Red state efforts to suppress Gen Z vote will backfire

Just giving elections integrity and it is wrong? You cannot win without cheating. Things like this is why it is so obvious.
Young voter participation isn’t cheating. It’s in the Constitution. I was one of the first to take advantage in ‘72. :mm:

Red state efforts to suppress Gen Z vote will backfire​

Poor baby. Are you shitting your diaper again because honest people who care about election integrity are cracking down on election fraud?

If you are in college and can't produce required ID or show up at a bonafide voting center, you shouldn't be trying to vote in the first place.
That's not the issue. They are forcing college students to leave school and travel home in order to vote, even though they are residents living in dorms of the school they are attending. A student from Miami going to Florida State in Tallahassee would have to drive 8+ hours home just to vote.

Hey sucka, why don't you try getting an absentee ballot and mail it in, genius.
Poor baby. Are you shitting your diaper again because honest people who care about election integrity are cracking down on election fraud?

If you are in college and can't produce required ID or show up at a bonafide voting center, you shouldn't be trying to vote in the first place.
There’s no reason a college student should have to go home to vote.
Some reason the college can't provide absentee ballots?
Absentee ballots are sent by the local district. That’s not the problem. I thought they were a point of fraud for Republicans and I find it strange you would suggest it! If the MAGA people had been that reasonable from the get-go, the Trump lies would never have got off the ground.
Marc Elias is sueing the shit out of these Constitution-hating, lowlife Republicans.

Isn't he Hillary's ex-lawyer who engineered the big steal of the 2020 election?

Where in the Constitution does it say that elections shouldn't have rules, limits and boundaries to prevent cheating?

Funny how everyone has a right, gays have a right to marry, women have a right to murder babies, but when it comes to anything decent or moral which strengthens America like securing the border, free speech, regulating elections to prevent fraud or exercising your constitutional right to self-defense, you commie fascists are all against it?
Absentee ballots are sent by the local district. That’s not the problem. I thought they were a point of fraud for Republicans and I find it strange you would suggest it! If the MAGA people had been that reasonable from the get-go, the Trump lies would never have got off the ground.
I am fed up with you lying sacks of shit. You push the big lie you and others just like you.
I thought they were a point of fraud for Republicans

Why would an absentee ballot be a problem when used as intended for legitimate purposes? Where you run into a problem is telling the whole state it is OK to be lazy and for millions to vote by mail just because they can't be bothered to vote in person. Then you have so many mail in ballots it takes forever, there is chaos, and no one knows what is legit and not, which is what fraudsters count on.
That's not the issue. They are forcing college students to leave school and travel home in order to vote, even though they are residents living in dorms of the school they are attending. A student from Miami going to Florida State in Tallahassee would have to drive 8+ hours home just to vote.

And? They have early voting there, it's a good reason to see their folks. Or they could do an absentee ballot by mail. This is much ado about NOTHING! Just another excuse for you commies to spread lies and propaganda.

Absentee ballots are sent by the local district. That’s not the problem. I thought they were a point of fraud for Republicans and I find it strange you would suggest it! If the MAGA people had been that reasonable from the get-go, the Trump lies would never have got off the ground.

If you can't see the difference between someone that will be legitimately absent from their county getting an absentee ballot and mailing out ballots in mass without a reason, then there's zero hope for you.


G'head, FruitLoops, convince the forum you're sane... tell the forum again how the election was stolen...
I do not have to tell anyone what everyone knows. Even the people saying it did not happen know it did. Period.
Young voter participation isn’t cheating. It’s in the Constitution. I was one of the first to take advantage in ‘72. :mm:
I never said it was cheating. I said Democrats cannot win without cheating. Comprehension is difficult for you hacks.
Isn't he Hillary's ex-lawyer who engineered the big steal of the 2020 election?

Where in the Constitution does it say that elections shouldn't have rules, limits and boundaries to prevent cheating?

Funny how everyone has a right, gays have a right to marry, women have a right to murder babies, but when it comes to anything decent or moral which strengthens America like securing the border, free speech, regulating elections to prevent fraud or exercising your constitutional right to self-defense, you commie fascists are all against it?
The border is secure now that Biden is in charge.

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