Reduce the amount of Chemicals in your home

Women who work outside the home are subject to 50% more car crashes than women who don't.

Therefore working outside the home causes car crashes.

We now have traded logical fallacies......hows that?

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you're not using any form of the word logic. Unless you can draw a line from how working outside the home CAUSES car crashes.

Lets at least try to be honest here
I saw this documentary the other day called Chemirical. All about how harmful all of the chemicals we use in day to day life are affecting us. It was Very interesting.

Basically you can clear any and everything with non-toxic ingredients such as:

Baking Soda
Lemon Juice
and Essential Oils

I tried it and so far so good. Check it out: Welcome to Chemerical!


Try getting rust stains from well water out of your toilet with baking soda and then come see me after you get tendonitis and I'll give you something that works.
Baking soda cleans that too. You don't have to believe me you can look it up yourself. I don't understand why what I'm saying is being met with anger. Baking soda has been used for years to clean...If it doesn't remove your well water rust. Fine. No biggy. But what is the problem with my overall premise which is reducing your exposure to chemicals?
Because you say so, or do you have some links to studies?
See how this works?
You keep saying things with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Ergo:working outside the home causes car crashes

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Studies? Sure, to make it fair, is there any group in particular you prefer to pull the study from? Or will any study be sufficient? Your choice. Fair?
Anything that was done studywise using a scientific method is fine by me.
While some household cleaning agents may be carcinongenic I doubt you can provide a substantive link between them and cancer in women who work at home.

How do we know it wasn't chinese drywall or latex paint?

Any study that discloses their methods would be fine by me.

Otherwise we are jyst a couple people on the interwebs saying ajax causs cancer and work causes car crashes.......

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We have a problem then...because although cancer does exist and many thing are believed to be the cause, nothing not even cigarettes or living in a nuclear plant is shown to directly cause cancer. The scientist use deductive reasoning to come to a conclusion. So, would a study that uses deductive reasoning be ok? Or does this study have to be so rigid that it shows exposure to chemicals, in the home, for women who work at home directly cause cancer...on a Tuesday?
Read about tobacco. It has been directly shown to cause some cancers. Likewise TCE in drinking water.

There are too many uncontrolled variables to make the same connection between dishsoap and cancer.

That doesn't mean care and discretion shouldn't be used with cleaning chemicals. It also doesn't mean we should "go back to the old ways" and put our health at risk.
Like most things in life it must come down to informed choices and personal choice.

In other words; there are no absolutes, every choice we make is a trade-off.

I do think that "the sky is falling" approach in the op could convince the less than intelligent to ban all chemicals from their home, and that could impact not only their health, but public health as well.

I choose food safety and disinfected surfaces in my home. I had a lemon tree in my yard once, the lemons would mold inside and outside during wet years. This makes me think lemons aren't so great at killing fungus. Some fungi are a gealth hazard to humans. Therefore I dont trust lemon juice to clean my kitchen.

Oh, I shoulda sprayed the lemon tree with fungicide, but then I wouldn't have wanted to eat them........anotber trade-off

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i could see how you could see the OP as being "the sky is falling" since you dont seem to have a solid grasp on english in general. Also, since you cant seem to be specific about where the study should come from or say...I imagine its your way of leaving yourself an "out" from any information I post. So here we go...I'll post something and you hack away at it anyway you like. But one things for sure, you WILL attack no matter what it says...Here is the first link and what it says from the EPA

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands.

Here is the link: Volatile Organic Compounds | Indoor Air | US Environmental Protection Agency

Annnnd go!
Here's more from the same link:
Health Effects
Eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches, loss of coordination, nausea; damage to liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Some organics can cause cancer in animals; some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans. Key signs or symptoms associated with exposure to VOCs include conjunctival irritation, nose and throat discomfort, headache, allergic skin reaction, dyspnea, declines in serum cholinesterase levels, nausea, emesis, epistaxis, fatigue, dizziness.

Again, not saying get rid of everything...As my "sky is falling" (as you put it) OP says "REDUCE the amount..." Not "Get rid of all" as you try to make it seem. Reduce is a scary word I guess
Here's another...Although you will notice that they had to be "fair" to the Chemical companies who, of course, attacked the messenger. Sort of like asking a Owl if Mice are delicious...You already know which side they are going to come down research or studies needed

Study Links Household Cleaning Products to Breast Cancer | Fox News

The regular use of basic cleaning products in the home may double the risk of women developing breast cancer, a U.S. study found.

The study, published Tuesday in the international journal Environmental Health, suggests that using household cleaning products may contribute to an increased risk of women developing breast cancer.

The use of cleaners including air fresheners and mold removers doubled the risk of breast cancer in women who used them most often, the study found.

Read more: Study Links Household Cleaning Products to Breast Cancer | Fox News
I saw this documentary the other day called Chemirical. All about how harmful all of the chemicals we use in day to day life are affecting us. It was Very interesting.

Basically you can clear any and everything with non-toxic ingredients such as:

Baking Soda
Lemon Juice
and Essential Oils

I tried it and so far so good. Check it out: Welcome to Chemerical!
That`s just a site collecting clicks and tweety-bird-brain followers.
Non toxic? eat a box of baking soda and then drink a quart of vinegar ;)
Toxic..! So is water if I shove a garden hose down your throat.
Tell me then what is the LD50 for baking soda ?
Besides, most vinegar is just 4% acetic acid, while your stomach has around 1/2 a % Hydrochloric acid and a pH of 2 or even less.
So why the vinegar bullshit...Mr. Wikipedia B.S. Chem. grad. ?
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I don't dispute any of the studies you posted links to. However its still a stretch to start warning the public and outlawing bon-ami.
Ok that's a stretch....but I do see a good reason to reduce the you say.

In fact in my life that's what I do. Sometimes the only thing I feel safe using is chlorine based cleaners.....makes me feel safe.
Yes I understand chlorine breaks down into a form of pcb's.......but I don't get food poisoning and my beer doesn't spoil from using dirty bottles.

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I don't dispute any of the studies you posted links to. However its still a stretch to start warning the public and outlawing bon-ami.
Ok that's a stretch....but I do see a good reason to reduce the you say.

In fact in my life that's what I do. Sometimes the only thing I feel safe using is chlorine based cleaners.....makes me feel safe.
Yes I understand chlorine breaks down into a form of pcb's.......but I don't get food poisoning and my beer doesn't spoil from using dirty bottles.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

OOOoops what have we here "Chlorine breaks down to PCB`s:...????
Have you got ant idea at all what it takes to do a poly-phenyl chlorination?
That H-C=C- cyclical unsaturated Hydrocarbon bond is exceptionally strong and does not react with Chlorine as easy a linear saturated hydrocarbon would.
So where would you get the poly phenyls from so that your Javex bleach can make PCB`s..?
Are you smashing up electronic appliances and flush them down the toilet?

The first and most abundant thing chlorine comes into contact with when you flush it down the toilet is water. It slowly reacts with water and forms HClO as an intermediate which breaks down to Chloride as in Cl- as in what`s the anion of the most common salts. When HClO decays it forms Oxygen (in statu nascendi) in Oxygen radical and that`s what`s doing the bleaching. Chlorine does not bleach dick all it`s the Oxygen radical that gets liberated which does the actual "bleaching" by oxygenating the chromo-phore organic conjugated Carbon those in the nasty stuff that stains some people`s underwear brown.
But most people I know bleach their underwear in a washing machine, not in a toilet bowl.
If you brew your own beer it`s better to buy a few sulfur sticks and burn them (SO2) to sterilize your bottles and all the other more reliable than bleach and is a whole lot less messy. And if You want to do it totally "green" get a high power UV lamp...a.k.a "Ozone Generators"
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