“Redistribute the wealth”

Get a job, start a business, pay your own bills you mooching deadbeats.
Henry Ford doubled auto worker wages. He did not whine about minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
/----/ Ford had little choice, he needed to retain workers in his sweat shop. And there was no minimum wage back then. You were paid what you were worth.
yes, there were and Capitalism died in 1929. socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
/----/ When is Socialism going to bail out Venezuela - or is this the new norm for them?
Get a job, start a business, pay your own bills you mooching deadbeats.
Henry Ford doubled auto worker wages. He did not whine about minimum wages. Only lousy capitalists, do that.
/----/ Ford had little choice, he needed to retain workers in his sweat shop. And there was no minimum wage back then. You were paid what you were worth.
yes, there were and Capitalism died in 1929. socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.
/----/ When is Socialism going to bail out Venezuela - or is this the new norm for them?
Lousy management happens. They just needed a corps of agricultural engineers, before.

and, 1929 already happened, right wingers; why so much, right wing fantasy.
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp of basic knowledge.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
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Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.

So what? Why do you refuse to answer the questions I have posed to you?

Here is another question for you. Do people in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives?
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.

So what? Why do you refuse to answer the questions I have posed to you?

Here is another question for you. Do people in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives?
irrelevant. capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment for the benefit of capitalists, not labor.
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do you just pull into any station regardless of price?
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do just pull into any station regardless of price?
depends on whether or not I have a paid account.

a fuel account means convenience can take priority.
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do just pull into any station regardless of price?
depends on whether or not I have a paid account.

a fuel account means convenience can take priority.
/---/ Does that mean you're careful with your gas money but waste other people's money?
Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do just pull into any station regardless of price?
depends on whether or not I have a paid account.

a fuel account means convenience can take priority.
/---/ Does that mean you're careful with your gas money but waste other people's money?
depends on our "mission statement". time to market may be a factor.
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.

So what? Why do you refuse to answer the questions I have posed to you?

Here is another question for you. Do people in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives?
irrelevant. capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment for the benefit of capitalists, not labor.
There have to be a large number of unemployed people in order to keep wages low.
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.

So what? Why do you refuse to answer the questions I have posed to you?

Here is another question for you. Do people in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives?
irrelevant. capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment for the benefit of capitalists, not labor.
There have to be a large number of unemployed people in order to keep wages low.
wages won't be kept low. Capitalists have to seek gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in any first world economy.
No they dont. Not immediately anyway. With poor people its a revolving door. With people who are better off less gets put back into the economy straight away.

So what? Why do you refuse to answer the questions I have posed to you?

Here is another question for you. Do people in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives?
What questions ?
Some do because they lack the skills or intelligence or opportunity to move on. Should they have a shit life because they cant cut it ?
Who is forced to take slave wages? I don't recall any story where a business was kidnapping people and forcing them to work at their company.
If you cant get benefits you have to take what is available. Its governemnt forcing people into slave wage jobs. Its not civilised.

And there are no jobs with benefits that pay higher than minimum wage?
Ray, I understand the point you are trying to make so lets cut to it. There should be a balance of power between capital and labour that meets the needs of both parties. At the moment, and since the 80s I would say, the balance has tilted towards capital and the worker is getting screwed. Pay,holidays,benefits,contracts are all deteriorating and the threat hanging over us all is that our job will go to China or India if we kick off about it.
That is not good for the worker,their community or the wider society we would like to live in.

Well we're not ready for Communism or Socialism. In a free country, this is how things work. If you are an employer, YOU are in charge of paying labor and benefits. If you are a worker, it's up to you to make yourself worth as much as you'd like to make.

Government has no place directing companies as to pay or benefits. It's not what our federal government is for. Just check out our Constitution!

There is an imbalance of power. It's called the Golden Rule: the man with the gold gets to make the rules.

Now if you don't like the rules, you are welcome to start your own company if you like. Let's say you worked for me in my widget factory. I was paying you 9 bucks an hour. Unhappy with that, you start your own widget company. You pay your workers 15 bucks an hour. Now how long do you suppose you'd stay in business? Who is going to buy your overpriced widgets when they can buy mine for half the price?

Rich people are not in charge of this. Corporations are not in charge of this. Government is not in charge of this. So who's in charge? The American consumer, that's who.
You perpetuate an unfair society

Corporations will always pay as little as they have to and the state should not have to pick up the tab for that. I cant see how that simple fact is not understood.

I understand totally and agree with you. But in your statement, you act as if the state "has to" pick up the tab. They don't have to. The only reason the state does is to buy votes. But there is no obligation anywhere written that says they have to.

The solution is not forcing industry to pay more money to their employees, the solution is to have the state stop subsidizing poor people. If a state does that, it will create more responsible people. They will stop having children, they will have to work more hours, they will do whatever it takes to make ends meet on their own, they will strive to find better paying work.

Our law should be nobody gets a dime of taxpayer money until they are fixed first. No more having children while I'm feeding or housing you. Why should I pay for your kids when I made the responsible decision to have no children of my own because I didn't want that financial burden. And now I have to shoulder your financial burden?
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do you just pull into any station regardless of price?

He goes to the store with the sign that says they have the best prices
Good capitalist know how to achieve gains from efficiency not Cheap labor in the first world. It really is that simple.

if you aren't a Good enough capitalist, you can always resort to cheap labor in second or third world economies.

Good capitalists always know that cheap labor is an accurate description. More valuable labor costs more.

The idiotic leftist lack of grasp.

Capitalists care about profit, not cost. Leftist simpletons never gasp that.

Sometimes better employees lead to better results. Then we pay for it. Sometimes it doesn't, then we don't.

Seriously, you're a fucking moron that you think we care about cost and don't grasp that we want to maximize profit.

That's good for employees too. Idiots like you who hate their employers don't keep jobs. People who grasp that companies that make profits are the ones who can continue to pay employees thrive.

Do you know Joe? He has the same bad attitude about work that you do
Cheap labor is not an Option in our First World economy.

If You can Only make it on Cheap labor; why should we care if You don't make it. Your products couldn't be that good if you Only get what you cost for.
/----/ I'm just curious, when you buy gas for your car do you shop around for the cheapest price or do you just pull into any station regardless of price?

He goes to the store with the sign that says they have the best prices
if Only,

i could find nice girls who love full body massage with happy ending, at the nine-nine cent store.

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