Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Sorry to interrupt your 2 minutes hate session...not
Take your tired used up tactics and go away since you cant seem to be able to debate the actual issue of the thread.

The issue is people being silenced for airing their opinion of the gay guy. Here's something you might like (and therefore will listen to the actual words I'm saying)

I thought it was nasty. 2 dudes...Hell, I even posted this pic of a high heel cleat saying it was his new shoe.

But if you are upset that people are being silenced. The NFL is doing the silencing not anyone else. If you are upset you saw it. ESPN aired it not anyone else. Why are you pretending I'm off topic if those are the topics? Or are you onto a different topic?

If you have issues with 'the Republicans' why aren't you off debating them with your issues, why are you here on this board talking about their policies and actions? :cuckoo:
Where do you get that idea? I'm not talking to the 'NFL' in here, I'm talking to people who support people being punished because their opinion differs from those people. I guess they're the 'thought police' now. :cuckoo:

It wasn't his "thoughts" that got him in trouble (with the FREE MARKET), it was the words he said OUT LOUD.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.
Wow that some moving of the goal posts you just did here. What an irrelevant point you made.
1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



What, I thought ya'll liked those "right to work" states. You don't have a right to play for the NFL or have a TV show. I have to be very careful about the things I say at's not a 1st Amendment issue.

You already knew that just needed another gay thread. Haven't met your quota for the month?

Uh-huh? So it's not a First Amendment issue legally. But apparently a player must approve of homosexuality or keep his opinion to himself . . . or else. Not exactly a climate wherein the spirit of ideological liberty and free speech are respected, is it?
Player signs contract...he wants to say those things he didn't need to sign the contract. Under it he holds the image of the team, therefore he must conduct himself in a respectful manner. Don't like this? Don't sign.

Fucking crybabies who don't want personal responsibility for their actions.
Oooooh, I get all shivery when Mal makes empty threats on message boards. :eek:

He isn't making a threat, Seabiscuit, he is pointing out that the war you totalitarians are waging against civil rights will prompt a response by those who grasp what the loss of fundamental liberty means.

You of the anti-civil rights movement have to expect resistance.
If you say stupid things that will cost your employer money, expect to face the consequences. You don't have a right to a basketball team, a place in the NFL or a TV show.

Comrade, the NBA did not employ Sterling. The NBA is a confederation of Team Owners, including Sterling. It's doubtful that the action taken against him is legal - the courts will straighten it out, but there may not be an NBA when the dust settles. The NBA cannot "take" the Clippers. Whether they can legally drop certification of the team is VERY questionable - and a REALLY stupid battle for the NBA to engage in.

Look, you just want to end civil liberties for all, but the NBA is a coalition of businesses - going to war with itself is beyond stupid - everyone involved will lose.

The Left pretends that "the consequences" are set in stone, unavoidable.

Of course, they are not.

"The consequences" are a tool that they use to intimidate, threaten and control.

"Diversity" and "Inclusion": Horseshit.

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Almost 500 in two days?...

I own all yous motherfuckings! :thup:


Take your tired used up tactics and go away since you cant seem to be able to debate the actual issue of the thread.

The issue is people being silenced for airing their opinion of the gay guy. Here's something you might like (and therefore will listen to the actual words I'm saying)

I thought it was nasty. 2 dudes...Hell, I even posted this pic of a high heel cleat saying it was his new shoe.

But if you are upset that people are being silenced. The NFL is doing the silencing not anyone else. If you are upset you saw it. ESPN aired it not anyone else. Why are you pretending I'm off topic if those are the topics? Or are you onto a different topic?

If you have issues with 'the Republicans' why aren't you off debating them with your issues, why are you here on this board talking about their policies and actions? :cuckoo:

Because I'm here calling you on your bullshit
I love Free Speech.

AS LONG as it is tightly monitored and controlled by the party.

I also know it's not in danger.

You think your filthy party is too incompetent to win your war against civil rights, huh?

I don't know what you're babbling about and I do still think you are insane.

This isn't a free speech issue, it's a free market issue. Want to regulate the free market so bigots can't be censured for the bigoted things they say?
I don't know what you're babbling about and I do still think you are insane.

Because only the insane would speak against your GLORIOUS peoples party.

This isn't a free speech issue, it's a free market issue. Want to regulate the free market so bigots can't be censured for the bigoted things they say?

So, the attempts by democrats to revoke the 1st amendment isn't a "free speech issue?"

I don't know what you're babbling about and I do still think you are insane.

Because only the insane would speak against your GLORIOUS peoples party.

This isn't a free speech issue, it's a free market issue. Want to regulate the free market so bigots can't be censured for the bigoted things they say?

So, the attempts by democrats to revoke the 1st amendment isn't a "free speech issue?"


Righties love that money is speech...until it's not their money...

Is that why you democrats seek to revoke free speech? Since you hold that all wealth rightfully belongs to the state, and money is speech, then speech is the property of the state, to be controlled as the GLORIOUS peoples democrats see fit?

I guess that makes sense, in the whole totalitarian collectivist thingy you democrats promote kinda way... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Righties love that money is speech...until it's not their money...

Is that why you democrats seek to revoke free speech? Since you hold that all wealth rightfully belongs to the state, and money is speech, then speech is the property of the state, to be controlled as the GLORIOUS peoples democrats see fit?

I guess that makes sense, in the whole totalitarian collectivist thingy you democrats promote kinda way... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Again, do you have a link to back up your assertions?

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