“Redistribute the wealth”

I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

Here’s the problem lefties don’t understand because they fundamentally lack the basic understanding on how capitalism works. Under socialism, wealth is a finite thing. There’s no incentive nor basis upon which to create additional resources or wealth, so it’s limited. We saw it time & time again. But under capitalism, there is no finite limit. Competition & ingenuity drive the model. You can go on creating forever because the well never runs dry. This system is a proven winner time & time again. The idea isn’t to redistribute wealth, but rather generate additional wealth. Only one system does that...
You’re pretending socialist aspects can’t be mixed with a capitalist model. I’m all for capitalism, but unfettered capitalism does nothing besides besides make the wealthy more wealthy. It serves no purpose in creating a strong middle class or to minimize poverty. Only through government intervention can the middle and poor class benefit.

Government has nothing to do with it. Raise minimum wage, and you create inflation. The $7.50 an hour worker who gets a raise from government to $15.00 an hour will find themselves right back in the exact same situation they started from because everything else will drastically increase in price. Then you will be demanding $20.00 an hour.

All you would really accomplish is more jobs leaving the state or country. Why do you think government promotes doubling the minimum wage? Because the higher wage you make, the more taxes you give to government. You're still dirt poor, but they really don't care about that.
Lol inflation depends on how high it is raised and how it is raised such as being indexed. Either way, if people make more money they SPEND more money. Consumer spending is 70% of our economy. This would obviously help the economy in the process.

Sure they can push wheel barrels full of money that's worth $10 bucks like they did in South America with hyper inflation..
The lower the minimum wage the higher the level of corporate welfare. The tax payer foots the bill in any scenario.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

Well you just stumbled on the simple solution to get companies to pay a living wage..

Get rid of the subsidised welfare for people that work, a company would have to raise wages if no one could afford to work there .... no gas money, no bus money , no rent , money no food money. The companies would have no choice other then to close up.
Fact - Only productive labor creates wealth.

Fact - Ownership does not create wealth.

Fact - Hording wealth is not the same as creating wealth.

So in your strange world ownership of a company doesn't earn wealth? No wonder employees like you are a dime a dozen.


I'm a long way from being a dime a dozen employee. Try six figures.

No ownership does not create wealth in and of itself. An owner may do some productive work that creates wealth, but ownership alone does not.

Hording wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.
/——-/ Hording wealth? You’re mad they don’t share with you. Ahhhh pooor baby. Don’t cry.
Why do we continue to cut their taxes when it doesn’t work it’s way down

I'm waiting for prices to come down.

The mronic right keeps saying the corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do. Do taxes were cut & where is this price drop?

I see a lot of manufsacturers using a lot of steel are raising prices because the the orange idiot's tariffs.

Why would prices be cut if taxes were lowered?
Grow our economy we must. And, we can use the automatic social stabilization since capitalist can't handle it,
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

What we really need, is that if you think the people feeding your chickens should earn $15 an hour, then pay them $15 an hour. If you don't have any chickens and no one is feeding any of the chickens you don't have, nobody should care about the whole bunch of nothing you are trying to sell.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.
Might want to consider what the Founding Fathers meant by 'General Welfare'. It's not what you think it means.
lol. it is the right wing that doesn't know what it means.
or being too rich to fail?

there really is a Religious technical term for that.

what problem do you have other than your inflation canard,

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

I pretty sure that when you posted "being too rich to fail", you meant when they suggested the banks "being too big to fail". What you posted is just class warfare garbage, when what they said was true, but inherently corrupt. The reason why the banks were "too big to fail" was because the government was as heavily invested in their success, as they had been in their corruption. You keep talking about one canard or another, government this, class warfare that, religious this, social (which is akin to a religion anyway) that. None of that is business until you try to insert government bullshit into business, that only provides the very crap you have a problem with in the first place.

The government cannot/will not protect you from their own corruption, you goofball. Business may not be perfect, but it gives you the fighting chance to do something for yourself, at least until some goofball wants to take your stuff because they cannot manage on their own.
or being too rich to fail?

there really is a Religious technical term for that.

what problem do you have other than your inflation canard,

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

I pretty sure that when you posted "being too rich to fail", you meant when they suggested the banks "being too big to fail". What you posted is just class warfare garbage, when what they said was true, but inherently corrupt. The reason why the banks were "too big to fail" was because the government was as heavily invested in their success, as they had been in their corruption. You keep talking about one canard or another, government this, class warfare that, religious this, social (which is akin to a religion anyway) that. None of that is business until you try to insert government bullshit into business, that only provides the very crap you have a problem with in the first place.

The government cannot/will not protect you from their own corruption, you goofball. Business may not be perfect, but it gives you the fighting chance to do something for yourself, at least until some goofball wants to take your stuff because they cannot manage on their own.
why only blame the poor?
why only blame the poor?

I'm not blaming the poor. Just to be clear, I'm blaming goofballs like you and the corruption in government. If you happen to be poor, then any connection to that is merely coincidence.
why only blame the poor?

I'm not blaming the poor. Just to be clear, I'm blaming goofballs like you and the corruption in government. If you happen to be poor, then any connection to that is merely coincidence.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what corruption are you referring to?

automatic stabilization is more automatic.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what corruption are you referring to?

automatic stabilization is more automatic.

You can pay people whatever you want with your money running your business. If the only thing you are selling is telling someone else how to spend their money and putting the government in charge, you're not only a goofball that has nothing of real value to sell, but you put way too much trust in government. If anything is automatic, it doesn't need your help.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what corruption are you referring to?

automatic stabilization is more automatic.

You can pay people whatever you want with your money running your business. If the only thing you are selling is telling someone else how to spend their money and putting the government in charge, you're not only a goofball that has nothing of real value to sell, but you put way too much trust in government. If anything is automatic, it doesn't need your help.
in other words, no solutions from the right wing.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what actual problems do you believe we would have.
in other words, no solutions from the right wing.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what actual problems do you believe we would have.

What part of "the government and society cannot and will not will not save you" would suggest I give a crap what the right wing thinks? In other words, Jack isn't interested in your magic beans, no matter what color you want to paint them.

The problems you will have are the ones your poor decisions keep providing you with, and blaming someone else isn't going to change that.
in other words, no solutions from the right wing.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what actual problems do you believe we would have.

What part of "the government and society cannot and will not will not save you" would suggest I give a crap what the right wing thinks? In other words, Jack isn't interested in your magic beans, no matter what color you want to paint them.

The problems you will have are the ones your poor decisions keep providing you with.
solving simple poverty will enable people to get off the street.
solving simple poverty will enable people to get off the street.

Good luck with that, they have been trying it a long time, and as far as I can tell the rich are still getting richer. That's probably because your magic beans are lead weights.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.

General welfare is when you build a road anyone can use. Personal aggrandizement is when you cut someone a check for breathing.
or being too rich to fail?

there really is a Religious technical term for that.

what problem do you have other than your inflation canard,

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
/----/ What kind of blithering idiot thinks anyone can live in Southampton of $15 an hour? We need $50 minimum wage NOW.
in other words, no solutions from the right wing.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what actual problems do you believe we would have.

What part of "the government and society cannot and will not will not save you" would suggest I give a crap what the right wing thinks? In other words, Jack isn't interested in your magic beans, no matter what color you want to paint them.

The problems you will have are the ones your poor decisions keep providing you with.
solving simple poverty will enable people to get off the street.
/----/ Trillions in the transfer from the producers to the non producers since the War on Poverty began in 1965. Why isn't simple poverty erased by now?
solving simple poverty will enable people to get off the street.

Good luck with that, they have been trying it a long time, and as far as I can tell the rich are still getting richer. That's probably because your magic beans are lead weights.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

still nothing but fallacy for rebuttal, dears.
in other words, no solutions from the right wing.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

what actual problems do you believe we would have.

What part of "the government and society cannot and will not will not save you" would suggest I give a crap what the right wing thinks? In other words, Jack isn't interested in your magic beans, no matter what color you want to paint them.

The problems you will have are the ones your poor decisions keep providing you with.
solving simple poverty will enable people to get off the street.
/----/ Trillions in the transfer from the producers to the non producers since the War on Poverty began in 1965. Why isn't simple poverty erased by now?
lousy strategy?
The lower the minimum wage the higher the level of corporate welfare. The tax payer foots the bill in any scenario.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

Well you just stumbled on the simple solution to get companies to pay a living wage..

Get rid of the subsidised welfare for people that work, a company would have to raise wages if no one could afford to work there .... no gas money, no bus money , no rent , money no food money. The companies would have no choice other then to close up.
Nope, The answer is to keep benefits at a level where folk are not forced to take slave wages. Your solution means they will have to work for unscrupulous employers because they have no other option.
Its all about rebalancing society.

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