Refusing to date trans people - now transphobia

The argument is trying to shame people into having sex with other people despite not being attracted to their genitals.

That argument may work on weak-minded leftists, but it won't work on normal people. Calling people names is not a rational argument.

Again, no one really argued you should have sex with someone you don't like... just watching you guys freak out is telling.

It's not a "freak out" dumbshit.
We are simply saying, if a person is repulsed by the idea of dating someone who was not born the sex that they are interested in, that is a completely normal reaction.

People like you, and the people in this story, want to paint us as the problem, as the haters, as the freaks, and that's not the case at all.
Don't want a dick up your ass? Congratulations, you are transphobic.

It’s Now ‘Transphobia’ to Refuse to Date Trans People, Say Twitter Experts
Activists, social media users, and outlets begin to normalize claims of transphobia to those who wouldn't date a trans person

An increasingly popular belief is emerging online where it is deemed “transphobic” or “transphobia” to refuse to date a transgendered person.


It’s Now ‘Transphobia’ to Refuse to Date Trans People, Say Twitter Experts
Yet another example of the authoritarian right’s fear of diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

That conservatives make an ‘issue’ out of being transgender is ridiculous; and conservatives’ unwarranted hatred of transgender Americans is just as ridiculous.

So Clayton, you would be all for dating someone who wasn't born the sex of your desires. Fine, knock yourself out.
If you're in to women, maybe you get aroused thinking about the woman you're in bed with having a dick last week.
We have to bleach every Democrat from public life in order to rid ourselves of this filth and the threat to children. the cascade of sewage like this from them never stops.
Don't want a dick up your ass? Congratulations, you are transphobic.

It’s Now ‘Transphobia’ to Refuse to Date Trans People, Say Twitter Experts
Activists, social media users, and outlets begin to normalize claims of transphobia to those who wouldn't date a trans person

An increasingly popular belief is emerging online where it is deemed “transphobic” or “transphobia” to refuse to date a transgendered person.


It’s Now ‘Transphobia’ to Refuse to Date Trans People, Say Twitter Experts
Yet another example of the authoritarian right’s fear of diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

That conservatives make an ‘issue’ out of being transgender is ridiculous; and conservatives’ unwarranted hatred of transgender Americans is just as ridiculous.

So Clayton, you would be all for dating someone who wasn't born the sex of your desires. Fine, knock yourself out.
If you're in to women, maybe you get aroused thinking about the woman you're in bed with having a dick last week.

Only straight people have to date people they don't want to date.

For gay people it would be bigotry to suggest they have to date straight people.
The argument is trying to shame people into having sex with other people despite not being attracted to their genitals.

That argument may work on weak-minded leftists, but it won't work on normal people. Calling people names is not a rational argument.

Again, no one really argued you should have sex with someone you don't like... just watching you guys freak out is telling.
Actually, that's the point. Calling someone names because they're not attracted to genitals their partner's appearance doesn't imply is an attempt to shame someone into having sex with someone they don't want to have sex with.

Leftists put a great deal of importance on name-calling and avoiding being called names. It's because you operate solely on emotion.

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