Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Who's saying that you "must remain silent"?

What you people choose to do, however, is far more than just talk. You want to punish. I don't know why this needs to be so difficult to understand. To repeat, you choose to do that. You don't have to.

Do you really not recognize the difference, or are you just being obtuse?


Yes, I think bad behavior should have consequences. When you are representing an organization or company, there are things you simply cannot say without consequences. Learn not to say them in the public sphere and you won't get punished. YOU choose to say them, your choice, you don't have to.

So you agree. Great.

This is precisely what I'm talking about.

This is precisely what Kristen Powers is talking about: Kirsten Powers: Liberals' Dark Ages

I appreciate your honesty.


Kristin Powers is full of shit.

Liberals get fired when they say shit that is out of line, too. Just ask Martin Bashir or Alec Baldwin.

Part of her rant...

"Bill Maher calls the same God a "psychotic mass murderer" and there are no boycott demands of the high-profile liberals who traffic his HBO show."

Did she miss the part where Bill Lost his show on ABC in 2002 because he said that "flying planes into buildings is not cowardly"?
Yes, I think bad behavior should have consequences. When you are representing an organization or company, there are things you simply cannot say without consequences. Learn not to say them in the public sphere and you won't get punished. YOU choose to say them, your choice, you don't have to.

So you agree. Great.

This is precisely what I'm talking about.

This is precisely what Kristen Powers is talking about.

I appreciate your honesty.


Yes, I agree that bad behavior should be punished. Terrible of me I know. :rolleyes:

I would expect to be punished if I did not well represent my organization in the public sphere. Racists and bigots should be exempt from that?

Sterling's stupid comments were not in the public sphere, so I assume you feel he should not be punished, correct?

He's being fined $2.5M, you would not do that, correct? His comments were private.

And once again, you folks are not required to be judge, jury and executioner. This is something you choose to do. It is very effective for you, it gives you the control you crave, it intimidates others.

Powers is absolutely correct about her party: "How ironic that the persecutors this time around are the so-called intellectuals. They claim to be liberal while behaving as anything but. The touchstone of liberalism is tolerance of differing ideas. Yet this mob exists to enforce conformity of thought and to de-legitimize any dissent from its sanctioned worldview. Intolerance is its calling card."

Powers is a hack. You guys are welcome to her.

Both sides insist on taking out the other when lines are crossed. You guys were happy to insist that Martin Bashir should be fired when he suggested fun activities for Sarah Palin.
So you agree. Great.

This is precisely what I'm talking about.

This is precisely what Kristen Powers is talking about.

I appreciate your honesty.


Yes, I agree that bad behavior should be punished. Terrible of me I know. :rolleyes:

I would expect to be punished if I did not well represent my organization in the public sphere. Racists and bigots should be exempt from that?

Sterling's stupid comments were not in the public sphere, so I assume you feel he should not be punished, correct?

He's being fined $2.5M, you would not do that, correct? His comments were private.

And once again, you folks are not required to be judge, jury and executioner. This is something you choose to do. It is very effective for you, it gives you the control you crave, it intimidates others.

Powers is absolutely correct about her party: "How ironic that the persecutors this time around are the so-called intellectuals. They claim to be liberal while behaving as anything but. The touchstone of liberalism is tolerance of differing ideas. Yet this mob exists to enforce conformity of thought and to de-legitimize any dissent from its sanctioned worldview. Intolerance is its calling card."


Guess the bigots have to be more careful these days...recording devices and all. And there are conflicting reports aren't there, like he asked that everything be recorded? She claims he knew he was being recorded, he says no. He said, she said.

He signed a Franchise contract and must abide by the contract. If the other owners feel that he does not represent the league, they are within their rights, according to that contract, to force him out.

This is the free market at work. This is not the government curtailing his speech. He's not being arrested. Gosh, he may be forced to sell the team and make 2 billion dollars. I weep for him, I do.
There is a difference from you saying, "fuck you you Bigot" and applauding the NFL for Suspending, Fining and sending him to a Reeducation Camp for saying "OMG" as ESPN showed two men kissing and then cut to a Gay Bar for the reaction... During the fucking NFL Draft.

Keep pushing. :thup:



We are saying "fuck you bigot"...with our free speech (Money is speech you know). We have big old gay dollars and we are using them. Suck on your free market now! :lol:

Keep pushing... Seriously, I really hope that you guys overreach like it appears that you are.



Oooooh, I get all shivery when Mal makes empty threats on message boards. :eek:

You folks are proudly proving Powers correct.


Powers is a hack, and I didn't hear her whining when Martin Bashir got canned.

And I've never seen you calling her a hack when she passionately defended and advanced liberal causes.

Pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of you partisan ideologues is like shootin' fish in a barrel.

If you say stupid things that will cost your employer money, expect to face the consequences. You don't have a right to a basketball team, a place in the NFL or a TV show.

You folks are proudly proving Powers correct.


Powers is a hack, and I didn't hear her whining when Martin Bashir got canned.

And I've never seen you calling her a hack when she passionately defended and advanced liberal causes.

Pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of you partisan ideologues is like shootin' fish in a barrel.


All he did was point out that she's a partisan ideologue that didn't mention Bahir or Baldwin.
We are saying "fuck you bigot"...with our free speech (Money is speech you know). We have big old gay dollars and we are using them. Suck on your free market now! :lol:

Keep pushing... Seriously, I really hope that you guys overreach like it appears that you are.



Oooooh, I get all shivery when Mal makes empty threats on message boards. :eek:

I've made no threats you Dishonest Twat. :thup:

I want you and yoars to continue pushing to far... Please.



You folks are proudly proving Powers correct.


Powers is a hack, and I didn't hear her whining when Martin Bashir got canned.

And I've never seen you calling her a hack when she passionately defended and advanced liberal causes.

Pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of you partisan ideologues is like shootin' fish in a barrel.


Actually, I didn't know who she was until she started propagandizing about Kermit Gosnell and trying to paint the whole abortion industry with that broad brush. So I will take your word she was a liberal. So if was "passionately" defending them, she managed to escape my notice. Even in those days when I was a misguided right-winger.

But I'll take your word for it that she used to be a "liberal", I guess. I used to be a conservative until I learned better.

In this essay, and this essay only, she tries to claim that conservatives are persecuted and liberals are given a pass.

That simply is not true. Alec Baldwin was fired for unsubstantiated homophobic slurs, Martin Bashir was fired for making vulgar threats against Sarah Palin, Bill Maher was canned from ABC for a clumsily made point about terrorists.

Frankly, Conservatives should be praising the canning of Sterling, the HGTV brothers, Brandon Eich etc.

It's a case of the Market working. You guys insist up and down we don't need government, the "Free Market" will cure all ills. Well, these were ills were cured by the market. The Market complained, and management dealt with them.

Oh, incidentally, since you will probably deny ever saying these things, I mean "you" in a general sense of the Right Wing, not you personally.
Yeah, except the only person that was punished was an NFL player BY the NFL....Yet I hear no outrage being sent toward the NFL. Because their outrage suddenly goes away?

Where do you get that idea? I'm not talking to the 'NFL' in here, I'm talking to people who support people being punished because their opinion differs from those people. I guess they're the 'thought police' now. :cuckoo:

It wasn't his "thoughts" that got him in trouble (with the FREE MARKET), it was the words he said OUT LOUD.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.
Why do Republicans call it "re-education" when it didn't "take" the first time?
Where do you get that idea? I'm not talking to the 'NFL' in here, I'm talking to people who support people being punished because their opinion differs from those people. I guess they're the 'thought police' now. :cuckoo:

It wasn't his "thoughts" that got him in trouble (with the FREE MARKET), it was the words he said OUT LOUD.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

Excellent point.

Here comes the spinning/diverting.

Keep pushing... Seriously, I really hope that you guys overreach like it appears that you are.



Oooooh, I get all shivery when Mal makes empty threats on message boards. :eek:

I've made no threats you Dishonest Twat. :thup:

I want you and yoars to continue pushing to far... Please.



Right, no implied threat in your words. Katz keeps warning of the "dire consequences" too. Ooh....vague implications.....scawy.

It's "yours" not "yoars" and "too" not "to" you ignoramus douche.
If Tom Brady tweeted that he thought interracial marriages were disgusting and they gross him out, should the NFL respond or just ignore the comment?

Yeah, let's just ingore that the gay dude made a completely unprofessional and inappropriate PDA in front of dozens of cameras. He gets a pass cause he's gay and protected from any back lash. Not only does he get a pass, he gets applauded for his unprofessional behavior. His behavior was exactly the same of that which you descirbed above, totally unprofessional, but that's acceptable because he's in a protected class, right? Is unprofessional behavior being judged the same across everyone involved here? I don't think so.
Not at all, but if you think that this is a 1st Amendment issue, you certainly are. Don't like the atmosphere at your place of employment because they don't allow you to bash the fags or the n-words at work? Find employment with right wing radio.

Okay then. You will be fine if some business Fines and sends a homosexual like you to sensitivity training because you are homosexual and said so right? Wrong is wrong and it is time the wrongs of the fascist organizations like GLAD and NOW are shown for what they are.

I will not be sorry that you can't be an anti gay bigot in the workplace or when representing an organization anymore just as I'm not sorry you can't be a racist bigot.

I'll be okay for you firing me for being gay when I can fire you for being Christian.
Only a the weak call disagreement hate.

Yeah, but the gay dude kissing his boyfriend in front of all the cameras was totally professional and in line, right? He made a public display, seems to me if someone wants to publically comment on it, then that should be their right. He was acting in an unprofessional manner. You brought up making such a comment at work, and I can assure if two gay guys kissed while at work in front of everyone, they would be in as much trouble for the unprofessional PDA in an inappropriate setting. So why was that okay, but any negative comments about it are not? Hypocrisy abounds.

"all the cameras" were actually inside their home, and yes, as it turns out, they are filming a reality TV show about Sam that's going to appear on Oprah's network.

So your comparison to a PDA in the workplace doesn't quite work. Yes, they would be in trouble if they kissed inthe office. So would a co-worker who screamed "F*****ts" at them.

The NFL is trying to clean up its image. Between the Dog fighting and the gang murders and the bullying and the fathering kids out of wedlock, this is not going to be an easy thing to do.

But letting the players know that the NFL doesn't stand for homophobia is a good start.

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