“Redistribute the wealth”

Lol who?! Those higher wage jobs are already incredibly competitive. You’re talking about 10s of millions of positions.

Wow, what a revelation! Higher wage jobs are competitive. How is that a bad thing? I'm probably an exception but I have reveled in competition all my life. Over the past 45 years, as a professional Realtor, I have gotten out of bed every morning unemployed. As an independent contractor, running my own business even when working for another broker, I decide if I want to go to work or not and what I need to do to make money. I also know I'm one of the best Realtors in our area. If I'm competing with another agent, which I love for a particular listing, I KNOW that 9 out of 10 times I will walk away with the listing. Competition is GRAND. It improves all the participants. Do you believe that is not true?
4% are on the federal. 10s of millions more make their state minimum wage which in most states is pretty low. The average age of a fast food worker is 35. These are adults who are stuck at their jobs ether because higher wage jobs are very competitive or they don’t have the time and money to learn new skills.

How many more do you think make less than 15 per hour?

As you know, the average age of a fast food worker is 29.5 years of age. In 2000, the average age was 22 years of age.

More than 10 years of economic malaise has led to overqualified people being forced to take jobs below their qualifications.

I am curious if the "average age of a fast food employee" includes on the employees in a particular store or if it includes management. Major difference.
Define what it is to live "comfortably", Billy? Should a family of 4 be able to live "comfortably" off of a minimum wage job? Should that comfort include things like cell phones...50" flat screens...expensive sneakers...vacations...movie nights out...? Just what does your "radical change" include? You say you think it needs to be done at the same time you admit that you don't have the faintest idea HOW to do it! How can you demand radical change when you don't have solutions?
Lol if someone is making minimum wage has 2 kids, they could definitely not afford spending hundreds of dollars on entertainment monthly at the risk of starving themselves.

So why is anybody who works minimum wage having kids? That's the rich guys fault?
People make dumb mistakes. Either way, you have kids that didn’t choose to be born.

Correct. But the parents chose to have them. Having children is not an affliction. It takes a little effort to have babies. I never had any children because I planned it that way. I didn't want the responsibility or cost of raising children. See? It's pretty easy.
So since the children can’t be provided for, we should just let them starve?
If you have kids and can't provide for them with one 40 hour a week job then you work 2 fucking jobs it's your fucking responsibility and no one elses
No They Haven't
Progs Just Think
--- As Voiced By Obama
That At Some Point You've Made Enough Money

So What Does That Insinuate ??
That Anything Over Whatever Sum Is Overkill
And Can Be Seized And Re-Distributed ??

Progs As Far Back As Teddy Roosevelt
Thought There Should Be No Such Thing As A Billionaire


A BILLIONAIRE in 1913 would be worth $25,455,151,515,151.51 today. How many people in the world are worth more than $25 TRILLION?
I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

So no progressive has ever suggested that radical redistribution of wealth... except for you right in the next paragraph. Just call it "narrowing the gap", instead of wealth redistribution and BOOM!

Yes, we know you are a Marxist, who actually believes the poor are poor because the rich are rich. A crazy belief...
You are such an idiot. The top 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. In your dumbass mind that doesn’t matter and any attempt at closing that gap is automatically the elimination of the wealthy class. Is your simple mind not capable of the slightest bit of nuanced critical thinking?

Class warfar is such a non starter in the US. When will you people learn?
...The worker who was making $15.00 an hour will now make $15.25 an hour....
...An employer will only pay someone $15.25 per hour if that employee can produce more than $15.25 per hour in profit. Otherwise the employee gets sacked and the employer finds someone else who can.
...they are going to want a lot more for their labor.

Hey guy, underachievers can "want a lot more for their labor" all day long but it won't make anyone pay them if they fail to earn their keep.

I mean, when you go into a store and they post a price that's higher than what everyone else charges, you don't waste your time w/ the salesperson's sob story you just go elsewhere. Employers are no different.
You don’t take from the rich and give to the poor

But why do we continue programs that help the wealthy while we cut back on programs that help working Americans ?
So you don't want someone working 40 hrs a week living in poverty? Would that be a single person, a couple, a couple with a single child or a couple with multiple children? Would they have to have all the cable channels, the latest Iphone technology or would it be alright for their entertainment systems to be a bit more modest?

I think you see where I'm going here, there's a lot more to determine lifestyle than just income. So tell the class, what lifestyle should a 40 hr minimum wage job support and for how many?

Why are you shaming poor people for spending money on things to entertain themselves? Are they just supposed to eat, sleep, and die with no joy in their lives? I would consider the cost of entertainment to be critical to one’a well being. The problem would be spending too much but that isn’t something poor people do.

Thanks for proving you're just a fucking liar and not interested in a discussion. You can't just throw around general terms and expect everyone to know what you're talking about. You have to be willing to get into the dirt and set some standards or everyone is just talking past each other. So just fuck you very much, I should have known you were never interested in a serious discussion, you nerve are.

just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

...The worker who was making $15.00 an hour will now make $15.25 an hour....
...An employer will only pay someone $15.25 per hour if that employee can produce more than $15.25 per hour in profit. Otherwise the employee gets sacked and the employer finds someone else who can.
...they are going to want a lot more for their labor.

Hey guy, underachievers can "want a lot more for their labor" all day long but it won't make anyone pay them if they fail to earn their keep.

I mean, when you go into a store and they post a price that's higher than what everyone else charges, you don't waste your time w/ the salesperson's sob story you just go elsewhere. Employers are no different.

Okay, so I've been working at a shop and made my way up to 15 bucks an hour. All of a sudden Democrats take over and make minimum wage 15 bucks an hour. I'm just supposed to accept that I'm back at minimum wage?

After I march into my employer or supervisors office and demand a raise, he has two choices: give me that raise and continue getting good work out of me, or lose me and hire somebody else for 15 bucks an hour that doesn't know a thing about what I did or what the company does. All that time and investment in my employment are out the window. Everything I learned and worked my way up to, they have to teach somebody all over again from the ground up.

So employers would have no choice in the matter really. New employees are a pain in the ass because many times they don't work out. They either come in late all the time, constantly calling off of work, don't care much about their job, or complain all the time. It's one of the reasons why you can only get a job at a company through temp services.
Why are you shaming poor people for spending money on things to entertain themselves? Are they just supposed to eat, sleep, and die with no joy in their lives? I would consider the cost of entertainment to be critical to one’a well being. The problem would be spending too much but that isn’t something poor people do.

Thanks for proving you're just a fucking liar and not interested in a discussion. You can't just throw around general terms and expect everyone to know what you're talking about. You have to be willing to get into the dirt and set some standards or everyone is just talking past each other. So just fuck you very much, I should have known you were never interested in a serious discussion, you nerve are.

just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.
Thanks for proving you're just a fucking liar and not interested in a discussion. You can't just throw around general terms and expect everyone to know what you're talking about. You have to be willing to get into the dirt and set some standards or everyone is just talking past each other. So just fuck you very much, I should have known you were never interested in a serious discussion, you nerve are.

just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Well then, maybe those parents shouldn't have kids then, hmmm? As an employer, you think I'm responsible for your kids? Here's a thought, how about you don't have kids until you can adequately provide for them, which of course means feeding them properly. When did we get to the point where everybody else has to pay for your kids cuz you can't? Personal responsibility just isn't very high on your list of character issues, is it? Maybe social services needs to take your kids away from you if you can't at least feed them.
expat_panama said:
Hey guy, underachievers can "want a lot more for their labor" all day long but it won't make anyone pay them if they fail to earn their keep.

I mean, when you go into a store and they post a price that's higher than what everyone else charges, you don't waste your time w/ the salesperson's sob story you just go elsewhere. Employers are no different.
Maybe You Haven't Heard
Public Service Bureaucrats
Have Had Higher Pay And Benefits
Than Their Private Sector Counterparts
For About 10yrs Now...
Thanks for proving you're just a fucking liar and not interested in a discussion. You can't just throw around general terms and expect everyone to know what you're talking about. You have to be willing to get into the dirt and set some standards or everyone is just talking past each other. So just fuck you very much, I should have known you were never interested in a serious discussion, you nerve are.

just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

More generic bullshit. You say:
Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis.
So, how much does that cost?
You can't calculate the needed income without knowing the costs.

Thanks for proving you're just a fucking liar and not interested in a discussion. You can't just throw around general terms and expect everyone to know what you're talking about. You have to be willing to get into the dirt and set some standards or everyone is just talking past each other. So just fuck you very much, I should have known you were never interested in a serious discussion, you nerve are.

just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
OKTexas said:
you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means.
Maybe It's The Almost 50% Of Americans That Don't Pay Federal Income Tax
Yet Many Still Receive A Federal Income Tax Refund
just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

More generic bullshit. You say:
Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis.
So, how much does that cost?
You can't calculate the needed income without knowing the costs.

You are so pitiful. You and I both know parents making $10 per hour can’t afford to provide their kids with the basic food groups. Funny how you’re so concerned with facts on my end yet your dumbass hasn’t given me ANY facts this entire time.
just admit you know I’m right.

I'll admit you're full of shit, you don't even have the balls to define what the fuck "poor" means. Run along child, you a waste of good air.

Both parents working full time and their kids have adequate food, entertainment, and healthcare. That’s expensive as fuck. How many kids is too many? More than 3, but right now wages are too shit to afford less than that. Either way, the kids who didn’t choose to be born must be provided for.

Don’t you see how retarded it is to keep the minimum wage the same every decade? Inflation matters you sack of shit.

So you still lack the balls to not use generic terms, like "adequate", define adequate. The way you're talking, uneducated idiots who have the ability to pop out a few kids should automatically have a 5-6 figure income just for showing up. Sorry pin head, 5-6 figure incomes are earned, and not by just being. BTW, inflation is meaningless for people with skills, maybe you should go out and get some.

Christ dude. Me spelling everything out for you just makes you look stupid. Kids need the basic food groups on a daily basis. It’s critics of to their development. Many parents can’t afford that.

Then they should have never had children.

So I buy a car so I can get to work in the morning. I live in a snow area so I purchase a 4 wheel drive. My payments are $450.00 a month, but I can't afford $450.00 a month. Should taxpayers pay that bill for me because I have something I cannot afford?
Do you even know how much of your paycheck goes to food stamps per month? 10 cents. That’s the average. You pretend it’s way more because it gives you a hard on shaming other people. You come across very insecure in that regard. It’s also amazing to me how you don’t seem to give a shit about the kids. You’re so busy shaming the parents that you can’t even come up with solutions on how to deal with kids whose parents don’t make enough money.

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