Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

Excellent point.

Here comes the spinning/diverting.


No it wasn't. It was straight from the book of really bad analogies.

Do they both represent the NFL or not? Unprofessional behavior is unprofessional behavior regardless of sexual orientation. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Or is it only fair if gays get to do and say whatever they want while everyone else has to follow your 'rules' or face the consequences. You don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment.
When you are tweeting on a company account that represents the company, um, yeah.

The guy should have known better. I'm sure the nice folks in Human Resources will explain it to him.

Incidentally, if this guy has a real complaint about being forced into "Sensitivity Training", he's more than free to go to his union rep and make a complaint. The NFL is lucky enough to have a union looking out for their workers.

He's not. He knows he fucked up.

I am asking you if you feel that tweeting OMG is beyond disagreement?

The NFL has the right to punish an employee, but that wasn't my question, was it?

A simple "OMG" and nothing else would not have got him suspended or fined and he would not have apologized for a simple "OMG". You know full well that "OMG" was followed up with "horrible" and that is the comment that the public reacted to and for which he was punished and apologized for. End of story.

What 'public'? 2%?
Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

Yes, it was. It was in his home. You knew that right? Is the NFL a profession where PDAs are discouraged? Do you need the pictures? I assume you've watched the draft before, yes? Have you seen players when they are drafted? They hug mom and kiss the wife. You've seen this, I know you have.

If you work in an environment where PDAs are discouraged, then anyone displaying one is subject to punishment. When I was in the service, PDAs in uniform were discouraged except when deploying and returning. That applies to everyone.

Nobody says you can't comment. Go ahead...I'm just not sorry that you will no longer be ignored and you may suffer consequences for your actions anymore than I'm not sorry you can't call black people the N word in public.

He was an official representative of the NFL the second he got drafted, his behavior was unprofessional and inapprioraite. The guy that tweeted was most likely in the privacy of his home when he did so as well, yet somehow he still represeted the NFL? Your argument looks rather biased and stupid.

Have you ever watched the NFL draft, yes or no? The players, when drafted, kiss mom then wife 9 out of 10 times. This is not hyperbole.

You know tweets are not private, right? It's public, out in the open for all to see. It's not like typing on a typewriter and paper.

More people were offended by the tweet than were offended by the kiss. This is not a hard concept to grasp. The free market spoke. There was no government intervention.

So now you have to imply that I'm a racist and use racist language because you can't justify one unprofessional behavior and say the other is okay? Do you have any integrity or honesty at all? I'm sorry that you can't seem to defend your position without making accusations and lies up about the people you disagree with. Pathetic.

No, I didn't imply anything about YOU. I actually made a good analogy. It's no longer socially acceptable to display anti gay bigotry just like it's not okay to display racist bigotry and I'm okay with both of those, you're only okay with one of them.
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Excellent point.

Here comes the spinning/diverting.


No it wasn't. It was straight from the book of really bad analogies.

Do they both represent the NFL or not? Unprofessional behavior is unprofessional behavior regardless of sexual orientation. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Or is it only fair if gays get to do and say whatever they want while everyone else has to follow your 'rules' or face the consequences. You don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment.

PDAs are not considered unprofessional in the NFL. You know that if you watch football...hell, any professional sport. Ever watched the Masters? Win, kiss blonde wife and new baby. Seriously, try finding better analogies. If PDAs were discouraged in the NFL, you'd have a point, they aren't.
I am asking you if you feel that tweeting OMG is beyond disagreement?

The NFL has the right to punish an employee, but that wasn't my question, was it?

A simple "OMG" and nothing else would not have got him suspended or fined and he would not have apologized for a simple "OMG". You know full well that "OMG" was followed up with "horrible" and that is the comment that the public reacted to and for which he was punished and apologized for. End of story.

What 'public'? 2%?

Yeah, the 2-4% and their straight allies. Size queen.
Yes, it was. It was in his home. You knew that right? Is the NFL a profession where PDAs are discouraged? Do you need the pictures? I assume you've watched the draft before, yes? Have you seen players when they are drafted? They hug mom and kiss the wife. You've seen this, I know you have.

If you work in an environment where PDAs are discouraged, then anyone displaying one is subject to punishment. When I was in the service, PDAs in uniform were discouraged except when deploying and returning. That applies to everyone.

Nobody says you can't comment. Go ahead...I'm just not sorry that you will no longer be ignored and you may suffer consequences for your actions anymore than I'm not sorry you can't call black people the N word in public.

He was an official representative of the NFL the second he got drafted, his behavior was unprofessional and inapprioraite. The guy that tweeted was most likely in the privacy of his home when he did so as well, yet somehow he still represeted the NFL? Your argument looks rather biased and stupid.

Have you ever watched the NFL draft, yes or no? The players, when drafted, kiss mom then wife 9 out of 10 times. This is not hyperbole.

You know tweets are not private, right? It's public, out in the open for all to see. It's not like typing on a typewriter and paper.

More people were offended by the tweet than were offended by the kiss. This is not a hard concept to grasp. The free market spoke. There was no government intervention.

So now you have to imply that I'm a racist and use racist language because you can't justify one unprofessional behavior and say the other is okay? Do you have any integrity or honesty at all? I'm sorry that you can't seem to defend your position without making accusations and lies up about the people you disagree with. Pathetic.

No, I didn't imply anything about YOU. I actually made a good analogy. It's no longer socially acceptable to display anti gay bigotry just like it's not okay to display racist bigotry and I'm okay with both of those, you're only okay with one of them.

He knew he was in public as well, and he damn well knew what the reaction to the PDA would be, so I'm sure he got exactly what he wanted. Exactly the same thing as when he had to call attention to himself by using a press conference that he was gay, he knew that by doing so he would be protected and receive special treatment. I actually feel sorry for the other players that got drafted that deserved the recognition for their hard work and making an NFL team totally being over shadowed by this dude all because he's gay, and the liberal media are making sure that everyone on the planet knows about his gayness.

If he wanted to be recognized for his football skills, then he should have left his sexuality at the door and proven himself based on his chosen profession. No one else goes out to the world and pronounces their sexuality at their workplace. He's the one that chose to make it about his sexual preferences, no one else.

anymore than I'm not sorry you can't call black people the N word in public.

You're so full of shit... :lol:
No it wasn't. It was straight from the book of really bad analogies.

Do they both represent the NFL or not? Unprofessional behavior is unprofessional behavior regardless of sexual orientation. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Or is it only fair if gays get to do and say whatever they want while everyone else has to follow your 'rules' or face the consequences. You don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment.

PDAs are not considered unprofessional in the NFL. You know that if you watch football...hell, any professional sport. Ever watched the Masters? Win, kiss blonde wife and new baby. Seriously, try finding better analogies. If PDAs were discouraged in the NFL, you'd have a point, they aren't.

You're the one that brought up that if the guy who said 'horrible' had done that at any work place in reaction to gays, he would have gotten disciplined. Well, if two gay guys had openly kissed in any work place, they would have been disciplined as well (or maybe not considering they're completely protected from consequences of their actions now). So I guess it was your analogy that sucked, wasn't it? So since you're claiming one gets special treatment in the NFL and is acceptable, then why isn't the other as well since you're claiming it's not a normal work environment?
A simple "OMG" and nothing else would not have got him suspended or fined and he would not have apologized for a simple "OMG". You know full well that "OMG" was followed up with "horrible" and that is the comment that the public reacted to and for which he was punished and apologized for. End of story.

What 'public'? 2%?

Yeah, the 2-4% and their straight allies. Size queen.

You mean the media don't you? :eusa_shhh:
The NFL has an image to uphold in order to maximize market share.

If they've chosen to go this route, then they must think it does the most for the bottom line.

If you really think this is about some "principle", you are kidding yourself.

The fact that we support this business which has tons of money flow through it (and produces no real goods, except for overpriced T-shirts) is what bothers me.

How they police themselves internally is none of my business. I don't watch them and I don't buy their stuff. I certainly have no sway.
  • Thanks
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You're the one that brought up that if the guy who said 'horrible' had done that at any work place in reaction to gays, he would have gotten disciplined. Well, if two gay guys had openly kissed in any work place, they would have been disciplined as well (or maybe not considering they're completely protected from consequences of their actions now). So I guess it was your analogy that sucked, wasn't it? So since you're claiming one gets special treatment in the NFL and is acceptable, then why isn't the other as well since you're claiming it's not a normal work environment?

Are you honestly being so dense as to miss the fact that if a straight couple kissed anywhere like a job, or indeed after the man got drafted...there'd be some sort of negative feedback or discipline? Do you expect anyone to be stupid enough to buy that, people kiss during the draft all the time, if a wife visits her husband at work and they kiss you think there will be discipline involved?

Jesus, you can't think so little of everyone who disagrees with you, as to expect them to buy this?
Actually, we do have the right to curtail other people's speech because we don't want to live in a shitty racist backwater white trash country full of inbred Confederate mouth-breathers. When stupid inbred hicks say ridiculous racist gibberish, We the People have the right to say, "Shut the fuck up, redneck. Your hate speech and racism already caused one civil war and you lost. YOU LOST! Just learn your place. YOU LOST!"

You spew more hate and bigotry in this one post against a group of people than I've seen in my entire lifetime against anyone of color. And you have the nerve to say anyone else is a bigot? Are you really this stupid?

He's always angry and bitter. It must suck to go through life like that....full of hate.
I cant wait fir the next homosexual star or athlete to get fines and sent to reeducation camp Er I mean sensitivity training when they tweet about us Breeders in derogatory tones.... I am sure the the homosexuals will be fine with this happening.

Absolutely. If you can gin up enough public outrage at such a comment should one ever be made, absolutely. Now, do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

You are lying through your teeth right now.

No, I'm not. A gay professional athlete tweeting something derogatory about "breeders" deserves the same sensitivity training, suspension and fine the Miami Dolphin got.

Do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?
You're the one that brought up that if the guy who said 'horrible' had done that at any work place in reaction to gays, he would have gotten disciplined. Well, if two gay guys had openly kissed in any work place, they would have been disciplined as well (or maybe not considering they're completely protected from consequences of their actions now). So I guess it was your analogy that sucked, wasn't it? So since you're claiming one gets special treatment in the NFL and is acceptable, then why isn't the other as well since you're claiming it's not a normal work environment?

Are you honestly being so dense as to miss the fact that if a straight couple kissed anywhere like a job, or indeed after the man got drafted...there'd be some sort of negative feedback or discipline? Do you expect anyone to be stupid enough to buy that, people kiss during the draft all the time, if a wife visits her husband at work and they kiss you think there will be discipline involved?

Jesus, you can't think so little of everyone who disagrees with you, as to expect them to buy this?

It's considered unprofessional behavior, anyone who works in a professional environment understands this. With all of the worry of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment in the workplace, any PDA is extremely frowned upon. She brought up the analogy that in a normal work environment, the player who said 'horrible' would have been reprimanded, so would have the people doing a blatant PDA. And why is a wife visiting her husband at work, why not a husband visiting his wife, are you sexist?
He was an official representative of the NFL the second he got drafted, his behavior was unprofessional and inapprioraite. The guy that tweeted was most likely in the privacy of his home when he did so as well, yet somehow he still represeted the NFL? Your argument looks rather biased and stupid.

Have you ever watched the NFL draft, yes or no? The players, when drafted, kiss mom then wife 9 out of 10 times. This is not hyperbole.

You know tweets are not private, right? It's public, out in the open for all to see. It's not like typing on a typewriter and paper.

More people were offended by the tweet than were offended by the kiss. This is not a hard concept to grasp. The free market spoke. There was no government intervention.

No, I didn't imply anything about YOU. I actually made a good analogy. It's no longer socially acceptable to display anti gay bigotry just like it's not okay to display racist bigotry and I'm okay with both of those, you're only okay with one of them.

He knew he was in public as well, and he damn well knew what the reaction to the PDA would be, so I'm sure he got exactly what he wanted. Exactly the same thing as when he had to call attention to himself by using a press conference that he was gay, he knew that by doing so he would be protected and receive special treatment. I actually feel sorry for the other players that got drafted that deserved the recognition for their hard work and making an NFL team totally being over shadowed by this dude all because he's gay, and the liberal media are making sure that everyone on the planet knows about his gayness.

If he wanted to be recognized for his football skills, then he should have left his sexuality at the door and proven himself based on his chosen profession. No one else goes out to the world and pronounces their sexuality at their workplace. He's the one that chose to make it about his sexual preferences, no one else.

anymore than I'm not sorry you can't call black people the N word in public.

You're so full of shit... :lol:

No, you are. Michael Sam deserves to celebrate with his loved one just like straight NFL players. He kissed his boyfriend. NFL players kiss their girlfriends all the time. That you make a big deal out of it is your problem. Jeez...they didn't even use any tongue.

It's a big deal that he's the first out NFL player. It matters. It matters to the gay kid playing on a HS football team in Idaho that doesn't think there's anyone that represents him. It matters and it bothers you that it matters. Gays need role models too.

OMG, that wasn't a "you" you. Geez, drama queen.
Yes, I think bad behavior should have consequences. When you are representing an organization or company, there are things you simply cannot say without consequences. Learn not to say them in the public sphere and you won't get punished. YOU choose to say them, your choice, you don't have to.

So you agree. Great.

This is precisely what I'm talking about.

This is precisely what Kristen Powers is talking about.

I appreciate your honesty.


Yes, I agree that bad behavior should be punished. Terrible of me I know. :rolleyes:

I would expect to be punished if I did not well represent my organization in the public sphere. Racists and bigots should be exempt from that?

What about sterling who ripped off some bigotry in the privacy of his home. NBA is coming after him. Do you agree with the NBA?
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You're the one that brought up that if the guy who said 'horrible' had done that at any work place in reaction to gays, he would have gotten disciplined. Well, if two gay guys had openly kissed in any work place, they would have been disciplined as well (or maybe not considering they're completely protected from consequences of their actions now). So I guess it was your analogy that sucked, wasn't it? So since you're claiming one gets special treatment in the NFL and is acceptable, then why isn't the other as well since you're claiming it's not a normal work environment?

Are you honestly being so dense as to miss the fact that if a straight couple kissed anywhere like a job, or indeed after the man got drafted...there'd be some sort of negative feedback or discipline? Do you expect anyone to be stupid enough to buy that, people kiss during the draft all the time, if a wife visits her husband at work and they kiss you think there will be discipline involved?

Jesus, you can't think so little of everyone who disagrees with you, as to expect them to buy this?

It's considered unprofessional behavior

Not in the NFL it isn't...





Absolutely. If you can gin up enough public outrage at such a comment should one ever be made, absolutely. Now, do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

You are lying through your teeth right now.

No, I'm not. A gay professional athlete tweeting something derogatory about "breeders" deserves the same sensitivity training, suspension and fine the Miami Dolphin got.

Do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

Neither deserve anything for speaking their mind.

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