Refusing to date trans people - now transphobia

What about those who don't date at all period like myself? What kind of name do people like me get? :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Holly (age 37)

P.S. My last date was on May 3rd of last year and it was actually my first one that wasn't a group gathering.
that logic would mean that you are a strong intelligent patriotic American that loves his country

Naw, I got a DD214 that proves that. unlike you and President Bone Spurs

So, what then are we to make of all the various rants that you've posted over the years on this forum, about how Catholics, Mormons, Christians in general, conservatives, wealthy people, white people, and just about every other group that one imagine, have ruined your life?

That your reading comprehension abilities put you on the short bus... that's what we would make of your rant, Mormon Bob.

I mean, I can explain it to you again, but you still wouldn't understand.
Got a link to your scientific facts?

YEs, I do. But since we both know you'll pretend not to see them... I'm really not going to waste my time on you, Stalkergeogio..

So, n proof. That’s what I thought, thank you.

Like how you waste your time telling me you aren’t going to waste your time. Classic! Lol!
Naw, man, you miss the point. It's been scientifically proven that most homophobic men are in fact latent homosexuals..

Interesting point of view.

So "scientists" really think that the Vast Majority of people in past centuries were homos? After all, the idea of affirming someone's "right" to take it in the caboose is really a modern custom, and sodomy was almost universally unapproved even during most of the 20th century.
Interesting point of view.

So "scientists" really think that the Vast Majority of people in past centuries were homos? After all, the idea of affirming someone's "right" to take it in the caboose is really a modern custom, and sodomy was almost universally unapproved even during most of the 20th century.

Probably most of history, nobody really cared all that much. It's kind of like arguing that racism is okay because people in the past were racist, even the ones we'd consider "good". See Margaret Sanger was a racist because she said the same things everyone else said.
What the transies want is the ability to force others to date them. They want the basis to bring a lawsuit based on rejection because they are trans.

There is a lawsuit going on now because a man refused to have sex with a trans that has a penis.
Transgender woman claims discrimination after she is snubbed from porn for having a penis | Daily Mail Online

The trannies want this as law.

I was reading where a Teenaged She-Male was complaining that the boys at "her" school didn't want to date her. I guess the real "problem" is that most fellows prefer chicks without dicks. These She-Male types need to concentrate on hooking up with homos- fellows who go for the kind of "broad" they are.
Naw, man, you miss the point. It's been scientifically proven that most homophobic men are in fact latent homosexuals..

Interesting point of view.

So "scientists" really think that the Vast Majority of people in past centuries were homos? After all, the idea of affirming someone's "right" to take it in the caboose is really a modern custom, and sodomy was almost universally unapproved even during most of the 20th century.
It's actually a bit more than that. Many trans women have elected to retain their penis and consider themselves lesbians. Lesbians who prefer biological women and reject intercourse are one of the main targets.
What the transies want is the ability to force others to date them. They want the basis to bring a lawsuit based on rejection because they are trans.

There is a lawsuit going on now because a man refused to have sex with a trans that has a penis.
Transgender woman claims discrimination after she is snubbed from porn for having a penis | Daily Mail Online

The trannies want this as law.

If you bothered to read the article and had reading comprehension skills better than a Mormon, you'd realize that the person who contracted her to do porn ALREADY knew she was transgender. In short, he knew who he was signing up.
Naw, man, you miss the point. It's been scientifically proven that most homophobic men are in fact latent homosexuals..

Interesting point of view.

So "scientists" really think that the Vast Majority of people in past centuries were homos? After all, the idea of affirming someone's "right" to take it in the caboose is really a modern custom, and sodomy was almost universally unapproved even during most of the 20th century.
It's actually a bit more than that. Many trans women have elected to retain their penis and consider themselves lesbians. Lesbians who prefer biological women and reject intercourse are one of the main targets.

Call me an old fuddy-duddy but to me, that's all just too weird. I really don't care if someone wants to be a sexual deviant engaging in whatever with consenting adults.

But pretending that its normal and bringing it into polite society, insisting that others honor it as "normal", that's a bit much
Naw, man, you miss the point. It's been scientifically proven that most homophobic men are in fact latent homosexuals..

Interesting point of view.

So "scientists" really think that the Vast Majority of people in past centuries were homos? After all, the idea of affirming someone's "right" to take it in the caboose is really a modern custom, and sodomy was almost universally unapproved even during most of the 20th century.
It's actually a bit more than that. Many trans women have elected to retain their penis and consider themselves lesbians. Lesbians who prefer biological women and reject intercourse are one of the main targets.

Call me an old fuddy-duddy but to me, that's all just too weird. I really don't care if someone wants to be a sexual deviant engaging in whatever with consenting adults.

But pretending that its normal and bringing it into polite society, insisting that others honor it as "normal", that's a bit much
It's gone a bit beyond that. Trannies are looking for a way to punish those who refuse their advances. They want either a criminal statute or civil cause of action.
Thread summary:

Men are not entitled to sex with women.

But all non-men are entitled to sex with whoever they want.​

There's never a planet-killing asteroid inbound when you need one.
You can... But all your arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Imaginary Fairy In the Sky says it's Bad".

Neither is a compelling argument to thinking people.

So...… summarize your point, you believe a "thinking person" will naturally want to do icky things? Huh.
I can comment on the perversions that poison the well out of which we all drink.

You can... But all your arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Imaginary Fairy In the Sky says it's Bad".

Neither is a compelling argument to thinking people.
No my arguments are no one should be compelled to have sex against their will. No matter what the reason is.

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