“Redistribute the wealth”

don't know what you mean. higher paid labor pays more in Taxes. and, creates more in demand.

supply and demand doesn't cease to exist for right wing fantasy.

As you know, minimum wage workers pay no income tax.
they pay income tax at fifteen dollars an hour; finally, right wingers, the poor can pay their share!
If you cant get benefits you have to take what is available. Its governemnt forcing people into slave wage jobs. Its not civilised.

How is the government forcing people into making bad decisions?

unequal application of the law.

it really is about equality, right wingers.
Why does it have to be a "nice restaurant" ? Why cant it be bread from the local bakery ? Lower paid workers spend all of their money because they dont have a lot. Tax cuts for the poorest benefits the economy immensely.

What keeps the nice restaurants in business? Minimum wage workers or their parents? How do you cut the income taxes of someone who pays no income tax and may actually get a refund?

I earned well into six figures annually for the 30 years before I retired about 8 years ago. I spent all that money too. Motorcycles, a number of personal homes plus rental properties, shares of stock in a number of companies, enough cash to hold me over for six or so months along with a year's food and water supply, cruises and a great number of other things. I also love eating in fine restaurants and, partially because I once worked for tips, I tip very well.
You earned it so you spend it on what you want to. Not sure what bearing that has on exploitative employers though.
Grow our economy we must. And, we can use the automatic social stabilization since capitalist can't handle it,
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

What we really need, is that if you think the people feeding your chickens should earn $15 an hour, then pay them $15 an hour. If you don't have any chickens and no one is feeding any of the chickens you don't have, nobody should care about the whole bunch of nothing you are trying to sell.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.
Might want to consider what the Founding Fathers meant by 'General Welfare'. It's not what you think it means.
lol. it is the right wing that doesn't know what it means.
I doubt that, since the FF weren't socialists.
a cost of living adjustment does not cause the inflation the right wing, soothsays or hearsays. and, inflation happens; only the cognitively dissonant right wing, only whines about inflation "from the poor". Why no inflationary outrage about price inflation for fuel, right wingers.

there really is, a Religious, technical term for that.

Thank you, the slowest recovery in our history was caused by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. This is proven by the fact that the Fed, for over EIGHT YEARS, kept their interest rate at or near ZERO.

I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

Redistributing the wealth is when government confiscates money with guns from one citizen who earned it and redistributes it to another who didn't.

You're welcome
Grow our economy we must. And, we can use the automatic social stabilization since capitalist can't handle it,
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

What we really need, is that if you think the people feeding your chickens should earn $15 an hour, then pay them $15 an hour. If you don't have any chickens and no one is feeding any of the chickens you don't have, nobody should care about the whole bunch of nothing you are trying to sell.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.
Might want to consider what the Founding Fathers meant by 'General Welfare'. It's not what you think it means.
lol. it is the right wing that doesn't know what it means.
I doubt that, since the FF weren't socialists.
i trust my understanding more than that of the right wing.
Grow our economy we must. And, we can use the automatic social stabilization since capitalist can't handle it,
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

What we really need, is that if you think the people feeding your chickens should earn $15 an hour, then pay them $15 an hour. If you don't have any chickens and no one is feeding any of the chickens you don't have, nobody should care about the whole bunch of nothing you are trying to sell.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.
Might want to consider what the Founding Fathers meant by 'General Welfare'. It's not what you think it means.
lol. it is the right wing that doesn't know what it means.
I doubt that, since the FF weren't socialists.

The poor fella doesn't understand that nowhere in the Constitution as written by the Founding Fathers did they ever authorize the government to provide personal aggrandizement to s single individual, for any reason. There is nothing general about anything you give to any one person, and stick a name on it. Once you assign a person's name to a specific benefit, it is no longer general (unless of course you give everyone the same specific benefit with their name on it, which of course would beg the question why).
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a cost of living adjustment does not cause the inflation the right wing, soothsays or hearsays. and, inflation happens; only the cognitively dissonant right wing, only whines about inflation "from the poor". Why no inflationary outrage about price inflation for fuel, right wingers.

there really is, a Religious, technical term for that.

Thank you, the slowest recovery in our history was caused by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. This is proven by the fact that the Fed, for over EIGHT YEARS, kept their interest rate at or near ZERO.

why any drama queenery about the poor?
Why does it have to be a "nice restaurant" ? Why cant it be bread from the local bakery ? Lower paid workers spend all of their money because they dont have a lot. Tax cuts for the poorest benefits the economy immensely.

What keeps the nice restaurants in business? Minimum wage workers or their parents? How do you cut the income taxes of someone who pays no income tax and may actually get a refund?

I earned well into six figures annually for the 30 years before I retired about 8 years ago. I spent all that money too. Motorcycles, a number of personal homes plus rental properties, shares of stock in a number of companies, enough cash to hold me over for six or so months along with a year's food and water supply, cruises and a great number of other things. I also love eating in fine restaurants and, partially because I once worked for tips, I tip very well.
You earned it so you spend it on what you want to. Not sure what bearing that has on exploitative employers though.

You said that low-income workers spend all their money. So do all other workers so your low-income workers just help the economy the least.
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

Define what it is to live "comfortably", Billy? Should a family of 4 be able to live "comfortably" off of a minimum wage job? Should that comfort include things like cell phones...50" flat screens...expensive sneakers...vacations...movie nights out...? Just what does your "radical change" include? You say you think it needs to be done at the same time you admit that you don't have the faintest idea HOW to do it! How can you demand radical change when you don't have solutions?
Lol if someone is making minimum wage has 2 kids, they could definitely not afford spending hundreds of dollars on entertainment monthly at the risk of starving themselves.

Someone only worth minimum wage with two kids should have the children removed from their home for having an irresponsible parent
As another poster has said, addressing inequality and maintaining a strong safety net is very good social insurance against revolution.

No, not armed revolution. Electoral revolution. Cultural revolution. The libertarians in control of the GOP somehow don't or won't or can't see this.

It always cracks me up how Democrats are so stupid you don't know what a libertarian is no matter how many times it's explained to you.

So you think the Republican party is fiscally conservative, for a small military and for government staying out of social issues. Of course you do, you're that dumb. Republicans usually go grasp libertarian. They're just smarter than you are
a cost of living adjustment does not cause the inflation the right wing, soothsays or hearsays. and, inflation happens; only the cognitively dissonant right wing, only whines about inflation "from the poor". Why no inflationary outrage about price inflation for fuel, right wingers.

there really is, a Religious, technical term for that.

Thank you, the slowest recovery in our history was caused by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. This is proven by the fact that the Fed, for over EIGHT YEARS, kept their interest rate at or near ZERO.

why any drama queenery about the poor?

You're the one with all the posts about how horrid it is that unqualified, inexperienced workers are paid the minimum wage. You also refuse to answer my simple questions to you about who is paid the minimum wage. Why?
Grow our economy we must. And, we can use the automatic social stabilization since capitalist can't handle it,
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

What we really need, is that if you think the people feeding your chickens should earn $15 an hour, then pay them $15 an hour. If you don't have any chickens and no one is feeding any of the chickens you don't have, nobody should care about the whole bunch of nothing you are trying to sell.
special pleading dear?

we have a Constitution that provides for providing for the general welfare of the People not only the general Profit of the rich.
Might want to consider what the Founding Fathers meant by 'General Welfare'. It's not what you think it means.
lol. it is the right wing that doesn't know what it means.
I doubt that, since the FF weren't socialists.
They were slave owners werent they ? That small fact sort of raises a question mark over their views on "general welfare".
Why does it have to be a "nice restaurant" ? Why cant it be bread from the local bakery ? Lower paid workers spend all of their money because they dont have a lot. Tax cuts for the poorest benefits the economy immensely.

What keeps the nice restaurants in business? Minimum wage workers or their parents? How do you cut the income taxes of someone who pays no income tax and may actually get a refund?

I earned well into six figures annually for the 30 years before I retired about 8 years ago. I spent all that money too. Motorcycles, a number of personal homes plus rental properties, shares of stock in a number of companies, enough cash to hold me over for six or so months along with a year's food and water supply, cruises and a great number of other things. I also love eating in fine restaurants and, partially because I once worked for tips, I tip very well.
You earned it so you spend it on what you want to. Not sure what bearing that has on exploitative employers though.

You said that low-income workers spend all their money. So do all other workers so your low-income workers just help the economy the least.
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.
Get a job, start a business, pay your own bills you mooching deadbeats.
Henry Ford doubled auto worker wages. He did not whine about minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
/----/ Ford had little choice, he needed to retain workers in his sweat shop. And there was no minimum wage back then. You were paid what you were worth.
inflation happens, regardless. the trade off is worth it since even the dollar menu won't double.

and, we could be lowering our tax burden through recourse to the law of large numbers of the poor, now being able to pay more in taxes, and need less in social services.

Where did you find a dollar menu?
We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

Well you just stumbled on the simple solution to get companies to pay a living wage..

Get rid of the subsidised welfare for people that work, a company would have to raise wages if no one could afford to work there .... no gas money, no bus money , no rent , money no food money. The companies would have no choice other then to close up.
Nope, The answer is to keep benefits at a level where folk are not forced to take slave wages. Your solution means they will have to work for unscrupulous employers because they have no other option.
Its all about rebalancing society.

So you want them not to work and pay them out of your own pocket?

that's enabling both parties..

No, everybody wants to work. I dont want to force people into jobs that pay pisstake wages. A decent minimum wage is way of addressing this.

A low minimum wage is a handout to shit employers. Make them pay a proper wage or let them go bust. We will all have to pay a little more for what we buy and decent businesses will take their place.
/----/ No one forces a person to accept a low wage. They can get what the market will pay based on their skills and the need for their skills.
a cost of living adjustment does not cause the inflation the right wing, soothsays or hearsays. and, inflation happens; only the cognitively dissonant right wing, only whines about inflation "from the poor". Why no inflationary outrage about price inflation for fuel, right wingers.

there really is, a Religious, technical term for that.

Thank you, the slowest recovery in our history was caused by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. This is proven by the fact that the Fed, for over EIGHT YEARS, kept their interest rate at or near ZERO.

why any drama queenery about the poor?

You're the one with all the posts about how horrid it is that unqualified, inexperienced workers are paid the minimum wage. You also refuse to answer my simple questions to you about who is paid the minimum wage. Why?
you don't understand the concepts. stop making excuses. what part do you not understand, right wingers. it really has always, that simple.
Get a job, start a business, pay your own bills you mooching deadbeats.
Henry Ford doubled auto worker wages. He did not whine about minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
/----/ Ford had little choice, he needed to retain workers in his sweat shop. And there was no minimum wage back then. You were paid what you were worth.
yes, there were and Capitalism died in 1929. socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.

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