#REFUNDWARREN Trends after Fauxahontas accuses Bernie of saying a woman can't beat Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The hashtag #RefundWarren trended on Twitter as supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders encouraged anyone who had donated to Senator Elizabeth Warren's 2020 campaign through the ActBlue platform to request a refund.

Some Twitter users posted screenshots purporting to show ActBlue processing refunds of their donations to Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat. Several screenshots of refund request emails appeared to show ActBlue stating that they were "currently experiencing high volumes."

While some claimed to be requesting refunds, a number of Warren supporters using the hashtag said it had encouraged them to donate more money to her campaign.

It was not immediately clear how many Warren donor refunds ActBlue is processing or if the refunds were offset by higher donations. Newsweek asked ActBlue for comment by email and will update this article if one is provided.

(Excerpt) Read more at newsweek.com ...


The shit is getting serious now...it is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! They are eating their own!...................LLOVE IT!!!!! ROTFLMFAO
Did Joe Scarborough just call Elizabeth Warren a liar on her claim that Bernie Sanders told her "a woman can't win?" Viewing Joe's skeptical expression on Tuesday's Morning Joe in the screencap, and listening to his words, the conclusion over this unproven CNN scoop would appear to be: yeah, he did! At the very least, Scarborough expressed deep skepticism over Warren's version of events.


Scarborough obviously knew he was wading into deep water, prefacing his remarks by claiming, "I'm not getting on anybody's side." Yeah, right. Joe then proceeded to administer this tomahawk chop to Warren:

"Do any of us really believe that Bernie Sanders is going to say [imitating Sanders' voice], "I don’t think a woman can win, Elizabeth." Nobody's going -- come on -- who’s going to say that?"

Get the rest of the story and view the video here.

(Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...
First the minorities left the stage
Next the women will exit
then the gay guy
the billionaires will stay to the end
Biden will win the nomination because that's what Nancy (and the Super-delegates) want
Then in November Trump wins, again..
It’s so great to watch these jackals eat each other. The only argument these Marxists have against any opponent is “bigot”, “sexist”, and “racist”. They are 99% identical when it comes to policy, they are flaming commies.

The Dems will go with an “old crusty white guy”, further alienating their base since they’ve groomed their own base to hate white males.

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