Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

So you agree. Great.

This is precisely what I'm talking about.

This is precisely what Kristen Powers is talking about.

I appreciate your honesty.


Yes, I agree that bad behavior should be punished. Terrible of me I know. :rolleyes:

I would expect to be punished if I did not well represent my organization in the public sphere. Racists and bigots should be exempt from that?

What about sterling who ripper off some bigotry in the privacy of his home. NBA is coming after him. Do you agree with the NBA?

Yes...and she should too if she broke any laws by taping him. According to her (but she's as nutty as he is), he asked her to. Since he's as nutty as she is, I wouldn't be surprised.
Where do you get that idea? I'm not talking to the 'NFL' in here, I'm talking to people who support people being punished because their opinion differs from those people. I guess they're the 'thought police' now. :cuckoo:

It wasn't his "thoughts" that got him in trouble (with the FREE MARKET), it was the words he said OUT LOUD.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right?

You mean the cameras provided by ESPN? Those cameras were forced to record those images and ESPN had to show it?

He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner.

He was at home. ESPN and the NFL showed the images. That gay dude doesnt own any networks that I know about.

You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

They were at home. This is like you recording 2 guys kissing, bringing it to work and show everyone and then everyone blames....the gay dudes :lol:
The NFL has an image to uphold in order to maximize market share.

If they've chosen to go this route, then they must think it does the most for the bottom line.

If you really think this is about some "principle", you are kidding yourself.

The fact that we support this business which has tons of money flow through it (and produces no real goods, except for overpriced T-shirts) is what bothers me.

How they police themselves internally is none of my business. I don't watch them and I don't buy their stuff. I certainly have no sway.

With Michael Sam's Jersey hovering between the number one and two spots...they probably made a wise business decision.
Have you ever watched the NFL draft, yes or no? The players, when drafted, kiss mom then wife 9 out of 10 times. This is not hyperbole.

You know tweets are not private, right? It's public, out in the open for all to see. It's not like typing on a typewriter and paper.

More people were offended by the tweet than were offended by the kiss. This is not a hard concept to grasp. The free market spoke. There was no government intervention.

No, I didn't imply anything about YOU. I actually made a good analogy. It's no longer socially acceptable to display anti gay bigotry just like it's not okay to display racist bigotry and I'm okay with both of those, you're only okay with one of them.

He knew he was in public as well, and he damn well knew what the reaction to the PDA would be, so I'm sure he got exactly what he wanted. Exactly the same thing as when he had to call attention to himself by using a press conference that he was gay, he knew that by doing so he would be protected and receive special treatment. I actually feel sorry for the other players that got drafted that deserved the recognition for their hard work and making an NFL team totally being over shadowed by this dude all because he's gay, and the liberal media are making sure that everyone on the planet knows about his gayness.

If he wanted to be recognized for his football skills, then he should have left his sexuality at the door and proven himself based on his chosen profession. No one else goes out to the world and pronounces their sexuality at their workplace. He's the one that chose to make it about his sexual preferences, no one else.

anymore than I'm not sorry you can't call black people the N word in public.

You're so full of shit... :lol:

No, you are. Michael Sam deserves to celebrate with his loved one just like straight NFL players. He kissed his boyfriend. NFL players kiss their girlfriends all the time. That you make a big deal out of it is your problem. Jeez...they didn't even use any tongue.

It's a big deal that he's the first out NFL player. It matters. It matters to the gay kid playing on a HS football team in Idaho that doesn't think there's anyone that represents him. It matters and it bothers you that it matters. Gays need role models too.

OMG, that wasn't a "you" you. Geez, drama queen.

So some are allowed to express their feelings and others are not, based on what you define as appropriate? The Dolphin player was offended by viweing a male on male romantic kiss, but he's not allowed to be offended. Gays and libs were offended by his 'horroble' comment, but you're allowed to be offended?

Why do gays only need other gays as role models? Should heterosexual kids only look to heterosexuals for their role models? Should blacks only look to other blacks to be a role model? Whites to whites? Why do you insist on segregating everyone into their little groups?

Oh, it wasn't a 'you' you... yeah, right... :lol:
It wasn't his "thoughts" that got him in trouble (with the FREE MARKET), it was the words he said OUT LOUD.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right?

You mean the cameras provided by ESPN? Those cameras were forced to record those images and ESPN had to show it?

He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner.

He was at home. ESPN and the NFL showed the images. That gay dude doesnt own any networks that I know about.

You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

They were at home. This is like you recording 2 guys kissing, bringing it to work and show everyone and then everyone blames....the gay dudes :lol:

Oh, so the media just barged their way into his home without invitation, he didn't want all that attention, right? The dude is an attention ho, look at me, I'm gay!!!
Absolutely. If you can gin up enough public outrage at such a comment should one ever be made, absolutely. Now, do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

You are lying through your teeth right now.

No, I'm not. A gay professional athlete tweeting something derogatory about "breeders" deserves the same sensitivity training, suspension and fine the Miami Dolphin got.

Do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

no. It isnt a federal issue.
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Yes, I agree that bad behavior should be punished. Terrible of me I know. :rolleyes:

I would expect to be punished if I did not well represent my organization in the public sphere. Racists and bigots should be exempt from that?

What about sterling who ripper off some bigotry in the privacy of his home. NBA is coming after him. Do you agree with the NBA?

Yes...and she should too if she broke any laws by taping him. According to her (but she's as nutty as he is), he asked her to. Since he's as nutty as she is, I wouldn't be surprised.

I couldn't agree more with you that they're both nuts but I'm surely against imposing any free speech restrictions. That you are so easily moved to limit free speech is profoundly disturbing.
When you are tweeting on a company account that represents the company, um, yeah.

The guy should have known better. I'm sure the nice folks in Human Resources will explain it to him.

Incidentally, if this guy has a real complaint about being forced into "Sensitivity Training", he's more than free to go to his union rep and make a complaint. The NFL is lucky enough to have a union looking out for their workers.

He's not. He knows he fucked up.

I wonder if Sam ever Raped a Boy?... :dunno:

I know one thing for certain... If some poor kid from the Ghetto who thought he could get a good word from Sam by letting him diddle him a little but then Sam went past "Stop" and "No" and Fucked him in the Ass anyway, JoeB might just say, "That's what he gets"...

Women Lie about Rape too. :thup:



Okay, um, guy, you seem to have a real obsession with anal sex. Maybe you need help.

Nice dodge.
Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right?

You mean the cameras provided by ESPN? Those cameras were forced to record those images and ESPN had to show it?

He was at home. ESPN and the NFL showed the images. That gay dude doesnt own any networks that I know about.

You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

They were at home. This is like you recording 2 guys kissing, bringing it to work and show everyone and then everyone blames....the gay dudes :lol:

Oh, so the media just barged their way into his home without invitation, he didn't want all that attention, right? The dude is an attention ho, look at me, I'm gay!!!

who made ESPN FILM AND AIR IT? The gay dude? He received a phone call, cried and kissed his spouse just like evvery other draftee. Just because you paid more attention to him isnt HIS fault. Seems like when you turn gay you're responsible for your feelings, network broadcasts, Cameramen etc.

I said this on page 23 and you are still at it.

I really don't get your point? Finally what? This thread wasn't about the NFL?

The NFL is the only group that has punished someone which you claimed you were against. So instead of railing against people without power to know, if you're really outraged at people being silenced, address the ones actually doing the silencing

How do you know I'm not or that I haven't? That wasn't what this thread was about, and I was obviously addressing the people and the points they brought up in here.

Answer: Because you are still in here trying to place all the blame on the gay guys.
You mean the cameras provided by ESPN? Those cameras were forced to record those images and ESPN had to show it?

He was at home. ESPN and the NFL showed the images. That gay dude doesnt own any networks that I know about.

They were at home. This is like you recording 2 guys kissing, bringing it to work and show everyone and then everyone blames....the gay dudes :lol:

Oh, so the media just barged their way into his home without invitation, he didn't want all that attention, right? The dude is an attention ho, look at me, I'm gay!!!

who made ESPN FILM AND AIR IT? The gay dude? He received a phone call, cried and kissed his spouse just like evvery other draftee. Just because you paid more attention to him isnt HIS fault. Seems like when you turn gay you're responsible for your feelings, network broadcasts, Cameramen etc.

I said this on page 23 and you are still at it.

The NFL is the only group that has punished someone which you claimed you were against. So instead of railing against people without power to know, if you're really outraged at people being silenced, address the ones actually doing the silencing

How do you know I'm not or that I haven't? That wasn't what this thread was about, and I was obviously addressing the people and the points they brought up in here.

Answer: Because you are still in here trying to place all the blame on the gay guys.

stop being a dishonest hack and derailing the debate.
I didn't watch the draft in the 7th round, I watched the first half of the first round, that's all that interests me.

Sam keeps tweeting it is all about football, that's what I want it to be about, either you make the team or hit the road. I don't care who or what you sleep with.

I do question Sam on his wanting it to be just about football, I think he has another agenda.

He signed a contract with OWN to air his story of being the first openly homosexual to make an NFL team. They are going to follow him through training camp, yes, another reality show. That is a distraction, to have camps that go from 7-7 and then take time to talk about the day and how it's going...sorry, that's a distraction. He is a 7th round pick, he is a longshot to make the team. His homosexuality hurt his draft position, however it may help him make the cut. He is using his sexuality to make money, pretty good work if you can get it.

Bottom line, is he isn't the first and he won't be the last.
I didn't watch the draft in the 7th round, I watched the first half of the first round, that's all that interests me.

Sam keeps tweeting it is all about football, that's what I want it to be about, either you make the team or hit the road. I don't care who or what you sleep with.

I do question Sam on his wanting it to be just about football, I think he has another agenda.

He signed a contract with OWN to air his story of being the first openly homosexual to make an NFL team. They are going to follow him through training camp, yes, another reality show. That is a distraction, to have camps that go from 7-7 and then take time to talk about the day and how it's going...sorry, that's a distraction. He is a 7th round pick, he is a longshot to make the team. His homosexuality hurt his draft position, however it may help him make the cut. He is using his sexuality to make money, pretty good work if you can get it.

Bottom line, is he isn't the first and he won't be the last.

Absolutely, he wouldn't have held a press conference prior to the draft announcing to the world that he was gay if that wasn't what he wanted the focus to be.
Oh, so the media just barged their way into his home without invitation, he didn't want all that attention, right? The dude is an attention ho, look at me, I'm gay!!!

who made ESPN FILM AND AIR IT? The gay dude? He received a phone call, cried and kissed his spouse just like evvery other draftee. Just because you paid more attention to him isnt HIS fault. Seems like when you turn gay you're responsible for your feelings, network broadcasts, Cameramen etc.

I said this on page 23 and you are still at it.

How do you know I'm not or that I haven't? That wasn't what this thread was about, and I was obviously addressing the people and the points they brought up in here.

Answer: Because you are still in here trying to place all the blame on the gay guys.

stop being a dishonest hack and derailing the debate.

Sorry to interrupt your 2 minutes hate session...not
who made ESPN FILM AND AIR IT? The gay dude? He received a phone call, cried and kissed his spouse just like evvery other draftee. Just because you paid more attention to him isnt HIS fault. Seems like when you turn gay you're responsible for your feelings, network broadcasts, Cameramen etc.

I said this on page 23 and you are still at it.

Answer: Because you are still in here trying to place all the blame on the gay guys.

stop being a dishonest hack and derailing the debate.

Sorry to interrupt your 2 minutes hate session...not
Take your tired used up tactics and go away since you cant seem to be able to debate the actual issue of the thread.
stop being a dishonest hack and derailing the debate.

Sorry to interrupt your 2 minutes hate session...not
Take your tired used up tactics and go away since you cant seem to be able to debate the actual issue of the thread.

The issue is people being silenced for airing their opinion of the gay guy. Here's something you might like (and therefore will listen to the actual words I'm saying)

I thought it was nasty. 2 dudes...Hell, I even posted this pic of a high heel cleat saying it was his new shoe.

But if you are upset that people are being silenced. The NFL is doing the silencing not anyone else. If you are upset you saw it. ESPN aired it not anyone else. Why are you pretending I'm off topic if those are the topics? Or are you onto a different topic?
I didn't watch the draft in the 7th round, I watched the first half of the first round, that's all that interests me.

Sam keeps tweeting it is all about football, that's what I want it to be about, either you make the team or hit the road. I don't care who or what you sleep with.

I do question Sam on his wanting it to be just about football, I think he has another agenda.

He signed a contract with OWN to air his story of being the first openly homosexual to make an NFL team. They are going to follow him through training camp, yes, another reality show. That is a distraction, to have camps that go from 7-7 and then take time to talk about the day and how it's going...sorry, that's a distraction. He is a 7th round pick, he is a longshot to make the team. His homosexuality hurt his draft position, however it may help him make the cut. He is using his sexuality to make money, pretty good work if you can get it.

Bottom line, is he isn't the first and he won't be the last.

The agreement between Sam and OWN happened behind the Rams' back. They don't have to allow this crew's access to their facilities.

It's almost embarrassing to be a 7th round pick and make this much todo about it.
Apparantly it isn't embarrassing Sam. If I was on the Rams team, I'd be a bit annoyed at the circus and lack of focus on winning games shown by this guy.
but fag bashing just isn't popular like it used to evidenced by the homophobes that are losing their jobs over their bigotry.

1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



What, I thought ya'll liked those "right to work" states. You don't have a right to play for the NFL or have a TV show. I have to be very careful about the things I say at's not a 1st Amendment issue.

You already knew that just needed another gay thread. Haven't met your quota for the month?

Uh-huh? So it's not a First Amendment issue legally. But apparently a player must approve of homosexuality or keep his opinion to himself . . . or else. Not exactly a climate wherein the spirit of ideological liberty and free speech are respected, is it?

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