Red States vs Blue States

Go away Freaky.
Jack me off, No Trade! Or is that no skill? Certainly no garage. Apparently no set of balls either. Do you even own a pair of pants?

Posting pre-Memorial Day numbers is cherry picking.
GREAT! Then you won't mind showing newer data that conflicts with that and shows it a temporary or false trend. (this is where you come back that I'm not worthy or some such excuse to get out of the fact that you don't have any newer data that conflicts with that shown)

Go back and breathe those fumes in deeply.
You mean in my double car garage with machine shop in the back? I can't do that, NoSkill, my cars run clean, I don't own a '73 Plymouth like you with scorched cylinder and cracked rings.

They might cause you to have a cogent thought...
I'm impressed you actually know the word 'cogent.'

If red states were so superior in their handling of the virus, they should have learned from blue states. So why didn't they? Those Trump supportin states are-a-spikin.
Huh, JacksMehoff? Those states spiked as already documented many times here from Mexicans coming across the border and partiers at bars and clubs going down there looking to get to the beach and away from the democratic death and destruction up north! And I suspect a few DNC operatives spreading the virus there like they crash Trump rallies. Admit it, Jackless, you retards WANT this virus thing to go on and one, worse and worse, at least until Biden wins in November. After that, it'll finally "go away."

Sorry Freaky. As usual, you're full of shit. But my guess is you hear that a lot (along with the rest of your shortcomings). The spikes were caused (and are being caused) by opening back and people crowding into cramped spaces...including your beloved all of three Trump rallies. Not any mystical Mexicans coming across the border. Or DNC operatives....(face palm!). You can't be this dumb. :)

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