Monn Bts don;'t understand that very well, do they?

When talking about a minimum wage, yes we do. I am not talking about it being a living wage, but yes there needs to be a minimum wage!

Okay, how about a minimum wage of $25.00 an hour?
You don't mind paying for alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

But we do care about the fulthy government requiring that we give money to people that they can't earn themselves. Wages should be negotiated between the employer and employee and the filthy government should not be involved.

Wages at one time were negotiated between the employer and employee, but then the government started to hamstring the unions.

The government needs to stop protecting the greedy unions. The government needs to stay out of a lot of things that they have their nose in now.

The only reason a stupid politician would support a minimum wages is causerie the/she thinks that the people that get the minimum wages will vote for them. It is bad economics, oppressive government interference and the wrong thing to do but politicians do it to get votes.
In any case, the general power to provide for the general welfare is Comprehensive, not major or common

The general welfare only applies to the powers given in the Constitution. It does not give the federal government any more power.

Read the what was said when the states agreed to become part of the federal government. It is repeated each time.

Yep it’s there for redundancy sake and has no meaning in itself - you seriously want someone to believe that?
In any case, the general power to provide for the general welfare is Comprehensive, not major or common

The general welfare only applies to the powers given in the Constitution. It does not give the federal government any more power.

Read the what was said when the states agreed to become part of the federal government. It is repeated each time.

Yep it’s there for redundancy sake and has no meaning in itself - you seriously want someone to believe that?

It's not redundant. The federal government has certain powers and responsibilities. The people who wrote the Constitution wanted to make it clear that the government can't use it's powers and tax dollars to help out one person or group.

Everything they do and spend money on must benefit everyone.

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