"Red" States, "Blue" States....Why.

No, you deceptively gave a list of Democrats claimed to be socialist by someone else. We all know that is bogus

In this country you get to choose your affiliation not have it assigned to you. As usual you have failed to prove your point and covered up for it with irrelevant cut and pastes

"We all know that is bogus."

Now, now....of course you're smarter than that: you know very well it is true.

1. "The Congressional Progressive Caucus, or CPC, which boasts more than 80 members, was founded by the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA.
In the January/February 1998 issue of Chicago DSA’s New Ground, Ron Baiman identified Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts as leaders of the Progressive Caucus in Congress which DSA “helped to organize.”
Until November 2002, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the DSA. Following news reports that drew attention to the congressional website being hosted by the socialist organization, the list of CPC names was moved to the website of Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., an avowed socialist, and eventually to its own site."
History lesson: Congressional Progressive caucus was founded by socialist group. Official website initially hosted by Democratic Socialists of America « Klein Online

2. In October 2009, the DSA newsletter reported that 70 congressional Democrats are active members.
The group also claimed 11 socialists sit on the House Judiciary Committee.
The DSA makes clear its preference for working within the Democratic Party for the change it seeks.
“Many socialists have seen the Democratic Party, since at least the New Deal, as the key political arena in which to consolidate this coalition, because the Democratic Party held the allegiance of our natural allies,” the group states in the “Where we stand” section of its website.

List can be found here:
DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09

3. But, why would you Lefties not proclaim it to the world?
Why hide it....these aims are the ones you guys subscribe to, aren't they?

...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!

So...what's the prob?
You'd vote for anyone who espoused the above, wouldn't you?

'Fess up, wingy.

Come out of the closet!!!

Did I call it or what?

The queen of cut and paste just regurgitates the same rightwing propaganda thinking someone will buy it

Show me a Democrat who belongs to the Socialist Party. Not some convoluted slippery slope crap.......

People get to name the party they associate with. Show me the Democrats who associate with the Socialist Party

So far, your list is at zero

Holy Cow!!
The same explanation every convict in prison uses!!!
"I never said I was a murderer!"

Hmmmm....I see the veracity of the old saw: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ...

True, ducky?
"We all know that is bogus."

Now, now....of course you're smarter than that: you know very well it is true.

1. "The Congressional Progressive Caucus, or CPC, which boasts more than 80 members, was founded by the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA.
In the January/February 1998 issue of Chicago DSA’s New Ground, Ron Baiman identified Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts as leaders of the Progressive Caucus in Congress which DSA “helped to organize.”
Until November 2002, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the DSA. Following news reports that drew attention to the congressional website being hosted by the socialist organization, the list of CPC names was moved to the website of Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., an avowed socialist, and eventually to its own site."
History lesson: Congressional Progressive caucus was founded by socialist group. Official website initially hosted by Democratic Socialists of America « Klein Online

2. In October 2009, the DSA newsletter reported that 70 congressional Democrats are active members.
The group also claimed 11 socialists sit on the House Judiciary Committee.
The DSA makes clear its preference for working within the Democratic Party for the change it seeks.
“Many socialists have seen the Democratic Party, since at least the New Deal, as the key political arena in which to consolidate this coalition, because the Democratic Party held the allegiance of our natural allies,” the group states in the “Where we stand” section of its website.

List can be found here:
DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09

3. But, why would you Lefties not proclaim it to the world?
Why hide it....these aims are the ones you guys subscribe to, aren't they?

...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!

So...what's the prob?
You'd vote for anyone who espoused the above, wouldn't you?

'Fess up, wingy.

Come out of the closet!!!

Did I call it or what?

The queen of cut and paste just regurgitates the same rightwing propaganda thinking someone will buy it

Show me a Democrat who belongs to the Socialist Party. Not some convoluted slippery slope crap.......

People get to name the party they associate with. Show me the Democrats who associate with the Socialist Party

So far, your list is at zero

Holy Cow!!
The same explanation every convict in prison uses!!!
"I never said I was a murderer!"

Hmmmm....I see the veracity of the old saw: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ...

True, ducky?

And to the Rightwing propaganda machine......everyone who is not conservative is a duck
Did I call it or what?

The queen of cut and paste just regurgitates the same rightwing propaganda thinking someone will buy it

Show me a Democrat who belongs to the Socialist Party. Not some convoluted slippery slope crap.......

People get to name the party they associate with. Show me the Democrats who associate with the Socialist Party

So far, your list is at zero

Holy Cow!!
The same explanation every convict in prison uses!!!
"I never said I was a murderer!"

Hmmmm....I see the veracity of the old saw: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ...

True, ducky?

And to the Rightwing propaganda machine......everyone who is not conservative is a duck

Don't you want to quack....I mean comment....about this:

"...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!"
Holy Cow!!
The same explanation every convict in prison uses!!!
"I never said I was a murderer!"

Hmmmm....I see the veracity of the old saw: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ...

True, ducky?

And to the Rightwing propaganda machine......everyone who is not conservative is a duck

Don't you want to quack....I mean comment....about this:

"...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!"

Show me a single Democrat who has supported that view

Once again your list is still at zero
I think they were chosen, so that lame paradigm wouldn't be brought up every cycle.

The OP has me laughing; 'the liberals' did it! Nothing but another set of buzz words, no monopoly by either of fabricated 'sides'.

You inadvertently revealed the truth....it's not 'lame'....it's authentic.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

This is why the Left eschews confronting actual evil....the confrontation, for Leftists is 'inequality.'
The above from Prager, "Still The Best Hope."
Did I call it or what?

The queen of cut and paste just regurgitates the same rightwing propaganda thinking someone will buy it

Show me a Democrat who belongs to the Socialist Party. Not some convoluted slippery slope crap.......

People get to name the party they associate with. Show me the Democrats who associate with the Socialist Party

So far, your list is at zero

Holy Cow!!
The same explanation every convict in prison uses!!!
"I never said I was a murderer!"

Hmmmm....I see the veracity of the old saw: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ...

True, ducky?

And to the Rightwing propaganda machine......everyone who is not conservative is a duck

Jeezz....does it always fall to me to educate you???

Short Version: conservatives favor individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
And to the Rightwing propaganda machine......everyone who is not conservative is a duck

Don't you want to quack....I mean comment....about this:

"...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!"

Show me a single Democrat who has supported that view

Once again your list is still at zero

Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him)
PC....Can I play cut and paste too?

Republican Fascist Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clear evedence that Republicans are founded on Fascism

Want me to make a list?

See....and they said you were ineducable!

Good start as far as format...but failure as far as substance.
Didn't you read your link???

Mussolini was the 'Republican Fascist' of the article.

Here, let me help.

1. Now, pay attention...and there may be a short quiz at the conclusion.
The the economic policies of FDR, Hitler, and Mussolini were, for the most part, consubstantial.

2. FDR's New Deal policies echo Italian Fascist corporatist thought, wherein corporations would replace “geographic jurisdictions as conduits of government support for economic and human development.” Social services- health care, day care, education, and so forth- would all be provided by your employer.

a. New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

So, you silly boy, there is a vast gap in your knowledge if you suggest that American Republicans are the fascists, when modern scholars such as Schivelbusch identify the Democrats, specifically New Deal Democrats, as such.

Try again?
I think they were chosen, so that lame paradigm wouldn't be brought up every cycle.

The OP has me laughing; 'the liberals' did it! Nothing but another set of buzz words, no monopoly by either of fabricated 'sides'.

You inadvertently revealed the truth....it's not 'lame'....it's authentic.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

This is why the Left eschews confronting actual evil....the confrontation, for Leftists is 'inequality.'
The above from Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

You graduated college with that view?

God have our academic standards declined
Don't you want to quack....I mean comment....about this:

"...a world free from capitalist exploitation -- a socialist society built on the enduring principles of equality, justice and solidarity among peoples....unbridled power of transnational corporations, underwritten by the major capitalist nations, has created a world economy where the wealth and power of a few is coupled with insecurity and downward mobility for the vast majority of working people.... one-fifth of our society subsists in poverty,living in substandard housing, attending underfunded, overcrowded schools, and receiving inadequate health care....In the global capitalist economy, these injustices are magnified a thousand fold.

Those are aims of the Democratic Socialists of America...(Where We Stand)

....and they sound just like your posts!"

Show me a single Democrat who has supported that view

Once again your list is still at zero

Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him)

OK.....I am calling you on it

Show us a quote from Obama where he supports that view

Since you have yet to support any of the propaganda you have used so far, It is doubtful you can back up anything
Show me a single Democrat who has supported that view

Once again your list is still at zero

Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him)

OK.....I am calling you on it

Show us a quote from Obama where he supports that view

Since you have yet to support any of the propaganda you have used so far, It is doubtful you can back up anything

No prob.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4iy2OfScQE]Obama's Capital Gains Tax "Fairness" - YouTube[/ame]

Listen closely and you'll hear:
Quack, quack, quack.....
The OP has me laughing; 'the liberals' did it! Nothing but another set of buzz words, no monopoly by either of fabricated 'sides'.

You inadvertently revealed the truth....it's not 'lame'....it's authentic.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

This is why the Left eschews confronting actual evil....the confrontation, for Leftists is 'inequality.'
The above from Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

You graduated college with that view?

God have our academic standards declined

I'm certain I'm not the only one who notices that your inability to combat my thesis, the points that I've made and documented, leaves you with no recourse but the usual
fallback for empty suits....

....ad hominem, attack the messenger.

But I understand: you work with the material you have.

I'd be lyin' if I said I felt sorry for ya'.
You inadvertently revealed the truth....it's not 'lame'....it's authentic.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

This is why the Left eschews confronting actual evil....the confrontation, for Leftists is 'inequality.'
The above from Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

You graduated college with that view?

God have our academic standards declined

I'm certain I'm not the only one who notices that your inability to combat my thesis, the points that I've made and documented, leaves you with no recourse but the usual
fallback for empty suits....

....ad hominem, attack the messenger.

But I understand: you work with the material you have.

I'd be lyin' if I said I felt sorry for ya'.
If our academic standards have declined, I think it proves the liberal model is an abject failure then. I guess only the blind won't see this little statement for the damning praise it really is.
Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him)

OK.....I am calling you on it

Show us a quote from Obama where he supports that view

Since you have yet to support any of the propaganda you have used so far, It is doubtful you can back up anything

No prob.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4iy2OfScQE]Obama's Capital Gains Tax "Fairness" - YouTube[/ame]

Listen closely and you'll hear:
Quack, quack, quack.....

Gee...Do you actually view the videos you post or just post whatever is Glenn Beck approved? Nothingclose to socialist...but you know that

Acadamic standards sure have fallen haven't they PC?

I guess cut and paste will only get you so far
You graduated college with that view?

God have our academic standards declined

I'm certain I'm not the only one who notices that your inability to combat my thesis, the points that I've made and documented, leaves you with no recourse but the usual
fallback for empty suits....

....ad hominem, attack the messenger.

But I understand: you work with the material you have.

I'd be lyin' if I said I felt sorry for ya'.
If our academic standards have declined, I think it proves the liberal model is an abject failure then. I guess only the blind won't see this little statement for the damning praise it really is.

I have to agree

Whichever Liberal professor saw fit to pass PC should have his/her certification revoked. It is a shame what passes for college educated these days
OK.....I am calling you on it

Show us a quote from Obama where he supports that view

Since you have yet to support any of the propaganda you have used so far, It is doubtful you can back up anything

No prob.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4iy2OfScQE]Obama's Capital Gains Tax "Fairness" - YouTube[/ame]

Listen closely and you'll hear:
Quack, quack, quack.....

Gee...Do you actually view the videos you post or just post whatever is Glenn Beck approved? Nothingclose to socialist...but you know that

Acadamic standards sure have fallen haven't they PC?

I guess cut and paste will only get you so far

You're fibbin'.

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