“Redistribute the wealth”

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
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I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

More generic bullshit. You say:
Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis.
So, how much does that cost?
You can't calculate the needed income without knowing the costs.

You are so pitiful. You and I both know parents making $10 per hour can’t afford to provide their kids with the basic food groups. Funny how you’re so concerned with facts on my end yet your dumbass hasn’t given me ANY facts this entire time.

Actually I have no idea, I decided back in the early 70s not to have kids. So how much does it cost to provide basic food groups to kids?

OKTexas said:
Tax Code welfare queens, they're mostly the ones that have kids they can't afford.
It's Nothing To Do With Welfare
It's The Tax Code Now

Bush Raised The Number Of People That No Longer Pay Federal Income Tax
Obama Raised It Some More
Almost 50% Of Americans Are No Longer Liable To Pay Federal Income Tax
The Refund They Get Is Even Older News
It's Called 'The Earned Income Tax Credit'

They Aren't Cheating The System At All

And 'Disability' Is A Far More Lucrative Scam Than Welfare
Single Men Can Get It, It's Permanent
Un-Taxable, Un-Like Social Security, Which Is What Dis-Ability Is
It'll Even Pay Your Child Support For You
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OKTexas said:
Tax Code welfare queens, they're mostly the ones that have kids they can't afford.
It's Nothing To Do With Welfare
It's The Tax Code Now

Bush Raised The Number Of People That No Longer Pay Federal Income Tax
Obama Raised It Some More
Almost 50% Of Americans Are No Longer Liable To Pay Federal Income Tax
The Refund They Get Is Even Older News
It's Called 'The Earned Income Tax Credit'

They Aren't Cheating The System At All

And 'Disability' Is A Far More Lucrative Scam Than Welfare
Single Men Can Get It, It's Permanent
Un-Taxable, Un-Like Social Security, Which Is What Dis-Ability Is
It'll Even Pay Your Child Support For You

Call it what you will, in the end it's welfare through the Tax Code.

Ray From Cleveland said:
Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Hey, You Know What ??
Illegal Aliens Cost The State Of California Alone
Over 22 Billion Dollars A Year

That's Almost The Exact Cost Of The Wall From The Pacific
To The Mouth Of The Rio Grande At The Gulf

And Those Same Democrats Say The Wall Is Too Expensive
I Think It's Money Saving 100's $Billions A Year Well Spent
Whether Mexico Pays For It Or Not

And Yes, I've Posted The Info Before
Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.
So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Billy000 said:
Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.
You Didn't Build That !!

And Your Analogy Of Kids On The Gibs
Is Total Bullshit Too

Parents Are Responsible For Kids Living In Poverty
And One Is Generally Most Responsible For It In Most Cases
And The Kids Don't Directly Receive The Financial Aid Either
The Parent Does
Which Is A Shame Sometimes
Because I Have Seen Lots Of Kids With More Sense Than Mommy
Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Oh Christ. I’ve given you all multiple facts and you haven’t given me one fact or statistic. Do you feel you’re too dumb to present facts? I guess that must be it.
This is a common misunderstanding of minimum wage laws.

They don't make employers pay more, they simply outlaw paying someone less. An employer will only pay someone $15.25 per hour if that employee can produce more than $15.25 per hour in profit. Otherwise the employee gets sacked and the employer finds someone else who can.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Oh Christ. I’ve given you all multiple facts and you haven’t given me one fact or statistic. Do you feel you’re too dumb to present facts? I guess that must be it.

You've done nothing but throw around multiple subjective terms, the only thing you actually defined is food groups, and that's only because it's available on the USDA web site. You're just throwing meaningless regressive terms that you've been brainwashed into parroting, without ever knowing what they actually mean.

Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Oh Christ. I’ve given you all multiple facts and you haven’t given me one fact or statistic. Do you feel you’re too dumb to present facts? I guess that must be it.

You've done nothing but throw around multiple subjective terms, the only thing you actually defined is food groups, and that's only because it's available on the USDA web site. You're just throwing meaningless regressive terms that you've been brainwashed into parroting, without ever knowing what they actually mean.

Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.
So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Oh Christ. I’ve given you all multiple facts and you haven’t given me one fact or statistic. Do you feel you’re too dumb to present facts? I guess that must be it.

You've done nothing but throw around multiple subjective terms, the only thing you actually defined is food groups, and that's only because it's available on the USDA web site. You're just throwing meaningless regressive terms that you've been brainwashed into parroting, without ever knowing what they actually mean.

Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.

You? Facts? As if........so by raising the minimum wage, you would have to raise the wages of everyone that was making what the new minimum wage is THUS raising the cost of doing business that will then be passed onto the consumer that will include those that were making the minimum wage. You are an idiot and when I make salient points, you simply pretend that you didn't see my reply.....how convenient.
So why should I give a shit about kids that are not mine? Do you know how much I spend on kids that aren't mine?

Food stamps, local schools which run me thousands a year, school lunch programs, daycare, SCHIPS, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on.

So don't give me this BS about 10 cents a month. If you are in a room with 16 other people, two of those 16 are being fed by the other 14.

Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border. What he's asking for is half of what we spend on food stamps every year. And you know what? The Democrats stopped him because they said it costs too much.

And yes, I did offer a solution: anybody applying for federal aid needs to be fixed first before receiving one dime.
Ah god. What a nightmare of a post. You’re a selfish, dumb piece of shit. Hey here’s a fun fact for you: when you were a kid, adults paid for your schooling and other government ran services. Gasp! You haven’t thought of that? Wow. Yeah I’m not surprised. You’re a mooch who won’t give anything back.


This shit coming from an ignorant regressive that started a conversation, where absolutely nothing is objective, no terms are defined, so no one is on the same page. Do you try to talk football with people who have no concept of the game or it's rules?

Oh Christ. I’ve given you all multiple facts and you haven’t given me one fact or statistic. Do you feel you’re too dumb to present facts? I guess that must be it.

You've done nothing but throw around multiple subjective terms, the only thing you actually defined is food groups, and that's only because it's available on the USDA web site. You're just throwing meaningless regressive terms that you've been brainwashed into parroting, without ever knowing what they actually mean.

Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.

You call the minimum wage being too low is a fact, when in reality is nothing but your opinion. You claim it won't buy this or that, but you can't even say what those things cost, or why someone making the minimum wage would have such an expense. Bumpers stickers, bullshit and opinion is all you got.

Tell me, exactly what is the minimum a couple with two kids would need to earn and live the lifestyle you imagine for them in say, Garden City KS? Come hero, put up or STFU.

Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.

If you know facts about the minimum wage, then share with us the average household income of a household where one of the workers earn the minimum wage.

How many households in the US are supported by only one worker earning minimum wage?

Come on my Progressive good friend, since you've boasted about knowing the facts about minimum wage, step up and show off!
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

I can only speak for myself and your way off base with this. What Liberals fail to recognize is we live in a land of opportunity. Please provide a list of other nations that offer you the opportunities we have in America? I believe you're describing Western Europe and I know it's been sometime since I've actively studied World History, but this country was founded to get as far away from Western Europe as we could. If you want a society that just supports the bottom half, you missed why our great country was founded in the first place. With opportunity comes the basic responsibility of a work ethic, if you want a guaranteed living wage, you're in the wrong place. Over the last 90 plus years we have vacillated with each other on basic morality, somehow we have veered of course with our basic belief in each other and want Big Government to support to many things. I am all for new ideas and advancement for all, but I believe we have the basis for this already, our Founders did an excellent job, it takes self resilience to succeed, ask anyone who has succeeded and I am certain that's what you will find...
Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.

If you know facts about the minimum wage, then share with us the average household income of a household where one of the workers earn the minimum wage.

How many households in the US are supported by only one worker earning minimum wage?

Come on my Progressive good friend, since you've boasted about knowing the facts about minimum wage, step up and show off!
How about I just tell you 42% of all workers in the US make less than 15 per hour? How many of those are part of families, do you think? After all we are talking nearly HALF of all workers. $15 isn’t even a state minimum wage. If, miraculously, all those workers got an education and learned new skills, who would be left to fill all those service jobs? After all, that’s mostly who those workers are.

Who makes less than $15 per hour? An explainer in 3 charts
You don’t take from the rich and give to the poor

But why do we continue programs that help the wealthy while we cut back on programs that help working Americans ?


The problem with Ben Franklin's Quote is it doesn't really factor in that wealth is primary determined by intelligence and abilities people are born with, not by how hard they work. I know a lot of minimum wage workers, working two minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet who would be considered "slow" by most people and not very bright who struggle on two jobs to survive. Some are living out of broken down trailers with no heat or air conditioning. These are workers who in fact need food stamps and government help badly. They need more provisions from the government not less. Its not like if we take away their government assistant all of sudden their IQ will go up and they will all of sudden be able to handle jobs that pay a lot better, they will just end up a lot poorer without the government assistance.

In college in one of my Accounting classes I had a professor tell this fact to the students. The huge myth he said is that hard work gets you somewhere in life, a lot of it is how smart you are and learning ways to work smarter not harder. Intelligence is biologically determined and can't changed. So what do we do with those slow learners who will always struggle to survive on what they make, they will need government assistance to survive, working harder wouldn't be good enough and not make a huge impact.
Last edited:
Every fact I’ve given you about the minimum wage have been actual facts. I know you don’t understand what facts are, but eventually you’ll have to get used to seeing them.

If you know facts about the minimum wage, then share with us the average household income of a household where one of the workers earn the minimum wage.

How many households in the US are supported by only one worker earning minimum wage?

Come on my Progressive good friend, since you've boasted about knowing the facts about minimum wage, step up and show off!
How about I just tell you 42% of all workers in the US make less than 15 per hour? How many of those are part of families, do you think? After all we are talking nearly HALF of all workers. $15 isn’t even a state minimum wage. If, miraculously, all those workers got an education and learned new skills, who would be left to fill all those service jobs? After all, that’s mostly who those workers are.

Who makes less than $15 per hour? An explainer in 3 charts

I knew you wouldn't do it!


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